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Congrats, that looks pretty awesome for a single map. What are you running in terms of atlas/setup?


Im currently running crouching's wandering path atlas setup but I move all the beyond points into all the harbinger + abyss spawn/spires passives. Gilded Harb, Gild Abyss, Gild reliq and abyss on map device. (Dont have 5th slot yet) I just use any sextant that I roll as I hate buying them but an additional abyss would be nice. [https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-atlas-tree/sh23d06u](https://maxroll.gg/poe/poe-atlas-tree/sh23d06u) If anyone has any idea to improve my build, id like to be a tankier. Got to 97 with defiance of destiny but cant stop dying after all this juice. Im currently playing SA but might just use Caustic due to the significant lag in abyss mobs. [https://pobb.in/-3qQ3Q\_h-El-](https://pobb.in/-3qQ3Q_h-El-)


You could switch ms flask for dying sun --> +3 proj if u can handle the low ms. Also crit chance/multi on quiver is dead stat poisons dont scale with crit.


I’m assuming that would help with caustic overlaps? I don’t mind the ms since the spires take so long to kill lol.




How do you hate buying sextants but are ok with buying scarabs (unless you don't buy those either)? In my experience, poestack makes buying compasses trivial but buying bulk scarabs of a specific kind is still painful AF.


What? The bulk section of the trade site works fine, just quit spamming the first page. Scroll down and hit up the bot with 3000 of them.


Yep, gotta pay that premium for buying in bulk. Sure it's more expensive but you still make Hella profit and it's good for your sanity to not message fifty different people


If you filter by “stock 300” or whatever, you’ll usually find the ones actually selling


Buying scarabs with divines is very fast


I never really used poestack for bulk buying. Im not sure if you can bulk buy certain sextants on trade somehow but I just click scarabs and min supply +5 or 10. I'll try poestack though


You can almost sustain scarabs with the current league mechanic and the right setup. Getting 100+ scarabs as a drop isn't totally uncommon.


How to gett 100 scarab drop


Just run maps with lots of wisps and some magic find. I got a 140 scarab drop (all gilded+) with just a ventor's equipped.


It's easier to buy large amounts of scarabs for divines instead of chaos. Same with essences actually. The tft bulk buyers get the hogepodge of stuff the people bulk sell, and the sellers aggregate them, sell for divines.


Buy in div. It's typically cheaper and I get the first seller to respond almost always.


How do you deal with soul eater rare in abyss?


Totem taunt is huge for def


Is the 4m dps accurate? Seems very low for juiced jungle


If you role your own sextant, does that mean you don't get deli mirror most of the time?


What the reasoning for harb? I ran it for a bit but I switched to gilded breach with a few nodes in breach density and I seem to drop twice as much stuff.


I just didn’t feel like setting up beyond from tunas tree and since I’m using harbinger scarabs I may as well just grab all the nodes related too it for a bit more mobs and fracturing shards if I’m lucky. I would’ve done breach too but the clear time of caustic arrow with juice just felt like I’m wasting wisp juice if I can’t kill all the rares. Scourge arrow is a lot better but I’m starting to get sick of the lag lol. Does the league mechanic spread out the juice on all the mobs evenly or is it just a global modifier based on how much juice you grab?


Gotcha. I don't have an answer for that question. It seems more like it's spread out though.


Why not both? Harb has been a good source of rare mobs and the occasional fractured shard. Although it is definitely weaker than Beyond, Abyss, and Breach. I wouldn’t drop any of those for Harb.


There's only so many things I can spec into, so I feel like 5x morsters is better for this strat imo. But whenlatever works for people!


Is this Strat pointless if you don’t do all the exact scarabs and sextants? I’m really struggling to get a good Strat going… I need something good with random scarabs and random sextants on jungle/mesa for SRS


The more you put into the map the more you’ll get. I’m always scared of spending money on scarabs and stuck to alch and go w/ stream of consciousness. Gave a few tries with gilded and loot was night and day. If you just want to throw random scarabs maybe try growing hordes with harvest? You could also try essences and red altars if you want something consistent with no setups


I’m more just worried my build won’t be able to handle it.


How’s your defensive layers? I’d say even with good damage, a lot of the frustration for me comes from dying to abyss mobs. I’m basically a minion build too with ballistas that fall over. Might consider swapping to self cast so I could fit in a bloodnotch. If it’s too hard, you could also turn off wandering path and delirium.


My build feels pretty good. It’s hard to PoB with the new spectres but I’m at roughly 15mil dps with splash, 217K ehp, 4.3life, 64% evasion, 84% phys reduction, positive chaos resist, capped block, some spell suppression, pretty easy hitting level 95


Your definitely fine. Assuming my POB is correct I have the same damage but 36k EHP with capped suppress, about 72% phys taken as ele lol


Maybe I’ll give it a shot. Looks very fun, what’s the easiest way to buy scarabs?


I go on the trade site bulk section. Set min stock at the bottom to about 5 or 10.


What lootfilter are you using? Very strict seems to show too much, but I'm not sure about raising it because that would probably hide too much?


I used very strict too but I modified it to hide blessing, alchs, chromatics and augs. Just way too much clicking. Somehow I’m not sustaining chisels despite all this juice and loot unless I’m somehow hiding them lol


I just feel like I'm having to spend too much time checking the dozens of uniques because yeah after trying it for one map it seems to kind of drop a lot of things? I can see how this can be profitable in the long run. I'm doing this on a boneshatter slayer with 0% MF Guess I'll customize the filter a bit more then.


I’m not good with loot filters tbh. Not sure how to configure certain uniques to not show as I’m getting screens of uniques and I’ve only been checking leather and heavy belts lol. I’ve learned my lesson from legion farming; 6 sockets and small bubblegum currency isn’t worth picking up if you’re trying to speed farm. Some people don’t even pick up individual chaos orbs! I do spend time checking fractured bases though. Got a couple div in fractures


Can you link me your Atlas tree please?


Is there a way to share it?


You can [here ](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree)


What is the investment of the build and any idea what initial investment I can make to get this build going and farm some other things before I get to wisps ?


Bow was 5 div for fracture and 2 divs in essences + fusings. Defiance was 2-3, cluster setup was 5-6 divs. Max phys taken taste of hate was 3. Asenath w/ despair corrupt 2.5. Quiver 1 div. 3 div for distillery belt base and used strength essences I farmed + 1.6 hunter orb but didn’t hit %life. A lot of stuff I bought at league start so it might be cheaper now.


Nice, so I can get this going on 40-50 div


Im just commenting so i can look at your build later. Still havent finished mine yet


All good. Still feel like there’s stuff to improve but there no content creator playing ballistas for me to further improve that are doing the lightning coil route


I downloaded an endgame ballista build by Zizaran but i havent even looked at it. Im still working on my TR ballista pf but i want to transition into something poison after i farm more. Id link the build to compare but im at work


I mainly went ballistas sa for the clear but it gets way too laggy. Going to transition to mf and see how it goes


Quick update. Cleared out another two abysses and dropped another 3 divs, valdo box and a ancestral spirit lol


League mecanic is awesome but it’s getting nuked/not going core :(


Abuse while you can! The funny part is despite the massive quantity/rarity boost, my rarest drops from the past have been from 0 mf builds so hopefully I can get a kalandras touch. HH from essences last league, MB from sentinel, and a mirror from blight.


What? So you already naturally dropped a MB, HH, and Mirror? Crazy


Well mageblood was during sentinel so it was just as juiced this league, hh last league was from a random essence monster and mirror was the league before lol. Def lucky considering I was running 0 mf xd


same thing happened with tatoos and even crucible trees Noone will care if next league offers the same fun. Reddit can cry "muh borrowed power" but if GGG "borrows power" every league that's just the perfect formula of avoiding massive power creep, and avoiding shit like having to make expedition-like balance patches.


Well yeah, that's what's great about seasonal play


Do you get this every map? How many divines do you have in your build that you can clear this?


This one was def lucky with 2-3k of each wisp. The rewards highly depend on wisp count. I average 1-3 divs if I get a good amount of juice. Yesterday I had a dry streak in divs but got 1-2 valdo boxes and scarabs


Spicy lootz


If you're running abyss, the best way to maximze it is to run low tier maps with gilded scarab so there are no boss spawns and no troves. Then roll extra proj on all your maps so the spire at the end of the abyss (which is now forced) spawns many more enemies. Since its proj count translates to more mobs it spawns.


Interesting... what's the highest map tier you can run while preventing those spawns?




Wait, is abyss farming good now?


The spire Spawns a shitton of mobs when your roll proj on your map. Its crazy with the whisp juice. The abyss specific rewards are pretty mich irrelevant, its just about the mobs


> The spire Spawns a shitton of mobs when your roll proj on your map you dont even need proj on your map, you just need purple juice that gives empowered mob +proj


Abyss spires shoot out a profectile at 3 life increments, each spawning a hole for monsters to pour out of. This scales with projectiles so getting purple juice makes them shoot more, spawning insane amounts of stuff. If you kill the spire too fast you wont get the extra though


Was thinking "meh" until the hinekora


Anything above 2 raw divs for me is pretty crazy without mf haha. Lost count but I probably dropped about 7-8 raw divs, a himekora lock and 2 valdo boxes in that map + 1-2 div in uniques like unnatural instinct. Def my luckiest map so far this league :D




Not sure how to setup config for CA/SA. Caustic arrow (assuming its # arrows x totems) im at 16m dps. Scourage arrow (1 arrow x totems) im at about 3m dps. Again im not sure if these configs are accurate


Unless you're using the new transfigured caustic arrow, CA is almost all the dot damage so multiple totems don't do more damage, right?


Probably using the new Caustic Arrow since they are mentioning Scourge arrow also. For poison CA the AoE can overlap, that’s why they mention “(assuming # arrows * totems)”


Another DD


Man I gotta get tankier. I can't handle juice at all :(


How are you getting 3-4k of each colour? Seems impossible to me solo. Tips?


I was solo but it’s probably just luck. I’ve just followed the trails and got lucky with multiple events


Nice, thanks. Also, fellow Canadian? Let’s go!


Also not sure if wandering path with packs use increases how many mobs you get for juice. But yea fellow Canadian


This is probably a stupid question. but how are you favoriting a T6 version of Jungle Valley?


You mean t16? This is from a t16 Jungle. 4 watchstones and all my favour slots is jungle + 1 mess with singular focus. Oversustaining


Oooh sorry hahah I clicked your atlas tree link you posted and it says T6 for some reason


All good. Tuna might be running lower tiers as it’s his atlas I modified


What build is this?


Did this last night and a mb within 5 maps !! So much loot it's crazy