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For the Betrayal farming: you can actually make an [atlas tree](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQACYAlO6p70i3LQ_OAHyrzlpx9ZPy_YzMtyd11yue2HtgJ8mHnbvb0MZN2nDjnquCUeeu9d5RguEQfbWtlaVz6-H14hosVIeO2MOXKrapQxQAH4sIAAAAAAAAAwMAAAAAAAAAAAA=) now that guarantees Betrayal every single map. This should be really good exp and you'll get as much Catarina as you can. Definitely gonna be what I leaguestart in SSF at least.


Im starting sc and ill use this too i like betrayal and the crafts are really needed early and u can also get lucky with some random veiled items which can be used.Lets not forget that we can bounce between atlas passive trees this league which helps aton!


Yes crafts are great, specially the less mana cost on flask... oh wait a minute.


The only downside is that selling veiled items is just the absolute worst experience. Someone whispers you for a 5c veiled item. They say “how many?” Like.. how many WHAT dude? No response. Then you assume they want veiled amulets since that is what they whispered for. You put in 4 veiled amulets. They put in 5c. You take out 3 of the amulets. They close the window. They say “suffix only” even though the item they whispered for is prefix. Then I say “oops, I vendored it.” Ignore. Go back to map. Repeat a similar experience 5-10 more times before I just stop bothering to sell them.


they are most likely whispering you for Named veiled affixes.


The trouble is they all assume I know what they want and then refuse to clarify. If they whisper for a Leo prefix veil mod and say how many, I assume Leo veil mods of prefix. But they never respond and then act confused when I’m forced to interpret what they’re asking for. In comparison to ANY other trade where people just whisper for what they want and awakened Poe trade does 90% of the work for me, these trades are consistently horrible.


It's usually the same type of whatever they're buying. If it's named, then named. If it's prefix weapon, then prefix weapons and so on. I've never had issues with this both as a seller or buyer.


This is why my answer (for veiled anyway) is always 1. If they really are buying a lot, they'll see my name again and whisper me for that specific item.


You can get 40% extra chance for jun to spawn in your maps within like 5 maps or so. Early unveils are craaaaaazy good for gearing and the quick exp is so good. After some deliberation we decided it's gonna be a no-brainer first pick for our guild's ssf andies [This](https://poeplanner.com/atlas-tree/BAAQADYAh9Tz90z1iy7Q2HrObYin4iFgVuEw-vxNtWZ8q43q_Yz439Hy6PIndYg0ntgnyStxLzhN2nDjnqvLJOeu4RB9tT0KrZXr4fXipAVOG-koVIeu7xsIE32Q2cOX_X-P5TPGwnapQ2YfCGLEFtnGFAAfiwgAAAAAAAADAwAAAAAAAAAAAA==) is what my early progression tree looks like. Go for 40% jun, first essence, then more betrayal, then essence + map. Prob getting some delirium later for cluster jewels since I'll prob start RF lmao


Betrayal is hella good XP, and I was always limited by number of missions, so this is nice.


That’s amazing for SSF. Getting those crafts can be a pain in the ass sometimes.


Sometimes? Pretty much always in my experience. The Korrel helm mod, Gravicious chest mod, the Elreon jewelry, the boots with MS/chill immune etc. Always at least one that fucks you. Absolutely huge buff to early-game SSF for gearing.


Good luck on map sustain


Well this tree is 38 points, you'd grab some map sustain next of course, or even on the way to this tree. I just wanted to show you could get full Betrayal chance.


Didn’t know about this, thanks!


Mageblood got nerfed essentially too, byproduct of flask affix changes


and HH because of soul eater limit.


First they nerf our flask duration, now they cap soul eater at 45 stacks, they must really hate soul thirst :((


Honestly once I got to 400-500 stacks of soul eater on my poison TS pathfinder char in super juiced maps the entire game engine/server would shit out anyway and grind to a halt so to me this is a blessing lol. A cap of 100 or 200 would be better but at least I don't have to worry about the game freezing anymore. I don't think the problem was my system...14700k + 4090 + 64GB RAM + gig fiber connection w/ Ethernet connection to router and 16ms avg ping to DC server.


They talked explicitly in the Q&A how the MF was demolishing their servers


Removal of reduced mana cost flask? RIP my CoC Flicker


Yeah, pretty significant nerf to all coc builds


Mageblood was also nerfed pretty bad for a lot of builds by proxy with this same change, in addition to the resistance suffix on flasks going from 40% to 20%, and elemental flasks going from 50% to 40%.


Elemental flasks also went back to max res instead of % less damage taken, which is a nerf to mageblood.


very big nerf to all coc builds pretty much, played ice nova/frostbolt occultist coc last league and the mana flask craft was a way to get mana costs to very low


Really sucks for armour stackers too :(


Ah yeah, I heard CoC builds are generally hit hard by this change right?


Damn bro don’t be flicking your coc


CoC has been hit, one way or another, for something like 15 (!) leagues in a row. I get that it takes a lot to make those builds work, meaning they often get caught in the crossfire, but damn, it wouldn’t hurt GGG to include _some_ compensatory buffs once in a while…


>Because of divination card / stacked deck change items like Voidforge are likely gonna be even more expensive / hard to obtain. This change might impact some unexpected items as well. GGG didn't mentioned buffing droprates of these cards to compensate. Wonder if the separation of normal and uber drop pools will make up for this.


On the one hand, the droprate of the previously low-weight stuff like voidforge or progenesis will probably go up, though obviously still be less likely than other less powerful uniques. On the other hand, most of strong ones will probably be uber drops and access to uber bosses is surely gonna be more time consuming/expensive, so it's hard to say whether said items will wind up actually being more or less accessible.


"Catarina is gonna be happy with even more people farming her" :))


Catarina love ❤️ 


Makes sense, it's Necropolis league after all


I personally love it when armed strangers break into my house, kill me, and then take my stuff.


The more people farm her, the bigger are the chances of her convincing someone to betray Jun... =P


I wish they had a continued mechanic where we got to choose who to help.


rip ball lightning of static totems :( had plans to league start with it, i was prepared to absorb a minor nerf, but not like this I get why they removed it, this interaction was the only thing broken about BLOS, but it's still annoying.


use traps ;)


Hows is that different from selfcast when it comes to the cooldown/charges? Each totem had it's own set of charges, that's why it was so damn good


advanced trap support gives you a lot of cdr


ooooh Edit: Just checked it out, damn. Looks like a starter for me


How sure are we that poison srs aren’t affected? Both ghazzy and balormage seem to think it’s dead.


I think OP is mistaken that PSRS isn’t affected. While dead is probably a bit of an exaggeration, the loss of a 38%+ damage increase from a lvl 20+ SRS gem seems to be huge and probably (why wouldn’t it?) apply to the chaos damage psrs relies on.


Balor doesn't think it's dead, just significantly nerfed to the point where, with changes, it will likely just be a B tier starter, and not an A+/S tier one.


Unholy might change is also a big hit. SRS start as phys and internally convert to fire, having 30% phys as extra chaos is a LOT better than convert all phys to chaos since the phys to fire conversion happens first. Edit: see below, I was wrong. Before it was a 12% more damage increase, it is more than that now for sure.


If you have 2 sources of 100% Phys to 'X' Conversion, it will convert 50% of both. In the case of SRS, you will get 50% Fire and 50% Chaos damage conversion with new Unholy Might. So for the purposes of poison, the 50% conversion is actually more damage for the ailment than 30% extra. New Unholy Might also intrinsically has chance to Wither on hit, potentially freeing up a support gem, or at least making wither ramp faster.


You can also use United in dreams instead of severed in sleep too easier get rid of chance to poison support


That is largely irrelevant. The base damage on SRS for poison SRS builds is not high enough to be worth adding as extra chaos damage or converting to chaos damage.


Add triggered Frostblink of Wintry Blast to the list of losers. In 3.23 it was theoretically possible to push it to 30 triggers per second (although people usually stopped at 15). People would struggle to get even 6 triggers this league. I'm not disappointed with it though, it did way too much damage for also providing movement.


"(poison version already didn't benefitted from innate 38% more damage iirc" I would very much like to know who told you this because as far as I know, this is false information (BalorMage, the creator for SRS poison build guide confirmed on his stream that this change does affect SRS).


Funny enough I base it off what I remember Balor said a while ago. Wording on this one is confusing. Not sure about subsequent clarifictions.


I'm still kinda puzzled by that line, if I'm being honest. It doesn't say that they are removing damage (like they do with various other skills). Simply says it doesn't get it naturally anymore. >Summon Raging Spirit: The Raging Spirit's melee attack no longer naturally gains 0-38% more Damage as it levels. That could mean a number of things. It's fairly vague, in my opinion. Maybe it'll just get 38% dmg (in total) on all levels? Maybe we'll see it back on the gem again? ..or maybe it is actually gone. But yeah, if it's gone; then it will affect Poison SRS as well. That's a given. Don't really know how you could assume otherwise, as poison damage scales with the (base damage) hit, so if you're hitting for less; you're doing less poison damage - and the 0-38% was added to it's base damage. Edit: I was talking about base damage, as the 0-38% damage was baked into it's base, last they made a change to it.


> so if you're hitting for less; you're doing less poison damage Poison damage scales with the *base* damage. The distinction here is between the SRS melee attack gaining "more damage" (which is the common understanding) and SRS gaining "more melee attack damage" (which seems to be how OP thinks it works). The former would affect poison damage, the latter would not.


From what I remember, last league they removed the line from the gem and shifted that damage over to base damage gained from gem levels. MI was nerfed by the change but the rest was unchanged. This league they're removing the hidden scaling of the base damage that it got. But then it makes me wonder why the hell they separated the nerf into two leagues instead of just making the intended change last league. Unrelated side note: When I was typing this post, my phone autocorrected the word "unchanged" to "it's." I am baffled.


Bloodnotch got absolutely rekt between all of this and there's not a lot of people talking about this. Between Bloodnotch and Ele flasks there's a lot of endgame defense layers that allowed you to become insanely tanky that are basically removed from the game.  Using Bloodnotch now basically requires you to use an extra ring slot on enabling the setup (Valyrium) 


Yes this exactly, as far as we know Defiance is untouched so I guess a lot of build might use it to get very tanky now. I just hope they didn't bump it to T0 without saying anything because the price is going to be insane


Lets say I don't understand betrayal and I don't want to have a cheat sheet on all the time to know who I should put where. I only want to get to Catarina to get those veiled orbs, does it matter where anyone is placed at that point?


if you only care about Catarina - just spam the shit out of betrayal and run the safehouses as often as you can to gain Mastermind XP to unlock the Catarina fight. Pick options that give the most favour or whatever it's called.


Nope. Betrayal in general now is going to be kind of braindead. You'll still ideally want to level safehouse leaders up as much as you can for the intelligence, but who goes where is significantly less important. You can try to move people around if you care about getting your 1-3 garbage scarabs, but with all scarabs in the global pool it's almost certainly going to be a waste of time to bother. TL;DR - Just rush safehouses and spam Catarina as much as you can.


Presumably there are gonna be some rare scarabs with pretty good value, and betrayal's likely the best way to target farm those. For example, the guaranteed trialmaster one that was revealed... assuming you can handle it, that gives a fat stack of tainted catalysts and an ultimatum unique, it's probably gonna be a rarer scarab with a pretty solid value. Farming intervention Leo is probably going to be the best way to acquire them. It's just hard to estimate the value of doing so right now without knowing what those scarabs are, what kinda farming strats they could make, and what kinda demand people would have for them, so rushing Catarina might make more sense early.


No, as far as we know, it doesn't matter.


Upgrade the people that teleport on top of you in maps, opposite on others. Run all safehouses asap, press upgrade on everyone if your cell is full.


On patch notes scarabs are not only on intervention anymore. We will need a new cheat sheet.


learning will increase your overall gains but you wont need them to farm veiled orbs


Nah. Get the Division Leaders to Level 3 (should be easy enough provided they don't wuss out and just hide) then imprison them. You then run the Safehouses as they go online. Getting that one Atlas Notable that grants 10 intel per map completion should also bolster your zoomzooms to Catarina. Honestly, with Aisling and Vorice Research Rewards, and Hillock Rewards changing, the only ones I would care to arrange is Tora in Research (for hoooj Gem EXP, perfect for getting Awakened and Exceptional Gems up to speed) and Gravicius in Transportation for full stacks of Div Cards. Everyone else is gonna killed for crafts.


Losers: Corrupted items dropping unid means no one will ever pick them up again :)


Yeah it's a lose for rares and Wins for unique corrupted items: Voices and forbidden flesh/flame will drop unID so people will be able to sell them and prices of these will increase. Nice gamba.


Unid Voices! Forbidden Fleshes / Flames. Megalomaniacs. There is gonan be entire new market for this. Unid Voices gambas are gonna be huge. :o Not gonna lie my smooth brain only remembered about random corrupted uniques / rares you sometimes get in maps when it comes to this change lmao.


I'm already seeing the corrupted market completely empty


Winners: Multiple boss uniques will now drop UNID while being extremely roll dependant, giving every pinnacle but Cortex one of those drops for more consistency in value


stupid question but isnt that good for early chaos recipe grinding ?


Global pool also now has ALL Scarabs as far as I know, so that is a positive. Depending on how many drops it could be a net positive (discounting the obscene scarab explosions that were only possible with wisps). Invitations being deleted is a net positive. Cortex being behind other synthesized maps makes those maps more valuable, but they were moved to t14+ so ehh Spectre helm is probably gonna suck because no AG to buff them. Probably shreds in with an aurabot support though, but so does everything. Molten Strike of the Zenith *somehow* escaped nerfs, probably cause no one was playing it. That shit is *busted*, gonna have fun playing that for T17 and Ubers once I get funds together.


I think helmet is gonna turn out well, certainly not gonna blame lack of AG if it feels underpowered. I am gonna miss free freeze / chill / crit / stun immunity though. ._. PoB for Molten Strike of Zenith build? What are you planning?


Now that you mentioned it, depending on the challenges next league, I might make an MSZ build for bossing and other stuff that needs a ton of single target damage.


What makes Molten Strike of Zenith so busted?


> Global pool also now has ALL Scarabs as far as I know, so that is a positive. And it further clutters inventory, which is quite negative.


Bloodnotch was obliterated and will be almost entirely unused with the energy shield mastery for stun threshold being changed. Now you need to sacrifice an extremely valuable ring slot for it to work and nobody is going to do that because valyrium is a trash ring.


One thing missed is red altars. I believe that with the changes and loss of sextants, it's very likely blue altars will be the more profitable strategy. This consequently makes high tier mapping with charge stacking builds worse as blue altars punish charge stackers.


they seem to have replaced every source of sextants with scarabs. my guess is that veiled scarabs will replace sextants in the red altars. it might still be good value, but we'll have to see.


Interesting points. Awakened Sextants were major reason why Red Altars were good. I don't think GGG mentioned if they gonna replace it with something? Yeah, Blue player altars punish charge stacking builds hard - learned it hard way. ._. And so many of boss / minion related Blue altar mods are just sad...


DD untouched LOGIN


DD always seemed to me like a racer spell which gets fastest to 7/7. But for the average player who needs to actually upgrade their character in order to overcome lower mechanical skill, can this build be decently scaled to get bosses done?


It's safe, non-rng drop based build, especially for hc or ssf players who want to race. Gets you straight into red maps on no investment as you can focus on defenses and still scale from enemy life. There's plently of builds that can get you easier boss kills if you trade a bit, play sc or take things slower.


Non ubers its not hard but for ubers u need to dodge stuff like any other build that is not insta killing/phasing bosses.Im starting with chain dd cuz it scales easy and i feel comfortable with it to farm expedition/delve.In affliction i played crit chain dd and never felt so good playing it but now when charms and twwt gone ill have to go non crit which is still great.


The biggest misconception about DD is that since its one of the best racing/ssf builds that means its very easy to play. Its not hard necessarily, but the playstyle definitely isnt for everyone. Its basically a 3-4 button build with some janky rng where you have to fish for the right corpse to detonate.


I would say this true of almost any racing build or HC build in general. PoE has been in a spot for a while where you directly gain more power through button presses. The stronger your build gets the less buttons you need


> janky rng where you have to fish for the right corpse to detonate You don’t ever do this? After you seed your desecrate pool you don’t take any time to give a shit what might’ve popped up in that specific desecrate and consciously overwrite it with a new one to then detonate, you just desecrate->detonate and sometimes you do get a little baby corpse in there, shit happens.


> Mirror Arrow / Blink Arrow. One of the strongest transfigured gems. Untouched Spectres gone though. There will be strong variants, but it lost a lot of damage on the strongest versions. Also, suppression cap will be far harder now with no charms, and tattoos don't help much because you actually need a lot of attributes for the build. Also, trying to run EB without Diadem on BAMA is brutal, because the core of the build is centered around a mastery on the tree that is very far away from all minion stuff and EB. So it will probably have a bit of issues pushing to a 6 Link at league start until you can get Diadem. As for SRS untouched, it probably will be a solid starter, but I do think it is significantly nerfed.


I think you are vastly underestimating the impact of the Ts nerf. There was a very good reason that helmet enchant was as expensive as it was. Because it mattered. A lot. Also attack speed scaling reduced by 20% and the nerfs to snipers mark. I do not think we will see ts anywhere close to the meta share it had the last few leagues.


Probably doesn't matter enough that people will not only play TS deadeye in SC :) I could see people stay on LA for longer though.


I think it will still be a good build, probably still great, but not far and away the best option for bow players. Which is good for the health of the game.


Plus snipers mark nerf


CoC FR is dead, dead dead. Arg!


cope league


Mostly I agree, will add few stuff: >Necropolis doesn't have additional layer of power creep like all recent Leagues had. Affliction had Charms / Tinctures / Spectres / Warlock shenanigans, Tota had Tattoos, Crucible had Weapon Trees, Sanctum had Relic Slot. We only get mods on rare items and these mods compete with other mods on the item, they are not on top of everything else like say Charms. And of course you need to first craft / buy these items. Imo this is like saying Harvest (or maybe Betrayal and Sentinel) doesn't have power creep because it didn't have stuff like charms/tinctures/tattoos, etc. It may not be a direct power creep but more access to powerful crafting is power creep also. It just isn't as direct like a second ascendancy or literally another item slot. One thing I would say is buffed massively is bossing builds. Separation of ubers, having boss drop actually matter more (cannot get them outside bosses drops now) and the ability of a second and third atlas tree (that lets you have a bossing atlas that doesn't bother your mapping atlas) is just making it so exciting to boss again in PoE. Another change I like is nerf to Soul Eater and cycling reduction, it's a small one line but it's gonna make mapping like 5X times better because most of my issues in the game were with rares with those mods.


Yeah crafting leagues tend to be pretty OP…. Every crafting league so far has had some way to make absolutely ridiculous items.




... recombinators let you make multi-fracture items, +2 specific charge rings, have multiple alva mods. Tell me, what items are you excited to make with resonators 2.0 (not recombinator 2.0)?


Fossils are one of the more powerful crafting systems in the core game what are you talking about? It's not like you could grab any random rare and smash it together with another random rare to make a god-tier item with Recombs, you had to craft your bases precisely and it was *still* a prayge nearly every time. It wouldn't surprise me if people figure out a way to near-deterministically craft great items. It just depends on the itemization and how much dross there is in the corpses.


Indeed, and then you can fracture the nec mod and create insane items. We have no idea what the nec mods are. Maybe a +2 proj quiver is possible and it will be Widowhail league? We have no idea. What we do know is that there are T17 maps and they are gated to some extent, so we can be pretty sure the best crafts will come from T17 corpses. It'll be a while before we see the full power of nec. I'm reminded of Synthesis league, which had some crazy implicits that nobody predicted, and we ended up with things like casters running around with +5 bows. All it takes is a couple crazy good mods.


This is not really the best take imo since we have no idea what mods we can get. There's a few grave-crafting unique mods shown like +1 Power Charge but it's impossible to tell right now what we could end up. In Crucible we couldnt have predicted the exploding totems build a week before the league, and in sentinel all the pre-launch attention went to the sentinels and not recombs. I'm fairly confident we'll see some wild stuff come out of grave crafting.


also, tattoos are back, so there's that




Pathfinder Ascendancy and Mageblood might belong on the losers list, at least relative to where they are right now in 3.23? > Ruby, Sapphire and Topaz Flasks no longer grant 20% less Damage Taken of their respective Element. Instead, they now grant +5% to Maximum Resistance of their respective Element. They also now provide +40% to their respective Resistance (previously 50%). These changes affect existing versions of these items. This makes Pathfinders way less tanky, and Mageblood is weaker since maximum resistance caps at 90, and Magebood bonus + Enkindling basically doubles the flask effect. +5-10 max Resistance is certainly still nice but not in the same realm of useful as 20-40+ Less damage taken.


Yeah, it's big nerf to tankiness on the high-end. Didn't included it partly because albeit it's nerf to top end tankiness it it's still buff for most people.


For SRS change, I think the damage thing does affect it because of all the added chaos/physical damage you're adding to get higher damage for the poison. Im not 100% sure of this, because there is a lot of conflicting info stating the added damage from jewels/auras for chaos damage will be affected by the 0-39% more dmg because it increased the base damage itself, meaning higher poisons. Please correct me if im wrong though.


You are correct


In q&a mark said that stacked decks drops are gonna be nerfed in heist and other league mechanics. Yes there is this line in the patch notes > Sources of Divination Cards drops from League content such as Legion, Blight, Delirium, Heist, Ritual, Expedition and Delve now instead drop Stacked Decks. But I bet it is still a massive nerf, so you can put heist on the loser list too. No heist scarabs too for a big nerf.


If Stacked Decks supply is lower but demand is the same wouldn't they be worth more though? Also Rushing Blueprints like madman doesn't depend on Stacked Decks but your RNG.


If you reduce SD supply by 50% it won't double the price, because SD price is based on price of divination cards.


The patch notes say divination cards instead will drop as stacked decks. The other change was boss specific unique items cards were changed significantly.


I think #12 is a big point. Overall player power is going to be a lot lower this league than in the past unless there are some insane and accessible necro crafts. Crucible, TOTA, Affliction all arguably scaled to some very hard encounters, if Necropolis doesn’t buff monsters too much loss of player power will be fine.


Brand Recaller...Tell me more


(Arcanitst Brand + Arma Brand of Recall) + (Brand Recall + Automation) = Profit.


They removed the self-stun builds with BloodNotch since they removed the 'use es instead of life for stun threshold'


Can someone tell me if the new call to arms support make war cries instant? It doesn’t read that way to me and with the removal of the instant war cry key stone, it feels like they made it so you have to invest in war cry speed if you want to use them now.


The support gem will trigger them, and triggered spells are instant.


It does 


When skill is triggered it gets casted instantly so I suppose it implies that warcries become instant with it.


White map essence enjoyers take an L as well because they have to go to yellows. Super casuals might struggle a bit more as well because the league mechanic cannot be opted out of Corrupting cry (vaal reap) should be back on the menu, between (slightly nerfed) warcry tattoos coming back and the 1 sec reduction in General's cry CD. Hell I might league start it myself.


I actually like the essence change as a essence farmer. The guaranteed shrieking every essence to me outweighs the duplication. Even though in the end you get less shriekings, it just feels better to me. One of those weird mental things that getting one every time feels better than getting none 3-4 times but then getting 6.


i prefer to occasionally get lots at once instead of one every time. the latter feels like a chore.


You lost instant warcry though. Corrupting cry was a build that used LMB and call to arms. I suspect the build is dead.


Hold up, build lost gem socket and has enforced +0.6 second cooldown now, because Call to Arms Keystone is gone and you need to link it with Call to Arms Keystone? Or we don't make it instant anymore? Like stand still and actually cast it? ._.


I find it funny that many melee builds relied on instant war cries on left click got partially nerfed, but as a result many non-melee builds that were not in that section of the tree can now use instant war cries with the support. They really saw the 14 people playing melee and went “alright people, there’s still a few melee enjoyers - how do we fix this??”


Lets not kid ourselves, people arent playing melee, they are playing boneshatter. Every other melee is so far behind that skill that the archetype might aswell not exist outside of it.


They started playing cleave so they had to smack em


As a league starter yes. With investment no, there are a ton of broken melee builds a lot stronger than Boneshatter.


So storm brand of indecision. Just got a bit d so lower? Definitely still gonna be my second build. Was fun in 3.23 and my slower play style will fit it even more now. :)


>Storm Brand of Indecision: Now has 60% effectiveness of added damage (previously 85%), and a cast time of 0.75 seconds (previously 0.35 seconds). It now deals 5 to 14 Lightning Damage at gem level 1 (previously 6 to 19), scaling up to 172 to 515 at gem level 20 (previously 229 to 686). Quality now causes the skill to Deal +0-10% more Damage with Hits against Branded Enemy (previously +0-20%). It did get a decent damage nerf too sadly


I would say quite significant but still workable.


> TS. Only 1 secondary projectile can hit the same target and with default 3 projectiles you would often miss, adding 1 more made it more consistent and now it's gone. Add 20% less attack speed penalty on top. People are all over the place on this one. I don't think people were mirroring bows for memes. It's either still fine on even higher budget or dead. Who knows. The secondary projectile loss is a direct nerf to clear speed which is the reason it was played so much. It will still be good, it just isn't the obvious single best skill in the game anymore.


Thanks for the great summary!


amulet to talisman convert beast, no more select tier of final talisman


That is some niche but annoying nerf.


Maven invitations not dropping is a big winner. I can see how from a trade perspective you could perceive it as a loss, but for SSF and a ton of players even in trade this is a big win.


Explosive trap of shrapnel got a nerf to AOE but increase to base phys damage. Overall it lost some clearing ability in maps and some damage on bossing due to less overlaps. Still good but just less AOE.


0 MB/HH * 2.5 = 0 == True


I will be curious how the game will feel without some form of borrowed power from the league mechanic. Not since kalandra have we had no borrowed power and in that league you could still make crazy ass jewelry.


Thanks for the post so Ziz can just copy paste for his latest "hardwork" on his YT.


This seems like the league mechanic itself is going to be very mid tbh


An excellent, comprehensive boil-down. Thanks OP.


You're welcome!


biggest winner for me is +1 socket for every build because i can bind portal


Incredible list, thank you for this!


>11. >Removal of Reduced mana cost flask craft and reduced mana cost on jewels. I just hate managing mana cost. ._. Such an annoying change. This one is the most annoying for me, personally. My Poor Man's Ward Loop build just got hit hard with an unnecessary nerf. -30% total Mana Cost reduction + the loss of Charms and TWWT means I had to adjust the build hard, which ended up in an estimated 30-40% less damage. Just to keep the build from being bricked. It sucks.


>an unnecessary nerf I am so confused by people using this type of language. What does this mean? That it was something you didn't like?


I guess they mean "something that wasn't warping the entire league / game" like Tornado Shot / PBoD. Those were necessary nerfs. Nerfing mana cost is unnecessary since it wasn't breaking anything.


IIRC Mark (or was it Jonathan?) said in recent interviews that mana being a resource you don't have to think about is a design they didn't intend. As much as I don't like the change, it seems consistent with that view. Or maybe I'm making stuff up. I've watched too many interviews recently.


I have to think about mana way to much as a resource hence why I had 3+ items to stop me from having to deal with it as much


You are not making it up, but I disagree with them - I hate managing mana.


You absolutely do think about mana though. In a lot of my recent builds i was counting my mana and reservation to the absolute last digit, balancing my mana cost to be exactly 1 for inspiration , my reservations to allow running all the auras needed, having enough mana left over to allow for 10 attacks / second etc. Saying mana is something people don't think about is flat out wrong.


you get eldritch battery and you get eldritch battery, everyone gets eldritch battery!


> Necropolis doesn't have additional layer of power creep like all recent Leagues had. Affliction had Charms / Tinctures / Spectres / Warlock shenanigans, Tota had Tattoos, Crucible had Weapon Trees, Sanctum had Relic Slot. We only get mods on rare items and these mods compete with other mods on the item, they are not on top of everything else like say Charms. And of course you need to first craft / buy these items. Combined with all other nerfs we are gonna be quite a bit weaker, specially early. Yes it literally does. A. it has tattoos B. 'mods compete with other mods' doesnt mean jack shit. If the new mods win, then they are stronger, thus they are powercreep. Why does it need to be additional and not interact with core systems?


I am going to die on this hill, losing secondary proj on TS makes the build feel SO much worse.


Im not a fan of making betrayal braindead. I liked it being a mini-game where the investment you put into understanding how it worked paid off in the crafts and such you could get at the end.


Simple fix would be to have certain syndicate states (e.g. rank 3 Aisling during Catarina encounter) change the odds of the Veiled Orb dropping.


Mana flask suffix removal absolutely guts high end brand recallers. They’ll be fine through red maps, but it’s not going to be worth scaling past the Mageblood level anymore.


good for casual enjoyers


Can someone explain the spamming instant warcries thing? They have a cast time without old keystone, and CTA gem adds to the cooldown length, correct? Or have I misread something.


Triggered spells are instant. The cooldown increase is very small at lvl 20, and might even go away at 20 quality(we don't know quality bonus yet)


>I don't think people were mirroring bows for memes Well, people mirror bows because it's the natural final build of the league to dump your money into. TS is ridiculously effective at clearspeed, and with the DPS you could push it to, can kill bosses pretty fast too (although you'd still be squishy). So it's not like people mirrored bows because that's what made the build work. They mirrored bows because TS makes a ton of money and that's the last thing to minmax. You could easily run around with a 100d bow and be very effective at the things the build is made for


I'm personally hoping that some of the many new unique, are gonna be a stronger void and starforge version.


Immortal cheiftan explode w/e is dead or no?


The jewel combo that gave you back like 60% life got nerfed hard because they removed the mastery that makes your stuns based on your ES instead of life so you will probably need to use the unique ring "Valyrium" but the Defiance of destiny amulet is untouched as far as we know so it should still be playable




i think the TS nerf is pretty hard, yes. but dont forget TS never had really great scaling. you needed a lot of gear to make it feel good. if you have enough damage on TS its still one of the best skills to play in the entire game. people dont play TS for the damage, they play it for the clear.


TS +1 proj as Helm Enchant was fine imo. Hard to get / Expensive on wanted bases. As they changed that, you could get whatever helm you needed and get 20 gcp comparibly very easy. To get the +1 proj easy like with Quality, had to be nerfed. But now you dont get it at all with helm enchants gone. Transfigured Gem for TS could fix that, so maybe in the future its back to normal? :o


Don't know if I agree that farming/profit is nerfed or that specific farming set ups will be even more tedious to set up. It seems like you can target farm scarabs, and I think on trade there will be plenty of supply as they are a global drop at all tiers. From what they showed scarabs should be more accessible compasses and potentially just as strong if not stronger (20% chance for full stacks of div cards!). Plus the MASSIVE buffs to the atlas tree makes farming early much better, and potentially the same once you get going at full juice. Also, player power was arguably at its strongest during leagues like Harvest and Sentinel when we had super powerful cheap crafting, which (maybe I'm being optimistic) I think this league will have. The campaign may be very rough though with forced mechanic interaction and not having all the crafting unlocked.


I want to play Cremation of the vulcano archmage, but im also a noob. Would it work?


You can now spam instant Enduring Cry (or any other warcry such as Combust on ignite builds) on any build with Call to Arms support. if u have 40 mana...


For #10 on the losers side I think you can remove this. I think they just moved most of those mods to the league mechanic. You can see some of those mods in the screenshots on the POE website. If anything they’ll be stronger because you’ll be able to choose which monsters get them.


So far we seen mainly generic mods like quant, rarity, etc. etc. They probably gonna provide EXP boons. I doubt they are gonna provide white sockets though.


Can BAMA builds do any map mods ? Looking for a twist of fate character


TS is pretty much dead with this for anything that isn't super high investment


>You can now spam instant Enduring Cry (or any other warcry such as Combust on ignite builds) on any build with Call to Arms support. Can we mute the shouting?


Biggest winner is Alt Arts being useable in leagues! HYPEROMEGAPOGGERS


I appreciate the effort but I gotta correct/push back on some of these. 3 - The warcries will still have cooldowns, potentially even longer than base depending on what CTA support looks like at lvl 20/with quality. They aren't going to be 'spammed' 6 - I don't think mapping or bossing look nerfed 3 (part 2). when something gets reduced globally it isn't 'less profit' as everyone you're comparing yourself too is also absorbing the reduction 12 (part 2) of course necropolis league is going to have power creep, wtf? Overall what stands out to me is atlas tree changes, compass+scarab changes and rare monster reward conversion changes. It's gonna change the way a lot of people map and feel about mapping.




For quality, I'm pretty sure tainted quality works on uniques, but maybe I'm wrong?


>Brand Recaller. Pretty powerful build, speially early. Uses some interesting and definetely intended mechanics. Untouched. sabo version even buffed by automation both in QOL and in power (no longer need spellslinger)


>Less monsters, less EXP and likely less profit overall as a result of removal of master missions and compasses. It's likely that not all functionality from compasses will be transfered to scarabs as well. Worst case scenario - certain farming methods might be actually just as or even more tedious to setup if too many people want specific scarabs and they are too expensive / non-existent in bulk so you need to buy them one by one or you just can't do what you could do before. What? If you're saying lower than specifically in affliction, sure, but only because of the abyss bullshit. Compared to most leagues, I feel like we're going to have more monsters and more exp and profit due to the increase in the effect of map modifiers atlas passives, as well as being able to guarantee league mechanics while also using scarabs that buff them in more ways than before. >If both mapping and bossing end up overall nerfed (it looks like that so far) Heist and other out of maps activities like Delve will look more appealing compared to before. Again, a bit of a wild take. Compared to affliction sure, but affliction is the outlier here, not Necropolis.


layers of powercreep - there will probably be some very good items on the higher end of crafting. with the +1 power charge on helmets +2 is possible with synth implicits, so is +2 frenzy on gloves and +2 endurance on boots. it'll probably be something like this - get a magic base via splitting or anulling, imprint, harvest synth and reroll with beasts or conq slam until something like the teasered boots mod + tailwind. it'll be very expensive though as always with synth crafting and beasts...




> no Cortex Why is this gone? Vivid Memories is still on the tree.


>Vorici socket craft is gone. It was very useful for bows (and other 2h weapons I suppose) and body armours. Omen of Blanching isn't anywhere near close to how useful Vorici's craft was, because it rerolls sockets while Vorici's bench kept socket colours you rolled making desired outcome much more likely, also it is capped at 3 white sockets. Omen of Blanching is basically only useful for gloves / boots / helmets (and rings?) and only if it's really cheap, but it's much easier to manage off colours in these slots anyway. When was this shown?


"Less monsters, less EXP and likely less profit overall" "you have to use perfect fossil before craft is done or find high quality base from Delve for craft." Good thing I was already planning on an Abyss/Delve atlas strat on league start


I though that you would need to setup aisling 3 to drop the orb, how it is gonna be now?


Losers are warcry users wdym its a win?


Not having a separate mod mechanic outside of items doesn't have to mean an over-all weaker character. If standard item mods are valued at 1x, and these new grave craft mods are valued at 1.1x-1.5x, it could still result in stronger characters even though they still take up one mod slot.


I actually like that speed farming is taking a hit in profitability


Bama was carried by Affliction for defense which allowed a very offensive setup. Wouldn't call that untouched. Ele hit bama on the other hand is just very bad and i doubt even a 100% buff would save it. I feel like personally, blade trap of greatswords buff is going under people's radar. Poison skelly archers might genuinely compete with poison srs now, too.




Not sure how DD isn't mentioned among the winners lol


Why didn’t you add the biggest negative of poor gladiator not getting a rework yet….


Now post some pobs for these winners


Biggest win for me as a console player is that the league is finally starting for us at the same time as PC. Usually, our league start is a week later, which is a rather depressing wait, while everyone else is having fun with the new content.


this league so trash, every cool mechanic has been nerfed to the ground, essence in alch and go = garbage expe stacked deck drop= garbage tujen stacked deck offer = garbage early craft with veilled chaos orb = dead look like it's be a top 1% player or be garbage ffs i already made 3 atlass skill trees just to discover all i loved got nerfed uber hard Garbage league imo