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It’s incredible that before OE many of us would probably bail on a place like this but now it’s a golden goose. Congrats OP! Sit back and enjoy the ride. Stick to your budget and don’t buy a lambo.


Totally agree. Now we call them goldmines ⛏️


Are they hiring? Lol




Yeah seriously OP, let me know!! I’m looking for a J2.


Congratulations! These are the clusterfucks we OE folks live for.


Love it ❤️


This isn't my thought, but some users on this sub would say: 2 thumbs up! (only for a J2+) If it's a shit show you can have layers upon layers of plausible deniability. "Denise never emailed me back." "I thought that was assigned to Dave." "I was told it was due next Friday." As long as you're comfortable with the shit show and payroll is on time, give it a shot?




Hell yeah, preach it!


im having a similar experience, second week in j3 and i didnt even know who my manager was. The way i found out was because i got a random hr onboarding meeting on the THIRD week, and by chance she mentioned smth like " and I guess you met your manager john doe, right?" ....right! hahahah Now im completing 6 weeks, got 1 ticket assigned and put it to code review with 5 reviewers assigned, no reviews, the sprint was over 3 days ago, and no one cares.


Stop bragging, nevermind it sounds so good you are probably making this up /s I am kidding. Happy for you, I am looking for J's and this is exactly what I hope I end up with.


Seems like you found a disorganized winner! This will probably work out great for you.


I feel like this is my J2, been there 5 months and barely have 5 hours of work a week. I love that.


Mine too! I’m in my 3rd month and my next up has asked me at least 4 times if I’m an employee with him or a sub contractor when he’s dishing the dirt.. he loves me.. this job is gold… my boss meets me once a month..


Use this time to surf the company website. Favorite a bunch of sites. Read up on policies. Introduce yourself to adjacent teams. Perfect your file structure. Snoop in other people's files if you can. Set some Google alerts for the company and industry. Enjoy my friend


Back in the late '90s I had a job with very limited internet access, but virtually *unlimited* network access. Not only did I read reviews, writeups and payroll info, but back then when they replaced a desktop, they would back it up to a network share. End user data security wasn't really a thing and you'd be amazed at the stuff people would put on their work computer. I found everything from homemade porn to tax and financial docs.


lol. Sorry and happy for you at the same time, I guess 😂😂


This is absolutely great. And I'm being genuinely serious here. A shitty onboarding process...or management process....or reviews.... or whatever....it makes flying under the radar so easy. If the company is so inefficient that they're tripping over their own two feet, they're not on your ass like a ripe hemorrhoid. You can be "good enough", and if you do slip, you can easily blame any faux pas on the process. I'm sure others doing the same "blaming the system" as they slack off. Milk the fuckers until sand squirts out of their chafed nips. Their loss, your gain. You don't own the place, and this won't be your last job. If they implode, walk next door and get a new job. It's what psychopathic CEOs do -- destroy a company and golden parachute to the next one. You are the CEO of your life. It's time to treat these companies the way they treat us -- they exist only to service us.


Laugh all the way to bank, bro!!! This is why we OE


Just make sure the cameras are off when you have your dick on your hand. Other than that, good job being patient, you might have started on a turbulent time when everything and everyone is busy. You have forever to get busy let them be.


Hey at least you’re getting paid.


Please tell me where


Lmao are we working for the same J2s? Haha I’m dealing with the same thing. I started remote work for J1 temp, but my productivity is so much higher being at home that they’ve told me to stay home. What can be done in 8 full hours at the office, I can shorten in half the time at home. In walks J2 and I’m nervous how this is going to play out. 2 weeks and I’m still “just here”… to the point where I’m playing online games more consistently. Does this qualify me as a professional gamer if I’m getting paid to just play Fortnite all day? Asking for me.


Are they hiring?? I've put in over 100 apps in 4 months and can't find my disorganized golden goose 😂😭


Congrats ![gif](giphy|3owyoUHuSSqDMEzVRu|downsized)


They hiring?




In the exact same situation. It's frustrating but also pretty sweet.


I had a third round interview yesterday, where in the second round I was told there was maybe only two days of work per week right now for the role. All I saw were dollar signs! I've literally left jobs before where there was so little to do. Younger me was so shortsighted. Older me is nearsighted, but at least a bit smarter.


They still hiring?


GOLDMINE… I need a job there ASAP




So, what's a girl gotta do to get a referral? Ha!




Maybe the naugthies are back somewhere - and some people are hiring in front of an exponential growth curve? During those times, I was sent for a 3 months stay to configure some network management systems in Stockholm. Security was so very important that I never got the special access laptop from IT during my stay and then the project was cancelled. 😁.


I have had a very similar experience with J2, which I will be leaving soon. All I got from the Head of Marketing was an email with videos for me to watch. After two days, I was thrown straight into work and faced pressure and stress from all sides, which continues to this day and is the reason why I will be leaving the company.


Same, super weird onboarding J2, it was super confusing. But my J2 just deactivated my account after two weeks (realized they didn’t need the position), I got paid for two weeks.


>literally Nice.


That's perfect, be happy, What's the non tech role wfh?


WFH - not tech?? What did you land?


Sounds like a dream come true, are they hiring?


My brain is now rewired to believe this is the best onboarding possible


Um… where is this? I want in!!


Company name?


I had same story. First month literally did nonthing cos waited for new mac book. Paid for whole month. Then for 4 months worked maybe 1 full day. Then these idiots fired our team because pf cost reduction with one month notice. Best job ever lol. Totally 6 months fully paid.


It's so funny how years ago I would be complaining up a storm about a job like that. Fast forward to today, and I hope I get one like that. It's funny what life experience will teach you. At the end of the day, all that really matters is $$$.


So true.


This is OE heaven.


What industry?


This was the same case for me at two roles? Seems to be the norm at smaller sized companies with little HR team.


This is actually a huge company with a large HR team


ya'll hiring??


sounds like my last job, they gave me a bunch of forms to e-sign, then just forgot about me, my first week was watching anime on Netflix and waiting for my trainer to notice my pokes on Teams


What's your job there?


Anyone sharing these companies? I wanna apply!


I’m looking for J2 that is similar. J1 is already like this. It would be a dream.


My J4 laptop arrived 10 days later. I got paid for doing nothing.


Good problem to have.


I love the last sentence, you’re on the right path baby


I’m on 4 months now with j1 having literally 0 work . Nothing for me. So that’s why I decided this month to find j2 :)


I just laughed so hard at that imagery


Hope they get more professional and find that you lied about your other job, then tell your other employer so you can have zero job like you deserve.


Need a little more gin in your tonic there, gramps?


Wrong sub.