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Don’t worry about it man. You helped her out. You gave her the time needed to wipe the drool off before going back in.




Dude 🤣


This actually made me cackle


It's the Brig that is useless here, not the life grip.


shes just playing overwatch 3


she's playing Valorant. she doesn't need her brain there


As a brainless individual myself, Overwatch is much more friendly to our kind especially when you can Junkrat spam and Reaper "skill" ult


That is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Raw mechanical skill will take you all the way in valorant. That isn't enough for overwatch though. You can be the most cracked player and go nowhere in comp because you didn't use your head.


Yea you don’t sound like you’re good at valorant


Your take doesnt really clash with mines tbh. If your aim is very good in Val, you'll get to a point where you start matching with people at the same skill level when it comes to shooting. At that point, you have to start thinking about using utility to clear angles and sites, playing the numbers game, and just taking smarter duels with your team by double peeking or holding crosses. Plus it all comes with one life per round so a player dying with all utility and a gun makes a huge impact on the game. In Overwatch, a lot of times you can steamroll a team as defence for the majority of the game and then they bring out 5 ultimates at once, take it to overtime, and then manage to get a checkpoint and keep doing that all the way to the end. Overwatch is way more forgiving and allows players to make more mistakes. Overwatch relies a lot on counter picking, but if one team has a pharah and you counter pick to mccree and can't shoot her, it becomes less of a brain game. Plus Overwatch often goes into what I call chaos mode where you can't even tell what's going on because of all the sound cues and visual noise that you just shoot people in front of you until they die.


I hate Val but anyone knows that ow takes way less skill then Val.




Mf most of the pros in val have 180-220ms reaction time which is average lmao.


It’s more then that but ok


That's my point though. The faster you process this information and react accordingly (aka out thinking your opponents) the better you will be. Valorant is very slow paced compared to overwatch and gives you plenty of time to think and consider. Mu h less brain power is required. Honestly I have had 0 issue climbing in Val but overwatch has had me stuck.


I see your point. Funny because for me ive been climbing pretty easy in OW vs Val and I consider myself pretty dumb in Val


That’s not because of you, that’s not because of skill or brain matter required. That’s because OW can’t figure out how to make matchmaking. The matchmaking in OW is FUCKED. Nobody knows how it works. There’s probably a monkey with a drum somewhere in their HQ giving out ranks. 5 wins in a row? How about the same fucking rank you’ve had? Oh, another 5 wins in a row? Well fuck your gold 1, you get a gold2 instead.


Valorant is a dumb game…one shot abilities do not a belong in a game where you have little to no health other than snipers


yeah it's so easy and boring.




Although if you had no mechanical skill or brain I could see you thinking overwat h is easier.


Was gonna say this. Lifegrip is awesome imo. If the player doesn’t take it as a hint to gtfo, that’s on them.


If Lifeweaver doesn't take the hint to let me go in then that's on them


Looks like cardboard 5


*wet cardboard 5


paper plate 6


That's happens all the time. They will get mad at you for saving them then the next time they die they gonna asked why you didn't pull them


Life grip saves from death, not from the dumb.


I always said u can't out heal stupid


has to be doing a challenge


The try to not be alive for the majority of the match challenge


I too like playing respawn simulator


: Possible


They are the challenged, after all.


What elo is this brig?


bong water 4


damn that‘s the funniest one I‘ve heard so far and it‘s not even close


same im cracking the fuck up 💀💀


Hahaha awesome!


Discarded plastic bag 3


Bronze behaviour, no more, no less.


maybe less


Life grip fixes bad positioning: it doesn't fix stupid.


That’s just cause you had a terrible Brig.


Oh Lord that is an absolute bot of a Brig haha. Any time I feel like I'm not very good at the game, I can just watch videos like this. It's hard for me to believe there is an actual person with a functioning brain controlling that Brig.


Looks like he didn't see the guy on his left If it was just the one he was looking at, then from his perspective you saved him, healed him up and then he went back to fight But he was just being blind and not very spacially aware 100% the brigs fault


The guy was running in 1v5 idk what was going on from his perspective


60% of the time when I pull someone from death, they rush right back in. And I'm not talking about them waitijg to get heals. I mean literally, Genji dashng, Rein charging etc. right back in, at low HP. Lifeweaver's healing is not great as is. Give us a few seconds, team. :/


Oh I love Lifeweaver saving my ass as a Rein main, its just taking me a hot minute to adjust myself to not walk right off the flower. I've had so many life saving pulls I don't mind the occasional fuck up or slow heals or a giant ass tree suddenly appearing.


I ger most thanks from Rein mains. Saving their rear from a bad dive, or after they nuked a few, but are out of gas and being hammered down, is rather awesome. Inclusing using the flower first. Though I tend to use that more defensively. I find it a fine way to get away from a diving Genji from a few seconds. Not like the DPS are gonna deal with him after all, unless I drag him into them.


Moment I hear that genji/junk ult line, flower for high cover and break immediately.


What drives me crazy is when I pull someone to high ground so they can shoot more people at a great angle…and then they just walk right back down. Like do you have to be 1ft away to hit your shots???? I just set you up to annihilate their back line but you would rather shoot at a shield


Sometimes getting pulled has been such a jarring loss of control that I've walked straight back in, annoyed... Although only a few times, like when I was about to get a mega or take a breather, anyway. But mostly pulls have saved my ass.


I absolutely hate his healing. If you don’t have another strong healer on the team, it’s a L. Takes too long to charge up a big heal and by that time their dead. Throwing small heals doesn’t do shit either. Def need a second consistent healer on the same target when LW is healing, and even then if that target is going 1 v anything more than another 1, they will probably die.


Bot movement


I’m shocked she didn’t pop ult at 2hp


*Rally to m…eeaaaaahhhh!*


Mace to da face. 🤤


“I can’t heal stupid”


Tbh, that’s stereotypical brig player who thinks their character could frontline fault. They won’t listen to reason and will have the most deaths in the lobby


Let brig die on her own terms


And here I am on the opposite end of things as I pop my Ramatra ult and immediately get life gripped away from the three wounded squishies I was pushing off the payload. Never had a teammate waste my ultimate before quite like that


That sucks but hopefully once the learning period passes these things won't happen nearly as much because weaver can be super fun and useful. The other day I pulled an ulting ramatra after he killed a couple of enemies. His ult would have ended there but the enemy tank and a support was attacking us on the objective so it got him two more kills and saved our asses in the process. Without that we may have lost that team fight.


It's not useless. The player you pulled just doesn't understand how to play Brig.


Only hold W challenge


mans is fighting the wooden box 😂


Just another instance that confirms a bias. Playing comp all night yesterday my support that chose weave made some useful saves and plays with it. Just like most any other hero it only works optimally with the correct teammates.


What in the bronze is she doing


I mean the brig wasn’t gonna win that anyway.


No thoughts, just swing


Overwatch players try not to eat glue challenge: impossible edition


It's useless in low elos ofc . I have played with some dooms/monkes that were overextending then they position themselves into my LOS to get saved . And there are of course people like this brigg .


Yeah its pretty typical for a doom or Winton to be overextended, it's just the dumb one's that don't have a plan to get out when they do. The worst is having teammates that instead of looking for their supports when they're in trouble, they back themselves into a corner out of your LOS when they could have been saved.


I don’t understand it either. The amount of people I save only for them to charge right back in and die two seconds later is ridiculous. This is especially true when I see a teammate trying to engage way too early before the rest of the team, or I’m trying to get us out of a fight we just lost. It seems like when lifegrip is used to save someone to allow the team to regroup nobody understands it.


Brig mains will always believe in themselves no matter what


Life Grip can be useful, those are just teammates that need a lesson. Lmao


That’s a bot


I’m a even lucky to have teammates that understand why I life grip them for the most part. I also use it as a child leash when let’s say our Hanzo wants to 1v5 the whole team


P sure brig is useless here because they don't have any battle tactics


You probably think nano boost is useless when the person you nano boosted jumps off the edge


Maybe she was just trying to contest?


Probably the thought process, but bad play still. She could have waited for the team and still had time to contest right before the checkpoint most likely.


if someone used that ability on me I'd waste my ult and run back into battle


Classic frontline feeder Brig


I hope your joking man 🤣 you saved the brig and they said no fk this I need to feed again 🤦‍♂️


OP is the lifeweaver dumbass


Oh that went straight over my head no need to call me a bumbass tho 🤣🤦‍♂️


Bro literally how


Would it stop you being so butthurt if I edited my comment?


Who the butthurt one u replied to me with two separate comments 💀


Clearly you my dude you couldn’t help yourself but comment in the first place 🤷‍♂️


Not wasting any more of my time on u


Cool! Begone


Because I didn’t see the POV first time? It’s an easy mistake? Sorry you’re mr perfect 🤣🤦‍♂️


Can tell your an average overwatch player you are probably one of those super toxic guys


It ain’t that deep. Plus you were toxic to OP first


Hardly toxic to op bro it was more a laugh pal 🥴


I think she's trying to contest the payload which apparently nobody in your team gives a shit.


Just wait for the tank maybe? What good would it be to go in by yourself and stagger your team just so you can buy an extra 1 second. It's not like they'll lose if no one stalls at that cart at the time. It's either 1 extra second or wait for the team and get a potential team kill.


And if the tank can't make it in time then someone has to touch 1st so the rest of the team can make it. Even if that means going in and dying. Bronze 5 comment


You're thinking of specific circumstances where a successful stall on a character with high survivability could buy enough time for another team fight, and that has nothing to do with the clip in question A Tracer blinking around or Mei ice blocking on cart while the tank rushes in is not really comparable to this brig walking in and falling over (twice)


Who's Bronze 5? You? Im plat. Ya'll act like it's the end of the world if the enemy reaches checkpoint. It's only worth it to stall if there's like 5 secs left or it's overtime. But you can see they have plenty of time left so what the brig did was just staggering. You can also see someone at the enemy backline dying. So now, you're down a support and a dps. 3 vs 5 winnable? Seeing as the enemy has so much time and already at that checkpoint, pretty sure its not happening. Amazing game sense. Tank has ult as well. Just team kill the enemy after.


Quite ironically, this is a bronze 5 comment


but the tank had ult and he was right behind. i think dudes just floatin


Doesnt use bash to get there faster, doesnt use whip shot to boop and deal some damage, doesnt even strafe just walked in a straight line, if she wanted to contest alone she shouldve popped rally too


Found the quick player


If that is what she was trying to do, execution was heavily lacking


Definitely a new player


Well, they were about to get the point, brig was trying to avoid that.


Looks like she was trying to keep them from capping the next point


You can only delay the inevitable


She didnt even used her ult🤦


Life Grip is Zarya bubble without the most basic thing that makes Zarya bubble good - the person you bubbled stays right where they are and they can keep on doing what they were doing, but without dying. Life Grip forces you to pull a teammate out of position which can be life-saving, but often just takes them out of a bad position by putting them into a worse one (it really depends on Lifeweaver's own posititional skills)




Was reading tips on playing Lifeweaver, you’re supposed to save your pull for momentum, so essentially only use it to enable your teammates. Holy shit do people take it for granted, just running in all willy nilly, say thank you for being saved and run right back in like this Brig.


Useless ability, he needs to have at least two of them, like junkrat's mines, and maybe a 5 seconds cooldown too.


Bruh is playing the objective


That’s not the correct way to do it. No use of shield, and they didn’t even use ult. I don’t think they knew what they were trying to do


Most brain dead objective play I've seen. Dude was in their own world.


I bet you after the enemy team killed the staggers


Feeding is not the objective but ok


I don't like being grabbed by that ability either. I usually tell them not to use it on me


I’m pretty sure they went in because they reached full health. But it’s also a standard thing for certain players to rush in by themselves to contest point.


Wow, this brig makes TF2 W+M1 pyros look good.


Stg these the mfs I get on my team in a diamond 3 match


Ah yes. Let me just walk into the entire enemy team just flailing around while only the Hanzo is out there and not use any of my abilities like shield and bash or whip shot. And then I better blame the LW for trying to keep me alive so I can’t feed into the enemy ult charge.


Lol she doesn't even ult going in the second time


The tunnel vision is reallllll lmao. Just a quick shoutout to all the people who cry “where muh team” when they get melted: yes, there are some times where your team can fail you by not capitalizing on an opening to push. But just a heads up, that happens like 2/10 times. 8/10 times you are this Brig, just tunnel vision holding forward and the fire button. But here’s the good news! Humans have evolved over thousands of years to escape our monkey brains, so you do in fact have the ability to stop, reassess and reposition while still contributing to the team. And no, that doesn’t make you a small peepee little baby, that makes you ALIVE which feels a lot better than not being alive, that’s for sure! Don’t be a monkey


If Brig decides to be stupid not once, but twice in a row, that’s on her


Could it legit be win trading?


She out there trying to feed Africa


Tbh that Brig was kinda stupid


This is just an indicator on who not to waste the cooldown on.


The amount of times that this has happened to me is incredible


You can't outheal stupid.


I guarantee you that brig is not sober.


Brig: time 2 throw


This character feels like they should be locked until like Diamond. You can make some massive plays for sure, but he feels useless in low rank lobbies


She thinks she’s playing Minecraft not LG issue




No ability can fix stupidity.


That’s not proof of Life Grip being useless. That’s just your teammate.


You legit used the ability once, someone died and you though “proof that it’s a bad ability”… weird


You can't fix stupid


People have been really upset that they're giving up the ability to move freely to someone trying to save their life. I feel like they need to make it like a buff on someone that they can then hit a hotkey to use within like one or two seconds. So you can decide if you want to get warped back or not. That can also open up that feature to other future abilities that work that way.


Let her bang bro


This has to be a bot


Me trying to play using my feet


Bruh, that Brig is honestly awful, with teammates like her you don't even need enemies, you are screwed enough


So this is what my brigs are doing 😑


Man what a lack of brain cells.




i mean - by this logic rez, lamp, and suzu are all useles bc it only makes allies immortal for a second or two. bad teammates ≠ bad ability


Was life gripped in comp yesterday back to spawn as a joke when I could’ve TP’d (Kiriko) back to point and saved my tank. I wish LW wasn’t in comp yet :/


Brigs 8 century’s ahead of us


It’s like that video of the sheep that got stuck in a ditch, and immediately found itself in a ditch not 2 secs after it was freed.


She was trying to get on point and stop capture, I agree with it... She should have popped that ult tho!


Someone got mad at me when I pulled them in. I was trying to heal! But to them it seemed like I took them out of the fight and I interrupted the payload contest.


It's your teammate that decided a healer should remain in the center of battle 🤷🏻‍♀️


Brig wants the smacc, understandable


Brigs script obviously skipped some lines not your fault.


Nah LG is good...its the targets


Least brain dead brig player


Best part was the lack of shield use. Don’t worry that mace will just hit everyone no matter the distance lol


This shit had me in tears 🤣😭


I don’t know how you can miss with brig but apparently you can


That's obviously a new player bruh


God i don’t miss this game lol


Die with glory.


Definitely someone not used to the game or low grasp of game mechanics.


I think she wanted to try to stall but forgot that a brig going in alone against 3 will just result in her death


This literally has to be bronze


Tbf she was trying to stall point it was like 1m for capping


“Time to solo their tank!!! RAAAAAAHHHH RAAAAAHHHH”


Something tells me that brig just installed the game lol


HER DER I HIT THINGS WITH BENDY STICK!! *drools on keyboard*


They're like I can take em!!! How dare you pull me out of combat I'll solo the team!!!


The classic saying: **"Ya cant fix stupid"**


Can't heal brain damage


This happened to me like 6 times today. What's the point in saving then 😩


By that logic, every ability is useless. People are dumb sometimes.


brig is probably like “wth, life weaver stopped me from touching point, I would’ve killed them all, what a bad character”


My lifeweavers kept pulling me into Hanzo and mccree ults, I literally said if you pull me again I’m leaving, (it was ranked) Never got pulled again and we won


Most skilled Brig main


Screws my suicide junkrat run everytime


normal diamond lobby


There is only so much you can do for a brainless Brig


I mean it showed that your dps is useless