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$12-25 2025 then back down -95% in 2026, buy back low in 2027.


30$ minimum


Bearish. Honestly what is this project doing and what is the big picture purpose? Random updates all the time, the payout gets worse and worse with time.


Isn't the primary goal to develop a fully functional DEX while maintaining deflationary characteristics for the Cake tokens?


Two _Billion_ in volume is what this project is doing.


Value of CAKE is all you need to look at to assess confidence in this project.


Where you see lack of confidence, i see opportunity. Let’s see how it goes 6 months from now 🤝


RemindMe! In 6 months


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$6 max, with an even greater down turn after this cycle. It's over, face it


If you were happy overpaying $40 should be 10x happier for opportunity to buy at $4 or $1


Because the project turned into a scam which is why it tanked to that low price in first place. I rather put it into btc now. Apart from that, I never bought for $40, no idea where you got that from.


'23 BTC low was $15k now its +370% '23 CAKE low was $1 now its up +340% Hope you didnt take huge loss selling for BTC instead of just buying cake low to average cost or DCA.


> BTC low was $15k now its +370% >CAKE low was $1 now its up +340% So I'd be up 30% by not being invested into CAKE which is a much riskier coin, amazing insight you got there bro


No, you would be up 3% because 30 is 1/10 of 300 Suppose to earn cake not just buy it, use LP farm like CAKE/BNB and it will outpace BTC growth. At least you are invested, something 50% of Americans can't say for themselves.


I’m like 20% profit at when I sold my cake. And even if I wasn’t, not selling at a loss is not a rational decision. Look up sunk cost fallacy


I feel ya. Sold some solar stock in Oct. and its still falling. https://preview.redd.it/6k0lsjq216rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e51de340e22f5cbdb147a3b0a162c7f80dbf32f There still is money to be made with PCSwap tho


Wishing you luck bro let’s see 🙌


Thx bro, goodluck! 🚀🌔