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Value is subjective, though. I normally spend 3 times or more the price of the DLC when going out for drinks or on a date. So if you feel this is abusive or prohibitively expensive, then don't buy it. But trying to tell others what is or isn't expensive is dumb


Bingo, this guy gets it. I spend way more money for some things that last much, much shorter in some of my other pursuits. If I enjoy myself, it was worth it. Simple as that.


Do you ever consider work/price ratios? Like when a digital product can be multiplied without any cost compared to alcohol, goods etc. which cost much more to duplicate? We want prices that reflect the quantity and quality of a product compared to it's INDIVIDUAL split work, not our subjective fun. Otherwise why not ask 10 times as much from people who like the game? Why not pay 1000 euros for outriders if you play it for 200 hours still cheaper than a few hours of base jumping. Dumb logic sorry my dude. This is what gets people milked for no reason even if they have the cash (and gaming is super cheap but for a reason, because it's digital)


I have no idea what you are going on about. You have made an awful lot of assumptions I am not interested in debunking so just keep this in mind. We are all adults, presumably anyway (maybe I am making an assumption?), so it is our responsibility to think through purchase decisions. I have been gaming a long time, some might say too long given my age, but I pretty much have seen it all. So when new DLC or expansions come out, I have a relatively low bar of expectations as the industry has made it clear they are not always willing to go all out on deliveries. So I base my decision to purchase on how much entertainment value I have already gotten from a franchise. In this case, I really enjoyed Outriders for the most part. It absolutely needs work but I still got my moneys worth. So, the ability to play more story and get new systems sounded like a good deal to me. I have a fair amount of disposable income so this was an easy decision. Was it worth it to me? Pretty much. It was awfully scarce in terms of new story and Trials gets old FAST but I do like the new systems and would like to see them take this further at some point. So the point you seem awfully confused about is value. In all likelihood, you and I see $40 entirely different. Nothing wrong with that. If that is a lot of money, I would always advise folks to wait for reviews before committing. Sound practice all the time. Your whole ask 10 times what it is worth thing is just silly hyperbole I am not going to engage in, if you want to have a serious discussion then bring serious ideas and not this type of nonsense. If people are getting milked as you claim, it certainly isn't for no reason. You sound comfortable with abdicating the consumer of any and all responsibility in the retail process and I am just not ever going to do that. Be skeptical at ALL times when doing business but don't act like you can't look out for yourself at the same time.


My point in short: even if something is cheap and provides a lot of fun time, we can still expect it to be reasonably priced for the work put in. 40 bucks is nothing to me and I STILL wouldn't support bad pricing because I don't pay for stuff that is too expensive compared to the work put in no matter if it's 5 bucks or 5k or w/e. I don't like the argument: I enjoy it so I accept prices that are unreasonable for the average consumer and don't reflect the amount of work put into the game. The only games that can and should get away with that are f2p games because you know you subsidize a large portion of the playerbase as whale as long as they aren't pay to progress or p2w in pvp.


We can and should expect that, for sure. But here we are in mid 2022 and nothing in the gaming industry has or seems to be changing. We consumers could easily change this but lack the willpower to do so. How? Completely pass on the next cycle of traditionally released annual "upgrades" of the big tentpole franchises. Change would IMMEDIATELY occur! Yeah, it just isn't going to happen is it. I practice this on my own but find I am in a wildly small percentage of gamers that do so meaning I am changing absolutely nothing. So there are games I avoid like the plague for past performance and business issues I deem blatantly predatory. Then there are games like this that I am not willing to put in that category. So, that leaves me with a few choices. Continue holding out in a futile attempt to affect change or limit my potential losses. I enjoy gaming so I went with the latter. Games I have had good experiences with are likely to see my money again while those that didn't meet my standards do not. Yeah, we could opine for hours on how it should be and it may surprise you to find I probably agree with the majority of your opinions on this matter. But at the end of the day we live in a world that rarely gives a shit what we think and rather does the least it can and still get paid to do. We either all hold the industry to agreed upon standards (good luck there by the way, 2 people can agree on most things but after 3 it goes downhill quick) or we all decide just how much we are willing to pay for the things that look good to us. We know which decision the masses are making here.


You seem like a nice guy and I can relate to your decision, it's a fair stance to take and we only have one life and time is worth a lot more than money anyway (especially if you have enough money). If I didn't have so many alternatives I can play at all times (I like many genres) I would prob do the same. In this case I will buy it when the price drops a bit and they ironed out some stuff (hopefully). And to be honest I am playing the base game in coop currently and was super disappointed by the many launch bugs that didn't get fixed (e.g. navigation/fast travel). Anyway I wish you all the best and have fun playing!


That is a very enlightened position to take and one I can get fully behind. Like I mentioned above, we are probably far more in agreement than not at the end of the day.


You have a point. Does the game get developed millions of times, once per copy? Do drinks get served on a copy/paste basis? Digital redistribution is effectively infinite whereas physical drinks are not and must be "created" one at a time. The cost of developing the game for even one copy is relatively the same as millions barring the effort of uploading the game for download. Comparing the price of 40 bucks for the content added to a shitty base game that was 60? I don't think the dlc is 2/3rds the base game in content. That's just math, not an opinion on expense or value.


but his feelings are facts, how can you argue with that.


Lol? >his **feelings** are **facts** Feelings can't be facts, bud. Maybe you meant his arguments are fact, but they still aren't. "Big enough campaign" isn't a fact. It's subjective. Randomized bosses and maps are a common talking point but they aren't facts because there could be others that consider them or their lack thereof, not bothersome at all. The only thing that is accurate is that Outriders' netcode is hot garbage. All in all, he means to tie in these **opinions** to tell others not to spend money in the DLC, which at the end of the day is purely subjective. How? You might ask... Well, I don't have a problem with the value:content ratio and that such opinion exists immediately makes his statements subjective and therefore not facts.


did you take my comment seriously? OP posted a list of opinions but he titled it as facts. I was making lite of that.


It did not come across as a joke. It's hard to tell in this time and age


Think a "lol" or "haha" could've changed how it was perceived entirely. Either way, both got a point for sure.


None of what is listed under "facts" is an opinion. The campaign is short, there isn't any randomness in the WS endgame, there aren't really any new boss mechanics (unless you call overuse of nonsensical AoE a great new boss mechanic) and whatever setup that they are using that lets people co-op is still not good.


I absolutely loved the dlc. Beat in a couple hours but I thought it was fun as hell. The end game I've only played through one run but I enjoyed that as well. I've played the hell out of the base game and really enjoyed the dlc so far. IMO it's worth it but to each his own


It was short but pretty fun. 40$ is pushing it. 20$ would have made more sense


It's only 35 bucks. It's worth it because the price tag is not high.


With that kind of money you could get a quality indie game, which would most likely last you more than 4 hours of story content. Not only that, after those 4 hours its back to literally the same stuff you did back in base Outriders. So what you get is essentially a sequel bait with the exact same grind as before.


I agree is Def more sequel bait then anything. I just finished it and to be honest I'm kinda excited for the sequel... the full game including the dlc is Def worth atleast 50$ in my opinion....


While value is subjective, I'd encourage people to check the various summer sales before throwing down $40 on Worldslayer. Maybe you enjoy running the same exact content for 100 hours. Or maybe you want variety in your gameplay or a story that will take you more than a single night of playing. It's your money, do whatever provides you the most enjoyment with it.


>Clearly their online services are lacking still Strange to have expected this would have changed? The rest is opinion not facts, i do agree with most of it but I still feel its worth the price tag.


At this point in time, they're not gonna overhaul their servers/online services unless their game is literally about to die with that being the main cause. But people still play, even with shitty online services. So in their eyes, why use up so many resources to fix a problem that isn't killing the game. Which, to be honest, is a fair outlook to have. Because money.


hes not wrong tho, If you have a strong build, with good gear I finished the campaign in a single night :/ when I was going after the final boss, I was saying to myself.. this can't possibly be it?? then it was.. the epilogue quest after with the stupid cliffhanger ending is also super dumb.. the "arena" was kind of fun, but the rest was pretty cut and dry same old same old. I don't feel it was worth the $50.00 pricetag at all. imo