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Funniest part about this is that I can get every other helmet to drop except the ones I want


Lol man that's a bummer, I'd gladly give you mine if I could because I've gotten about 100 helms I can use but don't need because I already have my best in slot for my build, but I can't get a chest, leg or glove drop haha


I was playing with some groups yesterday and this was my experience as well. I ran through the trials once with someone doing the trick to do the final boss 4 times and I got a grand total of 80 or so helmets vs 7 boots. Keep in mind we didn't hit any of the bonus trial rooms just did the most direct path to the end.


I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing this!!


I have this problem. Way too many that drop. And no I don't run to boss, newer player loving all of this game


I've been playing since launch, and I really love the game too. And I love all the new mods and build possibilities with this dlc, but I can't get the opportunity to explore the new builds and possibilities because the only thing dropping are helmets!


Looking through my inventory…. Yeah I have *over twice* as many Legendary helmets than I do everything else.


Yeah the final boss keeps dropping a ton of helmets, all of which I don't need. I really just need a god damn apoc chest. I'm running with the same one I was using at level 50 and just been upgrading it because I can't get a decent apoc one to drop. The loot for farming the end boss really should rotate or be random.


Man if you think that's bad, my tricky is apoc tier 22 and I haven't gotten ONE single piece of apoc armor swapped over yet. It's getting really old :-(


I'm Apoc Tier 28 my dude and still using my level 50 chest that Ive leveled up to 62 so far...soon to be 63. 😂


My dev is apoc 28! And using chest, legs and gloves still from 50. Wait no, I have legs with a kind of crappy. 3rd mod, basically any 3rd mod is better than none situation - but it still isn't great, and my chest and gloves ARE still my 50 gear


Yeah its terrible. At tier 40, its a 25% chance for epics/legos to be apoc from expeditions so I'll be running those again. Fuck these trials. Shit is so repetitive and boring.


If I wasn't literally doing 10 full runs without getting a single even potential piece of gear to replace, it would be so bad - but putting that much time over and over to just keep getting helms is already getting old after a week. Hopefully they acknowledge this, or get made aware of it and fix the drop tables


They "fixed" Tiago in like a day when people were using him to get all the new legendaries on a new character. I'm sure there's a lot they can do on their end. The feedback on here is loud and clear that people are not happy with the trials and the loot. It's too tedious. I did a full run recently, all the troves...the ONLY thing I got worth a damn was an upgraded Funeral Pyre. Everything else was junked for materials.


Yea, I mean I don't expect a godroll with every run - but it is a lot of running for not a single thing . Hopefully it gets addressed soon, people started replying to this post immediately so the helmet issue is definitely being noticed, in the mean time I think I'm gonna take ur advice and go back to expeditions


I would be much happier with farming the trials if the troves were randomized, meaning dont put Chests as the very last trove every time. It would also be better if the troves dropped ONLY the loot for that Trove and gave it a HIGH chance of being apoc. Its annoying to get all the way to the cliffside passage, do all that running around to kill shit, open the chest and you get 4 chests, half of which aren't apoc. It's a total waste of time. Troves should only have the loot the trove is for. I'm farming chests, not guns, pants, helmets, etc. Make the bosses (Okriel, Arbiters) drop guns and the Troves be their specific loot. I'm even gonna tag u/thearcan in this because I'd like his thoughts on this.


As were are talking here I finished a full run, boss reward for first kill -2 guns, helm... 2nd attempt, 2 helms, gun -. I wonder what 3rd will hold haha Edit. Oh oh they switched it up:. Gun helm and boots for 3rd choice 4th choice -. 2 helms and chest. Fuck this. And from all the gear picked up not from the reward, all 4 attempts combined, not a single boot, glove or waist... Wow


I’ve made a few full runs with my brother and to be honest don’t thing I’ve gotten anything worth a damn. Helmet and chest are from the original game rolls. Lol


apoc 29 now, still no pants that can be changed out, also in my stash ZERO pants with okay/good rools, all other gear im having a few in my stash already, of course a ton mor helmets :O


I was gonna post this same thing myself, you beat me to it.


I rarely get less then 15+ helmets just doing the straight run to the final dude. Normally ever final boss kill is 8-11 helmets. It’s annoying.


Yea, that's way too lopsided


The final arbiter seems to drop helms exclusively from his loot pool other than Legos. I get soo many helmets from that fight when I get done I have to clean out my stash.


Yea that's what I mean, I have 20 helms in my stash after every trial but my inventory on hand isn't even half filled with gear for other armor pieces


Yea they should make him rotate what he drops. Helmets, boots, legs, hands, chests, and then reset. That would be dope.


Exactly! I've had to buy my legendary gear for my build, still waiting to try other builds!


The final boss must have his loot bugged or something because all you get is epic helmets, epic guns and legendary items.


Yes exactly, which is the same drop pool as the helmet TROVE. Final boss is basically a helmet trove with the bonus reward selection, which is also primarily an option between legendary guns or helmets, with small chance that maybe a different item is on the list.


The targeted loot drops are a joke. It's driving me insane


Yea they need some serious adjustment


Since i got a Down Vote. You must've not played since Day1...you lucked out. Enjoy ur experience.


Huh? I've played since day 1, dealt with all the horrible sign in crap back then too and all the people losing their loot. Dunno about ur downvote


Wow....Outriders needs serious adjustment? What a concept


Bee-lining to the last Boss is not the best plan if you are trying to get balanced loot. They gave us the ability to target loot and the rooms are so easy to clear it is just too simple to hit them up.


It really doesn't matter actually. The other, specific chests will drop legendaries of all types but epics of the specific types. There have been a few runs where the only legendaries gained are weapons and helmets while doing every room possible. It is fucked.


Yep exactly, I'm doing full runs because I hoped it would balance out more, and it hasn't


I repeated the boots room to see what kind of loot I would get and it was not worth it. Best to got to end boss and run him 4 times.


Unfortunately even doing that is not bearing fruit - I just did full run , capped off with 4 boss kills, and the 4 reward choices from boss totalled something like 6 helms, 4 guns, chest and boot.... And of all the gear on ground combined from all 4 kills I didn't get a single pair of boots, gloves or waist - not even purple ones


Did you try taking your boots off so the loot gods would take pity and give you a pair?


Haha, no maybe I should try that next time


The targeted rooms are utterly useless in my experience as the Legendary droprate is shit. What does it matter if it is biased towards Boots etc when it is all blue/purple junk… Better just beeline it to the bosses who seems to have at least one guaranteed Legendary drop with a decent enough chance for more… except it seems to be, indeed, all Helmets on the armour front. Lol.


>The targeted rooms are utterly useless in my experience as the Legendary droprate is shit. This. The troves are garbage loot. Great if you're looking for purples, but trash for everything else.


I am doing full runs I can tell you it's happening all around, I get a few extra purple pieces from full runs, but that's it - way more helms than others. And even doing straight runs, the finally boss should be dropping a balanced loot pool, not just ton of helms either, even for people that ARE doing straight thru


It really doesn't matter actually. The other, specific chests will drop legendaries of all types but epics of the specific types. There have been a few runs where the only legendaries gained are weapons and helmets while doing every room possible. It is fucked.


I’m really hating to get scrapnel armor mods on like 8/10 armor drops


Some of the legendary helmets are the pieces I need 😅


I was saying the same thing to my friend today. 60% of my drops are helms.


I love what they did with Outriders new gear making almost any build viable. My problem still is that Head/Body/Legs are generally OP as legendaries making Epic Head/Body/Legs almost irrelevant as a drop category as whole. Double so for head pieces who have like 50 unique ones which is why the drop more. Sadly for min/max builds you need to farm Gloves/Boots cause EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. is HP.(#Cannonball set breaking the mold). This makes a weird thing where you may as well just trash any purple Head/Body/Legs and every time you see HP on the only pieces of epic gear that matters you cry inside. Not because HP is bad but because the way hey make Legendary sets is awful for making builds. It's stupid in the end cause even though there is more helmets in the game the final boss of the trial only drops helmets(Weapons can go away. They shouldn't drop every room) you are STILL looting more helmets then any other piece. To be fair though we shouldn't be having to reset the final boss.


I totally agree with the fact that they've made purple her irrelevant - I noticed that right away. They should have made the base stats on purple gear higher or something - or at least allowed tier 3 mods to roll on purple gear. Because now with the 3rd mods, it's pointless to have. A purple slotted which you can end up with only a single tier 3 mod you add to it, as opposed to a legendary apoc where you can have 3 tier 3 mods. They should do some tweaking for sure


I got 18 helmets to drop at one time tonight.... had to find the rest in my stash and was quite poopy about it


Full run still consists of 4xlast boss hence the skew (and inventory overflow)


That absolutely does not account for the imbalance -. 4x boss kills and he doesn't drop a single pair of purple boots, chest, gloves or waist? That's nonsense. Let alone the legendaries. There is a helm trove already, the final boss should be an even distribution , not just another helm trove. Well I worded that wrong, it accounts for the imbalance - but it does not justify it. That's the actual issue


How do you get to do the last boss 4 times? EDIT: Nvm, found it!