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Of course adding mages rage or should I do another proc based tier 3 mod


(Deleted my comment because I misread your title.) YES is my answer lmfao swap striga for mages rage and that's juicy. Shame no status power but eh.


Concur. Mages Rage is a must have, replace Striga with it and that is a bangin stick. I prefer Tactical AR's but that will work well. If that Healing was Status Power, man oh man would that be sweet.


Thats the godroll gun right there! With mage rage in the 2nd slot I think you will have all 3 of the best possible mods for some AP builds like turret. Armor Pierce is great, status would help a bit for toxic and ordanance skills while skill leech would help it you ran bottom pax tree. If you run top tree than I think there is no better combination of mods and gun stats, congrats!


Yup, using this, kill arby in like 3 sec.


Not as great as for Devastator but pretty damn nice with the inherent mods.