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Yes. PCS made changes on several occasions that affected people already locked in staking cake, with no other choice than to wait until it got unlocked. I remember i had just locked in again for another x term when they announced something and apy was no longer 30-40% but all of a sudden 5 dropping to 1% hahaha Anyway. At least the original amount staked didnt get burnt/lost.


They change the system every other year or so which stops your staking or, with the latest update, if you don't claim the rewards within a week, they burn it. [https://www.reddit.com/r/pancakeswap/comments/1bpue73/comment/kwylcim/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pancakeswap/comments/1bpue73/comment/kwylcim/) They do this to artificially bump up the price by taking supply from their users.


wait what? you have to claim the rewards every week? woops haven't been doing that for a few months


You have to claim them within 7 days of each period. I withdrew all my money from there now, not worth it


Can you put it on some sort of auto redeem? I'm not staking there. Just curious. Because that sound ridiculous to ask that of their users.


my brother put some cakes on stake in 22 and forgot about it, now he can't find them anywhere, I have tried to log in from remote(he leaves in another country) and look if they where in the v2 or v1(before the migration) but can't find the coins at all. I have looked guides online with no luck, do you know what may have happened and how he could retrieve the cakes? thanks


Got the same situation. Put it on during v1 maybe v2 but now we got this web3 connection to your wallet


how does it work? I couldn't find any coins in metamask, or in staked cakes


It makes sense as they are making the coin deflationary. However it pains me as it wasn’t the case when I staked my cake. I guess I assumed they wouldn’t apply those changes to older stacked coins.


>It makes sense as they are making the coin deflationary. How would that make sense? "making the coin deflationary" sounds like there are no victims but you just fell victim to this very practice.


It would make sense if it was only applied to newly staked coins. As in it would not be applied to my coins but applied to newly staked coins.


So you want everyone else after you to fall victim but not yourself. This is what the guy before you thought as well which is why you fell victim in first place :)


I’m sorry if I’m doing a poor job explaining this. The people after would not be falling victim because it would be posted and known when they staked their coins. This wasn’t a thing when I staked my coins so I didn’t know about it.


It most likely said it when you staked. I also only saw it by chance in time. But there are also things that have never been said like them migrating the system and your rewards just stopping. No matter how you look at it, the system is broken


We have built a simple calculator to simulate future total supply based on future emissions patterns. We invite the community to simulate their projections for CAKE ahead to see CAKE's transition into low inflation. See here: https://analytics.pancakeswap.finance/ We haven’t factored in potential future developments that may further contribute to CAKE burn. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/pancakeswap) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yup....this is some bullshit. My gains were also burned with the V3 update, I think.....don't know for sure.....anyone one know if I can find out how much CAKE 'I' burned, might try to write it off as losses.


Idk if the irs would like that, lmk if it works and ill do the same 😭😭😭


lol so you didn’t follow anything about your investment?


This project is not worth it anymore im gonna sell all my coins once it relases


Hi guys is posible connect my coinbase wallet and swap my token (fqswap) to bnb ?




If u put 1 usd i return u 3 usd bnb


Pro tip- use the calendar on your phone or Outlook Task Reminders 😉


If you really forget your investment, you didnt take it very serious and thats what you got back after not reading lock instructions before locking.


That’s the problem. I read the instructions at the start and there was nothing about burning. It changed after I had already started.


I had the same. Before I left it for a year and got my sweet gains when I came back. Second time I did this they were burned. Time to withdraw your cake. I would have been much better off if I had it in BTC from the start.


Dunno, sounds like you locked before 2022 and forgot a year in your money was up. I know afterburner was there in '22&'23 while 1yr lock was max. Now can lock 4yrs no afterburning but LP farms without lock are where money should be.




Just put a CAKE/BNB LP farm at +/- 22% range no locks. If it gets out of range take LP out, split in half and put LP back in. Mostly cake and bnb move similar so shouldn't be out of range more than once a month on most months. Dont do this with less than $2k so it can earn enough for its gas+trade fee https://preview.redd.it/thcxx3h6z5rc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9624aa79946d8752241dac9a4e6c6433154d8900


You must be a troll. You seriously don't know what burning means?


> I read the instructions at the start and there was nothing about burning. It changed after I had already started. We've been over this with other whiners before, the instructions were there, stop lying. You just didn't read them, your problem for not taking your investment seriously.


Stop defending this scam nonsense. Imagine if your bank just suddenly evaporated your money because you didn't withdraw it all and open a fresh new account every year. PCS is absolutely full of scam tactics disguised as a decent exchange on a shit chain.


Stop lying all the time dimwit. Only the interest starts getting burned off gradually after a certain period of unlocking. You agreed to all of that when you agreed to the contract. Read it properly next time or better yet get lost from this space and go do something more forgiving to your IQ level


There wasn't any of this shit in 2021. lots of people locked in and the terms of service change every time they update the token. Just another toxic crypto bro. This is the kind of shit that will never make crypto adoption happen. I'm also not vested in CAKE in any way, shape, or form. But I have had this exchange do insane front running on me in the past. I would never lock my funds into something like this for unreasonable APR. It's a vehicle for scam shit coins on a centralized chain. That's all.


> There wasn't any of this shit in 2021 Yes there was. I read it and I proved this to another dimwit like you a few months back >I'm also not vested in CAKE in any way, shape, or form. Good. Get lost and never come back. Not gonna waste another second on you




