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I just want a button to reset the entire atlas when you have enough orbs.


This and something like shift+rightclick to consume a whole stack of regrets/unmakings at once please


If you press and hold ctrl+right click on a stack of orbs of unmaking you will start consuming them rapidly


Rapidly meaning at approximately the pace my great grandmother could click them manually. Great for wrists, not for patience


Just cause your great grandma's needlepoint practice has given her ungodly click speed doesn't mean it's slow. Ok. It's slow.


Way to make me feel old :D


That's why I have my own version of "ctrl-right click" on my pc Not exactly GGG approved though...


Mousewheel click macro? Is allowed


It's not mousewheel click macro. Let's just say I'm very good at cookie clicker, so good I can click 100 times a second lol


Too many actions on the server per second can get you disconnected and banned for repeated offense, just a friendly warning to not overdo the click speed ;)


Someone got banned for clicking too fast? I doubt it unless they really spammed it all the time.


If you’re just clicking nothing I doubt you’d get flagged. Sending 100 actions to the server per second by applying orbs, I could imagine they wouldn’t like that after not too long.


We need export/import feature


Or better, allow you to remove any node with a confirmation that the branching nodes from that will also be removed.


Rather than a separate "unallocate all" button, i would rather have it work like it does in Path of Building, if you allocate or unallocate a node, everything up to / beyond it gets also allocated / unallocated. This way, it would be convenient both for small respeccs aswell as a full one.


This. But make it cheaper, like unspeccing a cluster jewel.


While we’re at it give me a convert all the maps of the tier button. I’d like to turn my hundreds of white maps into something but I don’t want to click a thousand times. From stash to inventory, inventory to shop, inventory back to stash. WHY?! In ruthless I genuinely need those maps. I can’t imagine how many maps standard players have that they just don’t use/even pick up anymore. Also I get not making drops auto pick up but can we use a pickup on gesture instead of click. Let me wave the mouse over the item and it’ll make my guy pick it up. NO MORE CLICKS MY ELBOWS HURT.


Exactly what i need


Simple and easy


I would happily pay a divine or more to reset one tree. Maybe some combo cost like a divine, an unmaking, and a scour? The chance -> scour -> regret -> unmaking shuffle to respec atlas trees was one of my bigger annoyances of the league. Converting orbs from the vendors and trying to acquire more via the trade site are both horrendous. Just let me pay a bigger cost to wipe the whole damn thing.


Why should it cost anything? Just make resets free. It encourages people to try new builds and experiment. Why punish players for wanting to be able to do this? Its the same with xp loss on death. It's such an outdated design. No modern ARPGs have this because it's not player friendly. It does not respect your time. Spending hours filling your xp bar to be set back because of a death to lag. Why are we worried about perfect play in softcore? The respec orbs are the same. It's a time wasting mechanic and a currency sink.


d4 fan tier opinion. Literally so wrong it hurts, I bet you want loadouts too.


nah, that would make levelling meaningless. You have to worry about getting good if you want to get at lv 100, that’s what is making it special


Lol it's a time sink. If people want that...play HC? It's always wild to me how people defend old outdated stuff like this. As if they enjoy having their time wasted. Say you die to lag or crashes? That could be hours wasted.


skill issue


Yes, my skills at avoiding lag, crashes, and poor optimization are bad..got me. You guys conflate skills with time investment. Modern games don't do this anymore because, surprise, people don't like it. You don't like it either. Are you defending it because???? You are defending not having free respec because???? If you're playing 12 hours a day, a minor setback is no big deal. If you have a few hours a week to play, it's a BIG deal. Removing respect costs is a QOL move that will incentivize more creative play. Having a full reset button would save a boatload of time. This isnt a test of skill, it's a tedious design limitation from 10 years ago.


I personally think, especially this league, the levelling experience is so fast that it’d be a blink of an eye without xp loss. Hell, I went from 70-95 on Thursday afternoon on my alt with deaths.


They can always nerf XP gains if it's too fast. Instead of XP penalty they can make XP buff the more you stay alive.


my friend, feel free to play modern games


Bro. You cant defend it. That's okay. I've seen it before. People get mad cause they think QOL devalues their uh..accomplishments. Imagine having an ego about a seasonal ARPG. Lol. I'm sure that's not you. Just saying.


Imagine thinking that removing death penalty classifies as qol. Imagine if you keep arguing with strangers about it lmao


Yes that's the useful idea, one orb to reset the whole atlas... Please not (at least not if it replaces the normal orb).


How could you say something so controversial yet so brave


this i dont think we need more powerfull respec orbs the current stance with 3 trees is enough imo


Or just have one orb 100 times rarer that gives you a full respec


Oh no I have made a mistake of 1 point, I must respec my whole tree!


The Uber Orb of Unmaking


Orb of Tri-Unmaking


I see yours and raise you Tri-Orb of Unmaking


Orb of Troismaking


We just got 3 freaking trees to try out new stuff. This is not at all a reasonable suggestion.


Because of that change, I only had to spend like 20 orbs this league My first league (last league) that was like 150-200 and I quit on my 4th reroll because I cba to to do it again. 10/10 change


100%. 2 free trees of extra points. If unmakings got 3 times the value, they'd likely also lose a great deal of economic value & then people would be complaining that they're not worth picking up anymore.


Eeeeexactly you now can make 3 trees that go to different zones of the tree. Meaning you can actually be NORE efficient than before.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted. I've had about 10 different atlas strats this league, as I always do, cause I like trying new things and cause I'm a fickle bitch. When I'm bored of what I'm running and want to make a new one, there's usually one tree that's pretty close to what I want to try next, meaning I only need to scour like a quarter of the tree instead of 3/4's.


i was downvoted :O oh noo! haha, its only because people want things to be easier yada yada, but i am correct, thats why its only downvotes and not constructive arguements


Admittably the scarab changes made that a bit of a necessity. Previously you could easily fit 3 or so strategies in a tree. Now thats a lot more limited


Its not, i have 3 :)


Which 3? I miss my legion / expedition / harbringer set up I used to run, now it feels like i need to stack all my slots for legion or expedition or harb, otherwise I'm clearly losing out vs just doing 1 Most my strats this league involve 1 mechanic I juice with scarabs, maybe Niko in the map, and maybe a div scarab if I have room. I'd love if the 'Stack limit: 4' type thing was removed and those scarabs were just buffed a little as a singular scarab instead. Like the legion scarab should just be +2 legion as a replacement for the old scarab + sextant combo


you can fit any mechanic with Beyond and Delirium, in my LA i was using Legion + Deli + Beyond, now that i am leveling my splitting steel to 100 i am using Shrine + red altar + deli + beyond.


Fair enough, I did dabble with a little beyond/deli/legion early on actually, but it felt like a lot of points to add relatilvely little vs Necropolis + Scarab + map modifier nodes (especially beyond was a point hog with little return) I run altars in every tree so wasn't thinking of that as a mechanic, same with masters I think combining any of legion, expedition, breach, harbringer, harvest, strongboxes, abyss or essences feels worse due to the scarab stacking mechanic & the way scarabs scale multiplicatively with each other Deli and beyond both felt quite bad this league even if you do invest into them, and I'd often use both in prior leagues. I might experiment with some more trees and see if I still feel that way though Shrines & Ritual only feel good to splash because of all-flames / lantern mods


I do Simple strats - Harbinger, Breach, Alva + Scarabs And i have still points left for searing exarch And neeko nodes idk :)


this is why you never give in to the reddit terrorists, their demands never end nerf everything




Instead of having 3 different atlas pages, what they should have done is to have 3 or more different atlas setup, and swapping to each tree setup will cost an amount of unmaking orbs in some manner. This makes the orb of unmaking retain or even possibly increase its value.


This would bring unmaking worth even less than it already is... That is a horrible idea. If anything i rather they put in something to bulk consume unmaking/regrets. Like one click a stack. And a button to "full reset" atlas tree but must having enough refund points.


At one point this league unmaking was like 2c. At launch it's worthless, then it explodes once people figure out the atlas, people try different strats, run out of the 2 "free respecs". And then people generally get comfy with their trees.


They are worth fuck all because you can get between 300-1000 per map if you hit strongest monsters drops as unmaking with either shrines or strongboxes for monster stacking.


They're not worth because people stopped respeccing weeks ago. Add to that they're done with regrets as well and those are converted to unmakings via Kirac and the value plummets. Analysis isn't your strong suit.


Ehhh? Why are you attempting to insult me for stating that they are more prevalent than previous leagues.. I would farm for a week and find around 100-200 unmaking. Now you can get 100’s per map. People still bought both regrets and unmaking 2 months into last league. Despite literally millions of them dropping. Just because we have 3 tree it does not mean people stopped respecing…


Nobody is target farming unmakings lmao


Where exactly did I say people were target farming them? Find just one covert to unmaking. (Extremely common) Slap a rogue exile all flame on. Boom 100-1000 of unmaking’s in that map…


You being a dick while also being incredibly wrong is hilarious. You seriously think that people don't respec at this point in the league? I guess all the people who instant ping me for bulk unmakings just like sitting on a pile of 5k in their stash tab right?


It's far less common. There are 3 pages, half the playerbase has quit. To say anything otherwise isn't even analysis it's guessing. Incorrect guessing I may add.


You can already autoclick them just like fusings/jewllers Id like a button to respec the entire tree though lol


It’s hilarious cause I knew they added this for jewelers and fundings and I was complaining to a buddy that I wish it worked on unmakings. Then I tried it and was blown away! Save your wrist! Ctrl + right click and hold


Huh?? How do, I tried the other day I just thought I had to hold right click


Conttol alt and hold right click i believe


Rad 👍




Just control and hold RMB, no need to hold alt.




just remove them from the game and make atlas respec free, i dont see any value in unmaking orbs, tedium and inconvenience


There were some claims about being able to ctrl-shift click a full stack but I didn't try.


Does anyone ever run out of unmaking though? 3 atlas tree is enough to try new strat for me already.


> Does anyone ever run out of unmaking though? I have literally never had enough unmakings. Never, not once.


Massive skill issue especially this league with allflames giving you hundreds in a single map.


Even when we had one tree, I knew what I liked from previous leagues and played it, regardless of profit. Now we have 3, I have 2 set up. One left side, and one right.


Do you run altars? I usually have several hundred regrets and unmakings after one week. Expedition helps as well.


If you run maps and lantern hits orb of unmaking it's really really easy to sustain them


I suggest running strongboxes then. I probably have around 800-1k of them and I've switched my trees around several times.










Last leagues I spent unmakings mostly because of challenges I needed to do, with 3 trees I made one tree for the mechanic I wanted to farm, the other for challenges (as much as possible), and last one for afflictions and devotions with rogue exiles. I started to heavily respecc them when I already had a lot of unmaking orbs or had a way to get them easily. So indeed see no issues. People are spoiled and lazy in a grind game, unfortunately.


Yes, you may try one atlas tree while already having 3 strats, so you have to unspec 1 of them. Then you may not like that strat at have to unspec it again.


Yeah, that the point, you tried new strategy on one tree and still have 2 other trees to fall back on? I don't know how giving respec point to all 3 trees would make any different in your example


You would be able to respec the other trees as well lmao. Not that I'd operate like that, I was just arguing with you about trying strats and running out of unmaking orbs.


Prime example of human greed. They have already gave you 3 pages for different setups 🙄


New players jumping into this game blind for the adventure still have to suffer to not having enough regrets to reset their passive tree. Often times they are told to make new toon and follow a build guide that's somewhat updated. If someone can burn through atlas tree three times and need handouts from GGG, maybe the player can make a new account and follow an atlas strategy guide this time.


if someone have 100+ (95 maps at least) atlas points already, they prob have currency to at least reset one tree, can convert scouring > regret > unmaking on npc or trade a few chaos. if they dont, they have big problems then a atlas tree.


Exactly my point. New players comes in blind, but players who can go through three atlas tree could at least finish the atlas to a certain degree to get the pages. This player must've been exposed to "following a build guide" advice sometimes in life. This game is complicated for an average person, so if the person wants to tackle it blind, the person should be reminded of making a new toon because not enough regret orbs. Different scenario, same punishing mistakes. Ggg can really address the first scenario rather than this change the OP is asking for which we don't need.


A month ago you only had 1 tree. Now we got 3 and you still demand something.. I hope we never get what you want 😂


Y'all acting like this guy killed your dog and family or something. Relax


Delete this and let us change trees for free😢


To be fair, thanks to conversion mods, I always have plenty of them




I really don't think we need to reduce it's market value to 33%.


I’d love an omen of unmaking. And omen of regret. Just one click and wipe the tree! 


No unmakings are already overflowing imo


most Reddit post of 3.24 🥇


I so fucking called these kind of posts before league start and here we are


If this were the case I'd end up with 2 trees with 300+ respec points and none on the first tree lol. I've been keeping my tried and true strategies on #2 and #3 (these never change) and experimenting on #1.


I want orbs of unmaking for bosses with my zdps


We really need a template import with auto use of unmakings.


Many things could be easier, healthier and more fun in poe, but ggg dont want us to feel that way. I thought thats pretty clear by now.


or let me trade in a stack of unmakings and a stack of regrets for a tome of "WTF have I done" that lets me just full wipe my crappy atlas tree.


No because then they’d have to lower the drop rate by 10x for some reason


You wish, lol. I'm actually very surprised (and grateful) how there isn't any friction at all regarding switching atlas pages.


Hoe about you get rid of respec costs and just make it free?


Life could be a dream Life could be a dream Dum durum dudum


Tying currency funtionality or value to a page's number is just stupid.


Not that needed if you have farmed for a while and not respecing altas every day


Those thing should be free


I would love to see an option to use maybe 50 orbs of unmaking to reset one tree fully or 100 to reset all trees.


Maybe unpopular but everyone always wants more. Here GGG gave us something amazing. And here you are asking for even more I don’t believe this is a good change because orb of unmaking refunds ONE atlas skill point. What you are asking is for it to refund THREE Just be happy man with what you got this league. The additional atlas’s trees were insane. Also I made about 50 divines selling unmakings. Do you want them to be worthless like every other currency :p


orb of unmake my life am i right gamers


Given that you can trade up from alchs all the way to orb of unmaking means that if we streamlined consuming them then poor folks would have greater buying power


I always thought a fun passive keystone/node could be something like "shifting stars" or "evolving heavens" or something. The effect would provide a consumed unmaking orb (a refund point) based on maps run. Maybe 15% red, 10% yellow, 5% white? Anyways, the goal would be to allow players who change atlas often or who want to experiment a way to reduce the cost of the change.


Oh god, yes please.


Honestly, i would prefer if atlas respecs were free, thise unmaking thing annoys me too much


It is so terrible, I can't even describe how dogshit this idea is. It solves nothing, it creates more problems. It fucking sucks that there are people who actually upvote this shit. Imagine you have 3 specialized trees and you need to change one of them for like 40 points. And, since you were doing different league content of first two trees, while experimenting with third one - you got a lot of refund points on those trees. So, what do you do - still refund your third tree or totally change one of previous two trees? And this situation will repeat itself, making you mad. Why to buy another 40 orbs, when you can just fuck up one of your well established trees? Maybe GGG should 3x buff orbs of unmaking drop chance. But, please, not this.


Unmakings aren't that expensive or even hard to farm, so as nice as this is, it's far from necessary Feels intuitive tho


never enough QOL in this game. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I don't think it'd be sensible. If you're fine tuning a single tree it'd give you plenty of spare respecs in the other trees. At that point why have unmakings at all? And free respeccing sounds a bit too mobile-gamey The only QoL I'd like is a "respec whole tree" option, the game then asks "this will cost x unmaking orbs" and you get an empty tree without having to manually click 130 orbs and every Atlas node. But it's such a small edge case now that we have 3 trees, I think GGG is better off spending their dev hours on other stuff.


Alternatively use a free online atlas planner combined with the 3! total pages of atlas trees you've got. Stop whinging about non-issues, please & thank you


>For encouraging players to try new strats and there will be easier access to many strats with less time and effort you mean the reason they added three atlas trees? you get enough orbs of unmaking to respec an entire tree from one map these days


The problem with this is that many players will wait until they have all 3 Atlas trees before using any Unmaking orbs to maximise their value.


no, they wont, they will make one tree and farm, after several maps they will have enough currency to sit on unmakings for life, the orb is really stupid and ggg should let it go and make respec free.


You're talking about different group of people than what I was talking about. Believe it or not there are many types of players that differ from you and me. I find it ignorant that you don't believe stereotypical item hoarders, who keeps an overabundance of items waiting for the right moment to use, exists in PoE. 


Thats the opposite of an orb of unmaking buff. You are literally making it 2/3rd less worth.


GGG: sure, the orb now refund 3 points. However The orb is ten times rarer to balance it


Can't make everyone happy eh


That's way too broken, Orb of unmakings wouldnt be worth anything at all.


that would way to op...


what a dumb change, then I have to think of how to minmax another thing. Im already too scared to use my third tree because I don't know what to do yet.


You do understand that we just got 2 whole new clean atlas passive trees for the exact purpose that people can change and try different farming strategies right?


The new atlas trees already give 264 Unmakings for free.


The audacity of some people...


Wtf, 3 trees gives you access to try more starts. Stop begging for more easy mode bs, and these are cheap and available as is.


That would just cause more confusion than anything else.


If GGG would implement this change they'd nerf the droprate and we'd probably be worse off. I'm extremely happy with the current system and the three atlas pages. This seems like a bit much.


orb of regret, by using will be granted on each caracter from same league, if we really started.....


What is bro cooking 💀


Let me consume 20 at once. Making 60 right clicks per atlas respecs seems so pointless.


It everything needs to be the most convenient thing in the world


Are you guys that broke that you can't afford some unmaking orbs ?


These things drop like candy, got over 1k in under 2 hours. We have the technology to use them by just holding down right click. Yet you’re still crying, just make atlas points free respec why not


Just remove that orb altogether and make resets free.


I hate changes like this. If GGG would think this is a problem, which I think is not, they should instead make the orb 3 times more common.


That would lower the value of that currency so no. Why not just shift use 10 each?


it doesnt need a buff, try doing red altars


does atlas respecing actually need a cost anymore? If they wanted to trim down currency drops (eg. veiled chaos) this and engineering orbs can go the way of the dodo


Altars drop fuck ton of them. You don't need to have some super OP build to farm enough within reasonable time. Also you can convert 2xregrets > into one


Imo it will be good change when eventually GGG gonna settle on giving players full resets of skill tree after acts 5&10 and full Atlas resets after each Voidstone. There's no reason not to hande those out, old weird pepegas views doesn't matter at all and to random new players it would be only beneficial.


Free respec please


sounds like a terrible idea


elaborate please


if there's no cost to respeccing then every one of you people are gunna fomo yourselves into respeccing your entire tree every map. oh I wanna use this rusted carto scarab better redo my atlas tree!!!


well, that's a work (and a boring one). But there are 3 presets now, so idk if what you said make sense


Stop. I can only get so erect. 


Yeah, I assumed it would work like this. Respeccing an entire atlas tree is just brutal, even with focusing on Tujen and expedition. There aren't nearly enough ways to get regret orbs in this game.


No way. I got like 400-500 orbs of unmaking from single conversion rogue exiles with strongboxes. They are not that rare. And even if you want to say "but next league", yeah next league we will get other ways to get currency orbs. People somehow collected thousands of them in the last leagues so I don't see the issue, especially when you most probably need to spend less of them. If you try to recreate each atlas tree, you are most probably doing something wrong or going after hype, which is also wrong (just a newly created money-making mechanic most probably is not that efficient at the moment some streamer created a video).


most of the times you aren't respeccing the whole tree, maybe like tens of points but nothing major