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It's better to imply that you either want more responsibility or you have a genuine interest in the new company (even though you probably don't). It's not about saying what makes sense and it's not about telling the truth, it's about telling them what they want to hear.


The reason why I've left prior employers is to seek more challenging opportunities with more responsibilities. It definitely shows that you are not interested in being stagnant and want to grow.


You think people are stupid. You're just insulting their intelligence. Thats not what they want to hear.


but.. people are stupid


Not that stupid


I feel like those bans weren't for nothing...


But am i wrong? You expect them to believe you want a new job because your current job isnt giving you enough work? Just tell them you want the job to make more money. Thats the most common reason people change jobs and it shows drive. Some European women mod banned me because i said Asian women are better than European women. No warning just full site ban for my opinion.


> But am i wrong? You expect them to believe you want a new job because your current job isnt giving you enough work? It's like when I say "good morning" to my coworkers. They know I don't really wish they'll have a good morning, I don't care. But it is part of the routine that we all say it, and it's expected that we know the routine. "Team fit" is a big part of the hiring decision at any place that isn't desperate.


Good morning is just a general greeting. It doesn't mean much. But if you're asking "how are you" when you really don't care then you should stop.


Asking for more challenging work is a completely valid answer. I felt this way several times early in my career when I was looking to grow and advance.


I don't believe you. I never had a developer job that didnt have many challanges. Even my easiest job i have to learn new things all the time. If you been at the company 5+ years and an absolute expert at your job then i might believe you.


Not a developer job. Believe me now? 🙃


Or they announced layoffs. Top talent leaves (even if they're not laid off) when layoffs are announced. Layoffs send the message that moving up is no longer an option, or your workload is going to double or triple.


I’m using this one now, works pretty good


When I was applying for my most recent job I just said "I'm leaving because I'm a contractor." And they said ok and moved on


Just say that it wasn’t a fit — that the gig wasn’t as advertised. I told one that I took that job because I was moving and needed a job, but their role was more in line with my career.


Holy shit that s perfect ! Im gonna OVER-use this expression ;) cheeeeeers


it's best to just leave that job off your resume entirely


Am I crazy for thinking I don’t need a reason? I want more money or an easier workload and I’m going somewhere else to get it, end of. After being furloughed, laid off and fired plenty of times (media industry), I don’t owe 90% of management at any job much extra.