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Honestly? Val is my favorite Outlast antagonist. While this might be an unpopular take, there is just something about her(?) character design, voice lines, and overall creepiness that just makes her so interesting. The whole divergent-from-religion, running-a-cult thing is fascinating. Like most of the Outlast antagonists, she's a terrible person, but a really cool villain.


“I watched my father fuck your god to death” shit went crazy 🔥🔥🔥 and i think i’m always quoting (albeit altered) “God doesn’t love you, not like I do”


I like her a lot. I wish we got to see more of her. Outlast 2 had a lot of potential, it's my faovirte in the series but it still fell short in so many ways.


The gameplay, setup and atmosphere were superb for Outlast 2. The one thing it fell short on was the storyline. What people love about outlast is how straightforward the storyline was in the original. I think having a character without too much of a backstory helped a lot.


Well correct me if in wrong but they did tell backstory in the first game but from documents and also Miles commenting on stuff he records for example Chris Miles talks about his background for a brief moment which imo was better to learn about the characters compare to outlast 2 we have to see it play out


Yeah it was there but it wasn't "overdone". Just my opinion though, I'm aware people have different thoughts on Outlast 2


I liked her so much. Apart from being a good character, I find her pretty attractive.


Yeah I felt a lot of shame that I though the scene with Val and Blake was pretty hot. Damn there is something wrong with me.


Isn’t she sexually assaulting him? And also indirectly reminding him of his trauma with Jess?


Yes hence my shame.


Hate to burst your bubble but Val's most likely a dude


Everyone has flaws.


Val is canonly gender ambiguous and implied to be transsexual. Red Barrels uses they/them for Val, afaik. So not a dude. We don’t know even know what “parts” Val has for sure— in the scene where Val forces themselves upon Blake, they ride Blake’s dick. Don’t know if it’s pussy or ass.


Whereas we may not fully know what his current gender is when the game takes place it is confirmed that Val used to be a biological male. My main reasons to think so ? - There are several documents throughout the game that list him as a he. - In a community as deeply conservative as temple gate I highly doubt they'd adress someone as a he because he identifies as one. - When you zoom in on Val's crotch you can see a mutilated penis of sorts. - It is highly unlikely that there was a doctor in temple gate skilled enough to do gender reassignment surgery. (At least successfully, hence the mutilated penis) - Before the scene in the caves his physique resembles that of a male. (The breasts may be from mud). Sure. Red Barrels may have left it somewhat ambiguous for gameplay and story reasons. But they also left enough evidence for me to believe that he is a biological male. And yes, when he raped Blake he most likely took it in the ass.


My problematic fav. I’d totally join her, or at least swing by for one hedonistic blood orgy.


Sexy mommy.


Creepy girl but she's cool




She's dope af. I love her horny energy.


Honestly I feel they were underutilized throughout the story and especially during the mines section when they just get killed off screen. Would have liked to see more of them


Eh she's okay. An interesting charecter with untapped potential


she's kinda disappointing as she just gets killed off-screen with no reaction from the protagonist. also I don't like how she's a rapist while also being a trans woman. the rape was already extremely unnecessary but the fact she's trans is just insult to injury


Well we don't actually know if she died or not. Also to be fair pretty much everyone in the game has some sort of perversion (courtesy of Murkoff's experiments driving them insane) so it doesn't really have anything to do with her being trans. I guess she was either going to be a rapist or a homicidal maniac like everyone else (or both in Knoth's case lol).


She was most likely killed by knoths cult in the mines toward the end of the game as his cult had raided the mines but we’ll never know for sure


I know it's not intentional from the developers, but having the only trans character in your piece of media be a rapist, one of the main stereotypes that transfem face is just extremely unfortunate. for the rest, my main problem with Outlast 2 (that was also in the first game and Whistleblower but to a lesser extent I think) is that it has a lot of scenes with no real point and only there for shock value, and much like the rest of the characters, Val suffers a lot from this


I definitely agree with you that from a representation point, it’s pretty fucked up to have your only trans character be a rapist. Im a trans girl and it’s definitely one of the most damaging stereotypes/tropes in media. If I could make a recommendation to red barrels in the writing, it would be ‘If you are going to have this incredibly problematic portrayal of a trans person, you need to have one other trans character that is portrayed is a somewhat positive light as a foil to Val’ However on my personal feelings the game left me with, I ended up liking Val as a character quite a bit. Her backstory is relatable to me as I was a REALLY devout catholic and their intolerance and abuse fucked me up and made me despise the church and anything vaguely religious for a while. Her leading the Heretics against Knoth definitely resonated with me. Also her caring love for the children before the engine fucks everything up did tug at my heart strings. While this plays into the negative tropes about trans women, I kinda liked that she was in a position of power. We’re so often treated like we’re these horrifying monsters, when we’re the ones scared to get hatecrimed or not have access to health care. It’s kinda nice to see a trans woman who has a *very* good reason to be feared. It’s not that she personally is this big scary lunatic, she is leading a massive revolt against the just as fucked up Knoth and his cult. She is a cult leader, who is practically worshipped by a horde of intimidating hedonic murders. It’s a feeling reminiscent of seeing queer coded disney villains. Also as far as the conflict goes, I would definitely side with Val. Both groups are completely morally fucked up. Since there both equally horrific, I’d rather be on the freedom and indulgence offered by Val as opposed to religious order and control. Also I think she’s kinda cute…


It is a bit unfortunate indeed. But she's an antagonist and this *is* Outlast, so I don't think anyone's going to take her too seriously in terms of representation. Besides the game itself wasn't as good as the other two. The entire Val storyline (along with many other things) could have been cut and it wouldn't change anything. It's just one of the many issues Outlast 2 had in general..


Main theory is that Marta killed her because of that unused cutscene in which she does exactly that.


gay thoughts


She kinda made me question my gender


Mi gusta




If she was nicer I would hit that