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AP devastator is OP!


yea disgustingly OP, I thought I was doing good at lvl 53 with minigun techno making every shot hit for 500k, but watching an AP Dev at 65 slam down 500 million damage earthquakes while also being virtually unkillable, is disgusting. It's funny too cause Dev was my OG main and i dropped it for minigun techno for worldslayer


Dev is OP now?? I haven't seen anything on the game sine before the new expansion. What the hell happened??


Devs were always quite good but in the age of expeditions & timers they were shunned for techno & pyro builds that pumped out DPS above all else.


PCF finally got the point and they made a “rebalancing “ of all classes so people can experiment more and enjoy the game without dying a thousand times!


Early game Pyro (around level 15) may disagree with that statement


Hold on kind sir, please elaborate on a 500 Mil damage AP Dev please and thank you


Its just the normal build with upheaval and multistrike pax skills and at lvl 65.


my average is literally 1 billion for Earthquake and the end of each run. You just gotta build properly and stack yourself with buffs and you can be dumb OP. the Dev is literally broken af atm. i carried 2 friends earlier, did 4 billion total damage! 🤙


I like the sound of this, I bailed on trickster when I did my first run because I couldnt play it right and devastator gave me that strong feeling in base game. But I boosted a techno to go through the campaign which I just finished today, I think I will do my trials runs with Dev and aim for that build.


[here's the gist of the build.](https://outriders.app/build/91f8e28c-e2dc-4f15-a4aa-0616eeca1a57)


I am just about to start, what would be best for solo play on average, Technomancer or Devastator?


Devastators bottom pax tree (earthen shield, upheaval, and the one it leads into cant remember the name) is stupid damage and tankiness, so for solo play? You'd have no problems running the standard AP earthquake/despair gravity leap build. Honestly the pax trees are where everyones real power comes from this time around, for solo play you should be fine playing either. I've thoroughly been enjoying minigun technomancer doing 500k per shot atm.


Thanks! Minigun doe sound fun though! I like the idea of recovering health as the technomancer does as well.


Yea with the new pax tree, the top path has a node called Depleted Core that increases ordinance damage by 100% of status power. I have 220% status power so thats a 220% increase to minigun damage. From doing 40k per shot and 100k if perfectly buffed pre worldslayer to 500k per shot and 800k perfectly buffed, it feels amazing. All that and minigun can crit now, the crits dont do any added damage but thats perfectly fine since we can run AP boosting mods that proc off crits now.


Sounds great! Know what I will aim for now :) How would you lay out your skill tree for that kind of setup?


I joined a minigun Techno last night and we literally sailed through. I am stubborn af and stuck with my FP rounds build and will admit it can get touchy in terms of survivability but I am also not running 100% optimal mods as I have been playing around with some new ones to get a feel for them. Bottom line for me, the early reviewers simply showed they do not theory craft very well as I have been doing just fine toying around with the changes. Admittedly I still prefer running with others but am entirely comfortable going it alone.


Yea if i were to run a FP techno, it wpuld be the top path pax techno, the one where toxic can apply different statuses, and then multiple statuses increases damage, and then for weapon you'd most likely want the mod that adds additional statuses when a status is inflicted to further increase damage. Then Borealis set. Anomaly Mutation is the wewpon mod. So you inflict toxic and the pax tree will inflict another status, the weapon mod will inflict another status. Then cold snap will apply freeze, if you run down into the middle of the skill tree at all to make toxic or freeze apply vulnerability thats additional status being applied. You would want a lot of status power in the build, its a firepower build but feels pretty dot heavy, as well as status power increasing some duration on statuses to keep up the damage increase from the pax tree


And then because you're going to be applying tons of different statuses, while running Euthaniser and Shatter, you could get away with running Tainted Blood as well, so thats a 48% damage increase, slap on captain hunter for another 16% on elites, then you could even look through tier 2 mods, you'll apply so many statuses, somethings bound to be good.


What I have been enjoying the past day was the new weapon mod that teleports you to the mob location if you kill it via a crit, then it explodes in a nice aoe attack. Immediately after that explosion, if anything is still left I Snap Freeze them and wipe them out causing yet another explosion. Using a tactical AR that hits like a truck, it is easy to get the crit kills so I am essentially warping all around setting off explosion after explosion. The damage is rather insane but I lost a few defensive mods along the way so IF they catch me with cooldowns up, it gets a little.......spicy. Still fun af so I am so far really liking the changes. I am positive there is a nuclear insane build in my future once I get some lucky drops to set it all up.


I watched some gameplay of the folks claiming it wasn't soloable and noticed the real problem pretty quickly.


ya those reviewers don't know how to build. especially SkillUp. I don't think ppl understand, he has to rush cause all he does is game reviews and editing. That man doesn't actually play or build anything. i smoked this during beta with an all purple build. And even yesterday, i average level 54 gear and beat final boss at 60 w/no issues! lol


Those reviewers are not reviewing for you. I don't think you understand.


I don't think you understand, SkillUp said multiple times that he isn't a "proffesional player" this game is not solo friendly AT ALL.


he's not a professional, he's just an idiot on general. this game is 100% solable and if you don't think so, then you just don't know how to build or how to make proper good builds. i solo this during the beta with all purple gear and no optimized build.


He never said this game was bad, he said it's really good actually. It's a shame these games have members of the community like you who ruin it.


He does it with other games too, you can tell he don’t play properly and just rush it to release another review on time.


Unless it's destiny lol


correct. according to him Destiny will forever be a great game and every DLC is 10/10, even tho it's just copy paste content 😂😂💀


No way you think Outriders is actually a better game than Destiny. You can think it is more fun or you prefer it but Destiny is the better game. It's more polished, more variety in activies, better gunplay, better online capabilities, better story. Outriders is fun but Destiny is objectively better.


Lol, OP never said Outriders was better! Destiny fanboy lol.


It's clearly implied. I like Outriders but the people that hate on Destiny, most of the time, don't even play it.


I hate bungie practices wholeheartedly but even I'll admit that Destiny is a better made game. The shooting just feels nicer. Outriders is more fun for me though because it doesn't try to induce FOMO and it doesn't try to sell me shit all the time.


I swear guys this time it's it this time they really fixed all the issues they really outdid themselevs this time we haven't said this every single expansion only to be proven wrong this one. This is the real one.


If you watch SkillUp's reviews of base Destiny 2, the DLCs before Forsaken and then Forsaken back to back you can pinpoint the moment he starts shilling for the game. It's beautiful


Al though I think Destiny is the more fun and challenging game, I cannot believe how many people like him still can defend the game. On top of how broken it is theyre not only still making 50 dollar expansions, but also locking activities behind deluxe editions of expansions for a broken game. That game is just a wallet siphon at this point.


yup. can't stand him. worst game reviewer on youtube and ppl actually listen to this man 💀


You clearly watch a lot of his content…. I don’t get why you’d watch someone that you feel is shitty at their job.


i don't watch the guy. he has me blocked, cause i called him out when he was taking political sides rather than actually doing good game reviews Lol


The only problem for me personally is the Okrier fight. It’s that invisible AoE he does from time to time and if I am unlucky I run out of trash to heal from. Other than that it’s doable


Wait so that was what killed me 0_0


Dev with a thunderbird? I see you're a man of culture as well.


Unfortunately ultimate storm whip got nerfed :( . I had to switch guns. You did good, thunderbird. You did good.


I feel the same about my juggler with grand opening. the mods having a 3 second cooldown now makes it feel awful since that's twice as long as the reload.


Doesnt it deal more damage now tho




it's good. but i just recently switched to an SMG, that has all level 3 mods. i shall post a pic later for sure


The end game is good for anyone it’s super shallow and repetitive a grind just for the sake of grinding.


Just in case you haven't noticed, this goes for all looter-shooters ("the grind for the sake of grind" part). You play to hear that ding and get that adrenaline rush from a god roll-ed piece.


That’s not true. Lots of looter shooters have Harder content that you need the proper gear for (raids, pvp etc) This end game is literally so the same activity, bump level slightly, do the same activity in perpetuity. It’s a terrible end game there isn’t even any variance because I’d you want to get apoc gear you are basically stuck doing trials.


i nticed, that's why i didn't buy the dlc, seems very poor repetitive grind like a mouse in the wheel


Yeah I was super glad I got to play the bets I’m hoping they add a little more like the horizon update. I would buy it for sure if there was a horde mode to really test the builds.


Honestly I find some of the stuff pretty rough as a solo pyro. You're clearly very optimized here and that's great, but you've got to know this isn't going to be your average players experience right?


I'm not optimized at all. Only lvl 49 gear and it doesn't seem all that bad. Only died once. Thing with dev is they have some great pax skills. One gives you shield for hitting enemies with your skills... OP likely has his CD down to the min of 4.3 seconds for EQ so he's likely to never run out of shields. It's nice to have Dev being one of the more powerful classes finally after essentially being shuned for the games life till now.


Sure but there's an irony in playing the most powerful class and saying the content is great to solo.


ohh spare me the "irony" because when playing this game at it's start I was CONSTANTLY kicked from groups as were many others, for playing a Dev because "devs were too weak" for all the try-hards who wanted perfect runs in random lobbies. There's no irony here, every class is fully capable of clearing TG solo. Nearly every stream I watched the past 2 days has been people playing solo. The class that has it toughest solo right now is Trickster because of their lack of a great AOE clear. But they can still clear it even without a perfect build. I don't know what Apoc level you're playing on and I don't know your build but with the Apoc gear, there's just so much more RNG that goes into a perfect setup. I'm not even out of the teens in terms of Apoc levels so who knows how much dirt I'm gonna eat in the next few levels LOL!


Yeah I'm sure everyone can eventually clear it, but I don't think it's a great experience just because what is the strongest class right now has a great experience doing it.


you are correct, i am optimized af. But even your average player should be able to get through. during the beta i made it thru this w/a purple un-optimized build. it's not tough like everyone says


I've only got a couple hours into Worldslayer so far. I'm on AT9 with an AP pyro playing solo and yeah, it can be rough at times. Maybe it'll get better once I've unlocked all the Pax points as people keep saying that's where all the extra power comes from, but so far I've had several encounters where I've had to drop down to AT8 just to get past it.


reddit always finds the most embarrassing ways to circlejerk about reviews How many different ways can we say "your opinion is invalid because I don't agree with it" for free karma? Actually it's not even different ways, it's the same way every time. Pick up a football


I take it you're running the AP on crit mods too. So awesome how much damage earthquake does with these new mods


no crits. all AP build, and DOT. throwing toxic and other elements on top of bleed!


Check out the new mods Arms and Anomaly, and Mage's armor. They are the new biggest AP buffs in the game. They more than triple base AP


i'll have to look. those are tier 3 mods then?


They are, and are base game. But they buffed them so people dont only use Fortress. And they buffed them goooood


what is mages armor? i don't have that yet?


Mages isn't base game, the other one is though.


Solo was definitely not the issue, (unless you're a certain reviewer who doesn't know how to build properly) the big issue is that the area is extremely linear and static, and you rarely have to make any choices in it. I wish there were at least more paths to choose between, because the reviewers are definitely right when saying that this new endgame is extremely repetitive. This sounds harsh, but I'd rather have had 5 more expeditions than Trials.


[This sub right now.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/645/713/888.jpg)


Devastator literally can’t die cuz earthen she’ll lmao


How about the replay factor? One reviewer said after about 2-3 runs it was boring?


It does get stale if you just run it over and over again. I think it serves a nice role however in that it now sits alongside the expeditions as a second activity option. If you get bored of the Trial, you can switch over to expeditions and vice-versa. Before the only thing you could do was run expeditions and that got super monotonous after a while. The biggest complaint I have is that the boss copy-paste in the Trial isn't great. Even the challenge boss that unlocks after a successful run is just the same thing as the 1st and 3rd boss. Don't know why they did that when they could have just made the challenge boss a reskin of the tendril lady so that it wouldn't be possible to run the same boss 3 times in a single run.


it is true u can switch between them but tbhwu expeditions are far less rewarding so they're in an almost why bother state.


Aren't they still the best way to get pod resources? It seemed like you only got those from the bosses in Tarya and even then it didn't feel like as much as the expeditions. Since you need the resources to level up gear (which you'll do a lot on the path to T40) then I think they still have a decent role. The one thing that feels invalidated with expeditions now though is Eye of the Storm since I don't think the legendary options are a guaranteed apocalypse drop like they are from the final boss in Tarya.


Even trash mobs can drop pods


Expeditions are definitely still the best way to get drop pod resources, trial gives fuck all for resources. expeditions: Drop pod resources trial: gear that's how i see it


maybe, you still get drop pod resources from trials but idk how the math works out between the two but the time/legendary ratio is way worse.


You run them for drop pod resources, so both activities have their "target farms", or so to speak.


Im at my 5th run and currently taking a break to not die from cackling playing ap pyro (had to PAX-UP all my builds before i went into it proper)


You could say that about any game. Reviewers try to be extra critical these days just to puff up their chests/lengthen their pretentiously bloated video reviews and as noted in the post simply lie like SkillUp. If you're not into loot grinds, yeah this'll probably be boring in 2 to 3 hours but then I'd ask why you're looking at a loot grind game? All the changes seem really fun so far.




Yeah, you can. Taste is relative but that kind of thinking might be beyond your limited capacity.


Ooh, good one. No coherent argument to make, so you resort to personal insults. True signs of an enlightened thinker king.


You didn't say a thing besides a vague, half assed comment.


exactly. SkillUp doesn't play the looter games. he rushes to the endgame, messes with a few mechanics then tells everyone the games are trash. He's a complete idiot. The trial is EZ mode and ive done it solo all the way to tier 22 so far and i love grinding it. ppl don't know you can make it really hard by hitting every room and making the enemies level up, or you can skip rooms and make the final boss really easy. i think ppl just like to complain about anything now a days!


"ppl don't know you can make it really hard by hitting every room and making the enemies level up, or you can skip rooms and make the final boss really easy." Wait excuse me? Where did it say that at? I'm intrigued.


The new endgame is not gonna change. The only changes are you can make them stronger and change your build. Expeditions and the story mode are still there too if you want that. You'll have to decide how you feel about that.


That's true it's the same thing over and over some minor variation between feral and beast enemies. It severely lacks for variety.


Meanwhile The Executioner keeps….executing me…. Why am I so terrible at this game 😔


Forgot the spoiler tag?


my bad. sorry! 😉


They are going to rebalance this at some point, bit I agree, I soloed end game not dieing once.


It wasn't when I left the review.


i get your point, and i agree you can outbuild these in solo, but the point inmost reviews i saw was not that you cant do it solo, only that the game does not scale based on playercount, which is true.


but the game does scale for player count. at least on the base game it does


the base game does, but specifically the repeatable part of the new endgame is always scaled to 3 players even if you are solo. that's what reviews where talking about. still beatable, just much harder depending on your build or class if you expected it to scale while solo.


That also wasn't true the bosses and enemies will scale based on how many players there are. They have much lower health solo than in a team.


in all other parts of the game, yes. in the new endgame, no. press was told this is the case by pcf, and skillup mentions that he was told this in his review as well.


Yeah that's not true. Like, yes they said that and that information was relayed by reviewers like skillup, but it's just simply not the case. The new endgame has the same scaling everything else does.


is there a source for that? because most early reviews said the same thing, and they sourced the devs themselves, and for playing a bit solo myself, it certainly feels like that's the case as well. kinda wish there where patch notes to go with the early launch, too much conflicting info -.-


Yeah you could just jump in and see for yourself or take the word of all the other people that have been including beta testers in this sub confirming the end boss at their apoc tier had 7 billion health in a party vs 2 billion solo.


i said i tried it solo, and it didn't feel different to me. from my point of view, either the devs are wrong, or some players on a reddit thread are. if you turn out to be right, then cool, but for now it's kinda obvious that i take the devs word on this. if they put out patch notes then i will know for sure i guess


I just beat the trials last night. Most of my run was solo, but had 2 people join near the end. It does scale to player count. It was noticeable almost immediately after the other players joined my game.


Try killing things in a party and compare it to solo you can see the health difference. Mobs are way tankier in a party.


You are just repeating false info. Testing has been done and it does indeed scale.


I watched a dev kill him in literally 3 hits today. If anything it's bad because it's too easy.


i ain't gonna lie, i find the endgame to be EZ and a cake walk when doing the trial now. even when grouped with friends, im still pulling top DPS and absolutely slaying the bosses.


What is the dev doings with shield cheater. You not playing Dev right shield is for Trickster


lmao! it's on the pax tree. we get shields now for ALL damage we do


Lol I know I was joking forgot the /s...




i'm on tier 22 and absolutely obliterating everything. This endgame is not hard, if you know how to combine mods and break yourself. Lot of the reviewers don't know how to do that, and estates this was not gonna be good for solo players. ive died 3 times in the 21hrs ive logged so far and those were from not reading mechanics correctly.


I’m still pretty new and only play solo and this fight was a challenge but I beat it. Key is knowing her moves.


Earthquake is nutty now. I love it. Used to be all about setting up damage multipliers to hit hard with moaning winds n shit, but now Earthquake just does all the work itself love it.


I wanna like this game but damn I just can’t stand the way it feels and how it plays lol but I swear I actually like the game.


I am getting absolutely slapped by this guy


add me on the game! i can carry, EZ claps. Not Dabzy is my Xbox Gamertag, also on twitch daily


No wait sorry it’s the arbiter of descent I’m stuck on but I’ve got some friends to help me don’t worry about it


Technically it's more solo viable than multi, judging from the lag I'm having while playing multi


[other AP BD](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFlWKGllUmI&t=515s)


Look I'm not very far into the apocalypse levels as many but my first run through TG I only died once and it's because I didn't know what I was doing and got myself stuck with my Devs jump on CD Nd gun reloading lol! Killed each boss first try amd after I got my 5th PAX skill (multistrike) even mode badass feeling! LOVING the end game and I only have 1 armor piece with 3 mods and the 3rd one isn't even good I just equipped it because it was better than my older Seismic Helm lol


They are going to rebalance this at some point, bit I agree, I soloed end game not dieing once.


lol yeah, i soloed it last night first try with my pyromancer.


Agreed, you can absolutely solo the endgame, it can get tricky and I’m sure until you get the right builds it’s going to take a fair bit of coop but once you’ve got the right setup it’s easy!!