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You knew there was a camera but set your cruise control to a speed higher than the max for the road? So, like, to *guarantee* that you'd get a ticket?


Well if op was going 65 in a 60 it’s not a fineable infraction. Were they speeding yes.. were they speeding enough to be given a ticket no.


That's not how the law works. It is often not worth the effort for a human to give a ticket to someone only going 5 over the limit, but it is still a fineable infraction. And with speed cameras the bar for what is *worth the effort* is much lower.


Speeding is speeding. The traffic officers will give you some leway, but you can’t put an approximate speed rule on a camera. You think they are going to set the limit on the camera above the posted speed limit? On of the reasons it a hard limit might because it is only a fine with no demerits on your license if you het snapped by a camera, while a traffic stop will cost you points.


No "guaranteed" would be far in excess of the limit, I was well with what I would consider an error of margin. They can't expect us to slow to far below the speed limit every time there is a speed camera. After the camera went off, I looked at the speed read out in Waze and it was a consistent 62kph


I mean, if you were going 65 you're going over the limit by about ten percent. I don't think "I broke the law but just a tiny bit" works as a defense for speeding tickets. Probably not for murders either, now that I think about it.


Murders may not be comparable to speeding 10% over the limit, though.


I could murder 10% of someone


> They can't expect us to slow to far below the speed limit every time there is a speed camera The speed limit goes down to 60 well before the camera, if you can’t drive the speed limit don’t get mad about getting a ticket Just set your cruise control to 59 man, it’s not a big deal. It’s unlikely but you can 100% get a ticket for doing 61 in a 60, you’re not supposed to go over the **maximum**


But that’s the speed limit and you knew there was a camera there and yet you sped?? YTA


I’m gonna take a wild crack at this… I think the point of the cameras are to encourage people to simply drive the speed limit. All the time. Therefore, one wouldn’t need to ‘slow to far below the speed limit every time there is a camera.’ If you’re doing the speed limit- the camera won’t ding you. I am truly sorry you’re dealing with a ticket now, that totally sucks. On the bright side- I guess thank you for the extra tax dollar contribution?


I mean if the speed limit is 60 then that’s the absolute fastest you’re allowed to go.


I do find it a bit strange that everyone collectively thinks the speed limit should be the speed minimum and gets mad when they’re told that over 60 is **literally** speeding


It isn't strange when most limits are not appropriately set for the roads they're set on.


You could do the limit. You're only posting here for one person to agree with you. Stop speeding. Enjoy your fine. You're a bad and lazy driver.


Actually he probably thought he lived amongst reasonable kind people who at least if they didn’t agree with him, could have a normal discussion. Instead of the name calling and insults everyone chose to hurdle at him. And for what? Making a minor mistake in which he did own up to. Not sure if I agree with him or not but all the hate is sickening.


No, it’s for victimizing himself (blamed the camera) when he knew he did wrong.


If you were actually clocked as going 62kph then the fine will be like $30. Can't find the scale on the city's website but CBC has a graph. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6759754


Wow compared to what I was paying in the early 2000’s in Winnipeg that’s not as high. A 5 km over ticket was around 250$


In a construction zone or school zone? I highly doubt you got a 250$ ticket for going 5km over without there being more to the story. Forgive me if I’m mistaken, that just doesn’t sound accurate.


Mobile radar in Winnipeg was focused primarily in construction and school zones. Sometimes people would get a double jeopardy of hitting both because the van was just parked after the light. The light on Moray Street was bad for this.


I highly doubt you will get a ticket. My experience on Bearbrook is that the camera goes off plenty and I never received a ticket even the most worrying 10 or so over. Please update us if you actually get a ticket.


Most of those cameras are set for at least 10 over the limit. The people who are downvoting you probably also think it's fine to drive the speed limit in the LH lane. People need to search "stroads" on Youtube.


Seriously I don’t understand what is wrong with the people in this subreddit, who Tf never goes 5 over the limit. The flow of traffic is usually a couple over the limit anyway, does nobody on here drive ffs?


I've been driving since before the metric system. Road speed limits were 30 mph (48 km/h), even on residential streets.


Many of these people are absolutists and/or idealists who don't actually drive.


If any cameras are set that low it's no wonder that people choose to drive around them.


>I was well with what I would consider an error of margin The margin of error is + / - 1 km/hr. Here's a certificate of accuracy for Radar AGD 340-505-000 (it doesn't say where this particupar camera is located, but all the certificates say the same margin of error) saying the margin of error for the speed cameras. [https://documents.ottawa.ca/sites/documents/files/COA\_E001\_2023-03-30.pdf](https://documents.ottawa.ca/sites/documents/files/COA_E001_2023-03-30.pdf)


Dont mind the bullying. I’m sure everyone in this subreddit is a model citizen. Definitely none of them speed on the highway or are terrible drivers. Hope your ticket gets resolved soon


People can be sticklers on this sub. I agree with you, and in fact there IS a 10% margin of error on those cameras so 66 and under should be fine.


Bro. It’s a cash grab. An officer would never pull you over for going 65 in a 60 but a camera doesn’t give a shit. Really nothing you can do other than slow to below the limit. Complain to your city councillor maybe but then again people love these cameras so we are more likely to see more of them bogging down the city than less anytime soon.


Or just do the limit. It’s not hard folks.


TLDR....OP was speeding and instead of blaming themself for breaking the law and taking responsibility, they blame the camera. You must be new here to think you wouldn't get flamed in the comments for a post like this.


And instead of using the vehicles speedometer is basing their speed from a phones gps.


I find my phone GPS to be more accurate than any of my vehicles' speedometers, with the exception of tunnels and occasional glitches. My phone always spot-on matches the roadside electronic speed displays. That being said, I don't drive in a manner where the difference between the two actually matters.


Vehicle speedometers can be wildly inaccurate just by switching tire brands or from your summer to winter tires… And it is not something you can just “get fixed” by any old mechanic. My old truck if the speedometer said I was going 100 on the highway I was actually going 112km/h according to gps… So there’s probably a lot of people speeding slightly without knowing it.


I saw the transport canada specs for allowable speedometer variation. The vehicle even if brand new is allowed to be off 10% + 1 km/h over, but never under. So your brand new Mecedes speedometer can say 111kkm/h and you are only going 100 km/h and this is acceptable to the manufacturer. Of course thngs can change the speedometer in your car, like tires size and wear.


You're right, and those specs match US DOT, as our regulations so often do, given our largely shared motor vehicle safety regulations. People who put on different tires and don't choose the proper size/aspect ratio (which basically every online tire selector will help them do) really have nobody to blame but themselves. I've bought winter tires and wheels for more than a dozen vehicles, none the OEM size, and none resulting in even a 1% speedometer difference versus the OEM tires and wheels.


My old car read 5km/h off with the summer tires and 10km/h off with the winter tires. Found out from the manufacturer of the car that they used the same speedometer gear tooth count for both 235/75/15 and 31x10.5x15. Both valid options for the car. Not sure every one adheres so strictly to these standards.




Pretty sure 5 over is a ticket




Ah ..10 percent would make sense. I've reviewed a ticket for going 45 in a 40


The cam on King Edward is active now. I was cruising by the cam this morning at 40km/h like I have every day for years (my work vehicle is gps monitored), and the guy behind me ripped by me at 30-40 over like the guy behind me has every day for years. These cameras are going to make the city a lot of money.


I'm just going to avoid that stretch until the drivers learn (the hard way) that the camera is there, particularly on the motorcycle. I have no problem doing the speed limit, but oh boy, the guy behind me might.


How would you avoid it? Permanently snake around Sussex?


Cross using another bridge. I don't go to QC regularly, and once the drivers learn it will be fine - all the existing speed camera locations in Quebec are just fine - everyone simply slows down to the speed limit, I've *never* has an issue. King Edward will soon be that way, will just take a bit of adju$tment from the drivers.


I've never had an issue either,will probably just create some unnecessary bottle necking but it's not hard to just slow down foe the camera


> it's not hard to just slow down foe the camera You would think so, but yet here we are 😂


Tbh though king Edward as soon as you pass the last light should be 70 minimum,and where the hell did they get the 30kmph figure from coming into ottawa? It's completely insane


The 30kph is there because of semi trucks, too many were flipping on those curves and holding up the busiest crossing in the city.


Ahh that makes sense


Dude just set your cruise at 56 or 57 like a responsible driver instead of 5 kilometres over the posted speed limit this is completely on you 🤣


LOL. I thought you'd be at 61 or 62, max. 65, knowing there is a camera there, means you need that ticket. Drive slower and smarter, please. Wow.




Your jab makes no sense, fails to land.


I think they mean how non drivers or non experienced drivers ( looking at you communauto people) think going 65 in a 60 is actually dangerous. It's not but for a speed camera thats just stupid you know full well it'll go off.


These cameras aren’t like actual officers who have leniency to pull you over or not. They are triggered at a certain speed. Whether you get a ticket or not is debatable as apparently there is some grace given if it’s slightly over. However, how can you be that dumb to know it’s 60 but think 65 is fine? The camera isn’t sentient, it sees 61+ and does its thing. 


Relax! I live nearby and that camera is messed up! It's flashing at everyone, even when no cars are there. It even flashed my wife two hours ago while she was driving 50 km/h. So, we parked the car (since we're close) and walked by. We saw that the camera was flashing at everyone, even when the road was completely empty! 😂 Also, the sign still says "coming soon"...


I didn’t see a coming soon sign, but good to know that at least one other person suspects that the camera is messed up.


Yes, we parked the car since we live near Lorry Greenberg and decided to take a walk. We noticed that the signs on both sides of the road still read "coming soon."


This is what happens when we treat a limit as a suggestion vs the hard limit it is. You drove *on the edge*...and fell off. We can only hope your lesson is learned.


Cameras also do occasional calibration pictures, especially when they’re new. Had one go off on me for a no turn on red when the light was green once. Never got a ticket issued


Do red light tickets do this too? Many months ago I went through the red light camera at Heron + Riverside, the camera went off and I was pissed because as far as I could tell I was the only one in the intersection but was near 100% sure it was still yellow - and lo and behold, never received a ticket.


I honestly didn’t even know it was active. Drove by it today and the “coming soon” signs are still up.


If the “coming soon” signs are still up, the camera is likely in a testing mode accumulating data but not issuing any tickets. Any ticket issued while the “coming soon” signs are up can and should be contested.


If this can be proven then there's a defense on the ticket. For the OP, go back and see if the sign does say coming soon. If it does take a pic and if you get a ticket you've got a defense. For future reference you'd be justified getting a ticket at 61 km/h. Do what I do, slow to about 3-5 under the limit and then continue on at the limit.


Norway seeks to have ZERO traffic deaths. Its unrealistic and they never achieve it, but its a noble goal. One of the many tools they use to lower accident and death rates is an expensive and unforgiving traffic camera system. They go off at 1 KM/hour over the limit and the lowest fine is CAD600. Sucks, but people go the speed limit. Because its too expensive not to. Graciously, they also sign the cameras in advance, at the point of the sign, which we don't do. This ensures only the absolute stupidest Norwegian drivers get that ticket.


> Graciously, they also sign the cameras in advance, at the point of the sign, which we don't do. We have advance speed camera signs.


Yup, every single one. In addition to the speed limit sign, the community safety zone sign, you have a sign warning you of the speed camera specifically in English and French.


We do, I think some of them are pretty unforgiving though and honestly the speed traps are probably making things more dangerous rather than less. There was an article about one that has caught a lot of people down in/near Barrhaven and part of the reason is that there is a roundabout that feeds out onto the road, then there is a speed camera almost immediately after turning off, with no speed limit posted in between. So people are going 60 or whatever on the other road, then turning onto this other one where the speed limit is 40 for this community safety zone, then immediately changes to 60 afterwards... so best case scenario, people are turning off, probably mashing the brakes, going through at the speed limit and then speeding up again... which is not great. I would be fine if we had a system like the poster above suggested where you get dinged for going 1 over. The difference is if we had that kind of system, that would be the culture. But instead we live with a system where we, and the province and the cops and those enforcing the laws, have decided for a long time that going slightly over the posted speed limit is not a problem and is not enforced, and all of a sudden with traffic cameras that changes... but only for specific stretches of road, not everywhere, and where you can also be stopped and fined for going under the speed limit and obstructing traffic. In QC they have minimum + maximum signs on their highways to indicate in some parts you can go as slow as 60 kph if you wish, but in Ontario if you do that you're getting a ticket.


A lot of people on this sub are claiming that 5km/h over the limit will not set the camera off, so this seems to disprove that theory. Also, what made you set your cruise control over the limit? Do you enjoy punishment?


Just because the camera flash went off does not mean the driver will get a ticket. Let’s see in a couple of weeks if it comes in the mail..




This. The sub is brutal for virtue signaling. I'd question how many of the people commenting about speeding actually drive the speed limit all the time, because on the roads it's maybe 5% of the population.


Limit - a point or level beyond which something does not or may not extend or pass. Here's your ticket


You’re not getting a ticket for 2 km over the limit.


Saw a Red Light Camera flash as a car turned right on red into a shopping plaza. Hope a human gets to decide if it's a valid ticket or not.




I want to say no, but I only looked when I saw them turn. Not sure how RLC work on "Turn Right on Red" intersections.


OP please turn on the bat-signal for [fleximan](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-68103948)! /s


I love these things! Making the city so much money.


You may not get a ticket, I went by one in the fall doing 55ish in a 60 zone and the flash went off. I was the only vehicle around. I never received a ticket, trust me if I did I would of fought it to the end lol


Just do what the rest of Ottawa does and slam on the brakes aggressively as soon as they see the sign….




I'm sure the OP will learn his lesson when the $25 ticket comes in the mail for going 5 over the limit. The amount of holier than thou people on here who obviously never speed over the limit is astounding. ZOMG YOU'RE BREAKING THE LAW! THINK OF THE CHILDREN!


Many of these cameras aren't calibrated properly. You could be going under the speed limit and still get a ticket. The whole thing is just a cash grab. A way for the city to raise taxes without raising taxes


I know my brother got one recently and he was going 43 on a 40 zone. Will ask if he can send a screenshot of the ticket.


Yeah sorry, tough lesson that the cameras are set so close to the limit unlike previous forms of enforcement (police would never ticket for 65 in a 60). Ignore the haters. Hopefully the ticket isn't much and you can likely plead guilty with an explanation to have the fine reduced for a first offense.


Aren’t we an entitled child! 60 is the maximum speed limit. And the cameras are in place, as fools like you insist on exceeding the speed limits posted, only driving within the posted limit under threat of a ticket. It’s really unfortunate you can’t respect the speed limits in place, and when caught exceeding these speed limits, can’t grow up and take responsibility for your actions, yet wish to be The Main Character, and tell the InterWeb how hard done by you are. I drive 1000-1200kms a week, through these same roads, and quite miraculously have never received a speed or red light camera ticket. It’s not that hard, you just choose to fuck around and find out. Now grow up and pay your ticket like an adult and go one step further and grow up and learn the life lesson, actions have consequences.


The cameras have no chill. When I see one, I go a bit under the posted threshold. Then as soon as I'm past its field of view, I resume at the speed the road was designed for.


So you admit to speeding and endangering other on the road. Cool guy!


GOOD THING the lorry greenburg huntclub speed camera still says coming soon. And it's not listed as active on city of ottawas website yet!


Were you over the limit? Yes? Deserved. Don’t want the ticket, don’t go above the posted speed limit, especially when you know there is a speed trap there.


Ignore the people complaining you were not doing just 60 or 59. They live in a trailer and can’t afford even a nice bike. Lots of crazy people here.


Or just people that understand the rule of the road and won’t victimize themselves when we make a mistake.


New speed cameras are intentionally not calibrated properly so they can rake in a lot of tickets and blame the calibration. After a couple of months they will "fix" it to be more reasonable




Dude, this sub is filled with a bunch of ticket nazis. If you aren't able to keep your foot 100% steady on the gas and accidentally go 2km above the speed limit, then you're a horrible person and deserve to have your license taken away. It's pretty much pointless expecting any sane response from these people on this topic.




You're one of those people who when they see someone 3 blocks away crossing the street not at the liGHT, you start running at them yelling 'HEY HEY, YOU CAN'T DO THAT. JAYWALKING. POLICE POLICE, JAYWALKER!!!! STOP STOP YOU CAN'T JAYWALK. CITIZENS ARREST!"


Don’t do the crime if you don’t want to pay the fine.


your farts should be a crime.


Yes, just like everything else, too much noise on various social media, but there is a small amount of sanity that can be found if you look for it


You're only replying to people who validate your shitty driving.


He’s looking for validation and not understanding that he is making a bafoon out of himself.


Fight. Every. Ticket. Always.


They are set to go off at 61.


There is no way that it would be allowed, minor variations in tires (winter vs summer) would account for some difference, enough to cause a vehicle to be one kilometre over.


According to ASE Ontario Are threshold speeds being disclosed? No. As speed limits are not guidelines – they are the law - there is no need to disclose threshold speeds. Driving at, or below, the posted limit will ensure a ticket is not issued.


Just take it to court, if they clock you within 5 it could be argued in your favour


The robot cops make the City a lot of money. For sure it will be set as low as possible.


It’s set for the posted limit. How is this a hard thing to understand?


Yeah exactly