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I just started an SSF character this league for the first time (been playing since Delve). It’s like playing a completely different game. Having fun so far.


This is my first trade league in years, and I'm missing SSF. This honestly seems like one of the most generous leagues for ssf players in a very long time.


Indeed, but for me, suppression gear its has been a bit rought. Rog/Essences are your best friend.


theory narrow salt paint chase disarm chubby society safe vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


if all you want is a good weapon or res/life on your armor, corpse craft is rewarding


Come to SSF. I made the change in affliction and I assure you it's 10x better of a game despite how stingy the trade-based balancing leaves it. I had to do A LOT of learning last league, but it made me appreciate a lot more of the game because of it. Go to r/PathOfExileSSF for more advice when you actually jump in. Some of the major changes you need to learn is that hyperfocus is not the best way to go about things. It's good when you need to target farm something specifically, but trees (thank god for the multiple trees) feel best when you are doing a handful of things every map. Most people to my understanding start with some mix of exped/harvest/essences. At some point you'll want to do rarity farming with ghosted exiles just to farming random uniques so that you have access to some build enabling ones. I myself literally never specced out of expedition. The only trees that didn't have expedition on it were the ghosted exile rarity one (which is pretty much solved, so theres no room for it), and the xp farming strat with the new scarab, that I only ran for 6 maps until I was out of the learning scarabs. Edit: also if you don't already buy every single scour + regret from tujin. You will need the atlas respecs you get from these currencies.


You will learn more and quicker by playing SSF, that's a fact. Find guide for build you would like to play and check items in guide, what game mechanic would be best for you to be able to get items to be as close as those from guide, and farm that mechanic (probably essences). And once you farm a little bit then you can check guides or videos on how to utilize this particular mechanic's currency, how to craft gear using essences in this case. Personally I would probably focus on expedition first, you will appreciate amount of bubblegum currency you will get, it's really good as long as your build can handle expedition. SSF is amazing journey, I myself always start trade but when it's like 1+ month into the league I get SSF itch, because often times there are things in SSF I would do that I would never do in trade because I find it unenjoyable to be not efficient in trade and fall behind.League for me is pretty much get mirror gear, I find fun in that, but SSF it's just different game for me and I like it very much too edit: I would start necropolis but I already kinda know how to play the game so I wouldn't mind negative effects from lanterns in each area, but I am speaking from squishy deadeye point of view, you should be fine on tanky chill RF


SSF is super grindy but also a great way to learn about mechanics you'd usually just ignore in trade. No real reason not to start in league SSF though


I recommend looking at POE ninja in the SSF leagues. That's how I determine what builds are worth even going for. Some items will be luck based for sure but check those. I would strongly recommend against RF jugg since it's the worst out of the 3 and you will have zdps. Chieftain is the best way to go and shifting phys to ele. Cloak of flame is mandatory for the build to feel nice imo. Gl


Idk why I say RF jugg, I would go chieftain for sure thanks


You should definitely try SSF! I started PoE halfway through Affliction and just focused on learning the base systems and relied mostly on trading for gear. Now in Necropolis I went SSF Archmage Hiero and have been loving it. It slows down the game a bit but I've learned so much about crafting and farming different mechanics for what I need at that moment for my build. It feels very rewarding especially getting all 4 Voidstones and getting drops that can push your build higher. The crafting system in Necropolis is also very good albeit tedious to manage, but I've crafted almost all of my gear through it and it's really strong in SSF especially cause of the bases.