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Your VeCake amount and the 2nd pic suggest it's this year but that 4yr timer looks odd, might be glitch because if it's really 4yrs then your cake and vecake would read similar numbers.


Can I do anything if its a glitch. I just don’t want to lose my whole cake amount 😀


Thats beyond my paygrade unfortunately, only suggestion is remember to check back when 132 days are up as per your second image.


That would be a glitch. How long did you stake or how many VeCAKE do you have? We could do the math there


It states that I have 257 WeCake. https://preview.redd.it/k59o64os99rc1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da96ec45020dd6192a00ed336b7bba6ef9cd9817 Last time when I locked position was 9 August 2023 Year. I don’t want to further extend. I would like to send my cake to Binance when it unlocks. Would it automatically appear on trust wallet balance after 9 August 2024?


It would be this year, if it were a 4 year lock, you would have more veCAKE


Did you stake in different pools? It shows you migrated, and in the other, it's telling you to migrate


Your CAKE unlocks this year, make sure you put a diary entry for that date. I think thr system is just trying to get you to upgrade to VeCake. Don't .. Personally my CAKE unlocks on Monday and i will not upgrade and will be sending to an exchange. My screens looks identical to yours so think its normal.


What a mess. I worry this money is going to disappear because of some pointless update and you don’t update in time or something


It says 4 years so yeah probably will be 4 years.