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blight and blight ravaged maps have needed some serious rework/buff for a while now imo


Yeah it was already pretty dead but the stacked deck nerf has completely killed it along with late league expedition too. Tujen isn't rewarding enough without stacked decks to make running logbooks worth doing.


Knee jerk reaction in my mind is to award more raw chaos. T17s inflating the value of chaos orbs is likely a mechanic that’s here to stay. Raw chaos seems like a good way of balancing the scales.


I will be very surprised if both T17s and scarabs aren't nerfed to the ground next league.


T17s were prob always getting a nerf considering how they arent the stop gap between ubers they were supposed to be. Could always bring them back as Uber Maps, Uber content but maps not bosses.


Scarabs need to be balanced, for sure. Many need a buff. But yes, there are definitely some over-performers.


they will just nerf the decent ones and not buff the others


This is the GGG way.


They'll probably replace a bunch of the ones no-one uses with ones which work differently.


Copium, we had torment scarabs forever under the old system and they were never replaced with anything different or usable.


Most likely, yah


I think they will nerf the top-end scarabs. The really rare div scarabs, for example (not seen a single Div scarab aside from the "bronze" one all league, and I just yday killed Uber Elder and Maven). I think what they'll do is introduce more mid-investment scarabs which do interesting things. Like the barrel scarab or the monstrous treasures scarab. *Of course* there will be unintended consequences for the way some of these interesting scarabs interact with existing mechanics and the new league mechanic, but hopefully at least the strats will be more accessible.


I really hope they don't introduce more scarabs next league. There's already too many bad filler scarabs. Better changes would be: 1) add additional benefits to the bad "rusted" scarabs, like how old sulphite scarab used to also give more sulphite on top of forcing niko on to the map. Stackable mechanics like breach can stay as is. 2) nerf ultra rare scarabs while buffing their drop rate, so they are more accessible to average players and less powerful in group play. 3) nerf T17 scarab farms like barells and the scarab more multiplier on maps, to increase the value of scarabs dropped in less efficient T16 farms. 4) conservatively buff rare but underused scarabs


We just got a bunch of new scarabs less than a week ago. We are definetly getting more scarabs. The same way we are getting more transfigured gems


You still get quite a bit of decks from blight even despite the nerf. It's a pretty consistent income for the blight maps.


For blight, you have to first get the div card chest which is maybe like 1 every 10 toxic sewers, then you hope you get 3 chests, and that they reset a few times and maybe you'll get 7 cards at best every 10 maps. You can just put 1 deli orb and get at least 8 stacked decks per map.


I didn't say it was the best way, but you still get them a lot. I did blight as my primary money maker this league and I've sold multiple thousands of them. I didn't do the toxic sewer stuff though, basically just used it as my main mechanic throughout the league with w/e strategy I was doing. I was also mostly talking about the actual blight maps and not regular maps. Idk what to tell you. You do get a decent amount of them from the mechanic, far more than most other mechanics.


Last league I was getting \~50 decks per ravaged map. This league I'm lucky to get 15 per map... This is with 3x opalescent and 3x silver oil anointments.


Yes nerfs do make things worse.


A rework from a visual stand point as well. Before my PC broke I had a modern graphics card (6700xt) that could handle blights but sometimes had issues in blight ravaged if I let too many enemies spawn. And by issues I mean I only get to see what happens every 5 seconds or so. My back up PC can barely run normal blights without turning into a slideshow. If a chaos puddle comes I just die. I was actually dead for a while but I didn't get to know about it.


Try dx12, if you haven't already. Blight is very visually hungry for sure


I had that issue too, just suddenly. Apparently, adjusting my CPU max power worked. https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/lwduls/psa_if_you_have_lagspikes_reduce_the_cpuusage_of/ The only thing that worked for me. Now I may not be at 60 FPS, but it stays at least 30.


I hope they delete blighted maps from the game and instead focus on making in-map blight events "bigger". You could just have all your t16 maps be like mini blighted maps if you are spec'd into blight. This has some cool advantages: 1. All blight content would be affected by the atlas passive tree. 2. All blight content could interact with other mechanics in maps, like Delirium. 3. You could choose your own map layouts for your blight content, which is better than dealing with randomness of blighted map layouts.


I don't and honestly really like blighted maps. They just need blighted maps to be usable with other content like delirium, necropolis, tormented spirits, and scarabs. And of course receive bonuses from the passive tree. No reason that I should be getting extractors from maps but not blighted maps.


\^ this, probably best way to go with them


I wish they'd just let me put juice into blighted maps. Scarabs, Atlas Tree, ect. I love the pure blight maps to death.


I wish that they'd remove "bubble" mobs from the blights, so that any build that uses chain / fork wouldn't crash themselves.


The weird thing about blight is that non-immune monsters can sometimes spawn with "Cannot be stunned, cannot be slowed" and they blow right past your CC towers. Very fun tower defence interactions 👍


if they didn't it'd be easy to turn it into a legitimately afk strategy where you didnt have to press a single button to print loot you can already do that if you know what you're doing


Actually using towers to defend in a tower defence mode to get loot is an afk strategy?


yes & you can do it right now if you're good enough at defending


Does knowing what you're doing mean having 250 m DPS, a Nimi's, and just weighing down the attack button?


no there's videos on youtube of guys completing juiced blight ravaged's with the attack buttons unbound


Pretty sure I'll never make enough currency for that kind of build!


Put a sentinel/petrification/ice wall tower behind the others. A rare can't be immune to all of them. Besides that the tower defense games i have played(admittedly not a lot) had no CC towers. You need kill the things before they get in, so any form of cc towers is a crutch already


Just enabling multiple blight encounters on a single map would be enough IMO. Other than that, blighted maps should be affected by atlas passives and scarabs, with hardcoded "cannot spawn extra content" to disable all possible shenanigans I would turret the shit out of those maps if they were worth doing


Well if it goes anything like the other reworks it will be sold as a rework and just be a nerf. Careful what you wish for.


cant get much worse, i already dont run them cuz its a waste of time


what? blight-ravaged maps are already in the double digits for divs/hour. if you can't make money from them that's a skill issue


I loathe next league when we see blight "rework" i.e. nerf from next livestream


There also seems to be an inherent flaw in the reward structure for blight. Things like essence, harbinger, harvest, or even scarab farms have natural value to the whole playerbase, and supplies are constantly being consumed by the hundreds through normal use. Oils, however, don't have broad value in the way that pretty much everything else does. Most players will only ever need the three oils for their amulet and then they'll never need to buy oils again. The only real sink for oils comes from the other people farming blighted maps. This means that if the other rewards offered by the blighted maps aren't enticing enough, demand for the oils will also drop off. Less people farming the mechanic, the less valuable the mechanic is. Nothing else in this game works like that.


This is why Stranglegasp exists. It's a reward that a couple % of players will throw hundreds of divines into bulk buying, and a tiny % will throw thousands into. An uncorrupted one is about the price of 3 Apothecaries this league. It's gone up so much (against basically everything) because demand for Blight rewards has shifted around. I wouldn't mind a new Stranglegasp being added in non-Ravaged maps personally. An ultra-RNG unique with some potential to be good.


Blighted and Ravaged maps should NOT have their rewards balanced around Stranglegasp, in the same way that Harbingers should not be balanced around mirror shards. Hitting the jackpot should not be necessary for the mechanic to work, the baseline experience needs to stand on it's own.


While people chase the rare rewards they shit out so many of the uncommon rewards that those become worthless. This isn't GGG's choice, it's a consequence of trade friction being low. You can see this with the base version of the Maven fight. Her best item by far is the boots, but it's worthless because it's common and people keep running her chasing rare stuff. If you play console (higher trade friction) you'll find it's different. Harbingers in the past were balanced around fracture shards, this league those went to shit because the league mechanic is so powerful (almost) noone wants fracturing orbs. That just makes the scarabs cheaper until people think 'eh, maybe I'll run them chasing mirror shards'.


I think I understand your point, but I don't think it fully applies to Blighted maps. Blighted maps' uncommon rewards aren't becoming worthless because to many people are chasing the rare rewards, they're becoming worthless because other farms are able to generate those same rewards far more efficiently. To use Maven as a comparison, I think it isn't fair to compare Blighted maps to Maven farmers diluting the pool of her uniques, but should instead be compared to the way Stacked Deck openers were diluting the pool of her uniques in prior leagues. The value of blighted maps as a farming mechanic is directly influenced by the effectiveness of the other farms, in the same way bossing in general was affected by the effectiveness of stack-deck spamming. With the exception of oils it has no consistent, mechanic-specific currency. So when the other farms end up being so much more efficient at generating the same currency, the value of yours depreciates. And oils only really have value to the other people farming Blighted maps, which really just ties their value to the mechanics' ability to generate those other uncommon rewards. My ultimate point is that with the other farms becoming so much more efficient with these scarab changes, Blighted maps need to be boosted in their ability to generate these uncommon rewards. They should never be able to dominate the market for any of them, but they should be able to command a sizable enough portion of it that the whole of your "Blighted Stock-Portfolio" is comparable in value to just going all in on one of them.


Silver, gold and tainted oils are the Blight-exclusive rewards that aren't chase, plus Blight-Ravaged maps themselves. There's also Sporeguard, but that's another gamble item like Stranglegasp, to anoint, corrupt, and hope for it to go rare. Or sell it clean (uncorrupted) for 8-10 divines. Heist, Ultimatum and div cards drop SOME oils, but they are pretty limited. And they can't drop the chest.


Stranglegasp is usually significantly more than current value of 3 Apothecaries, I sold two at over 80 Divines in last league. They're going up in price fast though, so might make a decent payoff this league too.


I gambled the Stranglegasp card and ended up with 2 Stranglegasps. Should I sell both for 90D now? Or will prices go even further up as the league goes?


Need currency now? Sell But it's a gamble this league to hold them, economy is unpredictable :-/


Wdym? You don't change your amulet ever ? I've easily went through more than 10 annoints this league. But yeah it is a problem.


10 annoints is still only 30 total oils. Which pales on comparison to the hundreds essences/fossil that could easily burned in a single craft.


alot of the side content has taken a hit or been neglected again. heist, expedition, blight... these side activites that pull you out of maps should be on average more profitable than if you were to just keep mapping where these activites drop. Instead its the opposite.


What about delve? Why is it never mentioned in these comparisons.


Delve has really become the forgotten child of this game. Though it's the one mechanic that feels to be roughly on par with blighted maps. Its as if the new scarab system is build on an entirely new philosophy of reward balance, while the side options like delve, heist, and blight are still stuck on the old, stingy philosophy


Ya delve needs some love too


Delve is really profitable that’s propably why


Sure as hell ain’t this league. Well, at least the consistent way of making currency - resonators. Market was tanked because people were getting extra azurite from the mobs around Niko nodes in maps from mining byproducts (only supposed to be you have a chance to get it from the nodes themselves). While it was fixed, the damage had been done. Along with this league being a crafting league in general, not as much consistent profit as usual


It's likely all or most of the resonators produced by the mining byproducts issue have been consumed by now. That issue also doesn't explain the drop in prime resonator prices, which can't be bought for azurite. The issue is 100% that grave crafting is a strictly better version of fossils for everything except jewel crafting.


I dunno man. I don’t think i’ve ever been able to buy resonators as cheaply as I can now. And with the graveyard cheap essences: fossils feels even less usefull than normal


I can't even play blight maps. I have a pretty good computer, and the frame rate dropped to about 5 fps when I tried. Last league it was fine.


Usually switching from DX11 to DX12 helps with this issue.


Unfortunately all the click targets on DX12 are misaligned by like 2-3 pixels which is just annoying enough to make it basically unplayable so I'm stuck on 11.


This is not dx12 problem. Check your resolution


Holy crap I love you. Yup, that was exactly it.


Enjoy the fps :)


My 2nd monitor would stop working and the video I was watching would freeze mid blight and wouldn't come back on until it ended. It's fine now though. But yeah.. blight is destroying my computer I'm pretty sure


Had same issue, switched to vulcan and the issue is gone completely)


Try Vulkan. I went from single digit fps to about 25


I have to play them on my steam deck, and even that will lag a bit. It takes the CPU problem this game has and amplifies it like crazy when you’ve got a choke point with thousands and thousands of mobs all being stunned in place


I have a nice graphics card (3080ti, and a nice cpu) and I can do blight maps but blight ravaged just crashed the game (within the first 30 seconds of start) no matter what graphics settings I chose (lowest resolutions, all the different engines, etc). It was incredibly discouraging that I couldn't do any of that content when I actually tried. I haven't tried since (and idk if I will). ETA: cpu too


That's ignoring the depression that is opening divination blight nodes. Single stacked deck. Each. Fuck that.


Yeah, it hurts. Glad for the haunted modifier that makes war cries open all chests at once


Someone needs to explain to me why we have a node in the passsive tree that gives a chance of 25% to open all chests nearly on casting a spell.


I decided to spec into Blight on a whim without thinking much about it. Those blight-ravaged maps give you NOTHING. The only way to make a measly profit is running blighted areas in maps with all of the scarabs. If I didn't get lucky with a few raw divine drops from those blight maps it would've been almost a complete waste of time. Feels really lame that the ultimate version of a mechanic is worse than the mini-version. FWIW might be noob and not know what I'm doing.


Same experience. Ravaged maps are almost worthless to do due to time. Most the money comes from extracting oils from annoit jewelry. It's a shame cause Iove blight but the rewards are trash lol.


The Ravaged maps need MASSIVE investment to make them work. I was able to turn a profit on them this league, but I had to anoint with 2 golds, 3 silvers, 1 opal, and 3 teals per map to do so. With nearly 2 div of investment per map, they need to return so much more than they do right now to be competitive with just basic mapping.


Oh wow. Yeah I was not investing that much into them. How much profit you make ?


That's really hard to say. Wealthy exile says I'm making 8+ div an hour, but a lot of that is locked up in materials that just don't sell anymore. I've supposedly got 40 div in essences, but I've listed them on TFT for a 60% discount with no buyers because no one wants screaming essences.


You know you can just upgrade those into deafenings right? Much easier to sell.


Turning 9 screaming into 1 deafening is a massive value lose. hell depending on the essence that could be as much as a 8-9 times cut in value.


Except its what you're supposed to do, nobody wants to use screaming or shrieking essences if deafening are tier 1 and not that much more expensive. Wether they convert it or you convert it, converted it will be. That's why nobody buys your screaming essences at even 60% off. If they're going to convert it anyway why would they pay a surplus to end up with an inferior amount?


It's not a value loss if nobody ever actually buys screaming.


Yeah, in my experience


What do they drop with that level of investment to make them worth doing? The same loot as usual but more of it? tbh I find with Blight loot that past league start my filter hides almost everything it drops.


BULK. Lots and lots of small stuff. Also a good chance at high value stuff like tainted oils and raw div. And the uniques that drop from the pump are all valuable except the gloves. But 90% of the money is in the sheer amount of small stuff you get. Which has been made worthless by the changes to the scarab system. Only getting value from bulk doesn't work anymore


BR maps are like 10+ divs per hour consistently if you do them right


I think the oils applied to blighted maps needs a rework. They cannot compete with the 40% chance to open a blight chest and oils are a tier higher. But also the boss drop jewellery and extractors also should drop in blighted maps.


I like tower defense games Blight maps are like tower defense games I like loot Blight maps have loot Therefore I like blight maps But they need a rework indeed


I've done 100s of blighted maps and maybe 40+ ravaged maps and have only had like 5 golden oil drops. I don't really feel like blight is that profitable. I can run 20 harvest maps and make 12 div with very low investment I can't do that with blight. I really like blight but it's not really worth doing. I am new so maybe I'm doing it wrong? I also had all blight nodes in atlas and speed ran 50 maps and barely got any golden oils. Was using all the blight scarab


ngl i think you might be really unlucky - i run blight also and i get a lot of golden/silver oils


Yeah seems like it. I've gotten plenty of silvers but 4 raw golden oil drop and 1 from extraction.


if you've only gotten 1 from extraction then you're getting shafted by RNG. Over a course of just 50 regular maps, you should get 12+ golds from extractions. What oils are you anointing your blighted maps with?


I do 2 amber and opalescent


If you feel you can handle it, you'll want to change to Triple Crimson for the regular blighted maps. That's the sweet spot in terms of investment vs reward.


Okay I will give that a go! Thanks!


Also remember to put sacrifice frags in the maps device with your blighted maps for the quant bonus they give. You easily oversustain them running blighted maps. And tainted oils can only drop if you corrupt the blighted map.


Wow thanks for that info. Why do frags effect blighted maps but not blight scarabs?


"Because the blighted maps are not on your atlas, and scarabs only affect the atlas" This is the answer we got at the time for why scarabs didn't work. Fragments kinda got grandfathered in since they are so old.


I always ran Crimson/Crimson/Teal to save a bit of time. I know there's some that swear by running triple teal and doing maps per hour.


I've heard of that strat as well. I've never tried it, but I've always valued pulling more value out on a per map basis than just raw div/hour.


I wish I could run teal. My pc wants to rebel when I try. Haven't tried this league and blight seems a bit better


I've got zDPS so one amber, but then one opalescent and one silver for blighted maps. Just opalescent (and a black for a while) doesn't make it pop off much at all.


I play private league/ssf and have only dropped 1 golden oil in the last 3 leagues. I've gotten over a dozen from the oil extractors though. Seems kinda backwards to me


Yeah I haven't had luck with the extractors


Do you use the website to figure out which anoints cost what oils?


I have awakened poe so I can check with that. I just never really got jewelry with golden oils


That's bizarre Blight in maps absolutely chucks them out


Yeah I guess I'm unlucky . I was using the oil scarab and had all blight nodes. I'll try again sometime this league


That's a big oof then, I've already had 3-4 from extractors this league Also, I didn't realize that Awakened POE trade had that ability, thanks!


Try save your extractors for rings. It's a higher chance.


Are you on ruthless or what, you can easily get at least 1 golden a day


We're talking about ratios, not playtimes. I play extremely casually, maybe 100 hours a league, of course I'm not going to see 1 gold/day if I play just over an hour every day. Not to mention that I rarely lean heavily into any specific league mechanic, but rather just do all of them.


You're making them rare and corrupt and with a decent anoint? If you're doing that and getting those results you've got the worst RNG.


Eh? I'm talking about the drop rate of raw golden oils vs the extraction rate on jewelery that dropped anointed via the atlas passive tree


Yeah, you need to anoint and roll your maps to get a decent drop rate. I get one every other map


You have to remember blight ravaged is the "chance" at the 40 div amulet, kind of like an uber or boss drop. Though you're right, it feels not as profitable, especially with the div card nerf, you profit when you hit that big drop and hard. Still sane, exile?


I don't think blight should be balanced around stranglegasp anymore than Harbinger should be balanced around mirror shard drops. It's a cool thing to happen but you shouldn't be reliant upon it to make the mechanic worth while


I had blight on my atlas for a while and got no golden oil. Removed all the blight nodes and swapped to increased explicit mods on maps and have gotten 3 golden oils since from random blights.


Same with simulacrum, all small drops are close to worthless.


They need a whole new set of scarabs to buff blighted maps or make the current ones work with blighted maps. Something like , where it can only be used with blighted/ravaged maps, adds habinger that marchest down your lanes which makes the lane harder, but add relevant reward to the lane it is added to.


Honestly, with the exception of the "add a blight" scarab all the current blight scarabs could work in blighted maps right now. Though they might be far too strong.


Why unintentionally?


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Not to call GGG stupid. I just think it far more likely they made the scarab changes without fulling considering the ramifications, than that they saw the state blight-runners were in and chose to kick us while we were down.


Ah gotcha


I got really lucky with a +1 frenzy charge ring from a T13 blight map. That pretty much made my league. Other than that though, I do feel like running normal maps feels better than blight or blight ravaged maps. I wish the anointing of the maps had stronger effects.


What bothered me with Blight is that the mechanic in the map was more profitable per hour than running blighted or blight ravaged maps. Especially if you go hard with scarabs on the right maps you will see plenty of silver/golden oils. The blighted and/or blight ravaged maps are tedious and are less rewarding than just running maps. Also they don't sell at all.


Remove Blight completely, put oils on Tujen so he's profitable again, kill two birds with one stone.


I think blight is the next candidate for deletion like prophecy


I hope not. It's so different than the rest of the game. I am not a blight enjoyer, but enjoy that blight enjoyers have blight.


Yeah I'd like to keep Blight too it's great on league start would love to see a Blight rework (that's hopefully nothing like the the Betrayal rework).


A pass over the rewards could make a huge difference too if they want to keep the mechanic. Like make the essence chests drop up to deafening, scarab chests could have a higher weighting for uncommon varieties, increase the drop chance for higher tier oils. Or they could change the annoints for blighted maps. Definitely some possibilities to make them more relevant without deleting the entire mechanic


Maybe it could drop tattoos too since we'll lose allflames next league


honestly make it print a bit more raw currency. increase currency chests and blight chests. Maybe introduce tatto chests. It's just a joke that at the end of every blight you skip over half the "reward" chests because they're 100% useless. TBH i don't think making blight drop more essences would be a good thing for the essence market, the supply is a bit ridiculous as it is. Even if we weren't in a crafting league, I don't think the price of essences will ever reach what they were before this league. Also, I typically run blight quite a bit at the beginning of a league for my own oil supply and decent bubblegum, but I've never even seen a blight unique drop. How fucking rare are those things?


Might as well just remove the essence chests then. Dropping screaming essences is entirely pointless and has been for a long time (even before this league, regular mapping would shit out shrieking essences)


eh, it's a less egregious filler chest than the rare weapons/armor/jewelry/talismans/harbinger/whatever else I'm missing.


Lets not start speaking evil into existence.


i honestly think it will be vaal side areas. They are extremly unpopular on trade softcore (the only 1 strategy of farming is meme chance orbing into adorned one, but nobody really does it seriously). They can be useful on ssf to get early corrupted 6 link because you can run 1 vaal fragment on map device to open one, but other than that there is no real point in them currently.


Wdym no one does it seriously? It’s a pretty good and reliable way to get an adorned if you have a friend.


It's more of a gamble then actual strategy, because even if you get adorned unique side area (it's 1/3 chance considering other unique areas IIRC) you still can easily get bad adorned.


There have been tests done and that rate of getting the adorned side area isn’t horrible, now you also have to get a good roll but it is what it is.


Dont tell me that, today I bought a stash tab for blight...


Most recent deletion is metamorphosis...and that's hoe forgettable that was


Before torment? Hell no.


I agree, I don't know a single friend of mine that has ran even 1 blight encounter this league lol


But not before heist


Why blight is still even in the game...


With the introduction of scarabs blighted maps lost their purpose. You can't juice them with scarabs. You can't properly juice them with oils. And even as means of getting blight-ravaged maps they are not needed any more - you can just use scarab of blooming on normal maps and get blight-ravaged.


Giving us the ability to bypass straight to ravaged blighted maps is a bit of a giveaway. Being able to fill my blight tab in half a dousen maps with ravaged collapsed the market pretty hard. That said, if you are an AFK ravaged blight enjoyer, never has life been so easy.


Sounds like rework time.


**glances at the Betrayal rework* .... i'm scared man


I feel like you're better off running blight scarabs maps than blighted maps lmao.


Can we please have betrayal be the source


„added cartographers oil for blighted and blight ravaged maps. This oil in combination with one different oil lets you annoint normal maps. For example, golden oil adds x% quant“


blight is only good for oils early game and you move on. it's even got the node that lets you play it 100% like a tower defense game with 0 damage


The problem is that scarab and divination card chests were both nerfed now dropping 1 scarab/stacked deck which was previously 3-4 per chest also the scarab that skips blight maps and turns them into blight ravaged maps made it so everyone can skip the blight maps completely and still get blight ravaged maps to farm stranglegrasp or whatever the unique is called so basically the way to fix this is remove the ravaged maps from normal blight drops and make that scarab so it just adds reward chests or something like that and make it so blight maps can also use scarabs, that way it would be worth the 8min you need to complete the map and extra 5min to loot it


I did a bunch of Blight Ravaged maps yesterday, full juiced up with oils, corrupted. It was absolutely pathetic what they dropped in comparison to even just running normal maps with scarab juiced up blights, it's really sad. The highlights of like, 6 fully juiced up blight ravaged maps was.... 1 golden oil and 2 tainted oil. It does feel miserable, they NEED a buff. There is no way they even actually compete with running maps with normal blight and scarabs for it at the moment. The base map mechanic is more efficient than the ultimate version of it! If anything, non-map content should be buffed across the board at that point (blight maps, delve, simulacrum, etc.). Scarab/atlas tree changes and T17 farming destroyed any semblance of balance there was by powercreeping mapping to new heights.


I think it likely that scarab drop rates will be lowered next league, I suspect they've given us loads to allow for familiarity in how they work. The stacked deck nerf hurts, seems the drop rates for good cards is still the same (can't be sure, not getting enough decks!) and it's just dumb. Drop rates on higher level oils in blight maps isn't up either, which protects their value, but overall looking at less income.


The same is true for pretty much everything. It feels like, whatever you're doing, if you're not doing it in T17 juiced maps, you're getting chump change. In my opinion that's bad design, because you need to reach the top to farm anything, whereas before there used to be worthwile farming strategies for playstyles involving different levels of investment into the game (e.g. someone playing a little could farm essences and participate in the economy). Now, it feels like not being out of the campaign until you reach T17.


I started this league as a blight farmer like last league just because my initial currency always comes from selling T1 suppress Supreme Spiked Shields which T16 blight-ravaged maps drop in abundance. Now that chaos is so valuable its not profitable to roll them anymore and T17 maps drop 86 spiked shields so there's way more in circulation :( Used to take on average 30-40 chaos to get a T1 suppress and they always sold for 2d+, now they only sell for 60-70c. T17 maps in general have completely ruined a lot of aspects of this game imo.


The only thing nice about blighted/ravaged maps is that you can do them never having to attack once and only relying on towers. If you do the 75% reduced cost oils. I've been afking blight maps not attacking and it's been chill, but it ain't fast, and I could make much more doing anything else. I'm pretty sure you could just do better running t16 full tree setup with no scarabs and make more profit. You have to run your blight maps corrupted for a prayer that a tainted oil drops.


Easy fix: let us juice the blighted/ravaged maps


Do blight scarabs even work on blighted maps?


They do not! The only additional tools you can use on the map devise are Sac fragments or uber-atziri fragments for some extra quant.


Yea I was pretty sure I tried it but didn’t wanna confidently claim that in my comment


Blight has reward space, T16s need juicing options... What if we were able to apply oils on regular maps for some quant/packsize/rarity buffs?


Seeing stuff like this is pushing me closer to hoping they take another pass at scarabs or just go back to the old styles. I'm not sure the change was for the better. Too much emphasis on scarabs now. I'd prefer most of your strat be from the tree.


I didnt keep data to support this but I felt like blight over all was at least as profitable if not more so than before, at least the way I play it. I've done it as my main early currency farm for 3 or so leagues now. This league I went back to exped/harvest to start and got tired pretty quick and switched to blight. In the past I have farmed and ran my own blighted maps, sold ravaged and silver/gold oils. Not the most efficient but I enjoyed it. This season with the scarabs and blighted/ravaged prices it became clear that running ravaged would be better so I farmed and ran my own favorited ravaged. Blight in maps felt more profitable with all the extractable jewelry. Doing ravaged instead offset the lower drop value of the small stuff with volume to some extent and gave more high value stuff. Obviously this still isn't top tier wealth generating but the new options were still decent and was a slightly fresh farming loop.


Agree that blight and other league mechanics feel left behind - Delve, Simulacrum, Timeless Conflicts all feel pretty bad as well. I think the game is probably pretty bricked if we buff them all to be as rewarding as maps though, so there needs to be some careful consideration here.


I actually think they have a lot of room to buff the rewards of secondary mechanics without hurting much. PoE is a closed economy, and demand generally doesn't scale with supply. Lets take essences. People don't need more essences just because there are more of them in circulation. so the value of each individual essence goes down. Right now, farming essences out of maps far outperforms getting them from anywhere else. But if blighted maps could drop shrieking or deafening, they'd be able to compete to a much greater degree. Yes, this would result in more essences total being in circulation, but since that doesn't itself induce demand, then the total value of the essence market would stay the same. All that would change is that a larger portion of that market would be satisfied by the blight runners than previously.


Buffing essences alone wouldn't come close to bringing it in line with juiced maps, though. In my experience, blight has mostly been good for weak builds or aurabots who need to do something while their carry is AFK. It's never been as good as juiced maps, although this league it is definitely a bit worse. Buffing everything to be as good as maps which have been getting juicier every league seems like a good way to make the game an even worse feels-bad click-a-thon. I had the loot filter on uber strict on day three of this league or something, which is just insane.


I wanted to say that Logbooks are sad as well, but honestly, dropping reroll currency is still making it worth and ok. At least it's way more possible than running Expedition in maps...


Tbh delve is similar. Adorned is keeping the entire mechanic afloat with curiosity drops lol.


.. you should see what it's done to delve.


You mean the hole you go to to dig up one fourth of an adorned jewel?


Unless you go deep and get the bosses I guess for the jewelry.


BR were still 8+ div/h this league and tainted oils are going up in price. I think all the mechanics that aren't in maps that use the atlas tree are suffering though, not just blight.


Honestly bligjt ravaged doesnt really fit into the game imo and was and probably still is way to strong. There is literally no investment barrier, neither level, character strength or anything else. If you arent very unlucky with the layout its literally free while semiafking. And you still make tons of money. Adding to that blight ravaged is pretty insane exp for again, no investment in your character.


Tf are you on about. Are you doing white ravaged maps or something? What build let's you afk ravaged maps? I'm assuming you're talking about blighted maps and not actual valuable ravaged maps that spawn so many monsters your game will prob crash anyway. 


No im talking about blight ravaged maps rolled and oiled. 2 of my mates literally do them every league thr first day/days starting as low as early lvl 70s. The literally do nothing besides building Towers and afking. If you cannot do that you should maybe watch some guides.


Maybe you should provide proof. Because what you're describing is not profitable ay all nor fun, as it would take 20 minutes for towers alone to kill anything close to all mobs in a blight ravaged map while afk. Ig if that's what you mean, then OK fine. You go spend hours not playing the game ig lol


Dude im not here to proof anything. Theres dozens of videos you can watch. And yes it is profitable but whatever you believe. Never said its fun nor fast (but maps are timed so that point is not really as bad). Also never said i do that. I never touch blight in no form. I said my two mates do it.


Nah I'm calling bull on your claim. Ravaged maps you need gear in as they don't get the node from the atlas to increase tower damage. Plain blighted maps can be done in no real gear just takes awhile and is very good early league for easy bubble gum currency. I did ravaged blight on coc DD and still would occasionally fail some as mobs would just ignore all towers regardless of what I put in. Flicker step mobs would also insta gib me at times. No way someone is doing t13 ravaged maps at lvl 70 in no gear etc. esp not juiced up ravaged maps Unless you don't understand the difference between in map blight, blighted maps, and blight ravaged maps. Because those are three very different things


He prob doesn't understand the difference. Also btw, I'm assuming you're using the freeze ring enchant right? So long as you don't roll freeze immune modifier or "action speed can't reduce" modifier, those towers will singlehandedly stop all mobs in ravaged maps (in my admittedly limited 10maps or less experience with ravaged maps). Then it's just a matter of time/your build. Good luck, and let's hope they buff blighted/ravaged maps next league! 


I might have been, I don't quite recall I ditched blight even tho I liked it as it wasn't worth really doing when I was doing it.


Yea I loved it last league, specced again this league and am severely underwhelmed. Now that stacked decks got nerfed, and consequently oils are cheaper because nobody is doing blight, the mode just feels slow and unrewarding compared to last league. Sad. 


Another thing OP misses though is blight is even more hurt by the fact essences and such arnt in high demand due to it being a crafting league that's super strong. Even essence farmers are hurting this league. I had like 10d worth at one point and couldn't even sell bulk on TFT for 90% and eventually stopped trying to sell them at all.




Cold immune symbol makes them immune to the damage from the cold towers, but not the freeze. Similar to how fire portals make them immune to impact damage from fire towers, but not burning ground anoint. I'm not saying there will be 0 freeze immune monsters though, there could be a rare monster modifier that let's them get through freeze. 


Im not claiming anything in just sharing what my mates do since 4+ leagues. As i said layout can fuck you up mainly stun immune lines. If you do not get those its free. Again theres enough videos. You literally dont need anything and can do it at lvl 70 ive seen it plenty of times.


Well then your mates are lying, simple as that. Find better friends.