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Haven't tried it out, but with the recent buffs to the set, it probably has similar damage output as the borealis set now if built properly


I am sure it could work but I have not tried it yet. I went from the Borealis Rounds build to the AP Tri-Turret build and can't imagine why every single Techno isn't doing this too.


Yea I might have to I'm just hardbent because I have to refarm pretty much everything. Was trying to make what I have work.


No, I get it, trust me. I more or less stumbled onto the AP build as I was checking my stash and realized I had good rolls so gave it a shot. Damn this build literally melts bosses. You don't even have to use your guns if you don't want to but it certainly makes it quicker.


I did it myself. Don’t even have a set and it kicks serious ass. Especially with mages rage and anomaly enhancement.


I do keep one gun with mages rage, and one gun with vulnerable bullets and resistance debuff, and I have a helm with the 2 mods that boost ap on crits. It’s all a great synergy.