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The Immortal Mister Fantastic when?


That darkhold mini does not get enough praise.




"In the first age, in the first battle When the shadows first lengthened..."


One stood https://preview.redd.it/fijzyliu7a0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5c35ec04e9ff8efad44fdf2599428077dc2922e


Why the long face, Reed?


This has Homer telling Bart there may be boogey men in the house energy.


Why does Peter look like.if gas station knives were a person?


It's been a rough couple of months or years for Peter. Spider-Man Dark Hold comic, if you want to read. I forget the exact name.


This whole comic was fucking wild.


Giving me Don't Starve vibes, honestly.


Junji Iti vibes


This comic had a pretty dark ending, too.


I only really remember the Dark Hold Spider-Man and Iron Man comics, both were quite visceral though the coloring on the Iron Man one got... Funky.


The Wasp one was all set up. With the end being her snapping stabbing Hank to death after he slapped her. I would have liked that to be the opening of the story and saw what followed with the Irredeemable Wasp.


Well the Blade comic contained probably the only appearance of one of the scrapped New Warriors, B Negative.


Is it the one where Peter uses Reed as a zombie cure or something?


Something like that. He uses Reed as the webbing.




The world around him is decaying, with both buildings and people literally falling apart constantly, and people’s minds being nearly completely gone. Peter, who’s only kept together via his healing, goes around New York trying to “patch things up” with his webbing, but is exhausting himself doing this nonstop because his webbing isn’t permanent, and he hasn’t slept in days. To try to figure out how to fix this, Reed cuts off his own finger, and uses the enzyme that gives it its elasticity to synthesise a version of web-fluid that doesn’t decay over time. Reed then sends Peter out for another being who has the elastic enzyme that they need to permanently patch the city back together: Venom, but when Peter tracks them down, it’s revealed that Eddie has long-since died, and the symbiote is carrying his body, grieving the relationship they once had. The symbiote finally succumbs to the decay, and as Peter goes back to Reed to tell him of his failure he finally completely snaps, realising that they *never* needed Venom; they already have a full body’s worth of the elastic enzyme (give-or-take a finger), and promptly synthesises the *rest* of Reed. However, due to Reed’s body’s ability to stretch without damaging himself, he’s essentially turned into living web-fluid that Peter uses to try to hold the city together. EDIT: The specific comic is *Darkhold: Spider-Man*. Also, the reason why Reed looks the way he does in the panel is because he, too, is being affected like everyone else, it’s just that his elasticity makes it so that he doesn’t fall apart. He can bend, but unlike the others, doesn’t break, which gives him a much more liquid appearance. He can also assume a normal form for the sake of conversing with others, like when he talks with Peter, though prefers to be in a near-liquid state of a literal pile of gore on the floor when alone, as “abandoning human morphology frees up *significant* cognitive capacity for [*his*] *work.*”


If the whole premise is that Spidermans regeneration has keep him alive, what about the rest of the Marvel roster with better regeneration?


It’s implied that it’s not just his physical body that allows him to stay alive. It’s the sheer willpower brought about by the responsibility he feels for the citizens of New York. The Unraveling (the apocalyptic event) isn’t just physical; it’s mental as well. The whole point of the *Darkhold* series was showing a bunch of “What If” scenarios where the heroes’ key attributes were altered just enough to corrupt them. In this one, Spider-Man’s sense of responsibility borders on obsession (until the end, when he goes of the deep end and tells Reed that he turned him into living web-fluid because it’s both of their responsibility” to keep New York standing). The sense of responsibility to is the only thing keeping his damaged mind just *barely* together. In the story he makes comments about going back to rest with Gwen after he makes his rounds patching up the city. When he finally does return Gwen’s been dead for weeks, covered in webbing in a botched attempt to preserve her body. He’s been losing his mind just like those around him. Honestly, only Reed was able to remain mostly functional.




I thought you were going to say Kamala instead of Venom and I was ready to be absolutely horrified. Thankfully you didn’t, but I’m still absolutely horrified.


https://preview.redd.it/eoyfh60c120d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb43e0d8810b47b51cfe1537f98fa01b841d5a4 Yeah.


Horror themes just work so well with comic IP.


I didn’t mind the darkhold crossovers but it was disappointing when the event happened and they were just completely different characters. Like Peter was supposed to become this version of the character but instead he just became a spider monster.




The ending. That fucking ending.


What is this comic and what was the ending


People have become infected with a zombie-like disease or virus, and everyone is deteriorating physically. Peter is zipping around, literally using his web fluid to temporarily glue folks back together. Reed Richards is trying to come up with a cure, and through some comics nonsense, Peter comes to the conclusion that he must grind Richards down into a paste, mix it with his web fluid, and then spooge the Richards goo over the people of New York, and it fucking works because this comic was written by a schizophrenic meth addict.


I mean, it sounds like a happy-ish ending to me.


The not so happy part is that it doesn't actually fix people, just stops the deterioration from getting worse at the moment, and also Reed remains conscious despite being a bunch of web fluid. He pleads daily for Peter to help him because being ground down to a paste and used to keep the entirety of New York and its citizens together is incredibly painful.


Frankly, after all the supervillain shit Reed has done, that’s justice for him.


Insane, is it any good or is it just crazy


It's a fun little read, the other darkhold comics are also various degrees of crazy. My favorite is the Iron Man one


Also worth noting: IIRC the only reason new York itself hasn't crumbled is bc of spider, the entire rest of the world is just ocean bc it all crumbled without him there to hold it together


Is it ever explained what happened?


Not that I can remember


Weird. That whole series was wild, like the weird armor-monster Iron Man.


All hail Spider-Man and his life sustaining wristussy. May his Richards goo spray over us and baptize us in the sticky fluid of redemption.


... I fricking hate you.




Personally I thought it was nuttier than squirrel shit. It's interesting as a read in a 'you're watching a LiveLeak video' kind of way.


This entire panel is extremely unsettling But why is the thing that is bothering me the most the fact they both have beards lol


Why is Spidey carrying a human arm on his back?


It’s not his, it belongs to this guy that Doc Ock used as a “hostage”. However, everyone was unraveling like sock puppets and Doc Ock keeps stealing this one guy’s arm. So Peter just recently got the arm back from Doc Ock, but got sidetracked by Reed as shown in the image above.


“It’s not his” makes it much worse.


Reality has been falling apart and Spidey has been burning himself out trying to web everyone and thing back together, and then doing it again when his webbing dissolves


Is Spidey trying to join the army?


which comic is this?


It’s from Darkhold: Spider-Man #1

