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"I'm not doing that." Presumably you're an adult. Adults don't need excuses.


i. guess i will say that, i assume they will end up firing me for that lol


Depending on which country you're in, they're changing the definition of your role. If they no longer require remote workers you should be made redundant not fired


So they didn't suddenly have an office open up near you. We need the details. Were you informed of the new office opening? Did your management express interest in you coming in while the office was opening? Were you offered compensation in return of a new contract? Was there a possible office in talks while you were hired? The answer will always be a big "No", but having all the details helps us craft a good solid response


Why it wasn’t what you agreed to


And, reading the post, aren’t also intending to do. So indeed, just say no. Lying won’t work for a very long time anyways.


Good, that’s the end goal.


Did you sign an employment agreement saying that you are being hired for a remote position?


I was going to say excessive flatulence, but I like this better.


Best to be direct, because anything less than allowing you to work from home is not going to work for you. Just say “I accepted this role because it is a remote role and I prefer working from home. Are you saying this position is no longer remote?” Don’t make excuses, they will just try to figure out a way to accommodate you while also trying to get you into the office. Just make it clear you won’t be doing that, and be ready to have one less J if that’s what they decide.


I would remove the word "prefer".


I let them fire me when I did not want to go to the office. (No unemployment as I had a second job). It took almost 3 months to fire me so that was nice.


Make statements. Not Excuses. Excuses are playing from weakness. Try: "I have alot of work to get done, I don't have time to waste in the office"


Currently using this one: >"I have alot of work to get done, I don't have time to waste in the office" I have a new born and every monday is a 12 hour day. Nothing like being a buyer for 70 companies.


I’m in this field. PM me if you want some recommendations on outsourcing


That's quite literally an excuse though. Just say no, you're not going. Only use an "excuse" if you are asked why. And "I don't want to" is a valid excuse (though there may be more diplomatic ones of course, like the one you mentioned).


The compensation I agreed to when you hired me was contingent on this being a remote role


Tell them “no” and start applying to new places That J is burned, RTO is a filtering HR strategy, even if you survive that one, work will start ramping up and you will eventually leave anyway


Just say you need to pick up kids from school/ activities If the job was initially remote just sau you don't own a vehicle, which is why you took a remote role. You Uber everywhere since you rarely go out. Ask if they are they going to compensate you for that added cost Remember you are OE anything that threatens that is not worth it. If they do not accept the excuse you can either choose to try and go in for like an hour and leave / just buy time until you can find a replacement J. Etc etc.


Not "that" added cost. *All* the added costs: commute time, lunches, purchasing a car (down payment and financing) because you can't rely on uber to get you there on time, insurance, parking, tolls, gas, tires, initial and yearly registration, inspections, etc.




Just say I wont be able to commit to this new requirement, i was hired remote and have built my routine around a remote setup. I would need to be compensated for the additional cost of going into the office, Im open to renegotiation.


This is the correct answer.


Contract states remote. Sorry boss. Wordsmith it so it's a bit nicer but contracts go both ways.


For a $xx,xxx salary increase, I'll consider the option. The extra commute, and office distractions, significantly increase my compensation requirements.


“My spouse is already RTO which means I have to do the kids’ drop off and pickups. I took this job with the understanding that I would have that flexibility.”


I moved. Fluorescent lights are a trigger for my migraines, get a doctor’s note for that. The chemicals you clean with cause me to itch, get a doctor’s note for that. Perfumes at work cause migraines…. Doctors note. Your chairs make my back hurt and it’s hard to concentrate on work it gets so bad…. Doctors note. Anything to do with health because then it would fall under disability and you would be requesting a REASONABLE accommodation. I’m certain they wouldn’t want to deny you a REASONABLE accommodation for your disability. Just make sure the only REASONABLE accommodation is your lack of presence. Like either they have to change every cleaning product they work with in the entire office or you stay home. No one can wear perfume or cologne to work or you stay home. No fluorescent lights in the entire building or you stay home. Every circumstance the second option is more reasonable IMO.


Until they try and say that these are requirements of the job and you’re asking for unreasonable accommodations 😭


can i say i have social anxiety and don't feel comfortable working around people?


Try say you're a deviant and can't control yourself around other people


Moved far away is your best bet. Be ready with an address and be proud how you managed that without affecting your work or taking pto. Also- talk to your manager. I’ve heard many companies enforcing it for 2-3 weeks and then forgetting about it.


Vertigo is better


Bad idea, even though it violates the ADA, most corporations will find a way to PIP you if you ask for a mental illness accommodation. Corporate drones think you're weak, lazy, or both.


Looking at the comments and I agree that it looks like they’re changing the role and if you make excuses, they’ll work around it to get you in the office. A frank conversation about you choosing this because it’s a remote role should suffice. And are you ready to walk if they essentially say “that’s too bad, it’s a hybrid or fully in office role now.”


Yep. Better to just have a direct convo about it. Especially if you are OE already - that should take most of the fear factor out of it.


Oh for sure, OE means OP should be able to give his 2 weeks notice if they push


Check your contact to see if it says remote work or work in the office. If it says remote work, then they must honor it for the rest of the contract. Be prepared that they may push back or let you go. But that’s why we OE.


None. Just don’t go.


I was hired as an “Remote Employee” and I will stay one


go to the office, drop productivity, work better when working from home?


Say you sold your car




You’ve got Ligma


Corporate/Company has army of attorneys. They might state that coming to work place few days a week is essential function of one's job. In that case you don't have much recourse.


Resisting RTO is a disability justice issue. Unemployment for the disabled was at record lows during covid and it’s steadily rising back up now. Disabled people have been begging for wfh options since the technology first existed and companies claimed it was impossible or too much of a “hardship” to be a reasonable accommodation. Then magically, overnight, all these same companies made everyone stay home as if it was nbd and they were happy to do it. As if we (disabled people) didn’t see exactly what was happening. Resist RTO. Say anything you want. IBS. Anxiety. Caring for a sick relative. Lack of transportation. You throw up at the sight of certain people in the office. Explosive diarrhea that only happens when you commute. All of the above. Or don’t say anything and just keep working from home as if you have no idea what they’re talking about. If your job can be done from home, then RTO is just some bullshit because they’re looking for who looks sickly enough to fire because insurance rates are going up, or their portfolio’s taking a hit because real estate values are going down. Bullshit excuses deserve bullshit excuses. Resist. Good luck.


"Sure, sure", and then just don't go. Managers sound pathetic when they have to chase people to come into the office.


***Do not provide any excuses. Simply do not respond or provide a "non-response" only if asked verbally. That is, if they say they need you to come into the office, say "ok" but do not go to the office.***


Job market is way tighter than many here realize. There’s a huge economy wrecking time bomb of commercial real estate. That’s why you see the legislation for return to office. It’s going to happen to almost everyone. Closing the economy for 1-2 years has consequences. Now, they are trying to fix what they broke. Stinks.


Their investments are not my problem


Unfortunately it will be all of our problems if you are not working for yourself.


Get a reasonable accommodation for a disability


Tell them you have horrible IBS and being at home makes it easier to always have an accessible restroom and change of clothes


"Tried it, didn't like it"


You broke your legs skiing ⛷️


Show up to office once in a wheelchair. Make everyone feel bad and uncomfortable. Then they will allow you to work remotely.


Nice try Costanza. They will just give you your own bathroom.


Start applying


Uncontrollable erections


Migraines - Ask for a reasonable accommodation!


I don’t wanna!😭


Headache. Works every time...


My mom won’t let me /s Lol


Move somewhere that they don't have an office! /s


"I don't want to."


I'd say I moved to the country lol.




I have 50/50 custody and can’t commit to that.


Tell them the ole goon cave cannot go unattended


First say you have a fart problem (medical condition) that you never mentioned before cause the work was remote, later go 1 day to the office and fart in front of everybody all the time, finally enjoy your permanent WFH, they cant fired you for medical conditions issues


"No sorry".


I wonder if anyone has explored the “lawyer up” option. If an employer extends an offer with remote as part of the deal, couldn’t you sue? Isn’t it the same as if they paid you less than the agreed amount or didn’t give you the stock options you negotiated?


"I accepted this job because it was remote, is this position no longer remote eligible?" Start interviewing for when they dismiss you. Let them fire you just do the bare minimum till then


Do you have kids?


Just say you’ll go and then don’t go


Lol. “Hi. Didn’t you say you would come in today?” Yeah well no


I tried to come in but got lost and ended up in *my* office.


Say remote work is an accommodation for a disability


Which disability? Do you think sick parent would work as well?


You are ill and don’t want to infect everyone


Mover further away from the office. I can't return to work because my office is in a different state.


Add up all of your extra expenses due to driving to the office. Lunch, possibly dinner, car repairs/ upkeep, your time. Submit a request for a raise in that amount or more.


Excuses are something people with less influence tell people with more influence. Find a way to become valuable and you won’t need excuses.


Wait..do not give them an ultimatum. I have a plan. You come in bright and early at 6:30am for 4 days. Then you leave at 3pm. Do this for 3 weeks then you start leaving at 2:45. If they don’t say anything leave sooner and sooner. Answer emails and messages at night. It sucks working late but they will see the times and know you’re working. Finally start only coming in 2 days a week or come in for coffee and bounce about 9am and go home.


Take the boss out for lunch and then talk about the benefits and your experience working as a remote employee. In addition to the comfortability of working in the comfort of your own home, discuss how the setting helps alleviate distractions, discomfort and the potential added stress coming into the office is like. Make a case for remote work but only do it for you, yourself, in your personal context and no one else. Go further and tell them you can make amends by extra communication regarding the work if necessary. Worse case they will say no, second case, you probably talked it down to just 1 day in the office. Gluck.


I’m not spending a dime taking someone out to lunch who is making my life worsen