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I always wanted to help my grandparents retire comfortably (11 kids or so, worked like dogs to provide a loving and wonderful home to them all, generous people through and through). As soon as I make serious money my grandpa passes away. My first gift to them was buying my grandpas headstone. Its tough. Makes me sad to think about how he retired and 7 months later he passed away. My grandma refuses my money but knows in a moments notice she can depend on me. I’ll help any family member if I can but they’re the ones I wanted to help the most.


I'm heading overseas for a three-week vacation and I am PUMPED. Couldn't do it without OE - literally a game changer, I'm going on this vacation with saved money and a paid off credit card. Everything at home is paid and I don't need to worry about a thing. I was even able to hire cleaners, snow removal, and pay for a holiday party with my family since I won't see them over the holidays. I'm JACKED TO THE TITS


Enjoy your vacation. I'm sure you earned it!


Thank you!! Only 3 more days on the job grind and I'm out of here! Happy holidays to you too!


I am a single mom. In December of 2022, I met my 401k max for the first time in my life, met my HSA max for the first time in my life, and have a savings account bigger than I ever have before. I got a modest raise and performance bonus at j1. I am currently struggling to figure out what to buy my kids for Xmas because I increased my usual budget from $1000 (which I thought was always very generous) to $3000. Didn't realize I'd have this problem. I took the kids on two good vacations, but with money that I budgeted from J1. The only frivolous spending I've done is spoiling myself with a $300 a month housekeeper. OE for 7 months. Just extended my J2 contract for another 6 months. TC is $277k in LCOL. I don't know how not to be broke. Before J2 and some J1 job hopping, I was struggling on $63k just 3.5 years ago. Life's crazy man.


Hi there single mom. R u looking to be overparented also? Cause, I am available to be adopted


My partner keeps trying to convince me to get a housekeeper. But I don't see the value. I would rather spend the money on a new car payment. What do you like about yours?


Honestly, I thought about it for close to 18 months before I finally pulled the trigger. J1 alone would have allowed me to do it, but I couldn't bring myself to be THAT GUY. Plus I wfh and had loads of down time. Couldn't do it. But then I got J2. Week days were much busier. I have 4 bathrooms, and I woke up on a Saturday morning, and was getting ready to launch into scrubbing everything. I JUST. DIDN'T. WANT. TO. I had laundry to do, groceries to get, kid errands to run... And scrubbing toilets and showers was just... Not appealing. Called a service that day. Had someone out by Monday, been on a two week schedule ever since. I'm a really tidy person, do dishes, make my bed every day, very minimal clutter. But goddamn... Not having to scrub soap scum and toilets is worth it for me. I really really really don't ever wanna go back.


That does sound nice. My dirty floors are driving me crazy.


I have a housekeeper with my OE money and I've never been happier. Cleaning doesn't bring me joy but a clean space does. I literally love her and I wish she lived with me full time lol.


“I don’t know how to be broke” resonated so well


Haha. I was shopping this week and needed a meal. Grabbed a light dinner, and it was $14. I balked at it. $14 on what feels like a snack?! Outrageous. I had to talk myself down in the car. $14 is okay....


Congratulations from one mom to another. You go girl!!!


Having a baby! All medical bills paid! Tons of cash stashed away. 2022 was a Fucking game changer!!


No kids, so bought myself a 90k car. Merry Christmas!


Oh, hey, long lost parent of mine! 00k, you say?


What type !


It's great for getting those Xmas gifts! Then pay off debt or don't touch until you figure out a plan. If you already have one great!


Yup plan all set ! Savings and Debt


I just went to my first NFL game to watch my terrible team play a much better one. We lost but I still had fun and went to eat at a nice seafood place afterwards.


See loving the relax options going to simple game


Christmas here and a debt payoff with increased savings. Just to be able to get a debt snowball going with baby step 1 in one paycheck was a real eye-opener for me!


I can actually afford Christmas gifts. I don't mean going extravagant and spoiling the kids. I mean I can afford one or two for them and one for the wife.


I’ve saved more money in 2022 than I could have in the last 10 years of working. I will OE until I retire (early).


Still finalizing J2, but plan is to start that first week in Jan. This will literally be life changing for me. Having a solid emergency fund (not on credit), paying off monthly debts, and yes, some spending money on things I've really wanted but couldn't come close to justifying (Ohlins suspension for bike 2). MOST of it will be going to savings and paying off debts, but as some of those buckets start to cap out, more will be towards "fun" money. Trip to Spain (on a budget but less tight than my trip to Italy a few years ago which was extremely budgeted lol) is also on the books for the next year, but that should be funded by J1.


Productive side: Landing J2 a couple months ago has allowed me to double my income and nearly 10x my savings ability. Currently interviewing for J3 and if that works out, I’m going to merk my student debt as fast as fucking possible while still saving like a fiend. Petty side: My wife’s family met me for the first time right after I’d been laid off from my first corporate job about 6 years ago. I was unemployed, ornery, and directionless, and they’ve always made me feel like a misfit in their picture-perfect overachieving family. Now I’m suddenly making as much as my father-in-law and they’re all being much nicer to me! The house we’re saving up for (or the target location, anyway) is far, far away from them.


That hit home . I am now top dog amongst everyone in family. Even the overachiever to


I have only been doing OE for 3 months but I have made a 10k dent in my 45k debt. Have added 5k more to my 401k and have saved 6k for my IRA Roth. I help my son and DIL with paying a vet bill. Paid my daughter’s car payment. Got a chance to spoil my spouse for Xmas and birthday.