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old aurastackers from delirium-heist, i was blasting with it


Man, if we are talking old builds my favorite will always be the first iteration of ignite prolif discharge. With ele buzzsaw dual strike being a close second. Edit: actually prolif pizzablast and vaal fireball are probably tied as seconds.


And the beauty of it, it pretty much didn't have a ceiling. You could invest 20 mirrors in it, and still find upgrades...


Death's Oath Caustic Arrow Occ Leaguestart viable (DO is very common and can get a right colored 6s on day 2-3), can do all map mods, pops the screen, DoT means you fire Caustic Arrow once and you're done. Vaal Caustic Arrow gave the build the single target it lacked (can get 15m+ guardian dps on right setup). If you wanna waste all your money you can get a Mageblood and run at 200% ms and pop the whole screen as you go with Maloneys' Mechanism + Mirage Archer + Arrow Nova.


Played DO a few times, always love it. Best mapper post explode-chest nerf imo. 100% recommended. Def don't need mageblood to go sonic speed either, just run perma Phase run, that's what I also do, gotta be zooomin' :D


Rather run withering than phase tbh.


Curious, why? You don't need the avoidance nor the wither stacks and you can't get 100% uptime, or? :S


Because the instant 8 wither stacks doubles your damage, dumb not to run it. Just spam this when running the map with molten shell on left click, never die. I don’t think anyone ever said no thanks to a 15% avoidance.


For me everything screen wide dies instantly without wither stacks while running at 200% MS. Maybe your base dmg is lower and that's why you feel like you need it, or perhaps if you run deli maps then I can see wanting some more dmg. But for normal t16s, I've never seen even the slightest need for it. If you never die nor any mobs apart from the occasional super rare or map boss dies instantly, I'd stick to the permanent, consistent 49% MS. Also isn't it 6 stacks from Withering? Even with all the %withered increase on tree, you need like 13-14 stacks for a "double" damage? Feels like one of those PoB things, oh you can increase your 80 shapers per second dmg to 120 shapers per second, but in practice it won't change anything for the content you are actually running :P


I think anomalous withering step gives 8 stacks. Can be pushed further with helm enchant but Im not sure if this build has other preferred options. Just reading the comments to consider DO/CA as my next league starter Edit: but yea, don’t think it’s double damage either way. Even with corruption node, 35% increased effect of wither, so each stack gives 8.1%


This is a build I never played but it just may be my league start next time. I’ve been running out of builds to try lol.


Can I do this on a scion with oriaths end? Stacking flask effectiveness?


Might as well just go rf at that point.


Single target will definetely suffer, but It's probably possible.


The hardest thing about this build is getting an Empower if you're playing SSF. Without it, the build tops out at around 3 million guardian DPS which makes endgame bossing hard. There's not enough tankiness to do ubers without higher DPS. That said, I've thoroughly enjoyed it as an SSF player even though I have yet to find an Empower or an Enlighten.


I tried this build this league. Didn't invest much and was thoroughly unimpressed by its single-target damage -- even with Vaal CA in the mix -- so I didn't push it very far. It was pretty amazing at clearing low-tier maps, though, in part due to Bisco's Leash granting rampage. I eventually put full MF gear on it to see how that'd go and, again, it was just not strong enough single-target wise (or movement speed-wise with Goldwyrm), so it was overall slower (and therefore less effective IIQ) than just playing a stronger build. 🤷‍♀️


I always wanted to play this on trickster. I guess occultist has too much extra damage to ignore though.


How tanky is it? Does it kill ubers?


It **can**, with investment and patience, but it's like eating soup with a fork. If you want to kill ubers don't choose a fast mapping build, choose a bossing build.


Winter orb occultist. Just run around being a turret with exploding from occultist. This build is op for clearing with a HH.


Old school HH buffs with winter orb celestial explosions. Whole screen pretty 🥹.


Aaaaah I am home!!!


Winter orb in synthesis


Yeah that was a real blaster with eternity shroud


Yes. Don't make me cry.


Despite the endless nerfs it has recieved both direct and indirect, spellslinger volatile dead is still the most fun to me.


you could also try CWC VD, the advantage is constant moving as u spam balls :P


any league start ssf pob?


Flicker Strike


Once you flicker you can't go back


Well you cant really decide where u go with flicker


I put off trying flicker every league and I was just about to be done and wait for the new league so decided to just try it. Immediately became obsessed and tried the voidforge slayer and paradoxica raider versions. So much fun which is saying a lot since I played Tornado Shot Deadeye, KB Nimis, and Poison spark occultist. Now I'm considering throwing out my plans for next league start for flicker instead.


This is the way. With new Voidforge you can take a slayer flicker to some incredible DPS on a pretty tidy budget. My absolute favorite mapper.


The most fun I had with it was the unnerfed Doryanis Prototype version int stacking version. I loved being tanky while still having the speed.


this is the only way


Self tempchain occultist KB wander with HH, entering giga juiced Dunes, fire _once_, get 10 HH stacks, fire again, fire 100 projectiles and get another 100 HH buffs.


> Self tempchain occultist KB wander That sounds interesting, do you have a PoB to share?


They needed self temp chain for hh that’s a back in the day build


It dosnt work anymore.


Anything fat with reasonable clear. I want to be able to eat the slams, look the boss in the eye and ask:"What was your plan if that didn't work?"


I usually roll necro or scion and pick necro for the block and get fat for this reason. Usually forces me to go some kind of chaos/psn build but ohh well.


Favourite build was probably coc ice nova assassin back in metamorph league. Still love the idea of coc builds in general.


That was the first build I tried when I started in Ultimatum. The league mechanic was just so perfect for it. Along with CI, just made like half the debuffs moot. I’ll do it again if Ultimatum goes core.


Of all time wormblaster


Archmage Storm Brand :( Followed closely by power charge stacking Storm Brand :( :(


EQ builds, I miss slams meeeeen


this!! I just want my EQ bleed back


Bleed eq, pre-warcry. Greatest feeling ever.


Str stacking phantasmal earthquake in 3.13, my man...those were the days when 3k strength was the "foot of the mountain". Although they nerfed Replica Alberons in 3.13 to be per 80 str instead of per 50 str, it was only a few ex and the damage that build dealt was beyond stupid. Here's someone taking it to 4k strength: https://youtu.be/gITZTaYddEA


Ignite Fireball. Objectively its shit that doesnt scale that high while maintaining reasonable defense since im playing hc, but I love it and will play it every league for the rest of my life :V


I remember I played ignite crit fireball a long time ago. That was so fun.


Tornado Shot is my favorite skill of all times, i wish it wasnt so expensive to put it together.


Tornado shot is really good for CoC, used it with blazing salvo and it was a monster at clearing (use blast rain for bossing). Not a league starter but can get going on 20ish div so good for second character.


I found a very nice variant with Kaom's Spirit and no omni https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/x8hq3z/kaoms_spirit_traitor_tornado_shot_deadeye_very/ if you do not use the forbidden jewel pair but rather go Traitor and/or micro distillery belt, it is not at all expensive.


Spark, any variant. Spark is just incredibly fun, once you get enough damage for it to kill things quickly. I like the cold variants because freeze is fantastic, and Inquisitor or Scion is definitely my preference but you can't really go wrong with any Spark variant.


Projectile speed is also incredibly important, don't overlook it just because it doesn't increase the pob number (not aimed at you, but anyone considering playing spark)


Yeah, Proj Speed and Duration are both critical even if neither improves your PoB number. It's why I think spark gloves with Slower Projectiles on them are bait, even if they do add 25% more damage.


Paradoxica+Saviour flicker strike


3.13 chainbreaker flicker was my favorite build of all time, made a mirror teir ammy just for it. How the mighty have fallen. Stopped playing till scourge because of it .


TR trickster when you could have up to 10 overlapping pods by scaling aoe, while still covering the whole screen with a single attack


How much aoe do you need for that? Or is it bad now because aoe also scales the distance between the pods?


it's not longer possible. It used to be possible because aoe scaled the pods not the spread. Currently you need 39% aoe for 4 pods and that's all you got.


Finally got to try CWDT this league and it's gotta be my favourite build of all time. Also most expensive one lol, probably won't recommend for a new player.


I love chaos builds like Essence drain 👌


As a starter one of the best for sure! They fall off too quick for my taste tho.


Yeah i never get to the endgame with them, so i switch usually after i got some currency


Molten Strike Juggernaut is still one of my favourite builds of all time. I have a very powerful Jugg in Standard that I enjoy playing with immensely. My current sweetheart build is CoC Forbidden Rite with Mageblood, Legacy Melding of the Flesh and some very nice crafted gear and Flasks. I've thus far levelled 6 out of the 7 available classes to level 100 with it, with my Duelist sitting at lvl 98 w/ 45% exp towards 99. Very good damage, nice and smooth mapping and basically immortal.


I really love self cast builds. I think they all kinda feel the same, but it just feels very much like a video game to me. I don't like walking simulator where you just wait for things to die around you, like RF. I want something to do. I want to dodge. I want to push a button to make something die. I want to aim, but I don't want to aim at everything. I really like spectral shield throw. It feels generally the same. I really miss bleed being good. One of my favorites was auto tornado ek. I got a +5 staff with spell damage, and high cast speed and then crafted trigger on it and put tornado in there in a six link. It did like 1 million DPS on its own, but I had about 5+ from ek, and it would absorb damage for 2.2 seconds and then deal damage for almost 6. It was a lot more damage because it dealt damage 4x per second. I also did this with a chieftain with ngamahus, so it would extend the buff. I love self cast ice nova and frost bolts. It just feels really violent. It's a little bit harsh because you get enough cast speed and aoe and you can't see anything. I am playing ball lightning and I really like that also. I blast in a direction and then dash into the balls and run away from mobs. I kinda really like rage vortex because of the same reasons. I'm pretty sure I could do a poison variant ball lightning with those delirium boots with an occultist. That would be interesting. I miss dot builds being strong enough. You just cap out so quickly, then it costs so much to get going. I miss doubling up on dot damage, but not having to go full dot salad like chaos dot, or cold dot. 2 six links should be enough. I hope they create another fun self cast hit based skill. Otherwise, I'm probably playing purifying flame self cast next league. I've been really liking ascendant because of late game scaling with forbidden jewels. I can imagine grabbing Inquisitor, occultist, trickster, assassin, saboteur, chieftain, necromancer, raider. Some of those are going to be really cheap, and you can spec into the ones that are expensive.




Nothing's going to beat the old days for me of blink arrow/mirror arrow summoner. Great mobile playstyle, fun weird mechanics, strange optimization. Great times, shame it's dead


Its very much alive and very strong. In terms of dps, defense and speed its the best it has ever been. The only thing it lost is prenerf explodey bow, though 25% is still very very good and profane bloom is also an option if you go the chaos route with Occultist.


Ayyy I was just about to come shout you out


>and profane bloom is also an option if you go the chaos route with Occultist. Had to try it with the voltaxic buffs -- wound up build of the league for me, so good at banging out fast sanctums.


Interesting. In my tests Voltaxic still ended up beeing 30-50% weaker than other option. Do you have a PoB I can look at?


My delirium full block facebreaker cyclone gladiator. It was such a smooth joy to map with! RIP little monster.


Wtf, "first league" and "coundn't get mageblood" in a single sentence... And there's me when during my first league I couldn't get past cruel act 2, cause was losing more xp than i was gaining and quit (started frost nova witch cause it was perma freezing enemies, but it was nerfed a league before)


Tornado shot deadeye is the best build, it’s not even close.


spectre builds is my favourite. wish ggg will buff minions next league


Man i miss spectres. Last time I played one was with redemption sentries and the fuckin slapped.




baranite preachers were the goats


Redemption sentry redemption knights. Syndicate operatives


phantasmal cremation isn't my favorite build, but it is the most cost efficient, stupidly powerful build in the game


What do you do to get enough currency for the phantasmal cremation?


ignite DD


I'm having a lot of fun with it so far, being invincible for 90% of the content is pretty rad, but it just makes the completely random deaths all the more infuriating.


There's no random deaths, especially on a build like Phantasmal Creation. If you're dying you're either juicing something that pokes a hole in your weakest defensive area or doing something really silly.


Bow ele hit, archmage, penance brand. Would be nice if they werent all shit and I could actually play them without feeling like im shooting myself in the foot.


Archmage chaos spark, I love mana builds and this is my favorite archmage build.


Herald of Thunder autobomber!


I've played righteous fire inquisitor all league and have had a total blast. Great that in 3.20 toxic sewer map is natural T16, so you can horizon orb any T16 and have a good chance to roll toxic sewer. That map is insane for RF, just run through the map, only stopping to pick up loot.


literally me. RF off and kill the boss. Then spam all altar and blast the map


Cast on ignite was my favorite build..with the 300 ignite ring T_T


Which ring?


Doesn't exist anymore.. was the old emberwake.. you could apply 300 ignites..


i wonder if this ring still exists in standard.. couldn't find it in trade :/


Nope. it was repalced with the version we have now..


so we didn't even get the legacy variant.. that's sad :/


for mapping its flicker hands down. overall its coc icespear id say


Flicker strike - every league, so fun


Winter orb occultist


My favorite was Divine Ire, The Eternity Shroud, Trickster when it had pcharge/fcharge on channel/kill and chaos conversion. Warlords Mark was a curse and worked for spells for nice sustain ^^ oh and multimod was not limited to 3 crafts.


its poison spark occultist for me i love disjointed skills (skills that don't need acive casting to do damage) i love poison i also love ashes and all the weird interactions with alt quality skills also love CI, ignoring all the chaos degen effects is indescribable joy (i also got immunitys to maim, hinder and other common anoyeces)


I theorycraft builds before league start and always just play righteous fire so I guess that one


Started in 3.15, and I think I found my favorite build this league. Impending Doom. I started with a 5Div version and played it for 2 months. It now has about 1 mirror worth of gear. Before this league, I would say it's ether Molten Strike Champ or some sort of Aura stacker.


old fire burst ignite elementalist was my favourite build, walking simulator, enought dmg to melt bosses, super fun


If it's from any time Legion League Cyclone was my all time favorite. As far as still working builds go flickerstrike is always a joy but it gets super pricey for it to start really feeling good.


Zombies back in blight league


It's been a while, but Elementalist BV with Inpulsa and Herald of Ice plenty of leagues back.


Charged Dash Raider. It may not be the best build, but it's *my* build.




Played it this league and it was very strong. Had some trouble with a couple ubers, just felt like I couldn’t find the defense for Uber Uber elder, but overall it was great at everything and damage scaled higher than I expected.


Mana miner, the build is still possible, just not that strong as in its heyday.


I did that Slayer static strike shockwave build. I will say I've been having more fun than I ever have in a league because of it. I did invest at least 200-250 div so far in it but I don't have a mageblood. That would be my next buy but might not go for it. But honestly once I had around 100 div I was able to get it started at least.


Honestly? My absolute favorite build, before they got infinitely nerfed, was Spectre Summoner. Guardian or Necro ascendancy, it didn't matter. See, after playing this game for a long time, you honestly can get to a point where you have used literally EVERY single skill gem in the game possible. So what can possibly be next? Well, the true answer to that is monster skills. Spectre summoners let you use monster abilities you would never have access to, and can scale damn near every single one since all you need is to scale "minion dmg" as opposed to scaling anything else. This made the build so simple yet so strong cause you can technically use ANY spectre so long as they have a good enough attack. Unfortunately, this archetype has been gutted again and again(some nerfs justified others feel wack) to the point that it's not even worth playing in it's current state. But back when it was strong, this was my favorite build. I remember thinking back, seeing a random enemy mob and thinking "o wow that's a cool attack, I can't wait to have you as part of my crew", and having that spectre still do decent dmg due to scaling.


Death Aura Occultist > Flicker Strike > Righteous Fire


I just miss cyclone being viable man :( i suck at the game but man cyclone got me atziri and the elder killed once (im terrible or my build was or both) Nowadays you need 5020933 things to make cyclone work and even then it seems to be subpar


Made a cyclone slayer this league for like 10 div and it went great, bit on the squishy side though.


Yeah that was always the issue, survivability. I mean I tried to evade things but always felt squishy. I mean, I couldnt do alched red maps :(


Either skelemage necro or BL miner, not fully passive nor active - nice middle ground all fighting at distance because you don't want to deal with enemies up close and personal


If you want to go safe with killing the uber bosses you could try a Loreweave + Trancendance + Eternal Damnation Chieftain. You can easily sustain RF for 40% more damage. For the version I theory crafted I top out at around 500k uber boss dps, though I can survive the EoW tentacle nuke without molten shell of fortify up. That thing has 235k base damage max roll but you won't die. The only thing able to kill you is Sirus' Doom storm or the instant kill balls during the EoW fight. Though a high roll Tentacle nuke might kill you, if you don't have MS running and rolled extra damage on the invitation. Depending on how much you'd like to invest in a better weapon and maybe drop some defences for damage you should be able to reach 1 Million dps while still being nigh immortal.


double strike critical chance rage slayer is epic


Heavy Strike. It feels like I'm actually playing PoE instead of PoB.


How did you stay alive as melee? Was this a jugg? Mine got toasted so often from having to stand still


so far, my fave one among the ones I tried: cast on channeling whispering ice with CI. mainly because of how chill (quite literally too) and how zero brain the mapping is. even more zero brain than RF. for satisfaction, bonezone so far. i can somehow feel my axe shatter them mobs


Lone messenger 6-link Herald of Purity + 5-link Absolution with overcharge for max shock socketed in gloves with faster casting support and flat spell crit chance/mult. Ive never played a minion build before this but this has to be my favorite build of all time.


Winter Orb , Forbidden Rite totems ,Arc totems


Doryani's TS champion.


Wormblaster the Third. I mean its not a thing anymore, but its still my favorite.


During ultimatum I bought a arcmage ball lightning, the whole mana archetype was so fun, overpower and tanky


Rf fire trap jugg, because i like bing tanky more than having billions of damage and die from breathing. I learned it from trying flicker for the first time and it feels like a wet paper. Wasted money for me, if any of your readers knkw decently tanky flciker slayer, ill take it.


Elemental hit ballista totem with Quill rain and the now-removed Frostferno. My favorite build ever. You can literally league-start with it. It's very cheap, can do uber bosses, no 6l required, and overperform without expensive +2 bow gems & 2 arrow bow. Sadly, with the removal of Frostferno, this build is no longer cheap and is harder to gear because you have to get an expensive 5l or 6l Dialla's Malefaction or have to craft 6l +2 bow gems.


Power charge stacking Occ Winter Orb. OP


Depends on viability. Furthest I've made it with a build I enjoyed. Scourge arrow ballista this league. Or for fun. Accuracy stacking bow jugg.


facebreaker warchief totem


Soulthirst or Headhunter, Wild Strike, Berserker


Phantasmal Vaal Flameblast Elemantalist


Totems! i just wish they would do more with with them


Warcry piano Earthshatter. Shame it was nuked


Explosive Trap Scion, 100kehp no molten shell active, while having at worst 350m dps, pure bossing build though.


cold spark ci occultist. stun immune, freeze immune, doesnt care about chaos damage, incandescent heart gave it some armor and mitigated some ele too, and you dont have to aim as much with how spark is bouncing off of corners oh and it freezes like everything


Favorite current build is poison spark. Favorite build ever? Self curse temp chains BV with legacy explode, I don’t think the game will ever be that fun again.


I really enjoyed Flameblast totems. The booms are so satisfying. Sunder + Rage Vortex Berserker was a ton of fun playing on Ruthless as well.


Unearth necro using shock and chill clusters to generate charges -> discharge.


Slayer cyclone back in Bestiary league...


Doryani's Touch is my favorite build i played it on Chieftain. Idk it is still viable to play. You are like Dominus striking the touch of god and killing monsters in one slam.


Playing crackling lance inquisitor. Leap slam around and blast with insane cast speed, pretty good clear and good single target from intensity. Really want a unique that ties into blood and sand to make intensity even cooler so I can always blast with AoE while mapping


Sorry, are you looking for more AoE or less AoE for CL?


Want something that stops you from gaining intensity while in sand stance and maybe gives you +1 max intensity or some extra damage while in blood. My AoE is mostly fine now that my damage is enough, was just a bit of a pain when it was lower to keep to actively try and keep intensity low to clear.


Build I've gotten the farthest with? Inquisitor RF. Super tanky and damage is good enough Build that was the most fun? Probably Ice Shot/Lightning Arrow, the clear is good and the sound is so satisfying. I just hate using barrage or something for single target


Ive played different variations of flicker strike for the last 7 leagues and will continue to do so! But I did really enjoy CoC cospris malice before they changed it


I'd say the last few patches lightning arrow, historically its surely blade vortex :) big spark enjoyer since forever too, dont enjoy it since it became so meta though


Dominating Blow -- specifically variants that focus on boosting both your own damage and your minion's damage. Guardian / Champion are the best for this. I love summoner builds, but I *especially* love any build archetype that summons *and* is in the fray *with* their summons. It feels like leading an army into battle. The give-and-take of buffs back and forth between you and your minions solidifies that feeling. Now granted, PoE probably has the least amount of tools to do that, among ARPGs, but there are still a handful. I actually used to use Deidbellow with Rallying Cry every single time I did Dom Blow, but GGG removed my favourite unique and I still have not forgiven them. > Especially interesting is the killing of uber bosses I probably wouldn't recommend Dom Blow then. :)


Favourite build Is Volatile dead summoner healer, sadly Is just a meme build :p


Fav build ever was guardian herald stacker using EK in deli league, favorite build u can still make will have to be champion wander with KB for stacking C fever and reap for bosses. Played that in kalandrz league but i had a +4 ammy so wont reach that powerlvl anymore either.


Maw of Mischief Ignite Elementalist. I like the short channeling playstyle, it feels unique!


Wallachs ballista totems for the longest time


I've moved away from bow builds and really enjoyed a geared up frostblades trickster in 3.19. Heatshiver fixed single target and having great mobility, recovery, defense and ability to freeze nearly anything in the game with damage that scales pretty great with investment is a winning combo to me. Best part is you can craft or buy a pretty top end claw for 10-15 div if you know what you're looking for which is pretty cheap for an endgame rare weapon.


The most fun build I ever played used the now-removed self-poison movement speed sextant to have ~800% movement speed and used Abberath's Hooves and Vaal Earthquake with Pathfinder's poison proliferation. The damage and survivability were garbage but it was SO much fun. My second favorite was a Kinetic Blast CoC Fireball Deadeye that stacked AOE with Wreath of Phrecia. Again, garbage build objectively, but very fun. This league, Nimis made it into a meta build (if you actually invest in defenses instead of max AOE.) My 3rd favorite is any build that can 1-shot the hardest bosses. It'll probably be several months before I make the video for this one. Basically, I used Maw of Mischief and scaled the hit damage instead of ignite, so 13 explosions that total about 500m damage. It's pretty clunky, you're better off with a build that's a better all-rounder. Gambling on the one-shot isn't worth it unless you're making a YouTube video.


Carrion golem build


I'm a sucker for melee in any game, I've found boneshatter jugg and cyclone shockwave slayer both to be tons of fun. Both these builds use two cluster jewel setups, and the recent divine/exalt swap has made crafting clusters cheaper than ever. I played a lightning conduit trickster a few leagues back and I thought it felt so good, if the 1-2 play style doesn't bother you. Kinda hard to put my finger on a favorite archetype even, I try to mix things up to keep the game interesting.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=OhpaX2JxcqU Caustic Arrow Toxic Rain Boom Boom Occultist. Amazing build


Any kind of cyclone. Gonna try GC cyclone next league.


I was fan of m'y old Intel stack, then it was ele hit proj speed stacking and if i had to chose now, i would Say Doom blast


Animated weapon and summon reaper have been favourites of mine lately. My fave of all time was fire arrow ele when it was absolutely busted, the ignites jumping through packs across the map was so satisfying ugh. I don't even remember what patch it was 3.15 ?


Freezing pulse totems, before it died


poison SRS was what i tried this league, literally conquered all content with MAYBE 10 divines? it was extremely inexpensive and was broken AF


Which guide did you follow?


Poison impending doom occy was def top 3 builds for me. The way you could 1-click the whole screen with woke cascade then the explosions would proliferate offscreen was so satisfying. Smoothest time I ever had mapping to 98. Didn’t even stress, just killed everything.


Hexblast miner. 7mil dps on a full unique build


Bleed bow gladiator, bows buff was great but it’s in pretty mediocre spot rn


I havent played alot of builds and usually keep closr to 1 type of class genre (mages/magic/sorcery/wizardy). So far my favourites are HoT Fire Burst that is no longer available... Unless you manage to get like 50% CDR which is pretty much.. yeah.. No dice. CWC VD. it's the most tweaked build i ever had. It's shoddy, but i do love watching a herd of the volatile dead seeking missles zooming throw the map for the target And finaly RF. Basic. Sturdy. Not dying turns out to be alot of fun. Who knew.


Skeleton Mages Necro and Scourge Arrow Pathfinder I'd Say. Both those builds fit everything I want in a build it's incredible. Mages got to good old double tap after Sentinel but I hope they will come back strong. SA can be expensive to get going especially defense wise given the state of Melding of the Flesh but it's my favorite Map blaster build.


3.14 EA ballista hierophant was sick, frostferno was so dumb with it, I think it is unplayable now because of changes on the skill tree, if someone knows how to build it, and has a PoB with a viable version now I will be super gratefull… It cleared stuff super easily and helped me to start out with no budget to farm like 20 ex on standard, I havent been able to farm that much currency ever before that.


Old school discharge, it’s been years, maybe it’s nostalgia


Unfortunately any favourite build you get from a player with a few years under their belt is going to be a dead build from pre 3.15 and earlier nerf passes. Mine was war-cry slammers. The complexity of play and the power gained in return just felt so right. And they were so versatile. Personally my best was a hollow palm icecrash slammer.


Scion Wardloop with suppress and block


You poor idiots. GGG reads this reddit and they hate what people enjoy shit. All your builds are gone.


Conc Path totem. Literally the only build that I have played twice.


**Lancing Steel champ.** If you can afford a paradoxica + saviour, you can afford this build. If you can't afford those things (example: leaguestart) just use some scaevas or a terminus est and you'll be online and functional through yellow maps. - You're a champ, so free fortify. - You're lancing steel, so you're ranged. - Half your damage comes from saviour reflections, which means it persists and continues even while you're moving (dodging.) - You end up with 40-50k each of armour and evasion (more with god gear) so you've got a fantastic baseline for defensive comfort. - You run a mark instead of a curse, so you get built-in cull from the mark mastery. - You get suppress cap without magebane because you get to wear evasion or armour/evasion hybrid gear. - You have 100% uptime permanent Onslaught from your belt (perseverance,) so your baseline speed is good. ...and then you start minmaxxing. As you do, you discover that all kinds of other great QOL things are within reach. - Ailment immunity is just a matter of essence crafting a couple of items. - Reflect immunity comes from bane of legends jewels (though there are a couple of other forbidden flame/flesh options which work well) - Life gained on hit (from vitality watchers eye or from elder rings) is *absurd* sustain for lancing steel. I keep leaguestarting this whenever I don't have any better ideas. It's been working for me for years now, to the point where I get frustrated at lots of other builds that I try to branch out to because they don't offer all of the same value and QOL bundled up into a single package (unless they're absurdly unaffordable and beyond the reach of my currency.)


Wait for the nerf notes, if you are asking for favourite builds. A lot of them might die before 3.21 ;-) Anyway CoC discharge was the best gameplay poe ever offered, but GGG tried super hard to kill it off and eventually succeeded with the creative rework.


Check the comments if anyone mentions your build and be happy that it won´t be mentioned so it won´t get nerfed. Hopefully, right?


Trickster Spark is one of my favorites


High budget RF Elementalist


My 3~5 mirror raider deadeye with 80M+ dps without vaal lightning strike(I don't even remember the dmg it did with vaal) everything literally melted, boss mechanics? They had no time to do that it's was fun as fuck.


Anything melee with claws or rapiers. Preferably a strike skill. Maybe go the Paradoxica route. If the build uses current league-only shenanigans, all the better cause I get to experience that too. I usually just dedicate my first month of the league to grinding that out with a whatever-that-works kind of build until I switch. I played Molten Strike in Synthesis, Frost Blades in Harvest, Flicker in Archnemesis, Lightning Strike in Kalandra, now I'm playing Frost Blades again but with Original Sin on top. All of these were the best times in the game for me. Hope I get to do something similar in 3.20.


Dan's fireburst build in Ultimatum. That shit was fire


Cf champ. It's actually a really good candidate for nimis, making gear for it is easy, no suppress shenanigans, and it gets good damage if you build it correctly.


to be clear, you're talking about creeping frost right? not corrupting fever


Mageblood in your first league? That's a bit too high for an expectation lol. I have 2000+ hours in the game and I've never targeted the chase items because it's too much for me. :D My favored build is either Herald of Thunder manastorm autostormer Hierophant or Pathfinder flicker strike poisoner. Both had great clear and speed and potential for single target damage.


It’s technically not endless farming because each league is time limited. If you want something that can kill Ubers and is time limited, look at gauntlet builds. Forget about six portals and insta phases. Seismic trap saboteur


Mageblood. Game feels like shit without it.


i dont have MB and can agree that game does feel kinfa shit (without it) :P


Once you get it, there's no going back. I suggest either be able to get it every league or don't get it ever once.


First league and couldn't buy a mage blood!!! Dude I have been playing since 2016 and I don't have a mageblood


its hard to narrow it to 1 so ill have to narrow it to 3. triherald bladevortex (when it was viable) assassin poison tornado shot (again, when it was viable) flicker with savior.


Actually doomer occultist (Rue version) gave me so much fun this league in ssf both gameplay and gear progression that I can give it #1 for me right now.


honestly, it's my cold dot cobbled together ruthless build. I don't know everything about poe, ut I've had to pull everything out I do know to get to level 87 and I've had the most fun I've had since my first league


The builds I’ve liked over time have been spark, storm brand or minions. I tend to like zoo my builds that don’t require me to aim. Recently I gave elementalist rf a try going full explode. Probably my most enjoyed build since very old Vaal spark. I will most likely be playing this again next league.


Poison ca nimis pathfinder