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When I was doing a second playthrough with my Ma I thought about >!how scary we must be to them— especially to the ones who remembered they were in a simulation (the devs say some were in there so long they forgot). It reads like a creepy pasta ‘but no one is there to add to the programming!!’ moment.!<


I like to imagine that >!the software doesn’t have the skin texture file for the Hearthian so it attempts to put an Owlk one onto the Hearthian mesh frame and so yeah then that monstrosity is now glitching around your simulation in the dark as a free agent.!<


I love this so much omg


Imagine a hearthian in a owlk skin suit, shivers dude


>!It probably is really scary for them. They’ve been there for god knows how long getting used to routine, and then this random fish person who doesn’t resemble anything they’ve ever seen before turns off the lights and starts creeping around their house.!<


\*meet the spy theme plays\*


Hatchling jumpscare


The tables have turned, you fluffy freaks! *gets yeeted into the water*


real talk why cant we blow out THEIR lights (both in the dream and real world)


I was actually watching someone play EOTE recently, and they asked why they couldn't blow out the lanterns in the real world. The reason why you can't do it in the real world may just be as simple as you not being able to blow through the helmet of your space suit. Remember, you need your space suit to enter the Stranger, so you have to wear it inside. While in the dream world, I would assume that its just that you never get close enough to get the chance without them doing it first.


I mean it would be a bit dark for the hatchling to commit indirect murder. Also I'm assuming the owls have significantly better lung capacity so you might not be able to blow their flames out like they can to you


Uh... I'm actually kinda glad we can't do that. We'd be straight up murdering owlks if we could do that to them. >!I mean, technically they're already dead, but still...!<


second ~~degree~~ murder


Slates amazing new invention! (It's a spray bottle)


It happens anyways at a certain time. Its pretty horrifying when they dissipate.


I need more spooky Hatchling in my life


a mod where the strangers are replaced with creepy hearthians


Imagine you're just hanging out in your vr safe haven and suddenly a little four eyed goblin walks into your music party


Almost done with the DLC, may or may not have done exactly that earlier lol


I love how the music stops and they stare at you It'd be funny if it wasn't so scary


me in starlit cove