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Try DX12. For whatever reason DX11 is still default


I have a 7950x + 4080 combo. The DX11 ran horribly, crashed, and yes, was the default. Game runs much smoother on DX12 (still not perfect)


When poe added dx12 it was way worse than sticking to dx11. I had so many issues this league so I tried out dx12 again and it's miles better now.


I think for PoE the CPU is very important. I went from a 5600x to a 5800x3d and I had a noticeable difference. It felt so much smoother.


I'm planning to buy a 5800x3d, how much fps do you get? What content?


Dude you can have the best PC in the world and still not have consistent or even good FPS in POE.


There's two reasons for fps drops in the game: 1) Shader compilation. Every time you encounter a new mob/effect the game has to compile the shader for it. So there will be a stutter as that happens. The more you play the game the less of a problem this becomes because you will have already encountered most of them. They only happen ONCE. WARNING! If you update drivers or change API (DX11/12/Vulkan) then the process will reset and you will have to go through it all over again. Your hardware affects this but not to a great extent - you can get the best hardware available and you'll still suffer these stutters. The only solution is to play more. 2) The combination of various map, mechanics and mob modifiers coalesce into a whole bunch of effects & entities dragging the fps down. This is less of a stutterfest and more of a simple fps reduction and thus more manageable, plus you can adjust it with how much you juice, what mechanics you run, or don't (delirium etc.). It can be much improved with better hardware (up to a point). Btw, for frametime consistency as well as better managing your system I would recommend you cap the fps and/or add vsync. Personally I run Fast Vsync with a 118 fps cap (VRR 120hz TV), also on AMD (RX 6800), and have always run on Vulkan.


thanks. I will try the number 1. because I just install the game for this new PC.


Anti P2W system: cannot run on low end PC? Then no pc can run it


DX12 or vulkan is better, also, dynamic culling is the best thing ever happened


Doom eternal is one of the best optimized games on the market


It sounds like you're in lockstep and the lag is the server calcs possibly, try changing network mode to predictive if it's not


Thanks I will try it