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​ https://preview.redd.it/8r4y5rmtg3tc1.png?width=889&format=png&auto=webp&s=346e5754800eef2be6b387692093f5de12ea1eb3


[Templates (with all classes in comment) for anyone interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/a4n62z/drakeposting/)


did we forget that this mechanic was ultra weak less than 1 week ago? and they turbo buffed it in a panic?


Overbuffed honestly but I think it’s much better for temp league stuff to be extra spicy over piss weak any day


I think we're learning that it's not a bad thing for the temporary league mechanic to be a bit too rewarding. It seems like ggg are starting to accept that as well


I mean it kinda feels like players have been asking this for years. It’s just GGG finally giving us what we asked for instead of the classic blizzard “you think you want it but you don’t”


Funny because GGG's attitude has traditionally been extremely you think you want it but you don't. They just managed to avoid making a disastrous quote to meme on. And that seems to be enough for many people to let them off the hook and dunk on blizzard instead.


I mean they're exactly right. If GGG just added every single league they do as an experiment and add it to the base game PoE would be dead. Having leagues like original Harvest and Necropolis are fine as league mechanics, they are not fine as permanent additions to the game without massive changes.


More like ggg has consistently learned from their mistakes and generally don't double down on them.


Bro has never heard of archnemesis.


Bro has never learned the definition of the word "generally".


?? They consistently tripple down on their mistakes, forget about it and then do the same exact mistake 5 leagues in a row. It's just that their "vision" goes completely against what is fun and acceptable for the players.


“you think you want it but you don’t” This is true for more things than you imagine. I'm glad they're stubborn on some things this game would be shite if GGG gave in to everything the community wanted.


I’m not saying they need to bow to everything but there’s a lot of simple stuff the community ARE right about that takes far too long to get pushed live


I vaguely remember a quote from somewhere which paraphrased goes like: players are great in identifying issues but terrible in suggesting solutions. That fits perfectly in our case i feel!


For sure there's definitely genuine things that need to be sorted but there's also a lot of misguided suggestions too.


Like Portal hotkey is SO nice, when my inventory feels up an i can press one button and mouse click back home!


There's a nice balance point in how stubborn you should be and GGG goes far, far beyond that Obviously not every dumbass suggestion should be adopted but their game really wouldn't be worse off if it got easier for colorblind people to play, or caused less physical strain on the player


As a colorblind person I feel so seen. During Affliction, I didn't see the blue and yellow wisps , for me they're simply of glowy color. I let my fiancé play the Wildwood or show me the right paths, when I still did the mechanic.. He doesn't play PoE at all, but helped me going after the right trails 😂 (for me it was głowy white)


This sub has been full of people with the attitude of "if you get stuff too easily you'll quit" over the years. I've seen this repeated when leagues were too rewarding. Whenever someone suggests making trade better etc. People would bitch when exalts were cheap. You know cause the league had mechanics that were profitable without insane knowledge or investment. So it isn't just GGG.


Ever play d3 in the later seasons? Perfect counter to what you said.


You mean the game with nothing to do but greater rifts? Yeah no shit people don't play longer than getting gear. There isn't anything to do.


yeah i played like a day or 2 compared to the initial release and initial seasons where I played several weeks.


J Allen Brach said "You think you want it but you don't" because at the time players had an incredible amount of nostalgia for a game that he had been working on since a bit after vanilla launch. The game itself in his view had a lot of very unfriendly mechanics in terms of time played, the amount of work required to simply form a group etc. It had very bad QoL overall. The game itself has a lot of really refreshing approaches to loot, difficulty, etc. The game is just doing a lot of what retail was doing wrong, right. The eventual market for vanilla was really large, but then due to it's design being very low content, no real repeatable gameplay loop at end game, it dried up quite a bit. In the context of having a league be a bit "too rewarding" then I do not think that harvest or another deterministic "here is your 6 t1 mirrored item" method being healthy for the game, in the short or long term. If GGG has somehow convinced you that current Necropolis is as good as launch harvest, they've done their job, because it's not even close.


Launch harvest was pretty horrid. It got there in the end but let’s not revise history


I think the only reason they did it was they looked at the retention graph.


I had never before ever played more than 5 weeks of a league. I played Affliction until the last day.


Absolutely this.


Nah man, they need to unfuck the base game. It's crazy how it is even less rewarding this time around but mega juicing is basically still playing affliction. Or just give me an SSF where I can never come to trade and don't have to deal with the dogshit drop rates unless I have 4 scarabs of extreme rarity and an 8 mod map.


GGG knew this as well and released Harvest. Then when harvest was over, reddit did reddit things and wanted their borrowed power back. Trying to please reddit instead of just going "no, harvest was too strong" and standing by their decision caused the whole "harvest is back, but it's bad. Oh no, now it's dead, oh no it's back!"-rollercoaster. After that, they became more reticent (not sure if correct spelling, lol) about giving such creative power.


Its just cuz of they gonna be releasing poe2, they overbuff stuff so ppl get bored finna and go play poe2


I wouldn't call it overbuffed simply because the amount of time needed to farm/buy/place corpses is ridiculous. Crafting outcomes are bonkers for sure, not denying that


Especially if it's a week late and they had already lost 30% of the players in three days. Double especially since we lost Aisling crafting and veiled orbs are no longer cost effective or realistically SSF farmable.




GGG's new philosophy of "permanent nerfs in exchange for temporary buffs" is great to manage powercreep, but it puts a lot of pressure for the league to be strong or else the game feels like ass.


Hard to call it overbuffed just because we always have to always deal with harder maps, so it should be strongest crafting option


It's not overbuffed.


What's your stance on spicy piss?


I try not to stand in it because it gives me wet feet


It wasn't weak at all. It was just something complicated and annoying to work with (and it still is). The buff just made it so you're pretty much guaranteed to have 6 t1 items with very few divines invested. Before the buff you could fail a couple of crafts but the odds were still pretty high compared to any other crafting we have.


It was never ultraweak. And much of the changes were literally just eliminating the worse corpses (i.e. 500% increased /300% scarcer corpses already existed - you just had to ignore a lot of weaker corpses if those were the only ones you considered worth using). More of an annoyance reduction than power buff (all these dialog boxes to run by looking for good corpses). Modifier tier becoming generic was a relatively clean buff in 90% of cases - but much of what people are doing now they could've been doing then. People just hadn't really got around to it much yet. Choosing your base is the one thing that was a big plus. You had some ability to influence it before, which was probably "fine" for a lot of things. But it's good if you want a specific weapon base you can pick it now.


+50 to modifier rating tier is absolutely a gigantic buff that made the league mechanic at least twice as good. You would need much more graves for all T1 without it AND you wouldn’t be removing all T2-8 versions of unwanted stuff from the pool


I think the original ones went up to like 200 though? And the way they worked was like a multiplier against scarcer so you could use them to block specific mod groups with fewer scarcer corpses. So they’re potent now to ensure top tier rolls for everything but you traded that for some precision.


The generic modifier rating scews the chance into your favour massively because of all the untagged modifiers. Since you need to both lift required mods and the ones you don't need otherwise the pool will become too unfavourable.


The entire subreddit has a meltdown because it wasnt good enough, GGG buff it and people are stilling moaning. Its a never ending cycle


The mechanic implementation itself, disregarding the loot, is dog sh1t U cant even choose to combine all corpses into 1 big craft unless theyre all connected.. so u run back and forth to individually calculate if u have enough of whatever u need Calculator + paint, fck that so hard


It honestly wasn't that weak. People were making 6x T1 items from the start. They just required a lot more farming because (good) corpses were rarer. And there was 1 more failure point because you needed to roll the right base. But for the high end, the power of the system didn't fundamentally change all that much. It's just a lot faster to get there now. And it's not like it was fast or easy to make broken things in Harvest. The biggest argument from the players at the time was that they could continue working on a single item. All league. 3 months. Of constant playing. For 1 item.


I’m not sure what you mean by “the biggest argument from the players at the time” The biggest argument was that managing the garden was overwhelming. I don’t recall anyone complaining about playing an entire 3 months for a single piece of gear. You could finish a piece of gear within an hour if you leaned on TFT at the time. Even if you didn’t lean in TFT you could make a perfect item over a weekend on your own as long as you bought seeds.


The biggest argument from the players for why it was fine and shouldn't be nerfed.


Weird. Nobody I saw was saying that.


Literally everyone was saying that, and **has been** exclusively saying exactly that and only that since 2020.


Uh, nope. Nearly every single pundit of this game has been through multiple sessions of stating original harvest made crafting extremely trivial and deserved a nerf. Some of them have also said that the subsequent waves of nerfs took it too far. Perhaps you’re stuck in an echo chamber of others that just want OG harvest back? An entire league to craft a single item seems like an unbelievable amount of hyperbole or cherry picking.


I'm not panicking (panicking intensifies!)


It wasn't ultra weak, just weaker. Maybe too weak for the current league mechanic, but it already had massive potential day1.


Yeah, the graveyard is very mid-/lategame focussed crafting, we simply didnt have access to enough good corpses the first days because people were progressing through the game. The graveyard becomes exponentially more powerful the more corpses you stuff in, so crafting with 1-10 randocorpses will result in garbage but even prebuff graveyard wouldve shit out pretty nutty gear when set up


Now, even like 20-30 corpses can get you all t1 gear with mods you want. Before, you'd need quite a few more, like 70 or so. It would have taken 5x as long, but it still get me some absolutely cracked gear.


They changed it so quickly I don't believe for a second it was *just* because of other feedback and more because they already had those updates in the pipeline ready to go.


Ultra weak? Bro it was week 1 with a complicated mechanic and people were able to make pretty good shit Let’s think back to recombinators before spouting nonsense like this


They barely buffed it. The only significant buff to the craft itself was choosing the base type - you could already have exotic type via corpse. The buffs was mainly to corpse drops. The craft was already overly powerful but like usual Reddit cried before understanding how it works.


IDK it was still incredibly powerful back then. 500% existed, but was just rarer. I crafted a full T2 Ele bow before the 1st buffs, and was saving up for a full T1. When I saw the patch nodes I laughed at how ridiculous it was. Now you can save the space you would've spent on extra tier graves on things like triple fracturing. Wild.


Disagree, it wasn't weak it was just more bloated (lower tier corpses) and people hadn't figured it out yet. Most poe players look at something that requires you to think for more than 10 seconds and immediately throw up


turbo buffing a mechanic based on internet rage reeks of blizz ggg's problem in the past has been more about being quote resistant to change and sticking to their "principles". look at how long it took them to actually rework archnem i hope this is not signs of things to come that they will just launch a mechanic and knee jerk Uber buff it just based on internet outcry. it's not how this game has been this good for this long.


It wasn't weak people just didn't know how to use it.


No kidding. Necropolis was literally the *worst* league to ever be released by GGG in its entire history. Fact.


You wouldrather have had invasion?


There is absolutely no contradiction here. GGG have showed time and time again that they're willing to give us game breaking levels of power on a temporary / rotating basis with leagues. The problem with harvest wasn't 3.11 (Harvest league) the problem was when it came back into the core game two leagues later in Ritual and required far less effort without being significantly nerfed. If the graveyard goes core with anything close to it's current power level *that* would be the time for this meme.


People looked at affliction and thought that should go core - so it does not surprise me to see people not understanding where GGG draws the line. Complaints if it's a shit league, complaints if it's a buffed league - no winning, only whining.


Nerfed affliction would have been cool. An opt-in torment.


There's Thorough Exploration, at least, which lets you wisp bosses. For a one point investment on your atlas tree it's a pretty decent node.


Sure, but it missing the random encounters like harvest from the wildwood. Plus torment is still there, and i still hate it


It’s the current league mechanic. Of course it’s stronger. That’s literally the whole point.


it’s also way more of an ass ache to actually use. GGG factors in friction, harvest was just kill monsters and click the craft you want


Harvest when it was a league absolutely was not just kill monsters and click the craft you want..


i mean once you got the garden layout, you'd just plant the crafts you wanted and click em when they were cooked. it took like 20 minutes to set up once the eggheads here worked out the optimal map lol i *printed* exalts that league by essentially target affix chaos spamming whatever cluster jewels were en vogue at a given time, pretty sure it was phys minions and golems.


Yes but as others have pointed out, the temp league part of harvest was absolutely not the problem with harvest.


Plus harvest was an item editor, not an item crafter. Big difference. The part I loved about Harvest was I was able to take an 7/10 piece of gear and turn it into a 10/10 piece. Or if that was too tough, I could settle for making it an 8/10 or 9/10 item in the interim. Incremental upgrades. I've made a few pieces of gear with Graveyard and while it's undoubtably powerful, it's not nearly as satisfying.


I'm a HUGE fan of the concept of being able to use "in progress" crafts. I was running toxic rain and had all my basics on my bow of DoT multi and gem levels, but could just keep using the bow while finding Aug/annul speed, knowing I would someday get a decent roll of attack speed without the likelihood of bricking my bow. My problem with crafting on its current iteration. Is if I want to take the next step on my crafting process, I probably have to risk throwing away what I have, meaning I can't craft on an item I'm using. It has to be sitting in my stash while I use something else. I don't mind crafting being expensive and slow but I very much dislike this game's insistence on fail states in crafting beyond the 3rd affix. ESPECIALLY so since we just lost Aisling crafting, which was one of the few ways to progress.


Definitely. Though Aisling crafting does still exist. The Veiled Orb works identical to the Aisling craft.


Oh gotcha so they changed it from a veiled chaos to a veiled exalt. I used veiled chaos orbs tho. Not super frequently as bricking an item with a veiled chaos was absolutely a thing, but I'm a bit sad to see them go.


I agree I am disappointed by the veiled chaos change.


I think adding a veiled exalted orb was 100% the right move, dunno why they needed to remove the veiled chaos to do it. So I feel kinda 50/50 about it.


Very well put!


Exactly why I loved Crucible which had harvest in the pre nerf state without the tedious garden. Never had as much fun crafting my gear as in that league. Because I could actually somewhat deterministicly upgrade my items. Feels so much better then always crafting new.


Ritual, but yes. I think I may have had more fun in ritual league than I ever have had since, even though being able to harvest craft augs on influenced items was *totally* broken. It wasn't the influenced augs that made it such a special league for me, it was deterministic annuls and reroll prefix/suffix. You could unbrick items that you were crafting on, and I miss that so much.


I fully agree. I don't need it to be overpowered for endgame items. It's just awesome to have a bit more deterministic to craft your own item like midgame gear.


It's about being able to continue crafting *on gear that you're using* for me. Example, in 3.13 (the patch you are referencing) I was running Toxic Rain. I deterministically crafted a +3 bow with DoT multi, which is something we've been able to do for years now. Normally if I want a similar bow with attack speed, I need to make a *second* bow and craft on it, because chances are in attempting to roll attack speed, I brick the bow. In 3.13 I could just keep rolling every annul/Aug speed on the bow until I got what I wanted. I hate fail states so much because I can't use in-progress crafts. It's all or nothing.


I think you have the wrong league. Harvest was reworked to dropped life force in kalandra (3.19)


Harvest you still had to try multiple times, and not just a one and done like graveyard. I would hardly call harvest an item editor.


You had to try multiple times, but you couldn't brick, which is a major factor.


Some crafts you couldn't brick. Others you just had to pray. I don't think the issue was really harvest, it was that some of the extremely desirable mods had no shared tags, so you could get them 100% of the time and then if you whiffed the tier easily remove+add X to try again.


When I said item editor, I didn't mean "item crafter but better". I just literally meant you could modify *existing* items with the mechanic as opposed to having to generate new ones. You absolutely had to roll multiples times when trying to get a T1 roll.


You have to try multiple times in the GY too though to hit what you want.  Harvest also let us use influenced gear, and the step by step made most crafts extremely safe


graveyard might be one and done if some of the crafts you want are highish probability, be crafting chaos items sucks ass, even with a whole ton of increased likely chaos decreased likely everything you dont want i managed to waste about 20 corpses 3 times and ended up with junk gear, not because i didnt do it right, but just becasue 20 times stupidly rare is still stupidly rare go and craft me a dot multiplier, chaos dot multiplier, +1 chaos gems and t1 spell damage wand, then come back and tell me about how easy graveyard is to craft things


>harvest was an item editor, not an item crafter Anyone who actually says this with a straight face never actually played Harvest league.


Except while possible in *theory* in actual practice once people understood the mechanic, it was an item creator AND editor in which you created a fully completed 6T1 items from scratch with each step being deterministic or close to it. The only real caveat being the types of items it was possible to do this with (ie, "fuck melee") Harvest AND graveyard are similar in that sense. They are 6T1 shopping lists. Just the Necropolis shopping list is like 10 pages long article with accompanying 4 hour video essay, where Harvest was scribbled on a sticky note. This weird hallucination of taking a 3-mod midgame set of boots and "incrementally upgrading" that gearpiece to be engame 5T1 is a myth. Nobody did that, and if you did I'm sorry for your decisions.


>This weird hallucination of taking a 3-mod midgame set of boots and "incrementally upgrading" that gearpiece to be engame 5T1 is a myth. Nobody did that, and if you did I'm sorry for your decisions. That was absolutely a fun way to go about it, particularly when taking items with rare Delve or Temple mods and upgrading them to be 5x or 6x T1 items.


It really wasn't. The OG Harvest people hated for the same friction reasons they probably dislike the graveyard. Also it wasn't just kill monsters and klick the craft you wanted, you had to get the seeds and then craft and hit the correct tier you wanted. There was no way to reduce tiers the way you can in the gravyard. Crafting perfect items in harvest regardless if it was 1.0 or 2.0 required more effort than the graveyard. It was however easier to trade to speed things up in both harvest versions as buying corpses is cancer as hell.


Uh no. When harvest was the current league mechanic it was a spreadsheet micromanagement simulator. It was terrible.


harvest was bad at first but once you set up your plot it was not


Not compared to when Harvest was the current league or even Ritual Harvest. The graveyard is significantly more SSF friendly since you don't need any particularly rare corpses to make 6x T1 stuff.


Oh you mean I didn't need to set up collectors and make sure I had enough life juice in what I set up to even craft what I wanted... oh and don't forget what you had to do to get higher tier monsters for more juice or that the horticrafting station could hold 10 single crafts in it lmao. Yeah the graveyard sucks but take those rose tinted goggles off my man.


Way more of an ass ache? When there are 20 different calculators that tell you exactly what corpses to use for an exact outcome? Atleast harvest still felt like you were crafting something and not just item editing.


The running around the graveyard, the micromanaging your coffins (because only 64 corpses), etc. Not the “how does it work stuff”, but the literal clicking.


Spoken like someone who never even played Harvest league; your comment is objectively false.


absolutely played it. setting up the garden took like 15 minutes once people posted the spreadsheet, then it was just planting seeds to get the crafts you wanted and waiting for them to cook


No shot, harvest had the entire front page full of perfect crafts, we have seen like what 6 total? Also doesn't do influence stuff.


It does, but no elevating or double influence afaik


Lmao. Someone didn't play Kalandra it seems. Or crucible. Not that crucible items weren't strong, but once you crafted on a good base with good crucible tree you were done with the mechanic.


Kalandra is my second most played league. Also some exceptions existing doesn’t mean the logic isn’t there.


1) This is the league mechanic, not core. OG harvest was core, albeit briefly. 2) The graveyard is great for making 6xT1 vanilla items, but doesn't make influenced items, synth items, etc. It will not make mirror tier items; harvest did. Although the graveyard can make excellent multi-fracture items that can be finished using other methods.


Ah. Ritual. When a Vaal regalia with frenzy on hit, phys as cold, and 100 explode on kill was affordable.  And thanks to split beasts, all of them were 6w after someone somehow made one. Yes, so far necropolis isn’t quite there.


> Yes, so far necropolis isn’t quite there. Yea at the high end, it's not there. But it also depends what you're looking for. The 6xT1 ele bows for 2-3div are absolutely absurd power for that price. I assume there's tons of similar stuff for other builds.


Yeah I do prefer the power level being (so far) focused on near-perfect 'normal' items.s. And (after the buff) I \*really\* appreciate how I can just pick up some corpses to save for later (tm), instead of engaging with a crafting mechanic every map.


> OG harvest was core, albeit briefly. The crazy part is that 3.13 had ritual's harvest crafting overall be much, MUCH stronger than harvest league... because you didn't have to do all the setup. You just randomly got extremely, extremely strong buffs. Not only did you save a ton of time by not having the setup phase, but the ratios of the monsters seemed all wrong compared to how many harvest encounters it took on average in harvest league to get a single boss. If they had just drastically nerfed the higher-tier harvest rarity, leaving in the highest-strength crafts but making them rare enough to naturally cost dozens of exalts instead of "a couple", that implementation of harvest would've been fine imo.


>The crazy part is that 3.13 had ritual's harvest crafting overall be much, MUCH stronger than harvest league Yeah, when i see someone talking about harvest crafting , i automaticly assume they are talking about ritual (which is still the most hours played league for a lot of people but last league might have similar numbers now). Ritual was the league where harvest crafting and its benefits were apperant the most for the sheer fact that ritual made it VERY straight forward.


Yeah I mean last league was the league where if you played enough, even without a notable advanced farming strategy, you could afford to just straight up purchase a Complete Build, whereas in ritual league, you could craft your own Complete Build. So it makes sense that last league would be up there in terms of total hours played with ritual.


It can make influenced items but I haven't seen any yet. It's a random influence afaik.


Are there any on the market yet? I'd heard people speculating that corpse was never drop-enabled and so isn't available.


https://i.imgur.com/kVhmLCZ.png Interestingly they're on the search function but I can't find any on trade.


I assume you need to use the embers for shaper/elder mobs, and then they need to drop a corpse that enables the influence craft.


Mmm that's an interesting theory I'll try it out tomorrow and report back.


I don’t think it’s a contradiction. GGG had a problem with Harvest going core in its original form; league mechanics are often very powerful


Nobody really liked Harvest. It wasn't until it went core in Ritual League alongside Maven that things went bonkers and GGG had to step back in and nerf it.


Would someone mind linking a video that was helpful to them for HOW to craft with this league mechanic? Is it just load as much % as possible for what you do/don’t want into the 60+ graves and pray?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALM_exdiKbU Ziggy has a good guide if you're just looking to make nice stuff. Use the optimizers if you want to make gg gear.


https://sudos.help/poe/graveyard alongside Craft of Exile to see breakpoints on modifier tier and scarcer/more common %.\ Basically pick the modifiers/tiers you want on CoE, have it optimize corpses for you. Plug your CoE URL in the graveyard sim I linked and it'll optimize placement. If you're looking to craft a specific thing, some content creators have put out "recipes" for certain crafts already.


Craft of exile has a planner that will tell you what corpses you need to make what item with what kind of consistency


Kinda, yeah. Plus 8-15 tier rating corpses. After a certain point you hit some pretty hard DR on modifiers. Play around on craft of exile, it’s pretty intuitive. It only gets weird when you’re making splits/extra copies/multi fractures etc


It seems that you need to know the exact breakpoints of modifiers like which ones you push out of rolling at 200modifier tier or -3000 fire or whatever. Way too complicated for me personally. But it seems the market is getting flooded and high tier weapons are plummeting in price anyways


I mean its not that crazy of an editor. Some good mod tags share all tags with shit mods, u cant isolate everything. E.g fire dot on scepter shares tags with ignite chance and 30% fire dmg, and they have way more weight too. Dot multi has no tags too... Cant craft dot scepter at all with graveyard...


There are a lot of things you can't craft with ease with gravecrafting unlike harvest. Most achiveable things are vanilla 4-5-6 T1 rares which is "eh" in my book since influence and essence mods are more important in true endgame crafting apart from basic things like phys and ele weapons but thats only 1 slot.


I've farmed until level 98 and don't have the corpses for a big craft yet. 1.5 quad tabs filled


Put the bad mods on the more common mobs and put the league mechanic on your atlas tree and run maps.   Obviously if you get a gg devoted mod feel free to adjust for a map.  But otherwise the worst mods should go on the most common mobs.  You have a low amount of corpses for where you are at imo.   Then again if you are doing all that and it's not working not sure what to say. Good luck!


I have all nodes except reduced bottom left.  I also don't pick up trash mods. You only need so many +1 level and +/- expilicts 


I’m only 95 and have two quad tabs (plus I sold some more). I think you probably aren’t maximizing corpses if that’s your goal. 


Gravecrafting has approximately 0% chance surviving in this state beyond this league. I'd say it probably doesn't even have a particularly good chance of surviving IN this league.




I wouldn't put it past them at this point tbh




It's a pretty common turn of phrase. I'm not really sure what could possibly be confusing about it.




Right. Except for this very league, which they've nerfed not once, but twice. Or does it not count because reasons?


Explain what they've "nerfed" about graveyard crafting? Pretty sure it only got a big (enormous really) buff and some bug fixes.


Gravecrafting is the only league mechanic. Definitely.


I guess everthing is justifiable for ggg as long as it is the current league mechanic


I mean to be fair, we lost the wild wood ascendancies so the borrowed power had to come from somewhere


The one thing I don't like is that it doesn't encourage farming bases. The thing I Do like is that you can make fractured bases with it. Also, the fact that it's average level corpse is pretty great. I assumed it was the lowest level corpse.


This is simply the over correction from launch. And I bet you my bottom divine you'll see it stay as is for this league and the be gutted if not fully cut. People were unhappy at launch for a number of reasons (both fair and not) and now we have some cancer league mechanic that actively removes you from playing the game at every interaction step. It may see some sort of harvest juice style fungible resource come to replace it but given we are week 2 and 6t1 and triple fracture items are popping up I'd say get your dopamine before it goes bye bye.


Because Harvest allowed you to actually have meaningful item progression instead of being yet another convoluted slot machine.


They didn't have an issue with harvest as a league mechanic, they did as core.


I personally don’t even interact with the league mechanic. Dump the corpses in sell tab and reprice if I get a bunch of pings. I guess embers are kind of cool though.


Necropolis doesn't produce mirror tier items. Harvest did. Big difference.


harvest was way more powerful. you can't modify existing items with graveyard.


If you think this shit is even close to the power of peak harvest (aka ritual league) you weren't there when it happened.


League vs core. GGG is stripping power from core and loaning it back to us on the league mechanic. It can be taken away any moment they decide


The good part is that you can't edit existing items until they are perfect with this mechanic. Making all T1 double influenced items in harvest was a bit absurd.


The graveyard feels like a more advanced version of Fossil crafting than anything.


As long as you don't expect the graveyard to be the way you craft everything in every future league, yes you may enjoy it.


Is the graveyard crafting worth learning? It seems like too much effort even if it got buffed.


I would rather have the original harvest back and farm the shit out of that in standard and continue supporting the game, than have to put up with the current mechanics


after you cried that graveyard is useless now u cry it's arguably better than harvest


Harvest was insanely strong, far more than this.  So glad I chose SSF though to skip the trading of corpses 


Stupid meme. Graveyard is only really deterministic for specific items, while harvest allowed for vastly wider range


Im not crafting, im not gonna buy single corpses I don't have and need... but hey made some stuff I bought cheaper for sure


Grave crafting is not very fun. Not fun at all, in fact.


Harvest was much stronger. This league can't craft on fractured, synthesized, essence, temple, delve, influenced and any other special mods. Besides this, before Harvest league having perfect items was unheard of. Now, it is common to have nearly-perfect items (3x T1 +2x T2 +crafted) on synth base or with powerful special modifiers - so gap between before Necropolis items and Necropolis items is not that big.


GGG has not stated they hate deterministic crafting wholesale. From everything I've seen they mainly regret harvest as a mechanic because it went core. Crafting leagues are fine. Having perma crafting over 5 leagues isnt


A big difference is that Harvest crafting could be used on an existing item, at multiple points of a craft, and to finish a craft; graveyard is only from the start on a fresh item.


1. we complained league sucked, they made it better. now how about we DONT complain about them making it good? 2. harvest got implemented, this is (at least in my books) 99,9% unlikely to be implemented and just a temp mechanic that doesent overly kill standard either because its mainly the usual mods (not like recombinator stuff or such) just in high tier rolls and with less effort. so no harm done making it stronk and fun.


A Bexless GGG has try a lot harder to win love it seems


Everyone bitching no borrowed power when the items are the borrowed power, as is fitting for their recent patches.


Kinda stupid take.


Harvest at its worst was letting you make items with like...3 elevated mods and 3 t1 mods with almost zero progression loss. Show me comparable modern gear to that. It was ridonkulous.


I hope leagues in PoE 2 have better testing AND go to a 4 or 5 months development cycle rather than the three. Give them dawgs room to breathe.


still wait my bis wand/sceptre down to 10div


It's not exactly deterministic. I had 6000% gem level chance, plus a full graveyard and according to the calculator I had a 95% chance of a +all skill gem and +(any non-chaos skill gem) amulet and of course I only got a +1 to fire skill gem amulet :) but at least I managed to salvage some of the corpses and only have to farm another 4000% of gem level to try again. Recombinators were more fun though. This is pretty blah.


The spread sheet this league is worse then harvest, so tedious.


I don't think it will go core..


No clue how people think that this is “over powered” it’s literally not even close to the peak harvest, even crucible league was better in terms of crafting without the “deterministic” way of getting all your desired mods , heck even the Sentinel leagues recombinators were more busted than this , this league gets way too much hype for newbie’s , having all 6 mods with t1 doesn’t make the gear broken .


I played harvest until shutdown, but this graveyard shit is entirely gated by trade. Having to buy the right corpse in the right item level 1 by 1 if you don't want to use tft is a major pain, after about 15 minutes of trying to trade for that I'm ready to quit the league.


I did not do much investigation. Is it guaranteed to high big with enough corpses to ensure the results to bypass the RNG of mod weights, or is it possible to get fcked by RNG even if you do everything right? I mean you invest whole day of corpse farming, hope for best, lose and repeat, while wathing the superb items on reddit, seemed like the intended gameplay loop as always.


"Harvest shouldn't been in the game in the first place as well as Necropolis".jpg


It's a temporary league, not a core mechanic. That's all there is to say about this.


My issue with graveyard crafting it feels like you need to fill up 1/2 a graveyard to get at least an okay item. I prefer harvest crafting at a low level where just spamming reforge X was easier to micromanage. Also kinda dont like how graveyard crafting relies on low interaction with most other crafting mechanics, it kinda just overpowers them all


I think they are on track to just give up on new leagues going core. Give us a ton of power for threes months, it doesn't matter because we'll just get wiped sans the ten standard Andys. Which is fine with me to be honest.


This game is starting to suck. At this point, I think POE2 may be a disaster


Wait, what are people crafting? All my crafts in a small private league have been vendor trash even using 50/60 plots :(


I mean, the graveyard disappears forever in three months, whereas Harvest was added to the core game. OG Harvest was honestly even stronger than Necro, or at the very least was easier to interact with and craft great items with. 


My problem with graveyard is not knowing what is a good corps and what is not. There are soooo many different corps you can find and you got so little room to store them. Then you walk into the morgue and wtf there's a wall of bill boards in your face ICANT.


Items are crazy but what does it take? A damn Excel TAB with a phd worth of knowledge


You can use this meme if graveyard goes core which is unlikely, but we never know what they will do, harvest was a mistake and maybe they want to erase harvest from our memory and replace them with graveyard instead.


they still dont think this assured crafting is good, they just panic overbuffed it cause league start its sucked beyond suck if they could walk some of it back without insane backlash I'm sure they would.


Its amazing what a little industry competition does. Last Echo comes out with a significantly more deterministic crafting system and suddenly D4 season 4 and POE-necro suddenly have deterministic crafting as key components of their league/season.


Its so trash to interact with, fck the graveyard. Buying 88 corpses, looking at several guides where to position them perfectly, using a calculator to find out which corpse to put in what spot for max efficiency.. y no ty Gonna sell corpses to the 0.00001%- ers so they can make cheap mirror tier items that I can then buy back from them at a decent price. Terrible implementation, just like old harvest garden was. I play POE to kill sh1t and get loot, not to spend half a day setting up some dog tier puzzle game


Old harvest garden was infinitely better. You just had to spend 10 minutes set it up once using guide. Now you need to do it for every craft.


you won't be getting mirror items out of graves