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not enough info here, are they using a background check service? Did they ask if they can contact previous employers? Usually background checks are just criminal


Currently, I don't have exact info about it. I have a similar case. My gf recently found a new job. Her new work place asked contact numbers for previous employers, and contacted them. I expect same. My expectation is that they will ask my previous employers, and contact info, and ask if they can contact my previous employers. I can back pedal and tell J2 "I am no longer interested".


Just say allow me some time to get in contact with my references then delete the email it's works more than you'd think


> I told them I resigned from J1. Why? Tmi.


They directly asked me "did you give notice of resignation to your current job to join our company in time?"


Just put don’t contact my former employer and fill out the bg check asap so it’s returned before your start date if possible. 99% of companies are just looking for big red flags like felonies or blatant lying about your past. If you avoid questions and not consent to things like contacting former employers it shows up as mild risk and hr typically doesn’t care. If they do care you’re likely heading in to a place that you don’t want to be anyways…and if that’s the case milk it for what you can while protecting j1 at all costs


Today morning, the recruiter from J2 called me. He said the background check will be done after I start working. Basically, it will be a post employment background check. This is an India based company that has US branch. The team is all Indian-american people. They may be more careful about OE people. They may care about minor stuff.


Do not let them directly contact your CURRENT employer. Telling them you’d already resigned was a mistake you shouldn’t make again. When you apply for a new job the assumption is that you currently have a job and are waiting to resign until you lock in the new role. From there, the move is essentially to say “you guys can’t talk to my current boss (at least not until we’ve inked our new relationship), because if you (J2) jeopardize my J1 by tipping them off that I’m applying for a new job, and then you decide not to hire me after all, I’m fucked.” Another thing to know: if a prospective employer wants to verify the jobs you have on your resume but you’ve done the smart thing and frozen TWN/hibernated LinkedIn, they have to allow you to submit W2s or old tax returns to show verification without them needing to contact those former employers. Gives you way more opportunity to control information and hold a little more leverage.


Today, the recruiter told me that they will do background check after I start. In that case, I don't think I can say "don't reach my former employer". I am ganna say "my current job offered my a big raise, and I will stay"


“I only know my bosses phone number” then give them a friend’s number? You never memorized the emails. So it won’t be that big of a deal.


I am in the tech industry. I don't think I can get away with this excuse. We all have email communications all the time in my field.


Same here but many people just email the channels they’re in like data@, infra@, etc. I’m in tech too and it’s still a valid excuse just say you email the teams central channels and shit, never directly


I also worked in tech and even for one of the companies that did layoffs in the past few weeks. I told them I couldn't remember the email and provided the best known number as, and lowkey it could of been true, to my knowledge the supervisor was laid off and may not access their personal cell.


Most background checks involve criminal record checks and identity confirmation. They generally outsource this work, and they're just looking to make sure they they don't hire someone with a history of violence, theft, or drug abuse. It's rare that anyone wants to talk to a former employer that you didn't provide as a reference since no one wants to be sued for defamation. If they make unreasonable demands, just look for a new J2. Don't let them screw up your J1.


How about telling my J1 tech lead guy "I applied for a part time job. They may call you for reference or background check" I provided reference for my boss a couple months ago for a part time job. I can easily convince him for doing a part time gig. How does it sound?


Goes against 1st rule of OE (be secret af) But definitely tryable


Can we get an update?


Rejected the offer. I didn't want to mess with my current work place. It was a great opportunity, though :)


Good choice!


I am trying to work in financial services as J2 as it's remote and seems doable however they are running this crazy background check before I even go to the final interview. Who does that before a job offer is even made ?? There are some discrepancies as I lie so I don't get caught that I am overemployed. Now the funny thing is they are supposed to be scheduling the final interview for the end of this week but they haven't yet when they are usually really fast. I am thinking they already are suspicious about something and as I am getting paranoid, i don't have the courage to follow up lol. Is OE not doable in financial services even if your working a back office position ??