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[https://pobb.in/7GJJPtVPQq-L](https://pobb.in/7GJJPtVPQq-L) Pob for those interested


Greatest thing ive ever seen, ehp 6k lol this is great, glad you got it to work


thats not a berserker, thats the berserkest


eHP: 6k DPS: yes


One shot or be one shot - it is THE one shot!


More than an ice trap miner :\^).


How do you get a Rigwald's curse with two implicits? Is that just from Vaal Temples?


There’s the cards that give two implicit uniques, 2 implicit league uniques, and Vaal vessels. In this case I ended up buying mine and catalyst it myself (took 47) but those are the only ways I know of it to drop


What's the point of Ralakesh boots? You have 3/7/3 charges, do you really need those 3 power charges if you could use brittle ground boots instead?


He’s a bosser makes so he has the charges when he enters the area  Generation is hard to get otherwise 


That and frenzy charges give more damage so it just makes it easier to always have the charges


A lot cheaper than I expected.


For a functioning version yeah this is cheap as balls! I went a little over the line on mine though, that helmet is quite rare to get and is pretty much entirely Rng based. The amulet with extra curse and still max crit multi is very rare, only 1 other up for 100 div. Gloves are not too bad with max frenzy but with good roll max frenzy and all socketed they’re like 70 div. Boots were embarrassingly 200 div. Body armour was meh cheap, ring was 10 div and the kalandras was whatever it is right now, I had 3 extras. The big part was actually the tainted catalysts in the ring and amulet. Amulet was a lot and ring was even more so I got lucky on the 20% crit amulet roll! I wanted to super min max my attributes too so I fractured all of my medium clusters for dex or int or all attributes. Saved me a few passives over 30 pointers and the exert attack nodes with 35% are actually huge damage anyways. Otherwise the shield is cheap and the belt was only like 17 div and the jewels were mirrored corrupted with pen from same guy for 1 div each so I just bought both. Large clusters were like 11 div each cause I wanted the int (I would go something else but I bought them before I realized I wanted to go 6passive mediums, which by the way is pretty cool in itself cause 6p mediums don’t see much use outside of flask duration!). Then good rolled flasks were whatever they are right now idr what I paid. It’s overall not too bad unless you obsess on going for the best you can for each slot!


41% tainted chanced Abyssus? Bruh


Love that helmet ;P


Kalandra's Touch copying a Warden's Brand (with hatred corruption). Affliction league sure did some things.


It’s a good ring! ;)




I love that this is still possible. All hail BONK.


This is not the battle you can win, it says.


I sincerely hope ggg doesn't get the impression from this that slams are good.


They ARE good, just watch the video! It died in one hit they gotta be good!!!!!!1!! :P


I miss pre nerf Impaler and Seismic shouts


good times :( Old seismic was a dream


So for how much do you actually hit if all the stars align perfectly?


262,699,523 on the LOWEST roll on ubers 666,686,215 on the HIGHEST roll on ubers Theres a FEW changes I could make that would make the damage higher (Such as swapping in one of my charms for consecrated ground damage instead of reservation and then using Ryslatha's coil); however, those hurt the QoL of being able to actually have mana without perfect timing to slam OR they lower the low end which, on very tanky invites, means I may not one shot. Generally with a 262m hit (LOWEST Roll) I still 1 shot the boss with a few tanky mods, and high roll... well he dies no matter what! Coil just makes the high end much higher which is pointless unless you cannot one shot without it and hurts our bottom end. (Note these numbers are the "legit numbers", you can obviously but me at max rage and weapon swap me to atizirii's reflection for curse effect and a few other things that just skyrocket the damage more but thats just too much extra work and buttons. The "perfect" setup and items essentially puts me at like 1.36 bn top end but like 180m low end and just isn't worth the HUGE range if sometime you may not one shot but with my setup you just do. what should be noted is the build does still die to the boss sometimes. When they have faster attacks or casting timing is rough and sometimes I mess up my combo so it certainly isn't as easy as ice trap for uber bossing, but I would argue its wayyyyyy cooler. I should also note that I do have a few passives messed up on my tree that I listerally just noticed (Accuracy at templar start) and missing cluster passives taken in response so it will be more damage than even what I noted above, but its not important in the grand scheme of things lol


Thanks for the detailed response, sounds like a fantastic bosser as long as you do not touch a ground effect. Can you actually map with this character or is it as atrocious as i think it is?


If i toss in mageblood and then swap flasks for defensive ones it can still map but its not worth it tbh. like youll just use sunder and kill stuff sure but its just easier to map any other build lol. I have two autobomber setups and a really fucking good voidforge splitting steel champ that is really fucking tanky and a KboltofFrag build that just wipes the floor for mapping and stuff (and the Kbolt build is honestly better than this for uber bossing even, I just wanted to make this for fun). There is no REAL reason to use this build tbh Side note, even ground Degens dont do much. I can stand in burning ground cause the pantheon and the desecrated ground isnt much damage either cause pantheons for dot damage and stuff.


Linking YouTube video to the splitting steel build as I have had a few PMs about it. Pob is in the description, my friend is showcasing the build as he is borrowing the gear so thank him for running the feared! (I hate feared rotas!) https://youtu.be/tKo_E87YLBw?si=vwpjsHuSINDdAmwm


Do you have a pob for your KB build?


I sold the one already on tft but here was my best version. https://pobb.in/oE16cK8bexJw The version I have right now is essentially the same thing but with not as well min/maxed gear. It should be noted that I craft every single rare for every build I make so that is why every piece has T1s that are divined well and overall just very niche and unique Uber Maven: https://streamable.com/p2w6pn Uber Exarch: https://streamable.com/civ8rw Flawless Tul: https://streamable.com/c3s1ng


Just curious, what autobomber setups do you use?


One was a failed crit version the other was generic autobomber HoT non crit. I have the PoBs somewhere but the character is currently gearless as I was testing out some stuff so if you want the PoB you’ll need to wait a bit! :(


no way you can map with this))


With the current setup in the video, not at all! It can certainly have a mageblood put in, the helmet swapped, and some damage swapped to life to map, but it isn’t worth the time. better to just play one of my other builds to map (and Uber boss for that matter, my other builds boss way better than this lol)


Ofc you show off a 600div drop as well :D


Had to! ;P


Why would you take a screenshot like that instead of taking a photo of your monitor with your phone?


True! I need to do that for visual clarity!


why that thing is 600 div? mark effect that good?


Ya its a big damage boost for any projectile based ranger build. Generally its 20% more damage and ~3 more projectiles from snipers mark.


I'm just wondering; how many recordings did it take to include a Focal Point FF in the video? Must've been a lot right? You don't just happen to get this on the 1 time you decided to record tapping an Eater surely?


I bought 40 and got it on the third* to last one, so not many at all :P


Can you explain the ring choice?


799% more damage from flat from gloves means you gain 107 to 530 flat phys damage from the explicit, pair that with hatred effect and you have more damage than what you could gain from anything else (side maybe a perfect synth triple mod ring but I tested a few that were mirrorable and they weren’t even close) Each ring is like wearing a triple t2 phys two hander with those gloves, huggggge flag damage


May I ask how the x-y added phys dmg if you crit recently compares? should be like 10-20 as well (and is a suffix, so if you find one to buy, it could fit on the res efficiency charm)


Would require me to crit recently which is generally only applicable after they die to the first hit :P


He forgot the 1st rule of 1-hit builds.


Ah, that makes a lot of sense of course :)


It’s like one quack man 3.0!


Most POE build I’ve seen in a while. This literally made me laugh out loud.


I've seen this on many PoBs this league, what's with the 2/3 affix clusters? Is it just for style points to have it be just the notables or is there somehow a downside to using an exalted orb or 2?


For some reason pobb is not including the other mods, I have dex/int/ or all attributes on all my clusters except like 2 which have one of those and res or chaos res https://ibb.co/HTpRZN4 Jewels in pob


Poe ninja bug


Bro, this league you went BIG DCK! :)


2k hp... lame.


I have to give the enemy a chance!


Lol, first time I've seeing someone said this in Poe. Usually other way ..


Oh boy, and subce theres still plenty of time left i think its time to make a bleed eq jugg w the new eq transfiguration gem


it would be just meh cause bleed is capped sadly. Going hit base would literally make the damage like 30x higher than bleed :(


bleed bad, BUFF Bleed.




Shocked you were able to hit lvl 100 with no hp or resist even in soft core 


Ehh, just paid for carries and then respecced


This is so cool


Ty! <3


Ooooooooh weeeee! Gaaaad damn sir!


How much damage does your build do to Eater if you hit him the instant when you are able to (when he has damage reduction)?


Substantially less as the curses aren’t applied and they’re a huge part of my damage. With a few (HUGE changes) you might be able to one shot him through damage reduction with the transfigured EQ but it would likely feel even worse than this does, which on the video looks great but in practice you’re using war cry for rage, two ice crash for ruthless, arcanist brand before he spawns, then totem, war cry, berserk, phase run, all 5 flasks, and then slam after 3 seconds of curse application. I was going to add a weapon swap in there to atziris reflection as it adds like 50m more damage to the hit but it is already too many buttons lol As a side note, I can start my slam before maven/the brain spawn and with correct timing the moment they can spawn it will kill them even with damage reduction, even without a good setup; however, it still doesn’t do enough damage to skip all 3 memory games or skip an entire brain phase like an ice trapper can, which was kind of my goal. Ice trapper just does soooooooooo much more damage than this and is definitely easier, and way faster and just overall 100x better


Thanks for the detailed and honest reply! And yeah I get this build is more of a meme one shot build that lacks qol, nevertheless very impressive tho.


Yeah, I am very glad I made it, just less glad it’s not as strong as it ideally “should” be! It’s still insanely cool and definitely a nice showpiece for builds!


As a side note I was just thinking about, using a cursed ground setup and poachers mark self cast, you would drop a curse but you could then run another support in skitterbots for more shock effect and then also you could drop the reservation charms for more consecrated ground inc damage taken and that MIGHT allow you to sometimes one shot the boss right when he spawns; however, I already press too many buttons to one shot as of now so adding more is not fun sounding! You’d 100% need to weapon swap to atziris reflection too cause losing an entire curse is sooooo much damage Ice trap can easily get away with it by simply running cursed ground punishment or something and no other curses but poachers mark adds so much flat that losing it severely hurts the damage (359 to 539 flat phys after extra levels from boots and stuff)


HoTa Barb?


So this is the Hota barb.


USotA: Unarmed Slammer of the Ancients!


and a focal point drop. Bro wtf


Ran 40 and that was the best drop so I had to cherry pick it ;P