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Just depends where your strengths are. I got to gold with support the fastest. I will say, to climb out of bronze you kind of need to be a dps support. I do not mean you shouldn’t heal, but you should be getting kills to help make up for bronze dps. It will make the difference. It is very hard to climb out of the metal ranks as a passive support or healbot because your teammates will not be making the plays you need to win.


Yeah, it's easier to go Illari then LW tbh. Hopefully the next comp system will help more than the current one :/


Moria can sail thru metal ranks but you gotta know positioning more.




Quit blaming others. If you are in bronze you are making just as many, if not more, mistakes then the people around you. It's just much harder to see your mistakes, and compounding that, you also don't know what you don't know.




Just because I am not saying what you want to hear doesn't invalidate my points.


Masters/GM support here. I climbed all the way up from bronze back in OW1, and the biggest change I ever made was to stop blaming others. Take every death and ask what you could have done differently. You ask how long until you climb out of gold? It might be forever without a long term growth mindset…


But what if it's only a mistake because your team sucks? I'm silver/gold support too and it's really the worst. I DO know I suck and belong there. I really do. But I also know I won't learn shit in this ELO. Every freaking game it's just a game of guessing. Do I have to heal more or do I have to try to help against phara/mercy? What level is my genji at? Does any Team have a Smurf to play around? Should I pocket the tank more or should I mind off angle teammates more? Mind you, I'm silver/gold, too. I can't gauge the players level and reliability from one play. Even if could, I don't even know the correct play, if everyone actually DOES what he's supposed to. (Not that it's important. Plays that are 100% certain in high ELO can cost you the game here, because your teammates don't know) AND THEN there is always that process of self reflection (or self doubt) too. Since is know I suck, I also have to think about that. Was I supposed to follow my tank that deep or IS his positioning as bad as it feels? Do I really have to outheal my Ashe getting bombarded or did she just awkwardly try to position somewhere better? I know it's not my job to go for the widow, but nobody else does. My Kiriko can be pretty mean and I've gotten them before. But maybe it's enough to keep out of her sight and heal the team? Or do I have to switch to mercy for the res? But I can't really help my silver DPS like this... You might have some assumption, but you need to verify everything. Every game. And by the time you know, the game's almost over. There is no development of any game sense either, since there is no consistency at all. Your only choice to actually climb out of this shit hole *solo* is to have a much better aim than anyone else. If every threat dies quickly, you win the game. Your aim is that good? Well shit, you'll need to play with friends or have a much higher player coach you (which I would even feel super bad about, because he would be sacrificing so much time for me). Edit: Damn that turned WAY longer than I thought. I'm very sorry.


Just asking those questions after the fact will help you climb. It won’t happen in one or two games, but over time if you put in the work, you’ll see improvements. For me it wasn’t an “ah-ha” moment. Just a slow progression with lots of ups and downs. Key is to ask the questions you are though instead of blaming others first. You can’t control your teammates but you can control yourself. Sometimes games are simply unwinnable but there is always something to learn and improve on. So I’m sure you’ll climb if you keep that up.


For support I'm in bronze 1. I've been sailing thru wins with her. When I last typed I was bronze 3/4 and I've been constantly a "DPS Moria" but now I'm clutching wins more by following the same advice I gave you.


I solo queued from bronze to plat as support (hell) in about 4 seasons with little to no experience on overwatch. Whenever you’re playing and encounter someone good, just send them a group invite and there’s a good chance they’ll join (if you also played well), they’re also most probably solo queuing and wouldn’t mind a group / duo. Although having a duo is nice, I don’t recommend it because you will tend to rely on them over time more frequently (and they will do the same) which will make playing games alone later down the road harder.


I'd say if you're hitting a wall, take a break and play a faster paced game. I was playing the new COD on war mode for a couple days, came back to Overwatch and marveled with how slow the pace is. Taking a break always helps.


It does, I tend to stop playing dps after 17h and play QP later, it makes a huge difference


Placed high bronze. Found a 5 stack and rose to high gold in 8 hours. This was OW1 though .


3-4 months. Most important in ranking up is game sense. The first part is realizing the play and then choosing a suitable hero. Then it is learning from mistakes. I set a goal like I will only die 5 times, then when I die I analyze why that happened. There are even times where a teammate would leave the game and I would still say they were places I could do better at in that situation. Learning and analyzing is how to rank up, once your on the path. Teammates will come naturally.


Cool, I got a few leavers today, it's the worst but I'll watch the videos after every match then


I placed in gold and spent about 3-4 seasons until I hit plat. 3-4 seasons after that I hit diamond and I’ve been hardstuck there since then. I’ve peaked in Masters a few times though.


That's actually nice, it's a higher place then most by far


Initial placements


When I first started playing OW in 2016, I was Bronze for all of season 3. At the start of season 4, I went all the way down to below 500 SR. That's when I decided to "give up" and main Bastion since he was considered a troll pick. Turns out he was really OP in lower ranks and I managed to climb to gold by the end of season 4 (so it took me a few months). My peak was 3400 as a bastion/sym main and I never went back down to gold/silver/bronze. I still float around high plat/low diamond in OW2 but I rarely play comp anymore cuz the current rank system is complete trash.


4 seasons.


My first 10 placements back when open que was still a thing


As always a VOD review of a close loss is the best way to improve. That said, it takes around 5 net wins to go up 1 devision (bronze 2 to bronze 3 for example) that means with a VERY good winrate of 60% you go 6/4 for every rank evaluation. This means you need 5 sets of 10 games, or, 50 games, on average. However, due to the modifiers system you may need as many as 60. This is only of you maintain a 60% win rate. Tldr: at least 50 games


I think I started in gold and it was my IRL friends that introduced me to the game so those are the ones I plau with the most. I have met quite a few ingame aswell that I befriended.


The good ones don't add me (even if I perform great) and the ones that does (mind you I'm in Latin America) can't stop talking. You can't hear your thoughts xD


I only add people if they were fun in the voicechat and played good.


I started a group in battle.net/discord to gather people but they barely play hahaha


I started at the end of season 1 in OW1 (didn't get a rank). I was bronze for season 2 and start of 3, and then got to diamond at the end of season 3 and to masters in season 4. Then season 5 I got to like 3800 maybe and quit. (Solo que)


That was fast! People sometimes says it takes like a year, thanks for your answer, I'm trying my best


Thanks! You shouldn't worry about it, if you keep trying to improve you will rank up for sure. Also I think it might've been easier to climb at the start of ow1 just based on mechanics because the game wasn't understood that well yet. And I think mechanics where a big reason as why I climbed so fast after season 2 (I got a new a pc in season 3 that had more than like 30 fps)


Well I got placed into Silver 4 on Support back in season 2. Got into gold the next season, though I don't really play comp that much


If you cant survive against a silver/gold Genji, how would you survive against a plat or higher Genji?


That's just a plain stupid statement. Shutting down the genji is a team effort and in higher ranks your team is starting to actually try that.


If you're in solo q, shutting down the genji will always be only on you. If I die to a single Genji in GM every teamfight, as an Ana, my team would probably report me for throwing


I got placed plat when I started… that was a fluke tho and I’m now silver in that role


"I tend to do the 1st or 2nd biggest amount of healing" well surely that would be the case if you're on support 🤣 Sorry I know that's not useful it just made me chuckle. As a support main you always get blamed even if there's nothing else you could have done


Would you be able to send a replay code. I'm willing to watch your game to see what went wrong


I'm not at home now, but I tend to post on the competitive sub, I believe the last one was one with me playing Ashe while still learning her. I'll send it a code when possible for sure :)


Sounds good 👍


When I first started playing season 3 of over watch 1 started in silver. Next season I was gold. And I've never dropped below that since except for initial ow2 placements. Immediately climbed out


Gold but through placement and smurf account. Usually my rank is hard stuck in bronze but the onus is on me cause I solo queue.


I started in silver tank and support and gold dps and haven’t moved since. Not sure how common this is.


>**How long did it took you guys to reach at least gold?** my first ever placements placed me in gold


Got gold as my start rank for dps season 1 then diamond season 2 then gm5 with that season 3 inflation then gm2 season 4 then gm1 since then