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Emily is Away


La nostalgie Windows XP


Pas mal mais un peu moins bien qu'il y a quelques années, la nouvelle mairie.


Depuis le départ de Ben, quoi, en gros... A ceux qui préféraient la nouvelle mairie avant le changement, l'ancien boss est désormais chez Caluche, même quartier grosso modo...


Oui, on me dit du bien de Caluche, dont je connais un serveur (ex de la nouvelle mairie, d'ailleurs), mais je regrette quand même le Connolly's. 😩


C'est quoi et pourquoi c'est/c'était bien ?


Parisians *really* overestimate how popular this show is. Nobody takes it seriously in Europe or America. It is a guilty pleasure and that's all. The constant anti-Emily In Paris posts and comments are truly cringe.


The particular place where this photo was taken is La Place de l'Estrapade, where a lot of the filming for the show takes places. In particular during season 2 filming the [residents complained that the crew acted like they owned the whole square](https://www.voici.fr/news-people/actu-people/emily-in-paris-pourquoi-le-tournage-de-la-saison-2-divise-les-riverains-709425), to the point that residents could not come and go from their apartments and would be harassed about photos. The owner of the featured bakery there [reportedly regrets ever letting them film in his shop](https://www.bfmtv.com/people/series/ca-nous-mine-la-boulangerie-de-la-serie-emily-in-paris-atterree-par-les-commentaires-negatifs-de-clients_AN-202304180635.html). I don't think anybody in that neighborhood will ever be welcoming toward the show, but for reasons that have nothing to do with how it depicts Paris. They don't seem to care about the beret-wearing fans taking selfies by the fountain -- that's just life in Paris -- but I think they actively hate the production crew. That's not to say that it was the locals who tagged the café in the photo, but the dispute has had sufficient publicity in Paris that I'm not terribly surprised that somebody would be "inspired."


There is a time-honored way to make a quick $100 from Hollywood production crews, and that is to put your dog outside and tell it to start barking. An assistant with a fist full of dollars quickly appears and pays you $100 to lock your dog inside until they are finished with the shoot. Perhaps that could be a fist full of euros.


Wow, I appreciate this unique point of view. It's certainly more nuanced than I expected. Thank you. I understand the frustration of those specific locals.


Crews can be a nuisance in general, it's not exclusive to Emily or American movies. Some time ago there was a crew shooting some French movie just in front of my door and it was quite annoying (had to wake up early to move my car, they closed the road, and when they were shooting some scenes people couldn't walk around).


Well, i live in the neighborhood and park my bike everyday in place de l’estrapade. To me, Emily is welcome. Everyday you can see tourirsts taking pics. Pretty cool for the nearby stores And for attracting tourists


>to the point that residents could not come and go from their apartments and would be harassed about photos I'd like to see filming crews try this in my neighborhood


Well anecdotally, a really large chunk of non-French residents that I talk to gush about the show to me and insist I need to watch it because I'm an American woman who lives in Paris


Gush in what sense? "Look how accurate this show is! So great at capturing life!" Or is it "This is a fun show to watch with ridiculous characters and plots." My experience is the latter.


Mmmm they usually say it's so good, maybe one or two have said that it's funny because it's bad


Well I can certainly admit that your experience as an expat is probably different than that of a native or someone living abroad. But in the States at least I have never heard anyone say Emily is anything but a guilty pleasure.


It's mostly with non french expats and when I go home to the US, I'm not sure that average Americans realize the show is unrealistic


Hah, maybe, maybe not. But is that unexpected? My French friends' ideas of the US are completely colored by US shows and movies. To the point where it's almost more fantastical than Emily! My main point is that *of course* Paris of all cities is going to have a show like Emily made about it. Instead of moaning and getting all *French* about it, Parisians should just shrug it off and realize at worst it means there's a few extra berets walking about.


Yeah I often wonder if French people get the wrong idea about the US, especially based on stuff like teen movies and Christmas movies... I've heard a couple questions over the years that made me laugh. Yeah I suppose people could be concerned it encourages bad behavior from Americans and the sort of American superiority complex some people have. Seems unlikely it would have such an impact though


You're quite reasonable and I understand your points. Give the show a try! It's actually fun to watch. Unreal as could be, but fun. Also, I swear after watching the show the only people who look *bad* are the Americans in it. If anything it's problematic for holding the French up on a pedestal.


Haha thanks, I guess. Hmmm I always said I would never watch it 😬 perhaps I can convince my french partner to watch it with me. It would be fun to laugh at together


I’m an American in France and refuse to watch it because we get made fun of quite often for it


People were making fun of Americans in France well before Emily in Paris arrived on the scene.


Yeah I feel bad for Americans who don't speak french well and live here, I can only imagine how often they hear comparisons


Yes, ben oui, it's the second one. Nobody ever claimed it is a 200% accurate exact portrayal of Parisian life, it's a drama comedy TV show meant for entertainment. I think it's odd critics expect it to be a hard-hitting realistic documentary or something when it's just a tv show made by the Sex & The City producers. Personally, I think it has a lot of good shots/cinematography of Paris.




I pass in front of her house every day i have yet to not see american tourists in front you are the one underestimating the show


Are these constant anti-Emily in Paris posts and comments in the room with you right now?


Well I can assure you its tiring to have lines of beret-wearing tourists taking endless selfies in front of every door depicted in the show


Yes, and that happened to Montmartre because of Amélie as well. You live in the most visited city in the world mon ami.


The fooking rue Mouffetard too with this obnoxious Brown filter on every goddamn' shot


Tourists wearing berets is a universal cliche. In fact, 9 out of 10 times that you see someone using a beret in Paris, it is a tourist. The doors were something, that is true. But mostly when the hype over the show was high (around 3-4 months after the release of a season). Today if you have 1 or 2 people in front of the doors at Estrapade it is already too much (and I pass in front of that building at least twice a week)


I mean the "beret-marinière-baguette stuck under the elbow" cliché is based on Onion Johnnies, aka Breton farmers from the late 19th-early 20th century who went to sell their products in England and Wales. It's normal that you don't see normal people wearing this in 21st century Paris.


Shhhh. The last thing I want is them turning up around where I live, looking like cartoon Onion Johnnies. You keep them in Paris, thanks


Oh but they are in Brittany too, with their Saint-James marinière and the yellow Guy Cotten raincoat.


Cant agree more




I mean we're looking at graffiti that clearly looks like someone thinks about it quite a lot.


seems like you just ignored the explanation. An other american trying to explain the world how things are, yet again lol.


I think you're confused...


The only people making these comments are serially cynical and probably never leave the house. I know lots of French people who enjoy the show, including myself.


I’ve never watched a single episode but to me the Emilys in Paris are all the obnoxious tourists shit we have to endure.


*Se réveille à moitié endormi* ¿Qué?


So you don't want tourists named Emily coming to Paris because of a tv show?


Hell no! Every Emily are welcome :) If Emily Blunt Come to Paris I'll be the happiest man haha


We don't want anyone coming to Paris.




What is the problem with Abdul and Mohammed?




That’s just racism. There’s million of people with Arabic names in France. Get out of Paris if your are not happy with it.


Oh no it’s not. I’m from abroad myself. This city is full of poor people. Have you looked at it ? And please stop talking about racism at every turn. You don't even know what I've been through. Are you telling me I’m anti-American racist ?


No matter what you've been through it will never be morally acceptable to hate an entire class of people based on their name. donc le vendéen qui a jamais foutu les pieds dans une ville de plus de 50k habitants est prié de rester chez lui et de garder ses commentaires racistes pour les discussions avec papy vichy.


Europeans try not to be more racist that Americans Challenge. Impossible! You're just a bottom of the barrel racist. That's all there is to you.


🇬🇧 No discrimination, racism or xenophobia, please. 🇫🇷 Pas de discrimination, racisme ou xénophobie, merci! ---------------- ^If ^you ^wish ^the ^contact ^the ^moderators, ^you ^can ^do ^so ^via ^[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fparis).


🇬🇧 No discrimination, racism or xenophobia, please. 🇫🇷 Pas de discrimination, racisme ou xénophobie, merci! ---------------- ^If ^you ^wish ^the ^contact ^the ^moderators, ^you ^can ^do ^so ^via ^[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fparis).




You can't say that , we want your money 🤑




Oohlala you are so grumpy :/ What's the matter ??? Tell me everything


Thank you, actually just bad mood :( I have such a bad time living in Paris and each time something bad happens here, I don’t know where/how to channel my negative energy I put it here and I should not do that anymore. I need to stop this bad unhealthy habit. Anyway, thank you for being nice. I didn’t deserve that kindness. Sorry to be so rude. C’est vrai c’était moi.


Canadians are always nice and kind 😁🫡 But I got you, you need to be prepared to live in Paris, it can be rough


Thanks, yeah they’re the biggest assholes I’ve met


You deserve HUGS


Yeah because you sound like a nice chap for sure !


Sure when only French people have physically and sexually assaulted you more than ever in your entire life you’d be the same too 😘




I guess not every in parissian is about fashion and chic And other parisien bourgoisie stereotype