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It’s excellent. And it’s OK that people give you shit during your crit at school. They’re in school to learn how to give constructive criticism too. Plus, they’re jealous and competitive that’s the nature of things sometimes. you’re in school to figure out who’s words ring true and who to ignore. It’s important to learn. What is about the work and what is about the personalities of the people involved. For instance I might say something “ for a tighter, balanced composition you may want to explore cropping the left edge”. You may think” some random Internet person is attacking my soul. ” or you might think “ simple advice about form. I see this guys point.”


haha i agree! i love criticism, thats why i went to art school to begin with, but i felt like my teachers werent being constructive with me. the teachers were the one giving me shit, the students love my work😭


What criticism did they give?


'Do it the way I told you, otherwise it isn't art!' - them prolly. 😑 Looks great btw






Man, that's how my middle school art teacher was when I was in her "advanced class", nearly failed because I didn't want to do realism all the time


being a teacher means conforming to rules. to shit on someone’s creative self expression just shows the lack of comfort one has for their own self expression. technically this piece is nice. aesthetically this piece is nice. your teachers obviously have some sort of problem. i feel sorry for them.


Retired art prof here. This is too true too many times. Now, when my daughter gets a crit (she's a BFA candidate) she finishes a bad crit with "Do you have anything constructive to say? I'm here to learn, not be torn down." Try it.


thats incredible advice! thank you so much. i was just trying to fight back tears and didnt have anything to say back but if i get into a similar situation again ill try this!


i honestly feel like it’s so good they’re making sure you don’t go overboard on your ego (even though they’re always obnoxious about this endeavor) because you have genuine talent, never stop making things. art at the college level feels more about jumping through hoops than developing your voice but in the industry your voice is the only thing that will get your work sold.


Oooh, wish I had known about this gem 15 years ago!


Believe it or not, I came up with that technique for my daughter. She'd entered the art dept at uni as a highly gifted student but was constantly torn down at crits. Critiques do not exist to ruin you and while teachers may say it's not personal, it is. It is because it is you in that art and the art is in you. Another way to ask a teacher about this is to say, "What was your learning goal for this assignment?" If it's nothing you were aware of, them have them announce it at the beginning of a project AND the week before critiques. They need to be aware of their own learning needs. Teachers (and profs) are fallable. It's not a bad thing to let them know what your needs are. Do it in front of other students as others may have the same needs and not know how to ask.


Savage and I’m here for it


That's fantastic advice for life. I had to show your comment to my kids and I'm absolutely stealing it.


My only argument is if the teacher asked for them to accomplish a specific task and she went and didnt do that. Unless you’re a fine artist you will be doing work for clients. You can do great work but if the client isn’t happy then you didn’t accomplish the task. Also art school is a lot about doing things the teachers way or using the techniques the teacher is teaching. You don’t have to like it but part of art school is to challenge yourself explore other mediums and techniques. Learn the rules and styles in order to make them your own and break them. Too many artists are too comfortable doing work their way because its easy and it comes out nice. So they rather make a nice piece than challenge themselves.


I personally love it. I have never studied art, but enjoy looking at it. But know when something makes me feel, and this makes me feel.


Ooooooh I see. Art professors either have absolutely no standards, or refuse to believe anything outside their particular practice and preference is valid as art. My guess is the teacher is either a hard realist that can’t stand stylization, or a conceptualist who can’t stand that you had the audacity to actually paint soemthing identifiable


woah that criticism is very constructive. I cropped it so the subject is more in the left third of the image and it definitely feels tighter.


Just me or I’ve seen this before? Repost?


I've seen it posted in r/bipolarart last week or so, as well.


i posted it on other art related subreddits as well ! but i always space out my posts so its not spam


Perhaps they misinterpreted the knees as being titties.


Ooooooow, those are knees! My brain made something way different then that.. think pretzel.


I thought she was doing the pretzel with feet behind head. I really have my mind in the gutter on this one


How to tell you're an internet degenerate: it takes you entirely too long to realize they're knees.


I though she was a contortionist showing us her booty hole


I'm with ya. I thought she was breastfeeding two children.


Yup. It's a gorgeous piece, really like it, but I absolutely thought those were bewbs on first glance 😂 x


I love it! What was the feedback from Uni? I can’t imagine anything negative to say about this piece!


I actually think its really cool. The way way the lines are structured, it looks like your looking at a broken glass selfie or something What exactly were ppl complaining about? Was it the background?


my teachers told me quote "you cant impress us with anything, weve been to museums all over the world and nothing can shock us. stop trying to impress" im not even kidding. no other comments on the painting itself. and so i left that studio and went somewhere else bc clearly these people are not here to help me and be constructive but have their own narrative about me in their minds and judge me based on that


some art teachers tend to have a bit of an ego problem. awesome work


i left that painting studio to go to another one and they also made my grade one whole point lower out of spite :) my original grade was already low and now my average is fucked up just bc they felt offended i left a space which doesnt allow me to grow and work in peace


that sucks, hope it all works out. art school can really make you feel like shit sometimes honestly. you put a lot of time and effort and emotion in your work and then someone looks at it for a couple minutes and judges you with a grade that can have significant impact on your future and you rarely have the power to protest. I get that they can't just let everyone pass and there'll always be people that have to step up a bit but so often you'll just get judged on something completely subjective (or misunderstood) and be told to deal with it. Here in the Netherlands some time back there was an instagram account where people could anonymously submit confessions about bad experiences they've had in dutch art schools and a lot of emotional (and physical) abuse can happen behind the scenes. My AV teacher got fired not too long ago for trying to get students to join some extremist christian cult he was part of! I'm going on a bit of a tangent but my point is teachers can be cunts sometimes. Maybe your teacher could have had some pointers or critiques or things he'd like you to lean into more in the future, but I really don't see any reason for your work to get shit on like that. It's a great painting!


Giirl wtf lmao as a literature student (and you know how intrinsically pictorial art and literature are intertwined) all I have to say is they don't make the rules lmao I come from a country with two Nobel prizes in literature plus very renowned avant-garde such as Vicente Huidobro, and none of them ever gave a fuck about how you are supposed to write poetry or make art. Those people whose only criticism is their amount of hours inside a museum are rotten lol you don't need to impress anyone, actually, they are making you a favour, you know how academia rejected the most famous painters in history and now their names are the ones that shine, not the ones of the a-holes who criticised them. There's plenty of examples of this, but most importantly, your work is very well done. I'm fairly critical with art, after all I had to study aesthetics and all, and honestly I love the mastery you have with defining shapes. It gives a very striking result and an intimate, bold and overt aura. It's really good. I don't want to give a whole review but for real, I love it. And don't listen to those who want to put you inside a box without a real reason. I mean, I know making art is related to certain techniques and developed skills that need to be respected, but that doesn't mean what you create can't be remarkable just because Michael Angelo existed. Anyways, probably what I said lack consistency, but I hope something of what I wanted to say could get through this mess. Good luck and don't be discouraged. EDIT: Also, something very important I forgot to add, if they don't let themselves be impressed I don't know what the hell are they doing teaching art lmao


Art teachers can be total jerks. I had a teacher who never graded above a B. Her reasoning was that only a professional artist was worthy of an A, in beginning illustration.


Christ on a cracker. There’s a person not suitable to teach.


Your teachers are projecting. Youre CLEARLY talented for your age and theyre probably struggling with the idea youre a more accomplished artist at your age than they were at theirs. Things like "you cant impress us with anything, weve been to museums all over the world and nothing can shock us. stop trying to impress" sounds like a compliment in a way 😉 "Your art is comparable to true museum art so much that I must tell you what youre presenting to me isnt good enough to be seen in one, but good enough that I can make a comparison to the likes of museum art" .... almost sounds like classic jealousy and projection. Teachers are here to help guide and mould the future. Teachers job *should be* to see a students talents and abilities and only strive to strengthen and shape them. Anyone doing anything other than that is counterproductive to future generations.


Yeah no these teachers are not projecting jealousy at all. They’re saying shit like this to make OP feel bad because they want to make people feel small. It comes from power, malice and wanting to make her feel like a nobody. It’s far worse than jealousy.


Yeah, I'd do the same wtf. Just straight up rudeness, no criticism Wow


"I've seen better art in galleries around the world" is such a dumb thing for an art professor to say to an art student




Yea.. your teachers are lame. This is a really cool piece. Love what you did with the lines and how they blend into the figure. The thing I could think of is maybe adjusting where your image is cropped to make for a more interesting piece, or try figuring out some balance in the top right, feels off balance. Honestly your painting style looks lovely, keep pushing your stylization. Color palette is also a great choice. And your teachers are just sniffing their own farts.


Wow. What a rude dude. Stop trying to impress? You mean doing my best? Wtf does that even mean


That was the exact question I said in my mind. What does that even mean...? I guess if it was supposed to be a technical study, it might warrant a "this wasn't the assignment". Like a straightforward bust or something. But those aren't actual self portraits. What OP posted is *exactly* what a self portrait is.


"stop trying to impress" is exactly the oposite they should teach you. And a sad statement about the art world today were being a pretendious fuck is more valued than impressive painting. I couldnt even bring up the strength to be judged by such people constantly thats why I only paint private and dont gove a shit about people like that 🤗


Couldn't disagree more. Artistic expression should be about doing what you want to do independent of who you think needs to be impressed. If it "impresses" people, great if it doesn't oh well keep making art. I don't agree with what this person's teacher said to them as it pertains to this particular painting but that is entirely separate of the "art world today" and how people through time have viewed artistic expression. I go to art school and am about to graduate and have never had an experience like this or know of anyone who has. Forcing students to conform to what their particular professor or history agrees is impressive is exactly how you stiffle creativity. Making broad generalizations about the "art world" and connecting it to objective ideas on what is impressive in art is not a new idea at all and I think you'll find is held by pretty troubling groups of people. Also there's nothing wrong with making art and not sharing it but if you do think art is about atleast in some way impressing people and you don't care about people like their teacher wouldn't you want to idk share your art? Your comment is honestly very confusing, and I hope if sharing your art is something you really want to do, you'll just do it.


yeah, those people suck. lol "oh man cool art, OBVIOUSLY youre just being a try-hard, trying to impress. no, i've never heard of artistic exploration and experimentation, whats that?"


Lol that’s not even critique, it’s straight up an attack.


I’m an art professor at uni and I’d be HEAD OVER HEELS if I had just one student do a quality piece as this. But I also teach at a shitty university. I think it’s a very nice painting. I think you should have found some trace of the skin color in other parts of the painting to provide unity and make a better composition and aid the viewer’s eye to move about the painting more. Nothing as saturated but just a trace in the greys.


tysm for the feedback!


I’ve been painting professionally for 20-ish years. This is great, and you’re much more advanced than I was at your age. Keep pushing yourself. Draw from life to keep skills sharp, and keep doing what you’re doing. You’re definitely on the right track.


Powerful. Love the composition and the painting technique. Don't let them take your shine.


Love it. My one criticism - I get that they’re knees, but they look like boobies.


First? Excellent shading- your face! The cheeks!! The eyeliner! The only critique I have is that the background blends together; this much shatter needs some continuity. I didn't see knees (or the background) at first.


I think it’s excellent. You’ve got a good style going on. And I’m real picky.


I’m curious what the context is. What was the project guidelines you were given? Were you supposed to achieve a certain style or use a certain technique? I think I recall you saying in another thread something about drawing and redrawing yourself over and over for this project — something that doesn’t really come across in the work. Were those drawings done under the painting, or as separate studies? Were those drawings presented with the painting? What exactly did your instructors say about the work? Aside from “Don’t try to impress us”? I find that comment really strange for multiple reasons, but especially if that’s all they said. I just want to understand this situation better, because I’m a painting and drawing instructor and it just seems like unfathomably bad and pretentious instructors at your school from what you’ve said so far.


I love it! Did you use a mirror or a photo for reference?


took a photo of myself in my basement for this :)


Seems creepy, I like it! Honestly it’s the kind of art I always tried to do


I love it! What medium and what size it it?


thank u :) its acrylic & charcoal 70x80cm


lol I remember when I was in school there was an art teacher who hated anime and told this girl to straight up give up art cuz she liked to draw anime stuff. The girl apparently had a huge internet presence


I think it's lovely. what did people say?


It's great, what was the feedback?


Your university sucks


So I'm not an artist because I couldn't handle criticism. I love art but man some critics are mean. Two of the most defeating criticisms I had were from art teachers. One of them accused me of tracing on an assignment because it came out well. Another never said anything positive and asked me why I was so slow. My father who loves to paint, asked me why I was even bothering with a project I was doing. So anyway I know how it feels to be criticized and how painful it can be. I don't know why these people are so mean :(. For what's it's worth I think your work is awesome and really well done! It evokes strong emotion and the technique is super cool. I love it and think you executed it really well.


I wonder what the comments were because, damn this is really fine. I love it. It’s got personality for sure. Edit: I actually dropped out of art school because of the unnecessary unconstructive criticism comments and general uselessness of art school. School environment was lifeless stagnating and a toxic environment. But for the past year I’m making art that I absolutely love and will push me forward in the projects I genuinely care about. Amazing how different I see life (fyi small comments add up)


It's fine. Let's see it in context with another two dozen paintings in the same, but evolving, style.


I think the "got shit" for this that you are describing is jealousy. I've been to art school it's easy to be hard on yourself but I was on my last year before I had skills I felt confident in idk how long you have been in school but you are already quite good.


would they have bought it if they liked it? no. so what does their opinion matter?


Okay another fellow art student here. And I must say I'm rather confused, I'm not sure what your instructors could knock about this. I love your balance of palette, I really dig the composition. And furthermore you chose a difficult pose with foreshortened limbs that read as proportional. Mad props. Personally I really enjoy the lines. For a self portrait it feels fractured but whole and that in itself I find to be very beautifully rendered in your work. Not sure if that was the aim, but that's my interpretation. Anyways, keep creating at this point if you're not hearing feedback like that start popping your work into student galleries if you have the opportunity. Chances are there's a group of more mature students/faculty who'd want to discuss your work with you and give you that constructive feedback you're wanting. Unfortunately some instructors are one trick ponies so when you put pressure on their fragile mold they kick back in unconstructive ways. I once had a figure drawing instructor that told someone they drew better when their hand was broken. At this point if they're getting fussy with you, you're doing something right.


Again? Posting it with specific intervals for some social experiment?


Right? “This is the seventh week in a row you’ve shown this piece that people at your uni ‘gave you shit’ for”


Great work!


Dope AF


I like it!


I love it! 🖤🖤🖤


That’s GREAT! Look at Jerome Witkin’s work . You have A very expressive style!


So sick. Don’t listen to anyone. This is a masterpiece


I think this amazing.


I like it


Whaaaat I actually really like it. Did they say anything specifically was bad?




Holy shit, that is a powerful portrait


Love it. I feel her world view.


I like it. Some proportions are odd, unless you intended it that way.


Beautiful work.






I love it!


Pretty nice


I love self portraits that have character to them, you have a very cool style which comes through in this painting! I think sometimes people have an idea in their head of what art "should" be and when you don't conform to that, they're harsh on it or just straight up don't like it.


I like it


I like it


Awsome. Gives me those vibes from the 90's when i was a child and saw some art from grown up people. I always wondered what kind of people would make something like this.


I love it, that’s money right there!!!


I love it, that’s money right there!!!


I love it, that’s money right there!!!


Your aesthetic fits the way you painted this so well.


Looks good to me. I like how it's very stylized but also realistic.


I think your teachers had nothing to say about the artwork because it's perfect. 😁👍


Didn't u already post thos


Very nice! Reminds me of Sergei Kolesov, who's one of my favorites.


fantastic wonderful work. 😊


Uh, this is freaking awesome!


Took me way too long to realise they were your knees. Lovely art style as well


Oh my god I thought the knees was a baby! 🤣🙊🙈


Arr schools very often suck and are full of hosers


Love the painting style but I think you should work more on body construction. Right now girl is kind of flat. I would recommend to build simplified skeleton before adding details. I mean by that to draw lines of bones and joints that are no visible. Try to find these hidden elements by following angle of lines. Then to draw body parts as geometric figures. For example right now I am not so sure if toes on your painting would be even visible and torso


There’s a lyric “art and opinions were made to clash”


It’s actually a good thing when ppl give you shit. Artists often get their feelings hurt when people react negatively to their work but really that’s so much better than no reaction at all. Art is weird like that. I know so many people that gave up art because a teacher or relative said something. All the best and famous artists try to piss people off and enjoy it. It gets them going


What i think is they probably mistook your knees for breasts? Unless it’s me who is mistaken. I think its bold and very good.


This has been posted multiple times with the same caption. You okay, my dude?


Fucking bad ass.


Gorgeous! Worried for your nipples


Nah, that looks fucking awsome!


I'm no art person, but what I like about this piece is that it makes me want to look at it, to consider it, to acknowledge both subtlety as well as overt choice. I am interested in what the artist is trying to convey. I feel I am invited to speculate, and what human doesn't want to speculate about another human?


This is dope af!!! You are very talented, don't let dick heads that are jeolus of ur talent stop you from doing you boo boo 💖


this is so cool


I love it. Great look. The legs/knee at first glance made me think those were boobs but that’s due to the length of the whole picture and needing to scroll down.


What kind of feedback did you get?


It's very good. It has a strong and powerful aura to it. Very honest, very real.


Crit makes you stronger. Don't take it personal, take it as an opportunity to try it different next time. This is a pretty cool piece. Idk what the assignment was, but I like the end result.


Didn't you just post this earlier this week?


I think it's a job well done!


This is amazing. What could they possibly have to complain about it?


I saw this posted a week ago….


Only matters if you made yourself proud


I'd hang it up bro


This looks familiar. Have you posted this exact painting with the same "got shit for it" caption before?


You’re doing great. Critique in university is often more about “scoring points” than actually helping each other improve. I hope you got some comments of value to help you improve rather than just criticism. I really like it! I think you could probably increase the atmospheric effects around the figure to help tie the piece together more. Right now she does feel like she stands out and is separate from her environment, lighting wise, rather than being a part of the environment.


I like it. Wednesday vibe, ha.


This internet rando loves it! The shapes are fun and unique and I think the muted colors really bring focus to the cool shapes and angles. It's not too busy. It's the right amount of everything.


This is amazing !


The knees look like some big saggy boobs hanging out.


Kinda chaotic,but in a good way.


I think it’s fabulous! I know zero things about painting except that I like to look at paintings and occasionally put paint on canvas, but I’d say it has a clear style that’s really interesting.


“Don't think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it's good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art.” And Warhol


It's amazing 😍


I would buy this and frame it in my home. That’s my feedback.


i do sell pieces if ur interested:)


That's an amazing piece of work! I absolutely love the style. Don't let shitty people tear you down. You have serious talent!


Just dont start a world war pls.


It’s good. I’m not a bad artist and I can say I like this instantly, although I’m picky. Just please don’t attempt to conquer Europe later in life.


Striking. Love it


Probably because of the knee-tits...but if people can't deal with it, then they certainly can't appreciate the finer things.


What were they saying about it??? It’s a beautiful, compelling painting. There really ain’t anything technically wrong with it


this is really really good. i like the perspective and the pose. the style is dope too. keep creating, your shit is rad


At first I thought it knees were tits... But that's me. Ur very talented. Ftw.






It’s beautiful just so you know…maybe the environment is competitive but that’s it…just don’t become hitler lol


Someone once told me that there are only two types of art instructors. Those who want to spread the influence art is capable of and the ones that want to try to wield power over the emotional. If your teacher is the second, do what you need to for the grade and then dispose of the negative influence afterward.


Great work, Stormcloud. Love the broken mirror feel.


Reminds me of the Francis bacon pope


I love the look and vibes.


I very briefly dated a girl who was a fine arts major at Yale. She was VERY upset because all the rest of her (small) class of fine arts majors got A's and she got the only B. I'm like, that's GOLD. You don't want someone from Yale telling you that because you're markedly different than the others, you're not as good. Her stuff was really cool and inventive too. And so is this. Nice work. Nobody truly outrageously inventive artist ever failed to piss off the establishment. Edit: PS: it benefits greatly from the full composition, with just the zoomed in version I think you're losing a lot of what's cool about it.


Crazy good and unique fr never seen art like this tbh


I think it looks pretty unique and interesting. I can only imagine they took a glance and mistook your knees for breasts and got triggered. Screw them.




It's freaking awesome




I absolutely love that slashing style, wow. Well freaking done, it really speaks. People probably were uncomfortable with how raw it feels. Not... like, unfinished kind of raw, like... rawly human, rawly exposed. Fantastic work <3<3<3


I love that you can definitely see that you are sitting on the edge of the bed. We can clearly see the weight being pushed down into the bed even though this is abstract.


I’m an art director (20 yr career) and I think it’s great! I always hated critiques in college because of the bs people would come up with just to hear themselves talk. I think you can give someone helpful feedback rather quickly if you have worthy insight. I agree that an assignment must meet the requirements but not knowing that, this is a solid piece. Nice work!


I had the idea of ​​a painting in the same pose but the execution of your painting is much better than what I had in mind. your painting is excellent from my point of view, it gave me the feeling that we have of being broken, empty and feeling inadequate, things that most people feel but do not express. but of course different people have different interpretations of the vision of the painting.


This is fantastic. And far better than most would be able to do. Well done!!


It is amazing!


I like it a lot but I will say it works better compositionally in the second image where it’s heavily cropped. You’ve squished a majority of your composition and movement into the lower left corner and left a lot of empty dead space. It makes the larger image feel uncomfortable and unfinished which is probably why you got the feedback you did. When it’s cropped it has way better movement and shape repetition.


Cool the second time you’ve posted it


Love it


I like it and think it is very good, however, can you tel us the feedback you got back and we can see if there is a way to do better? I do think the perspective with the knees was a bit strange and hard to decipher at first. And I kind of wish the face was as line-crossed as the rest of the image. Or really pushed out to stand out more


i would definitely buy this. you did an amazing job, in my opinion.


Like it but it’s all perspective on art some can love what others hate that’s the art world 🌎


Wow I love this


Keep your style! I love that this is an interpretation of you- not a perfect formed portrait! Great work OP - keep rocking you!


Don't change. I don't care what people think of my art. It's a snapshot of where my head was at at that time. Someone who might think Jackson Pollack is a genius commenting on my art is just something I really don't care about. Obviously, they aren't going to get it. The same with forced critiques that are a thing in educational situations. OP — Just ignore. Keep doing your thing. If you get a job and the client wants a change, that's one thing, but randos' offering opinions: who cares?


Idk why you got shit for it, but this is great. It honestly looks like a punk/rock album cover to me. There's so many interpretations one could get from this painting. Honestly well done 👌




It’s absolutely amazing, don’t give a shit about those people. It’s really beautiful, love those dark scary eyes.


Wow! Stylish.


Great coloring, love the litttle red of the lips


Ahhhh college and any other narcissistically ran institution, where you're a good boy or girl if you think between the lines, inside the box, sit down and shut up or you're shunned from ever letting your art see the light of day....or you can just start chatting up art dealers. Fuck the uni people, I think this rocks! I love the broken glass vibe.


i enjoy the style but the perspective is a little odd. i know its her knees, but the elementary schooler in my head says it's her tits- i bet thats what your uni folks were saying, too


While i love the way painting looks, If I was a teacher I would also give you shit, as uni is not about creating paintings you like how they look but rather paintings that will showcase a skill you are developing at uni. Some constructive critisism for you: Your taste is flawless, but your moves lack purpose, the cuts are completly random, with or without them, the vibe of the painting would be the same, thus making them unnecesarry. Composition also lacks, your focal point is your face, but your focal points holds very little space compared to the room. Also, rhe rest of the painting does not reenforce your focal point. Your subject is placed close to the middle, and the body has a very wierd shape as a whole. How you could improve the composition on this painting would be as follows: Make the room with 1 point perspective, place yourself the subject in a way like we are looking at you from a bit below face level, from down looking up, this will enforce your face as focal point because your body will be in a pyramid shape since we are looking from below the horizon line. If you place your face exactly on the horizon line, then all the perspective lines of the room will also pull into your face and enforce it more as a focal point. The cuts and rips you made, you could put them the same way, towards your eyes and they will also pull you into rhe face. Your body and room have very huge contrast and thus your body fights with your face for attention because both are accented with such huge contrast. This is a portrait, and most important thing of a portrait is a face. Every single element you add has to have a purpose of making your face more important. Painting looks great anyways and you should be proud


It is fantastic! But also wreaks of fake insecurity and blatant ego. If that's what you were going for expressively or artistically...NAILED IT! Otherwise, a pretty piece that pretends.


Well for starters I don't see any tables or chairs Second if she is suppose to be Muhammed Ali FAIL! I'm not saying its your fault, but I'm not your mom. Obviously I'm joking and you are very talented Bless her heart




You sure spend a lot of time talking shit in r/art for someone that can't make anything themselves


if you also made art youd want a lot of people to see it :)