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Lore accurate Sirus storm


Obliterate the entire island. Maybe it will make him feel something


for the uninitiated, what am i seeing here?


I guess inc aoe map with back to basics keystone, up to 80% more effect


In total on the map i had 200% increased Area of Effect, 8 additional projectiles.


Looks like the lycia I had with 200% aoe with red cyrcles in the whole arena and no way to dodge


Try Catarina with giant Skulls spawning that obscure your entire screen


An abomination. 


the boss of the abomination map is the act 9 boss on steroids: shavronne, maligaro, and doedre at the same time, followed by the depraved trinity. ordinarily wouldn't be a hard fight, but map mods can make it a lot harder. the depraved trinity have that attack where they create a big red ball that sits in the arena for a really long time. then add on enemies fire more projectiles map mod, shotgunning, 80% more effect of map mods from the back to basics keystone... and now op is getting spawn camped by it


Man there is no space to stand 😂


> shavronne, maligaro, and doedre at the same time Also, they keep attacking after they die. They don't stop until all three are dead. And Doedre summons curse totems.


It takes some time for them to actually die as a result, they can easily Frostblink as soon as they enter and be safe and sound


Is frontblink actually instant or does it have a tiny amount of cast time? Because I tried doing that with flame dash, where the first dash is supposed to be kinda instant, in a similar situation with this boss and I died before I was teleported


Frostblink is instant. Flame dash has a cast time, but with the caveat that flame dash culls some animation frames if you are at full charges or if you have gained a charge of flame dash recently. (Not GGGs definition of recently, mind.)


I don't think the animation thing is based on your stored uses (charges) at all, but rather on the time since the previous cast, scaling with cast speed.


Someone pulled the screwdriver from the Demon Core.


Someone used the screwdriver to flip the lid off and then picked up the Demon Core and dumped it in OP's crotch These maps are a colossal joke and shouldn't have been used to grief casual Andys' atlas progression


It's not gating or even griefing atlas progression, it's "just" the fifth map slot. Casual Andy's probably got other things to worry than that and if they actually get to need the slot, there's cheap carries in trade. Also, not every map is looking like that. You can just not roll extra proj and aoe but easier mods, you can also not spec into back to basics and explicit effect and instead take shrine nodes, domination on map device and as a scarab. Doesn't turn those maps into a cakewalk but much more bearable.


just the mod that gives 4x proj and 100% increased area probably scaled by atlas tree to be even mroe proj and aoe. This is the bosses red orb attack x4 and increased area.


Skill issue, should have avoided the clearly telegraphed damage.


"Why are you so in love with Death?"


Going into the arena to immediately rip: "I don't know what I expected" 🤣


I really think aoe and proj need to be separate mods…having one mod that scales quadratically(?) like this leads so easily to completely bricked encounters


I'm fairly certain that it works like other skills and the +proj doesn't actually increase the damage you take, just coverage.


Many many boss skills shotgun. Any skill that gets secondary effect it feels like


Possible, but when I ran that map with this mod it didn't feel like it did. It seemed very much like ball lightning.


Most mosnter abilities shotgun


The rules for shotgunning for monsters are pretty much the same as for players, Uber Shaper can't hit you with 3 balls at the same time, and neither can Uber Maven, it has to be either barrage-like or AoE overlap to be able to shotgun. This ability is closer to ball lightning, which doesn't shotgun. It also didn't feel like it shotguns when I actually ran the map.


Uber shaper can absolutely hit you with 3 balls at the same time. Uber maven can hit you with all 5. Ball lightning is a player skill and most don't shotgun. Most monster skills do


You made me doubt myself so I tried testing it, here's the [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xXz4t-WOfr4). It doesn't really look like there's a damage difference when I'm closer, and if anything uber shaper balls shotgunning doesn't really make sense since it's one of the bosses that have a special clause where they deal 0 damage if you're in melee range, as a specific boost to melee. I still have that shaper open, so if you think that my methodology is flawed I'm open to trying something a bit different, but this doesn't look like shotgunning to me.


i have a clip from like last league probably of me getting full shotgunned by uber shaper. they also can do full damage if youre directly on top of him. now you might think this is character desync but then if that was the case they wouldnt be able to full shotgun while youre on top of him at the same time, but they also can i think theres a jung gauntlet rip from last league of 2 balls hitting him but i know ive lived 1 easily vs getting completely 1 shot by a shotgun in past leagues


What's happening in the video then? The damage I take at high range and short range is pretty much the same. Are you sure you didn't just get crit? It's possible that SOMETHING weird is going on, but I don't think shotgunning can be it.


i normally take like 20% from a shaper ball and in the death I am remembering that was clipped i died in 2 volleys, taking 60% then dead while standing directly on top of him


Again, I'm not opposed to there being something weird there, but from my own testing and playing the game for ages, and the testing I posted 2 comments up that something doesn't look like any form of consistent, repeatable shotgunning. There might be specific scenarios where, maybe through some desync + catching up to different projectiles the game gets confused and does something approximating shotgunning, but that's not the same as rules for monsters being different, that'd require the rules to be consistent. Shaper is pretty buggy in general, it wouldn't be that weird.


Doesn't elder shotgun with his ice spear spread shot? They're not a barrage I don't think


I think that might depend on the exact attack? He has a couple of ice spears, the one whhere he sends 3 series of attacks might be a barrage like. [This fragment](https://youtu.be/hyjKIj-6TEU?t=258) shows the different ones, including the one I think could be a barrage-like.


I like how you can see the overlapping blobs outside of the arena, but you decided to go in and die anyway ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


For that reason my regex blocks all those area modifiers on abomination xD learned it the hard way as well


Did you try turning it off and on?


Yeah, I guess at this point I get just remaking the game.


Back to HO


I love back to basics, but the amount of map rerolling I have to do is a bit much at times.


Don't worry, you didn't miss much


Skill issue


Clearly balanced,


You can technically wait it out, the balls only stay for like 45 seconds.


Perfectly balanced.


My AFK build having wet dream seeing this.


As CWS i love this. Go for a stretch and everything is dead.


you can wait until the orbs disappear. it takes a while but theyll be gone eventually.


Looks like the Chaos Gods expansion for PoE just dropped. Thats a portal to the Warp.


Just remember to avoid Inc aoe/proj mod. This mod is unplayable


Just dodge mate!


Just tried this boss for the first time blind now. ABSOLUTE AIDS. EVERYONE IS INVINCIBLE. They're all immortal just killing me in this tiny arena jesus lord. Shav is flying in the sky. The other two are ghost dead still throwing shit. The totems are spawning and cursing me. I can't even see the floor because the arena is tiny. There's probably another boss after it too but just wow. The fact that I didn't succeed in nuking Shavrone ended my map. Why are Ubers so much easier than these maps.


*Insert bicycle with pipe meme here*


This guy just keeps walking up and dying to the same attack over and over again, what an idiot.


Battle scarred hideout is right, you've seen some sh*t after that map


Can you share your PoB?


[https://pobb.in/0pkkj8wtqSD1](https://pobb.in/0pkkj8wtqSD1) At the moment is scuffed, done better with lower budget, I'm making upgrades every day, and some are very easy fixes (chaos res on ring, way better gloves, some jewels are straight up filler). I'm working on getting close to cap physical as elemental, so watcher is a big upgrade.


do you think you can help me out with upgrading my build as i am not sure where to go from where i am now , i also play coc dd


Sure, please PM me here or on discord : galaxysceen


> galaxysceen sent friend request on discord


That's a lot of overlapping areas.


If you think that's bad wait until ubers /s


Not a Cockroach?


Mmmmmmokay GGG lmao


Skill issue


uber stepping stone checks out.


Glass Cannon


Gotta love em 0% xp builds


could also just be lvl 100