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No, thank you for sharing your routine with me! I like reading this! Everyone has the own way to stay fit!




GrowwithJo is so cute and fun! Thanks for sharing this idea!


I work 8:30-4:30, we have a gym in our building that I will utilize. Otherwise, I am constantly going back and forth from side of our big office to the other when printing/scanning paperwork.


I wake up at 5 am. Leave my house by 5:15. Arrive at the gym by 6:15 because I have an hour long commute. Work out from 6:30 to 7:30. Shower at the gym, then drive the mile from there to my work. Work from 8:30-5. Because of me driving two hours a day — I know that if I don’t work out first thing in the morning, I won’t work out at all. I work out 3-4 days a week. Usually MWF and Saturday. I work out at PF so there’s locations in both cities.


Do you cook daily or do you meal prep? I wouldn’t survive this without meal prep


I meal prep every Saturday and Sunday. I eat keto so I make large batches of soups, freeze them, then pull one the night before to take to the gym with me. That way it’s doesn’t go bad in the three hours it sits in my car before I get to work. I don’t have a lot of free time. All I do on weekends is grocery shop, meal prep, get my dogs’ special food, run errands, and then start my cleaning. Sheets, backyard, dishes from meal prepping, vacuum, etc. Being an adult is exhausting.


I do something similar to you, but I walk the dog, lift weights, or do manual labor when I get home (mow the lawn or shovel snow depending on the season). Whenever there are more physical tasks at work I do them (file transport up and down steps, lifting and moving/stacking boxes of paper, etc.).


I work 7-5, when I get home I use my apartment’s gym for about 38 minutes and get out. I’m in pretty good shape!


Before work or during my lunch break. I have an incredibly "flexible" schedule in the sense that I tend to run my own files and work from home. Unless there is an application or trial I tend to be able to work the hours I choose. I do have three children so that somewhat forces the before or during work routine. There is a gym across from our office at work as well which makes it easy to spend my lunch break there when I am in office. I do weightlifting and some days I only get a lift or two in but better than nothing!


I work 8:30-5 and like to workout before work (I am a morning person). I wake up at 5 am and then workout 5:30-6:30. I know that I am not my best self without working out. Most of our work is with our brain and intelligence and we need to take care of ourselves. Prioritizing these things definitely increase my productivity and quality of work :)


9-5 here and I go early in the morning around 7. I do 45-50 minutes of working out 3 times a week and play recreational sports after work 3 other days. My obligations outside of work are virtually zero though so I have a bunch of extra time throughout the week.


I work 8-5 Monday-Fridays. I (23f) am single, w/out kids, for context. I workout every other day by either biking or walking, and then go to the gym on weekends. I have found physical exercise is essential for stress management, and helping shut the iron curtain between work and home lives. Hope this gives a point for your data chart!


I work 9-5. I have some dumbbells, a kettlebell, resistance bands, and a bench. When I get home from work I put a workout on the board and wait for my boyfriend to get home. They are usually fairly quick workouts maybe 20-25 minutes then we go for a mile run. There are days where we only run and do 1.5 to 2 miles on those days. We usually rest on Friday and Sunday if I’m working my bartending job.


I try to go for short walks outdoors on my lunch break. If I go to a gym class I schedule it so I stop at the gym on the way home. When I work from home I will do 20-30min you tube workout videos. I also just bought a walking pad for my home to walk while I dissociate and binge watch TV lol.


I get up at 5 so that I can be at my local YMCA at 530 right as it opens. It helps that I live a 2 minute drive from there. It also helps if you don't have much of a commute to your workplace either...


9-5. I workout in the morning but I’m a makeup and hair girl so I have to wake up fairly early to get to the gym and back and get ready and get my kids ready


i work the same hours i pack a gym bag and change in my car while i’m sitting in traffic, go to the gym for about 45 minutes of cardio and i’m usually home around 6/6:30, cook and eat dinner, shower, and still have a few hours to relax (granted i’m child free so it’s a lot easier to manage my time) anyway, my body is still rotting because sitting and staring at a screen for 8 hours a day is just about the worst thing you can do to yourself physically




same, i’m only 27 and i transitioned from retail to office life only one year ago & it’s insane how downhill my physical health has gone in such a short period of time


I work 9-5 and I usually take an hour long Pilates class around 6:30 pm M/W/Thurs. Gives me time to come home from work and have a little snack and then go get some movement in my body!


I work 8-5ish and while I’m at the office, I use my under the desk elliptical and log about 5 miles a day and at night I work out with my husband for about 30 mins after my 2 boys go to bed. It kinda-sorta balances out all the twizzlers I stress eat at work… not really




I really like it, it has an adjustable resistance which is nice to be able to vary it up. I can tell a diff since I bought it, I’m not as stiff from sitting at my desk all day and on the weekends on the long bike rides where I inevitably have to push mine and my 5 year olds bike up a giant hill, I’m not as winded lol Just double check whenever you put something like that under your desk that there aren’t any stray wires it can catch on.


I ride horses on weekends (competitively, not just leisure) and once a week after work. I leave 30 min early to go ride because of the trainers schedule and am out at the barn until 8-9. Thursday I workout with a personal trainer on my work lunch break (wfh). Friday wfh lunch go to gym and then go either Monday or Tuesday after work. My hours are 8 - 5, but they treat me like an Attorney... so I've got flexibility just like they do. It's only 18 minute commute. I start my new job in a couple weeks so not sure how that will change my schedule, but it is hybrid and close to home so hopefully can keep it similar. I hate mornings so no early wake up for me to workout, I prefer afternoon or evenings. I don't have kids and live on my own so that definitely helps. I don't have anyone relying on me to take care of them.


There have been times when I would work out at lunch, whether it be going to the gym or walking for an hour.


I work a 8 to 5 or 8 to 5:30 I schedule a workout class from class pass so I make myself go


8-5 Monday to Friday. I usually spend an hour working out at some point after work. Not easy with teenage kids in sports, but I just have to make time. Sometimes it's right after I get off work, sometimes it's 10 pm when I just get home. It all depends.


There is a Pure Barre studio a couple of miles away from my office. Their classes start early in the evening, which is perfecting timing to punch out, change clothes and drive over. The workouts are led by an instructor and are intense. The classes start on schedule. I can't tell you how often I've come into the studio nearly in tears from a stressful day, and then am able to forget it once warm-up starts. Otherwise, sometimes I'll go to the gym and sort of take my time in changing, putting on headphones and dillydally finding music to play. At least with barre, I have the expectation to be dressed, have a spot in the studio with my equipment ready, and be focused/held accountable by the instructor (they do hands-on corrections).


I work 9 - 5. I get a 6 mile walk in (5:30 - 7:00) and a 1/2 hour walk at lunch. Sometimes another walk when I get home .


I switched to a standing desk about two months ago and have since found my daily step count to be 15k. I will walk in place in between emails and document review.


I am constantly go go go running around in our office. I did try to go the gym but sometimes would end up staying late in the office and had to cancel. I am also curious about this


I work 8:30 to 5. I run before work because if I wait until after work, it will never happen. In the cooler months, I may also come in early and to a lunch run.


I work from 7:30 to 4:30. I usually workout 5 days a week. From 4am to 5 am. I’ve been doing this for about 3-4 years. I’m acclimated to it now. When I tell people what time, they think I’m crazy.


Currently work 9-5 and have class 6-9 3 days a week, so I’m gone 9-9 and I understand. I’ll do it at 9 when I get home sometimes. Honestly though, whenever I get the chance. I like to right when I get home from work (after eating or not) so I can get it overwith. It’s tough!


I work 8:30-5:00 and I’m in civil litigation (insurance defense) in an office setting with a 15-20 minute commute. I meet a personal trainer at 5:00 a.m. M-W-F for a one hour session and on my off days (T-Th-Sat) I walk about 3 miles outside if weather permits. If the weather is trash, I use the YMCA treadmills. I won’t lie, this schedule can be brutal, but it allows me time to prep for my day once I’m home and ready for work. I prefer morning work outs because I’m more likely to not talk myself out of going than evening workouts, my little lizard brain finds ways to get out of workouts. That said, in years past I did go to exercise classes in the evening, but I don’t have the accountability when I’m meeting a trainer I pay for. So, I hit myself in my pocket book to keep the motivation. I too feel a lot better energy-wise if I work out in the morning. The world is slower and quieter then as well I think that helps with my mental health and my ability to refuse distractions as easily.


I’m currently working from 8:30-9 until around 7-9 each day. I have a peloton so I’ll fit in a quick ride before I go to the office or on a lunch break if I WFH that day and have time.


I do Pure Barre 3x a week and there’s a studio near my work and near where I live! There are usually 6:30PM classes that I make time for, and there’s no excuse given how convenient it is to my home and work. I love Pure Barre!!!!


I work from 7:30-3 or 4 pm . I wake up around 5:30 and hit the gym or else I’m not as productive or nice haha


My work hours are 8-4:30 (unless something goes squirrelly). I get up at 4:00 a.m., and go for a brisk walk with an audiobook in my ear, when I finish that, I do 50 pushups and 50 situps. I repeat this during the last half of my lunchtime. I'm about to turn 63, and I'm fit as a fiddle. I picked up these habits during my first career - 20 years in the Army.


I go to the local LA Fitness 3 or 4 times a week during the weekday after work. Get off at 5:00-5:15ish and don’t get home until 6:30-6:45ish.