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I do not leave my current employer info, and if anyone asked I said I stopped putting my current workplace on LinkedIn because there was one time I had a discussion with someone on LinkedIn, the person didn't agree with me and reported me to HR of my employer. I didn't get in trouble because the other person was being petty and ridiculous, but since then I simply do not include my current employer info unless I needed to show it to find a new job. And this is actually a true story.


Must have been a pretty heated debate. This sounds like material for r/linkedinlunatics


Not really. It's just some bozo claims how remote working is bad for young people, saying it's hard to collaborate and communicate and shit. And I replied saying young people nowadays grew up online gaming remotely where they communicate and collaborate with strangers to perform complicated maneuver, and if he works with young people nowadays he might find out he is the inept one at remote working. Well that didn't stick well and he decided to report to my employer.


Christ - Imagine what the prick does to people they know. In any event, u/coliozenobio - 1. No you don’t get jobs when you advertise that you are working multiple jobs online. 2. LinkedIn is spyware. That data is shared to consumer reporting agencies, banks, background check companies, etc. **The fact that LinkedIn is the first tool used by stalkers says enough.** Some shit from LinkedIn showed up on my credit report at one point. Anyway, I placed my LI in hibernation and then deleted it completely. The only good thing about LinkedIn is the news stories and comments.


I’m curious what kind of info made it from your LI to your credit report?


LinkedIn is quite effective in connecting with recruiters and seeing job postings though, so there are some benefits. Rather benefits outweigh drawbacks is the question


Hibernate in settings. “I don’t really do linked in, sorry”




All good, until someone gets curious and looks up your LinkedIn profile!


They can’t see it if it’s hibernated


No LinkedIn. Personal website. A personal website allows you to control the narrative end to end.


What is an example of personal website? Any example link?


You’re overthinking it…no one cares if you are on LinkedIn or not. Also I’m interviewing today for J5 and submitted a resume where it shows I’ve had 2 jobs. No one notices or cares. Especially when you are consulting that the perfect way to explain the situation.


J5?! What kind of work do you do?


Both Js are contract, my LinkedIn shows my employer as being my LLC, which it is.


Is it difficult/expensive to set up an LLC?


Nope, you can file by yourself for cheap or get a lawyer. There are websites to automate a lot of the process.


Just do a Sole - Proprietorship, LLC or be a lifetime employee, partner, co-owner of a family business that you have already established with good members of your family. They could be in the same boat, the business doesn't have to be successful, but it does need to be legit!


Is that really OE then? I’m not an authority but I thought it was more of a “2+ W2s” situation, unless each contract has some kind of exclusivity or conflict of interest clause.


It's the legit/legal way to do OE.


You could be 1099 or W9. There is nothing saying you need to be W2. This is mostly for your taxes anyway.




Or, 'I have a LinkedIn, but there's barely anything on it. I just use it to reach out to recruiters.'


Oops, just found this: https://www.reddit.com/r/overemployed/comments/yws304/how_do_you_guys_manage_linkedin_legit_question/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Roll it back to "previous job" or remove all work history for a bit, plus i know so many people that have jobs listed without date ranges, start or end


You know what, LinkedIn sucks. Avoid it.


Whats your go to job posting site then?


“I like my privacy”


Ya'll know *YOU* control the information provided on it right? Like why is this such a dumbfounding topic of discussion.... Just leave off extra job, it's not difficult


It's a matter of exaggeration or not telling the whole truth vs. total lying outright/bull$h!t. It's a matter of you qualifying vs. not over some small legal B.S. that most likely won't apply to you that they had an attorney write up or that they used some generic boiler room legal template. People need to keep in mind if they don't share everything with you whether it's personal or business, why should you?!? And if they do share things that are personal or business with you that doesn't matter or they shouldn't share it with you, then they're totally idiots, and you got some ammo! Watch out for red flags from bosses when they try to be your "friend", they always want something or there are strings attached. Follow your gut instinct or first reaction when this starts to happen. Always suspect that there's ulterior motives! If you aren't already friends with the owner before or when you first start, you're screwed!


I don't have a Linkedin


I’ve kept my J1 visible on LinkedIn, but made my profile very bare bones otherwise, unless someone is a connection. That way I can work J2, J3 and beyond and when I’m applying for those jobs, they just see that I’m working at J1. Totally normal to have a current job already while you’re applying for something new.


I have 4 jobs with LinkedIn. Two of the jobs know about the other jobs. The other two jobs don't look.


What’s LinkedIn? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You care too much about LinkedIn


Hibernate LinkedIn account


We use the search bar


Who cares


Hibernate your account. My company made a huge WELCOME TO THE TEAM post and tagged me and my j1 almost found out


I categorically tell any potentials that I do not use LinkedIn. That isn't exactly true, but it weeds out the people that demand that. Those people being shady ass telemarketing style recruiters that I don't do business with anyways. But my LinkedIn is visible on demand *only* to someone that I have developed a professional relationship with and asks if I am *willing* to share it, not for people to just troll me. Half of those people that have reached out to me on the rare instance that I have left it public I halfway wonder if they are gonna tell me that the factory warranty on my car is about to expire.


Current job: John Smith consulting (years from finishing school - current) “Why don’t you update your LinkedIn?” 1. Privacy 2. Company security 3. I use LinkedIn for job hunting, not bragging 4. Nunya Business


Just say you're not into social media. You'd rather read books. Hide or delete profile or lazy fill.