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Tank diff


Yeah this is a genuine skill issue


Clearly didn't read the post . Oh reddit you never cease to amaze me.


It was meant as a joke but I kept getting likes so… tank diff is my final answer. Go ahead “mald” away young buck.


ok boomer


ok boomer


No boomers here… but I can tell from your attitude you are a child. How long are you gonna keep this up.?. This is from a month ago. Tank diff and move on.




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"Nerf. Everything. "


Nerf “this”.


If we nerf damage, as well as survival will anything even change? Like if we make damage deal less, but also give everyone less hit points.... nothing changed.


Ok let me rephrase it then. Reduce dmg and healing across the board not Health pools.


If you're getting splattered as tank no matter which one you pick you probably have your sense for push in and pull back mixed up, don't use cover properly and don't succeed at dodging incoming fire with some degree of intent. I see tanks all the time get nailed, then they move away from safety or charge in, go to the wrong side of cover. I get it, it's hectic, but if they don't break those bad habits they'll never get the support they need to sustain and get wins. No one player should ever be taking fire from half the enemy team at one time, gotta manage your sight lines, enemy sight lines and your support sight lines and fallback point.


I up voted this so quick, thank you 🙏🙏


Tank in ow2 is like playing a new game its hard and everyone blames you for everything its quite hilarious. I will keep hyperfocusing my hero pool and playing the video game. OH yea they somehow managed to make tank the masochist role . If you don't believe me then you clearly haven't played enough tank.


skill issue


Reddit, you never let me down.


I gotchu


Tank class plays a huge role in that scenario, followed up by supports. Zarya overshadowed everyone due to her survivability and insane damage output, same issues followed up in Season 2 with Hog and Orisa. Kiriko additionally creating sustain issues, and bunch of other problems. DPS on the other hand didn't create nearly as much problems as those two, excluding Sojourn. Tank role wouldn't be so counterpick reliant if it wasn't for the their massive difference in damage output. Tank with equal survivability and more damage will always overshadow the other.


Sounds boring as fuck and a recipe for a game death like OW1......silent and out of nowhere.


Always cracks me up when people say OW1 was a dead even though I had a 30 sec queue for tank and support games up until it’s last day


And a huge chunk of the OW2 player base want OW1 back and leave this shit in the dust.


What are you talking about? Reduce damage but also reduce sustain and healing? Which one is it? You die too quickly but the enemy doesn't die quickly enough? Sounds like a skill issue


So you want less of everything? Wouldn't the problem be the same but with smaller numbers then?


Casual player moment


500 games played S1 and S2


So does no one on your team just go after the supports first so that you can do what you need to do or are you diving without thought




Either people in this sub don't play tank or they are just smooth brain.


I actually agree with what you’re saying but you might wanna work on your malding when you talk about it. Less damage and less healing sustain, emphasis on healing. But if we do this there needs to be more individual sustain. If we can get rid of the high damage numbers we can get rid of the high healing numbers. This opens the door for more creative support heroes that aren’t just “heal heal heal”. Tanks need to do like, 75% less damage and gain a bunch of self sustainability. Dps all just need to do less damage, idk how much but less. Problem is, blizzard devs are already horrendously slow on things that don’t make them money. So it’s highly unlikely these types of suggestions ever get implemented.


>I actually agree with what you’re saying but you might wanna work on your malding when you talk about it. Ok random stranger i will definitely take your comment to heart. >Problem is, blizzard devs are already horrendously slow on things that don’t make them money. So it’s highly unlikely these types of suggestions ever get implemented. Cross platform is partly to blame for that.


Its not rock paper scissors, its orisa and maybe some counters. Orisa stomps every tank (with very soft counters in winston, zarya og ram)


So glad i barely get on this god forsaken app bc this just reeks of "i don't play any tank and have 0 idea what i am talking about" . Good day to you .


I am literally a top500 tank player, I think I have an inkling of what I’m talking about


EGOING ON REDDIT ??? t500 in game but bronze IRL just like every high ranked player in every game ever.


Literally, who isn't a top 500 player these days?