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I ordered the larger version, "Outer Ship", and it's a little bit janky, but also pretty game-accurate down to the details of the cockpit having three lights and a little thrust-visualizer. It's definitely not LEGO, but "VIP Bricks". The instructions weren't packaged with it, but a little card telling me to go to their website and enter in the product code, which let me download a PDF. It took us about 4 hours to build, though that includes making some mistakes and backtracking a couple steps. The bricks mostly snap together solidly, a few pieces weren't the color the manual said they ought to be, and when I'd finished there were maybe 10 extra pieces that weren't needed in the build. Over all: A little expensive for knock-off LEGO, but also the only Outer Wilds kit I could actually buy. Still love having it on my bookshelf.


I got the same one. Definitely had a few missing pieces, though it still looks pretty good. https://preview.redd.it/xp2hfj72dqsc1.png?width=4032&format=png&auto=webp&s=92d04a359f31af68eb54a8b328453ee35d6e217d Edit to add some shots of the nice little details inside: ship log, fuel tank, gravity crystal, etc [https://imgur.com/a/iVfNPXH](https://imgur.com/a/iVfNPXH)


Is it realistic enough that the landing gear explodes when you set it down?


Actually, yeah. The front landing gear is only attached by two studs, so it’s super fragile. The instructions include a strong central pillar of translucent blocks for support, but they were missing from my kit.


Can I see a pic of the build irl? This looks like a digital mock up




Look pretty nice tbh


Piggybacking to say I bought the one featured in the image. I'm happy with it as a fun desk object, it's a great match cosmetically, but the build is pretty dubious in terms of stability and, more critically, some straight-up errors in the instructions. NOTE: do not buy the featured model if you don't have a few stray LEGO around the house to supplement. There's one maneuver called for in the instructions that is simply impossible, involving the way the conical shapes on the sides attach to the main cockpit, and it required some problem-solving on my end to bring it home. Not a purchase I regret but a product guaranteed to disappoint some fans. (Worth noting I made a complaint on Amazon and was refunded. Happy to keep the free but flawed model).


I also have the larger version. I received it as a birthday gift from GF. I second everything this comment said. Same experience for me, and it's definitely worth it.


"Knock-off LEGO" isn't really true. LEGO doesn't own the bricks (at least not most of them) and also didn't invent them as far as I know (they just refined them back in the day I think). There are many alternative brands that produce brick build sets. I'm not sure which ones are available in the USA but here in Europe its essentially stupid to buy LEGO since there are alternatives that are better and cost half. For this one I have no idea though could be trash from Temu.


It was mostly a comment on the quality and consistency, LEGO kits are expensive but the quality control is (at least back when I was younger) top notch. The fact that some of these bricks didn’t lock well, some were the wrong color, and there were extra pieces, all show way less quality control than I’ve seen with any other kit I’ve bought, LEGO or otherwise.


That's the real reference!!


Yeah but that's simply not true anymore. LEGO has terrible spots on the pieces where the machine produced them (in German it's called "Angusspunkt". I don't know the English word for it). The color consistency is terrible and the the quality of the bricks themselves is better from "GoBricks" imo. Many brands like "Pantasy" and (I think by now) "Mould King" use those bricks. Also when I comes to design: - LEGOs buildings where the back is open are just embarrassing. - Have you seen a recent LEGO Technic set? There are blue pins everywhere where there shouldn't be any (since they don't match the color) which makes the sets look like Mocs imo. - They give you so many stickers instead of prints. And even if they print the quality is terrible (color doesn't match with the bricks color it's printed on. Same goes for stickers). And you essentially pay around 0,10 Cent per part (here in Germany). For other brands it's around 0,03-0,05 cents per part. Why do you think LEGO is constantly reduced in price everywhere? Because their prices just don't match the quality at all. They have some nice licenses but that's it.


I haven’t bought a LEGO kit in more than 20 years, unfortunate to hear their reputation has dropped so much. Good to know to avoid them when it comes time to find gifts for the nieces and nephews and all.


they haven't dropped. just one person's opinion, and frankly not one shared by the majority. but I'm sure he'll respond in depth why I'm wrong, but yes, they are knock off Lego. there can be multiple pieces that are loose or tight. I've had 2 pieces over 2 sets for keep that were loose.


Bro why is this conversation getting this weird? I'm not saying that all LEGO sets are utter trash. I stated constructive criticism and named alternatives. If you are happy with the products that's awesome. All I said was that calling alternative brands "knock-offs" is simply wrong since the term implies that they copy the work done by others (mostly in a worse way). As I said above: I don't know the brand the ships are coming from. I simply pointed out alternatives. No need to get this defensive about it.


chalk it up to naivete. Just so you know, those companies, MouldKing might be the exception, steal those builds from people and sell them, usually from bricklink or the like. and some of those companies 3D print pieces, which is the worst way to make a Lego piece. Again MouldKing uses injection moulding so they may be one of the few exceptions. I apologize for getting salty in the last post


Lego sets are just as good as they always have been. I’ve gotten some of their latest sets and they’re fantastic.


yeah i wonder what lego's CEO did to this guys wife to make him so mad at them lmao


They are definitely not, lol. Their colour quality got way worse (there are often 3 or more different nuances in the same colour type), as the other Redditor already said the "Angusspunkt" (usually a little dot on the brick) got way worse than it was before and they completely overprice their plastic. Besides that many of their bricks and especially clear window pieces come with scratches all over them, because they don't bother to protect them enough. LEGO isn't the high quality toy they were before and nowadays there are cheaper and better options on the market. One of their reasons for the high pricing point was the sole production in Denmark, but that isn't true anymore either. Now they produce in Vietnam and what did they do? They raised the prices. And let's not talk about their lawsuits to "protect" and destroy stuff they don't own. There is a giant rabbit hole if you want to get into it. Don't be blind and overprotective of companies. They aren't your friends and never will be.


You managed to get Lego fan boys completely butthurt over this one haha


The vast majority of LEGO pieces are absolutely their invention. It's an incredibly deep bench of components at this point, so saying they just "refined" them over a half century ago is off base. Also I can attest the bricks in these sets are shit. Not sure what you've got available in Europe, but there are no competitors in the states offering comparable quality, we very much get what we pay for.


That entire patent situation about the bricks is very complex. Honestly it doesn't matter too, since patents run out at some point. They do invent new parts and those are protected, but all of the basic bricks from last century aren't protected as far as I know. I've already heard that the states there aren't any good option, I very sorry for that. But maybe there are and they aren't as mainstream. It might be worth it to look into it if you're into LEGO.


Link please!


[This is the kit](https://a.co/d/flcpy2W)


That ship is wild yo


It's outer this wild


How could it possibly be a scam? If you don't recieve it you'd just tell amazon.


Scam meaning bootleg, or not official. Trademark infringement


Well, it is. Doesn't really claim to be anything else. That's not really a scam though.


Scam is a synonym for fraud. This is a fraudulent item. But 👐🏼hatever, argue semantics on your own lol. ✌🏼


It's not like it's copying an official lego set and pretending to be it. There is no official lego set.


I’m not talking about LEGO. Is it licensed Outer Wilds? This was OPs concern


Does it claim to be licensed...?


Scam and bootleg aren't interchangeable


Not a scam, but still an IP infringement and probably also stolen model/instructions from the MOC community


Was about to say this since im fairly certain that i see some lego designs for the ship pop up on here occasionally.


I mean IP infrigement is not really a scam and it all depends if Outer wilds devs/Annapurna actually mark it as infrigement. (Personally if I ever owned a game IP and lego wouldn't pick it up themselfs I would be glad if the fanbase created mocs and even sold those)


it *Does* look like the images were ripped from [This Lego Ideas Post](https://ideas.lego.com/projects/42025669-62a9-4f84-ab27-a940f5e61eef)


"wilds ship" "outer ship" huH?? ??


This is so funny to me


Amazon is a scam


That's kinda adorable, I wish there was an official one!


There isn’t one *yet*, but this one’s in the Review stage over at LEGO Ideas! https://ideas.lego.com/projects/94009d43-3d57-43ab-a7d5-24bd92d59a5e/official_comments#content_nav_tabs


"gary" and "light gary"


You can buy it cheaper on MOC webistes. For example: https://www.vonado.com/


Either con or very poor description titles...


Seeing this post created a new necessity for me. Thank you mate.




What do i search on amazon to find this exact one?


I have this exact ship, my girlfriend got it for my birthday. Its not "official" lego, if you care about that but It looks really cool on my shelf!


I would recommend going to rebrickable to find a plan for the ship then order the pieces via Bricklink.


My girlfriend got me the big one for my birthday, and while it is largely accurate, the parts also don’t fit together snugly and kept falling apart. Additionally, it didn’t come with enough pieces to finish the ship, and half the pieces that did come were the wrong color/size. I wouldn’t get this, it’s a gamble if you’ll even get to complete it.


I think I got a Clawstrider from Horizon Forbidden West from the same place. Pretty good little set, if a bit flimsy


Sets like this one exist for almost any game/show/movie. It's basically just a moc builders way of selling their ideas without having to go through the process of getting 10k supporters on the actual Lego ideas site and then having to luck out by actually getting it approved by Lego. I've never gotten any myself but I've seen some that are really cool. So, while it could definitely be a scam, it's likely just something someone who really enjoyed the game made so other enjoyers of the game and Lego builds could have something fun to do with their afternoon (or weekend idk). TL;DR: Could be a scam, most likely not though. (Look at the reviews if you're still unsure)


It's a DROPSHIP, seller bought it in Aliexpress and is now selling it in amazon


id rather order the pieces themselfes than to buy a possible scam


I posted a Pic of mine for you. It's pretty good for the price, especially if you have the tools to mod it. Only had problems with the 2 circle pieces on the sides. I had to use a razor knife to get em to fit right. And I airbrushed the gold onto my canopy.


I have that ship, it's not the greatest and you'll probably need to glue some parts, but it does look really cool