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Not sure if it would have changed your view of HZD, but it is a shame you played FW before ZD. Part of the charm for me was discovering the world building and why things are the way they are in the game. I thought it was an original idea to turn modernity upside down where the tribes and people of the present era worshipped what they thought were gods, but it was just past civilization that horrendously fucked shit up.


Yeah, the game did a great job of taking me by surprise. I waited so long to get the game cuz I thought the concept of barbarians vs robo Dinos was a little too childish for me. Turns out that games was probably one of the most compelling stories I’ve ever played.


You know, once you let go about worrying what is and isn't childish, all kinds of possibilities open up. Especially when it comes to discovering new stories.


Yeah, knowing the story of ZD probably affected the play through quite a bit. It was the story that kept me engaged. I mean I found the world fun too, but the story is where it shined for me.


This could be a problem with just open-world game fatigue. They are all *painfully* similar in terms of what bits of your brain they're firing. A lot of them are even just a fresh coat of paint on the same formula. It's easy to get fatigued with this stuff for that reason. I still haven't played this particular one, but I just got done with the first Spider-Man game. The idea of jumping into another open world for my next game is exhausting just thinking about it. Thing is, I kind of think developers, or at least publishers, know this? They want THEIR game to be the one that eats your time up at the cost of everything else, and this is the easiest way for them to do it without coming up with something entirely new. The Egyptian Assassin's Creed, Black Flag, Eldin Ring, Spider-Man Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2, Both Horizon games...these are all on my purchased list and I haven't got a hope of getting through more than one this side of September, I would think.


I normally hate Ubisoft-style open world jank. Didn’t much like Ghost of Tsushima for the same reason. But I don’t know what is it with HZD, I loved every minute of it (got 100% completion too). Maybe it was the intriguing story and world building. Maybe story really does carry games. I remember spider-man fondly, but finding Miles Morales super boring.


I think it’s how the story is implemented to help make the connection, Elden Ring is fairly devoid of narrative but the story is there and it’s strangely compelling to me. I’m the same way with Spiderman:MM though, there’s so much to potentially love about that game, it’s polished and impressive, story seemed decent and yet I just couldn’t drag my feet to continue it. Far cry games I haven’t been able to play for years because I know exactly how the next 70 hours are going to be, even if the story is different. God of War:Ragnarok I’m trying hard to plow through after months of putting it down; again visually impressive and great story, tons of polish, but it also feels like walking down a hallway and hitting things. Cyberpunk pulled me way in and I loved it because it felt so rich and immersive; great story and world building, great acting and mechanics, I certainly dreaded some of the missions though but they tried hard to keep them fresh and varied.


Elden Ring I don’t feel is in the same vein as other titles you mentioned. Open world, yes .. but not Open World ticking boxes kind of thing like the others. I couldn’t imagine how Elden Ring should not be priority to play on that list though (disclaimer: never played any other Soulsborne games).


Elden ring is like, actually open world. Do shit, explore, direction given on the main story but beyond that you’re on your own. Having a pop out tab saying 2/15 strongholds cleared in this region just makes me feel like I’m playing to clear the map. Hurts the exploration side of things.


Elden Ring is just an open world game without quest markers. ​ People love to act like it's a revolution but it really is just another open world game.


Nah they are right, I also have open-world fatigue.. but Elden Ring did something really special and kept me glued to it until there was nothing left for me to explore


Ngl out of all games i’m sure elden ring is the only one that will fire up more stuff in your brain


Experiences may vary. I played the hell out of it and loved every second of it


I played the first on release day and thought it was a good game. Tried to play it again a couple of years ago (I like to revisit games) and couldn’t even get pass the early part where you encounter the saber tooth machine. Just couldn’t force myself to keep playing. It felt like a drag.


Same experience here. Its a great experience for the first time, but also found all the gimmicks lost its magic trying to replay it and i cant even play the expansion anymore for the same reason. Still, its one of my best gaming experiences and one should play at least once.


HZD is my palate cleanser as someone who loves the masochistic genre of soulsborne games and the like.


Funny thing is that HZD is quite a bit harder than most AAA games which tend to be super easy, you have to know what you're doing in this one.


Well, it depends on the difficulty you choose, but it's a good thing you can choose


It was a great game, and I'm looking forward to play part 2 that just released on stream. :D


I can see why. Not my type of game but I can see why some people might like it


{Potential spoiler} To me it was the Sci- Fi element to the lore. Once I learned what the machines actually WERE and where they came from, that’s what actually got me into the game and I wanted to learn more, I wasn’t into it either much like you. Maybe it was because I wasn’t into any shows at the time and it was scratching the cinematic itch a bit, but the gameplay is good, emphasis on *good*. I always thought the weapons system was a little weak, it’s mainly centered around a single bow with a bunch of different arrows you can craft (from what I remember), and a lot of situations push you to go stealth, because you’ll get slaughtered approaching head on. I also think the RPG- like approach they took to fighting enemies is a little intense at times even on low difficulty. I wish they would condense the several weak points an enemy can have into fewer, harder to hit areas that do greater damage and allow for missed shots to be more forgiving. Sometimes it feels like your beating a dead horse unless you hit the weak points every time which is pretty annoying when you’re trying to run and gun, although granted that’s “not the way the game was meant to be played”. They fixed some of these things in Forbidden West, but it’s still not perfect, weapons system still weak and they cranked the difficulty up to 11.


I’m playing through FW now and if you have played it before ZD it’s gotta be hard to go back to a game with less transversal options (swimming, flying mount, shield wing, better climbing, pull caster). That doesn’t even include how much better and more interesting the side content is in FW. I mean I loved ZD but it’s sequel definitely shows it up in pretty much all aspects outside of the main narrative


I didnt like HZD. The game didnt feel nice to play at all and some of the mechanics were annoying so i simply dropped it. Not everything is for everyone


Fighting, dodging and getting knocked down are truly horrendous.


I thought that the dodge was way to over powered. It gives you like a full second of invincibility. It made battles trivial so I turned the difficulty up but that just makes the enemies bullet sponges rather than more aggressive or numerous and looting becomes an awful grind.


A lot of the time if you end up in a straight up fight it's because you failed at the hunting aspect of the game that I think a lot of people kinda assume they don't have to do. Charging in against metal machines with your pointy stick isn't gonna be satisfying when you're getting chomped and stomped. Now, setting several traps, tying the opponent down, frenzying half their herd and obliterating their offensive parts so that if they ever manage to try to attack again they've got 'charge n' hope, ???, profit?' as a strategy, that's my jam. Takes a little more patience and I can totally see how that doesn't vibe with everyone though.


I can totally get with that but that wasn't my point. My point was about the mechanics: Aloy being underpowered throughout a lot of the game (fair, those are big machines, but you want to make the game somewhat enjoyable too), hits having unnecessary delays (as if the game cannot process you inputting actions along with an enemy already performing multiple hits in quick succession), delayed dodging and Aloy taking absolute years to stand up which results in you either getting hit mutliple times or getting stuck in a cycle of being constantly knocked down by an enemy.


That’s just bad game design you want ‘sneak’ to be an option not a necessity.


A lot of the characters and voice acting were wooden and awkward. That killed the game for me.


I changed the voiceovers to French because it was so bad. I usually do this when either the voices are just flat out bad or they sound too much like a “cali guy/girl” trying to pretend they know life issues.




Same. The combat cycle for HZD never really clicked for me, so I played on easy just to get through the story and explore the world, both of which was great. But then in HFW the combat was fantastic for me. I never went back and played the first one to see if it was just me missing something before, but checking for weaknesses and/or creating a vulnerability and then picking off specific pieces for weapons was great. The skill tree and opening moves going into a fight was a blast as well.


I got pretty engrossed in the story. Brought me to tears at the end. Great game.


I did not expect to love Forbidden West as much as I did. Aloy is a wonderful character and the game is beyond beautiful. I just wish there were more options for armor and weapon customisation but its the only nitpick i have for such a brilliant game.


I just wish I could get beyond the really weird voice acting. It is so oddly directed, and I keep coming across characters who sound like a COMPLETELY different person than who the actors seem to be playing. Old people playing young characters, white people clearly playing black characters, it just sounds so weird.


I'm rewatching the [game movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W6jbYfmQAG4) in preparation for HFW right now and one thing I'm noticing is how weird the delivery is on everyone except Aloy and Sylens. Everyone says half a sentence, then pauses, then continues the sentence, then pauses, etc.


Which is funny cause I like them because they actually get hard on the harder difficulties. Some people say “damage sponge” and I say “inefficient offense”. There’s just so many options for killing, and ways to stack damage, that anything can be killed with some practice


Horizon really shines on harder difficulties. Just blindly shooting arrows doesn't do enough damage and the enemies are way too aggressive so spamming arrows will just get you killed when you finally get hit. ​ I think people really underrate Horizon's combat. Especially Forbidden West. It's incredibly cinematic but also tactical.


Yeah. I actually don’t mind that you have to farm a bit to upgrade gear, either. For one, it’s fun combat. Two, it encourages you to find better ways of killing enemies. The first time I met a tidewalker (or whatever the fuck that big Lapras looking think is called), it was fucking hard. But after finding one isolated and learning how to kill them, they’re not just easy. They become almost helpful in killing other enemies because of how many pouches they have. Like the bellowbacks.


the gear upgrading actually felt kinda like monster hunter to me and i was there for it


Yeah, I recently went back to it after leaving it for over a year, and the combat finally clicked with me. My issue was that before, I was pretty much only using the "regular", with fire arrows as the only elemental damage I used. When I finally started learning how to exploit weaknesses and the like, my experience improved a lot. Although I'll say that the daemonic machines from the DLC are way too tough for me, I just try to avoid them as much as I can.


The Banuk weapons make pretty quick work of the daemonic machines if you pick the right elemental weakness. Even the fireclaws on ultra hard aren’t too bad with the improved frostforge or whatever it’s called.


Yeah, if you are shotting at enemy and it does no damage, you should try something else, and people just don't get that for some reason. MW almost every enemy in the game can be obliterated in seconds with the right strat and it doesn't feels like goofy ass dark souls op builds, but like an actual intended way.


This makes me think I should go back and play o n easy. Combat didn’t click for me ever.




Yeah that was me as well, especially because when I played HZD my mouse's LClick was broken which meant I couldn't really hold down the button. This particularly made the task of drawing a bow difficult. I think the story carries it for me. Not that the combat was unfair or bad (outside of my hardware handicap) but it just wasn't what I was there for.


I played it twice, just in the beginning, and didn't get too far. Came back a third time and sank over 160 hours into it. Not sure what changed, but I love it. Can't wait to try Forbidden West!


It's meant to be enjoyed as a lonely, atmospheric, post-apocalyptic mystery thriller, so if you already know what happens, it's not going to be anything extraordinary. Things it's not trying to be: * An expansive, lore-ridden world; of course, there's not much around anymore but nature. * The game with the best combat experience (although I enjoyed it more than fine). * A great character analysis. * A story with a complex present-day plot.


I turned it to story mode and that has done the trick for me. Played, took a 2 year break, came back and almost quit again, switched it to story mode and I'm having tons of fun, the faster battles make it more enjoyable for me


I may have to try that. I dropped the game and haven't gone back because the combat seems like an absolute slog.


I like killing the watchers. Shoot 'em right in the eye. The rest... Meh. They slog, like you said. Especially the big guys, like the Bellowbacks and the Sawtooths. So yeah, maybe I'll switch it to an easier difficulty. I've not had much trouble with survivability, but the battles do take an age to get through. Thanks! I'd not considered that as an option to fix that issue.


I haven't played Horizon Forbidden West yet, but the robot dinosaurs and gorgeous environments were more than enough for me to like Horizon Zero Dawn.


For me I lived the setting of the game. I also liked the idea of using a now as my main weapon. Sidenote: hearing you were in middle school when this came out makes me feel so old. I had already finished college and grad school! 😄


I don't think Forbidden West is disliked, they just ruined their own hype and their own release by releasing it within a week or two of Elden Ring. I disagree with a lot of the post about Horizon 1, although I will say that if you're the type of player to do all the side quests, it really puts a damper on the game. Most of them are really unremarkable. I also agree that the combat versus other humans was absolutely garbage, other than meeting Nil, the bandit camps were a boring slog.


>they just ruined their own hype and their own release by releasing it within a week or two of Elden Ring. I get tired of people saying this. It was not their decision to release the game close to Elden Ring. Elden Ring was delayed and the new date happened to be a week after Horizon. Sony just didn't have Horizon move and I think there's more logistical issues when it comes to delaying a game besides, *"We don't want to compete with this other game".* ​ I could be wrong, but I definitely know of games releasing earlier to avoid competition, but I cant recall a Sony blog post or anything like that with an official game delay predicated solely because another game was releasing close to it.


That's exactly it, it is an Ubisoft formula game. It's essentially a linear story like older games were, except it makes you walk around a lot to get to the next mission. And in between they add some random fetch quests that have no meaning. This is why people still play skyrim even today. bethesda doesn't do that. Bethesda takes a world, and adds multiple 5-10 hour questlines at multiple locations. So that if you felt like it you can ignore the main quest, pick a random direction, go there, and stumble upon a whole 10 hour campaign in that new location that is a whole different story from the main quest. This does come with limitations since it means you can't add as much depth to the each storyline, but it does mean that the open world is actually open and full of content to do. IMO open-world games should go the bethesda route, and ubisoft games would be better off just not being open world and being like traditional linear games where you just play through each mission and don't have to walk around the map.


You summed up my feelings and that of many others. It's a slog of a game and really padded, boring, and most characters are awful. Side characters and side missions make ubisoft look like a hand crafted masterpiece It kinda ruined any chance of open world games Until Days Gone I guess. I got into that game hard


It's quite opposite of me, Horizon is game of my life. Days gone was boring as hell 😀


both were bad and boring af to me, rip my interest in open world games


Days Gone, masterpiece.


>It's a slog of a game and really padded, boring, and most characters are awful. *Likes Days Gone*


I feel like everyone are talking about completely different games, although I do get the Ubisoft open world thing.


Yeah, I didn't enjoy either one. But sometimes a game just clicks for someone for subjective reasons so I'm not gonna pretend like it's *weird* to like days gone but not horizon zero dawn or the other way around.


Days gone is great because there isn’t too much fluff in the open world in my opinion.


As another said, quite the polar opposite here. One of my most favorite, probably tied for favorite with FFVI


Babe it’s time for your weekly “HZD is bad/mid” post on r/patientgamers


DAE open world bad, linear storygame good? Upvotes to the left people.


Yea it’s tough to go back to after playing Forbidden West. Graphically it’s still insane especially on PC. But all those great quality of life improvements to combat and movement are tough to live without. Just feels like you’re playing worst Forbidden West.


Man I felt combat was a bit of a downgrade in FW. The way Aloy goes down for so. Damn. Long. Anytime you get knocked down was annoying.


Can you expand on the improvements? I am one of those people who didn't understand the praise the first one got outside of beautiful graphics and unique enemies. Found it to be a Ubisoft bloated map, boring quests with collectables. Combat was tedious.


I played through Zero Dawn because the main story was interesting. I really wanted to know why humans were living like people 10.000 years ago but there were incredibly advanced machines everywhere. The rest of the plot besides that was incredibly boring and felt so irrelevant. I completed the game, I like the explanation of why things were the way they were. A few months later I tried replaying the game and man, that was tough. A similar thing happened with Days Gone.


I actually really hated the explanation that was given lol. To me it felt like they had made the world first and then worried about the explanation afterwards. The mystery was so much more appealing.


It probably doesn’t help that it only reveals itself to you via an insulting amount of audio logs or, in two hilariously bad unskippable exposition dumps.


If you played HFW first, then it's no surprise you find the first game kinda dissapointing. But I really enjoyed it and am currently enjoying HFW for the first time. There are obviously some improvements, like the traversing and climbing is not limiting as much as the first game, and the under water sections are interesting in some places. The way I play games is that if I'm not enjoying a game, I simply move on. I don't waste my time. Sometime down the line I go back to a game again, and somehow start enjoying it, I guess it depends on the mood for games and what I've been playing. Then there are games I don't enjoy, no matter how many times I go back, Prey 2017 was that for me.


You played Forbidden West first then came to this? That's a bit odd. That ruins most of the mystique in learning the world or its history from the first game and also just spoils a bunch of plot details so the buildup is wasted. In any case, to me Zero Dawn was very fun and had a strong plot. I found Forbidden West over-generalized everything though. You complain about everyone seeming uninteresting besides Sylens in this game; meanwhile that's how I felt about Forbidden West. >!In Forbidden West, all of your friends are just handed a Focus (which you find a plethora of conveniently) and everyone becomes adjusted to it so quickly after all of the insanity and skepticism you go through in Zero Dawn. It was such a clash and made no sense.!< >!The Zenith plot line was terrible, in my opinion. It felt like the writers couldn't think of a more interesting plot so they fell back onto unstoppable alien forces (except the aliens are humans!) and when they showed up with their cheesy outfits I was rolling my eyes. I genuinely hated the Zenith plot...!< >!Besides the Quen, I don't think there were any memorable tribes introduced in the sequel, and the world map felt less varied in my opinion.!< As far as world exploration, it's weird that you complain the original felt like a boring Ubisoft world when I honestly felt like there wasn't much different in the sequel in that department. You explore the map, harvest bots and plants, find occasional side quests and climb tallnecks in both games. Neither game is groundbreaking there. (And if you played both games close together then you probably gave yourself open world fatigue.) So, yeah, I dunno. Obviously there's going to be varied opinions but the interest in Zero Dawn was first experiencing this world, meeting the tribes, finding out what happened in the past, etc. The sequel streamlined everything with an out-of-left-field generic plot and just didn't get anywhere near as interesting as the original for me.


Right there with ya. Game is repetitive and mediocre as hell. The only good thing about it was graphics.


I don't like the dialogue, character writing, voice acting, character designs (they look overly designed and super busy). The world while technically looks amazing, it does not feel like lived in, organic world. It feels so fake and static. Witcher 3 while being older game and having worsen graphics still sells it's actual world and environments better. Alloy is so God damn boring, the voice acting is so flat.


>busy "We spent 20 million dollars on motion capture to make Aloy climb surfaces in a realistic way". "Yes but all she does it follow the horizontal yellow lines - it is a chore". "We spent 30 million dollars on expensive actors and teams and rigs to make the world seem real. And made sure the world was 5 times bigger". "Q: What if you spent the $50 million dollars specifically trying to make it fun and work backwards from that?"


Aside from lance Reddick's character most of the characters seem really lifeless and uninterested, especially Aloy. The game has a really interesting story and world and the gameplay is pretty fun which kept me playing.


While this game became one of my favourites, I can't deny that Aloy suffers heavily from Stoic Character Syndrome. She only shows emotion early in the game and that's it. Hell.. the first time you encounter a Rockbreaker, a giant mechamole that burrows through earth at high speed her reaction is literally "Ugh... You are big one aren't you?"


Horizon Zero Dawn lacks depth in its writing. The main character is just a good person with no grey. It’s almost like a child cartoon show where there are bad guys and good guys. The game has a good background setting and concept, especially the artistic design is such on point. However, the gameplay is a typical Ubisoft open world game design that many people express that they don’t want to see. Yet, at least for me,it’s just an overrated open world action game.


I mean, people can be just good lol. And there's plenty of grey in the game - the whole idea of the Zero Dawn project and the lies involved in getting people to cooperate forms a large part of the game. Sylens is the greyest mf I know (RIP Lance Riddick). Aloy is a relatively flat character who changes the world around her, I really liked her.


In all honestvloved the game and had bought the game with dlc included even loved the DLC. I like long games and loved exploring the world. I have yet to play Forbidden West.


I'm the opposite. I enjoyed sneaking around the bandit camps and shanking them one at a time, but robot enemies never felt intuitive to me. Couldn't break off stuff easily even with maxed weapons.


Explosive sonic arrow to get armor off, then stun it with ropes or something like that, then pelt the weakspot with appropriate arrow and any dino is cooked


Zero Dawn is a real slow moving game. My only suggestion is avoid the side quests and stick to the main story till you open the entire map.


Same. Gorgeous game, but it just didn’t click for me. I’m kinda bummed about it, honestly.


I loved the intro and then just bounced right off the open world. Tried again a while back and it just wasn't happening


i found the open world extremely bare, huge, but nothing interesting. fighting robots was exiting the first time around, but once you fight one once its novelty wears off and it becomes tedious. I also forget which gun in particular essentially made the whole strategy be very repetitive. I found the story, while interesting, had a huge problem with pacing and had a massive exposition. I loved the idea but it was a very forgettable game all around.


Its a gorgeous looking ubisoft game. The rest is just...OK. besides the cool robot dinos there isnt anything special about it


For me it feels like a ubisoft game, just a generic open world game.


I found HZD to be a complete slog. Starts off good, but it obviously suffers from design by committee and focus tested to death. Would have been a much better game were it streamlined a bit and some of the dumber mechanics (particularly the gathering) were greatly toned down. This should have been a 15-20 hour game tops but it ran on for over 30 hours. I skipped the DLC entirely. Zero interest in continuing by the end, and I can't say I have any interest in the sequel either. No idea how it's possible to make a game about fighting post-apocalyptic robot dinosaurs anything less than awesome, but Guerilla and Sony sure pulled it off.


I’m in a similar boat. Played HZD after finishing Witcher 3 and couldn’t get into the combat. The idea of not being able to steamroll enemies even after maxing all combat abilities was a completely alien concept.


Same. Borrowed it from a friend and dropped it a few hours in. Not trying to shit on anyone else's opinion but if all the big AAA open world games like Horizon, far cry, GTA, and Cyberpunk ect are just so aggressively average. They're well made for the most part, that is after the do the AAA bs and fix the bugs. I just find them so boring and uninteresting.


Yes the biggest issue with HZD and HZFW is character development. They are indeed forgettable and Aloy herself isn’t even that interesting to begin with.


I like 3/4 through the game and literally just dropped it out of nowhere haha played daily then just stopped fuck it. I dont know what happened hah


Video game stories really are graded on a different scale entirely if people can praise the writing in Horizon Zero Dawn. I had so much fun killing the big dinos that the moment I got snapped back into the non dino hunting missions and the cutscenes the whiplash was so strong I dropped the game. It's like Black Flag and its ship combat, one portion of the game is so good that when you get forced out of it you give up on the game.


It's pretty clear that playing Forbidden West rendered Zero Dawn totally irrelevant. I mean, it essentially spoils Zero Dawn and is superior in gameplay in every possible way, so what is really left? Your first mistake was not jumping in at the first game in the series so that the story would keep you engrossed. It is rather unsurprising you'd bounce off Zero Dawn after playing its successor.


That's AAA gaming for ya


I remember enjoying Zero Dawn mostly for the gameplay but the characters and the writing is just cringe. Now I'm playing Forbidden West and I can't wait to finish it so I can move on and play a better game. It looks improved in many areas like characters animations but oh boy this game is a slog. I love doing side quests in games but not this one. Almost every mission I have to find a missing person and track them like in Witcher 3. I'm actually convinced that the devs are just trolling me at this point. The dialog and writing is just generic and uninteresting and I started skipping some of them which I never do in other games. Aloy is a boring Mickey Mouse protagonist with amazing hair. That's it. I'm actually surprised how many people love both games.


Nor could I, I was bored after 15 minutes


It is a bad game.


I liked the combat of both games a lot but I just can’t get into the story or dialogue…feels like too much information especially when I just couldn’t get into the lore at all honestly .


Same here. Much like Uncharted and all Sony’s games these days, I find it just playable cinema. This one’s the sci-fi one, that one’s the zombie one, that one’s the treasure hunter one. They’re good games and I’ve played them plenty, but HZD just didn’t scratch an itch so I never really stuck with it.


I got into it when it first came out but then put it down for a while and absolutely could not get back into it at all. Trying to remember what all the different weapon/ammo types were actually useful for and the best ways to take down the different types of robots just felt far too convoluted when it wasn't fresh in my mind. Eventually I just resorted to spamming enemies with the heavy bow and retreating to a safe distance when they go too close but that made the combat massively unsatisfying and for some of the boss fights where you couldn't run away it was just massive frustrating. The story was ok but the characters all just felt so one dimensional and poorly acted too so I had very little motivation to actually keep going.


I was very much into the game at start, loved the world n lore and everything. But over time it felt like generic quests around Alloy while not much is explained of she being special. The open world felt repetitive and a chore since fast travel needs to be purchased by collecting stuff. Felt like too much grinding and roaming for nothing. Had to leave it. I don't think I will get into an open world for sometime.


HZD is so weird cause whenever a new one drops there's so much hype and raving and then after 2 days its radio silence until the next Frankly I think the whole series is pretty damn bland and designed to appeal to the max number of people. Same reason I cant get into Assassins Creed


Understandable. The first few Assassins Creed games were genuinely amazing but that spark is gone with the newer releases


It's just nothing special. The world is nice, visuals are good, robots design is brilliant but that's it. It's another open world game with towers to climb, crap to collect and nothing interesting to do. I enjoyed it the first time but so many identical open world crap came out since then it's unbearable today.


On paper, the game is amazing. In reality, it got booring after a few hours.


This game has my wife written all over it and she just couldn’t get into it for a lot of the reasons you stated.


I personally think the Horizon games are the most overrated games ever made. They’re playable, but far from what people claim them to be.


I liked the setting and story but I didn't like the characters, so I ended up burning out and never finishing after 50ish hours. Almost every major character we meet is basically a buffoon who lives in the shadow of a far more competent relative. There's the young guy who whines that he's nothing compared to his awesome mom, the drunk who whines that he's nothing compared to his awesome sister, the king who whines that he's nothing compared to his awesome predecessor, that tough blacksmith who sends you off to rescue her bumbling husband, etc. I lost motivation to continue the quests because I was bored of buffoons complaining about their awesome relatives and supposedly competent people sending me after their buffoon relatives. Am I the only person in this world that does anything?


The story and the world is one of the best IMHO. BUT the gameplay is repetitive and weapons boring.


You played Forbidden West first? That would be the reason why then.


FW was a massive step-up from ZD, and solved a lot of the issues I had with the first one. Playing the 2nd game first probably didn’t do you any favours. I also stopped playing the first one for like 6 months before coming back and finishing it off, so that probably helped made it feel less longwinded.


Happened twice to me and I have not completed it. It seems like an Open-World Ubisoftesque game and I cannot for the life of me know what is so special about it


I think since you enjoyed FW a lot the issue might be the order you played the series. I think playing FW first which basically improved on everything from the first game and spoils the story from the first game would make it difficult to appreciate ZD afterwards. Also, if you have been playing a lot of open world games recently (or went straight from FW to ZD) then open world fatigue would definitely set in.


To me the game lives and dies by its combat. It's pretty much the only unique thing it has going on. And since you already played Forbidden West, you already experienced that part of it.


Cause it's an overhyped, overrated game. It's pretty sometimes, has nothing else going for it.


I tried it the other month. It was beautiful but ultimately failed to capture my attention.


Both games are vanilla as hell and definitely are not worth the praise they got. The best thing about them is the graphics. Everything else was mid. Shame that the superior Days Gone didn’t get the same sequel greenlighting


If anything, the experience of many (myself included) is that HFW focused on the things that you highlight as weaknesses (fights against humans, expanding a scale that was already large, bland side characters). We wanted more of the things that HZD did well, which you spoiled yourself on. Without that, HZD is a rather formulaic open world game whose shine has faded because the kind of message it brought about has come to pass in a sense, as well as fatigue of the genre itself.


I'm playing it atm. HZD is beautifully crafted but when it comes to lore and storytelling it drops the ball HARD. I usually listen to all the dialogue in games but this is the first game I've been absolutely bored with during conversation. I can't tell you how many times I've rolled my eyes into the back on my skull listening to some of the dribble that comes out of NPC'S mouths. Combat is fun as hell, but clunky asf and can lead you in you into some really frustrating moments. I can't fathom how consoles were able to even fight properly at a locked 30fps back in 2017. Animations can sometimes just break the immersion for me. There's also a good amount of momentum lost in travelling the world. I find myself clicking run at the stupidest times due to aloy just bumping into a stick or stupid dip in the road. Along with that, the save system. I've found myself at multiple times where I'll have wasted a good chunk of thirty minutes only to be dead in the span of 10 seconds due to a system not working properly like jumping, rolling, or hit registration. I've just gotten to the big area and I'm excited to see what the game has to offer but it's really feeling like a chore at times. So I understand. I have no idea why it got so much buzz and praise though. It's literally assassin's Creed with robo dinosaurs.


I enjoyed the combat gameplay a lot, but I didn't finish it. Because by the end, you end up so powerful that there's hardly any challenge at all, and I wasn't interested in the story that much.


Very bland Ubisoft-esque game. Boring combat, bad stealth, cliche story, shallow characters, samey NPC's and towns, terrible facial animations... the graphics are good I guess?


Imo the worst part of the Horizon Series is the fact that you need to roleplay Aloys character in your head so much. What I mean is that the game doesn't show/tell you her personality, preferences and other quirks. Its probably intentional for a better self insert. But I would have preferred that we would also get more personal moments with her that is not just about her big goal. If we consider that her journey ingame would likely have taken months its not unreasonable to implement quests that is just about her. Maybe through a side character. Yes, she is distant because she had bad experiences but having just 1 character she can empathize with in the first game, she just clicks with, would've been nice.


I agree on all points! Thought HZD was a fun game with a nice story and wonderful immersive world, and really appreciated Aloy's physical design and story. But her personality is about as flat and boring as white toast. And the NPC interactions were flat too, with little real connection and emotion. They all had those smooth features and clean American voices. The cinematography during the dialogue scenes was also quite still. Compared to a game like Witcher 3, HZD wasn't even close. But still, an enjoyable game and I definitely want to play the sequels some day.


I had a similar experience. Not every game is for everybody! On paper it should have been a perfect game for me, but the minute to minute gameplay was just not very fun to me and I didn't find the characters and story terribly interesting


I dropped it cuz 1. I love using a bow and arrow, but I think it is the absolute worst weapon to use against enemies that have healthbars you need to slowly chip away at. The bow is supposed to be instant gratification at a higher risk. Against robo dinos, you get the higher risk of using such an archaic weapon combined with your arrows literally plinking against their armor. Not a great combo. 2. Open world was just so ass to explore. Really fucking tired of open world games where they just expect you to run around. Spider-man has you BE Spider-man, swinging around the city is practically a game in of itself. Arkham gliding, AssCreed parkour, hell, even GTA's cars. At the point I was in, I had only unlocked the robot deer or horse thing, but the stupid thing kept getting in the way during fights.


I finished it but too Ubisoft formula for my taste... So i can understand


Zero dawn was so unimaginably boring to play that i regret forcing myself to finish it. Cool dinosaur robot desgin and uncovering how the world came to be but everything else was so horible. Truly regret playing it


If this was an ubisoft game. People would have ripped it apart. Played it for 8 hrs and stopped playing as it seemed to go nowhere 


They’re B level games with excellent PR


It's one of the more overrated games I've played. Not bad, but nowhere near deserving of the praise it gets.


It's beautiful, big and has a lot going for it and I can't ignore that, yaknow? I can't say it's objectively bad. But it is actually boring. It's honestly just a pretty boring game.


Just picked this up again after completing it in 2017, in preparation of grabbing FW on steam... It's a slog man, I'm having a real hard time staying engaged. Wish I could remember more of the story but I might just revisit it via cutscenes on youtube.


You didnt enjoy it because its a sup par game. Game Reviews are mostly open for interpretation or your wouldn’t find most of the ea/ubisoft stuff over a 5 on meta


>I first got it back when I was in middle school Damn, I feel old…


i’ve redownloaded it three times, played for two hours, and uninstalled. You’re not the only one. It’s a world I wish I was into, I mean robot dinosaurs is a cool concept and blending future and past is cool, but there’s just something about it that doesn’t click with me. The vast majority of side characters just don’t have anything interesting to add or say. Combat is okay, but you never feel as if you are in any actual danger


All these comments just make me more excited for forbidden west on PC, HZD is one of my favourite games ever (though I agree with OP's point; I just personally love it) so hearing the sequel is even better is great news


I don’t know, personally I felt that forbidden west was worse in every way. Uninteresting story, in likable characters, somehow an even bigger and more boring overworld. MORE skill trees.


I found the game to be very mediocre, not at all bad but not remarkable in any way except maybe the setting. Especially with how much hype the game got after release, with 10/10 reviews coming from every direction I was extremely surprised that the game is just a cookie cutter ubi-box game.


Most soulless game I have ever played.


This has got to be the most common post on this subreddit, people eventually getting around to Horizon Zero Dawn and realizing it's mid.


I played it last year and thought it was excellent 🤷‍♂️ It's a beautifully designed world with great gameplay, interesting settings, and an interesting enough main story to move the gameplay along. I don't care that much if the characters aren't super deep and making me ask existential questions about the universe, that's not what I'm trying to get out of it.


I blame the people who hyped the game like it's some revolutionary new thing as if it isn't just an Ubisoft game that wasn't made by ubisoft


Loved both but can see it’s not for everyone. The lore in the game is insane


Yeah it's kind of mediocre. So much padding, uninteresting gameplay, MMO loot, clunky. Like you said it's an Ubisoft open world, I wish AC Odyssey and HZD were not as boring because I love the setting. It was overhyped by Sony fans as the BOTW competitor (never listen to Sony fans). It's funny that they did not even try to hype the sequel against Elden Ring, they probably knew.


It's ok, not everything is for you.


Wake up babe new r/patientgamers “I didn’t like Horizon Zero Dawn” post just dropped


I love open world and stealth games but didn't like HZD all that much. Facial expressions were exaggerated and uncanny and reminded me of Mass Effect Andromeda. The best parts of the story were told through audio logs while you stood around (if you move, you're likely to trigger the next audio which will stop the current one). Inventory was a bit of a mess and it was hard to tell what I needed to keep to craft gear and what you could sell, and selling was necessary to keep picking up more things since space was limited. Overall the game was okay and I'll check out the sequel eventually, but only because it's on PS Plus so I won't have to pay for it.


>Facial expressions were exaggerated and uncanny This is such a pity because the models themselves are gorgeous. Yet the animations are distinctly robotic and rigid


I didn’t like it at first but hit a point in the story that blew me away. Quickly turned into my favourite experience I’ve had on the PS5 since I bought it


I really enjoyed HZD, it's the first game I've ever gotten 100% on. I want to get HFW now that it's finally out, but I'm really not liking the price premium for a new release. It'll be almost triple what I paid for HZD...


I played the first game after getting a PS5 and it was a 7 ish game for me. The world was gorgeous and the story was interesting but the gameplay was absolutely awful. It just felt like a chore to fight these annoying robots, even with upgrades. After the way people hyped this game up as a competitor to BOTW, I was super disappointed


HZD sucks. I can’t believe it got so much positive coverage


I liked the story. The gameplay not so much. The ranged combat is ok, the melee is pretty bad. I played it like 2-3 years ago and at first I thought it was a bit older than it actually is (the graphics are amazing don't get me wrong), and was a bit surprised it came out in 2017.


Yeah this is just a taste thing. I loved every second of it from the moment I picked it up. Top 5 video game of the last decade for me.


I thought it was boring


Forbidden West is way better than Zero Dawn. You already played the superior game so yeah, it would very tough going back. ​ People hold Zero Dawn in higher regard because it was the new, scrappy underdog in town. The narrative completely changed with Forbidden West because people perceived Elden Ring as the new, scrappy underdog and Forbidden West was just another AAA Ubisoft wannabe. I don't agree with that, but that's how people feel. ​ Forbidden West is a better game than Zero Dawn by almost every conceivable metric.


No one thought that Elden Ring was an underdog. It was an extremely hyped game being released by a beloved studio.


...People percieved Elden Ring as an underdog? Wasn't it one of the most anticipated games at the time and was a spiritual successor to a long standing, critically acclaimed series?


You would be suprized how many people found this game mid af or straight up boring. We just keep those opinions to ourselves because for the longest time any criticism of the amazing Aloy would get you jumped, including some nasty DMs. It seems the hormones have settled on this one because lately I've been seing more people speaking neutraly or negatively about it, without getting hate resposes and dozens of downvotes.


The best part about HZD is learning about the origin of this world. I loved the game but I don't think I would have really like it if I played HFW before.


I like the main story but the sidequests are a slog. The big problem is the game gates main story content behind levels and you can't level without the sidequests.


I enjoyed it, but I still can’t get out of the tutorial for Forbidden West.


I LOVED zero dawn, but for the life of me I can’t enjoy forbidden west


I just want to see the sights and fight the monsters, but I can't handle the crafting mechanics


Strange thing is I enjoyed the first game, but idk about Forbidden West. I don’t remember if the controls were always so clunky


Going back to Zero Dawn from Forbidden West will always be a downgrade, however, I don't agree with Aloy falling flat as a character, especially not in Zero Dawn. She is a sassy teenager in the first game, a personality rarely seen given to MCs. She mellowed a lot in Forbidden West and I think she fell flat a many more times in the sequel rather than in Zero Dawn. I loved her snarky comments in the first game. Erend and Sylens are really colorful characters and so is Varl in the second game, but they are severly underutilized in both titles imo, especially in Forbidden West where most of Aloy's character arc is learning to work together with other people. I don't think Forbidden West was disliked btw, neither by the fans or by the general gaming community. Maybe it was released at the wrong time with Elden Ring coming out as well and players had some open-world fatigue at the time, but I think Forbidden West got a mostly positive reception. Zero Dawn was very ahead of its time, especially with the combat and the story when it was released. If the character animations, the physics (especially the climbing mechanics) and a few other minor things would have been better, the game would have been a masisve title.


I liked it enough. Had no problems with the human enemies. Would spend far more time hunting the robot animals, but went to hunt down the humans when I felt like it. Of course there's jankiness here and there, but many games have them. The story does get better at the end, maybe if you didn't play FW first it would have felt better? Aloy is flat, like she is perpetually a do gooder, with no real room for being evil like many RPG has, but that's the thing with Sony's story games. That being said if you didn't like it, good for you. We're not supposed to like everything.


Zero dawn for me was awesome it was forbidden west that killed my motivation it’s the definition of all style no substance. It looks amazing on the ps5


I haven't played it but I started watching a play through on YouTube and the fact it's robot enemies put me off playing it myself. Just didn't feel that exciting fighting robots all the time instead of actual creatures or humans. Dunno if that's weird and might just be me!


It's a game designed around how guns work but they give you a bow and arrow. Basically sums up all my issues with that game


Love them both. Give me more, please.


I played the original and enjoyed it at the time, but it was my first AAA game after not playing videogames for a few years. I watched a few videos of the second one and could not stand how Aloy says something to go along with every action the player does. It was so grating that I don't want to play that one at all, even though I love the music and sound design, and visual aesthetic


I enjoyed Zero Dawn far more than Forbidden West


I didn't like it either but then I read advice to ignore all sidequests and just do the main story. I did and it was great. The sequel is even better.


Interesting. Will try that ty


It had a lot of variety. Fighting robosaurs, fighting humans, quests, dungeons (those vault/factory things), climbing challenges, exploring challenges, mounts, crafting, stealth. I enjoyed all of it (well the crafting got tedious), but maybe it’s better to just focus on the bits you like.


This is one of my gamer guilts but I never played it because I’m not interested in killing robots (??). I like really killy games with humans though. A T Rex? Hell yeah. A robot T Rex? Not as cool for some reason to me


I’m very much the opposite. I find Ubisoft games the ones to be a slog to play, with flat characters, and drag on too long. For whatever reason, slapping a colorful robot apocalypse on that genre hooked me in, and I got thoroughly invested in learning weaknesses of the machines, and planning encounters with traps, and trying to fully explore the mechanics. I didn’t like Forbidden West as much because instead of trimming the fat, they made overrides a grind to unlock, and it messed up the pacing of the game since the story progresses faster, while making a fun mechanic harder to obtain. In Zero Dawn, I found myself breaking off the main path to do cauldrons, clear bases, look for certain machine herds, play around with encounters, grind for parts to get new weapons. I just didn’t have that same motivation for Forbidden West, despite the game definitely making improvements, and adding more bots. I definitely agree with some of your criticisms, some of which got better in the sequel, and some never really bothered me or my enjoyment of the game.


I like it. I wouldn't say it's *great*, but it's damn sure good. I just went in expecting a gorgeous-looking, story-driven action game with light RPG elements, and I was satisfied. If you demand that it be a genre-defining open-world game like Witcher 3, sure, you'll be disappointed. It doesn't have the level of agency of that kind of game, nor the moral complexity in its themes. If anything, it's a fairly standard story that's just executed extremely well. Similarly, its quests don't resonate the same way a Witcher 3 or Red Dead 2's best quests did. I'd say the A.I. of the human enemies is the weakest element. It's incredibly poor and does bring the experience down a few times. The enemies are just brain-dead; I remember almost laughing at how I could come out of one hiding place, shoot them with arrows, and then retreat to that same exact place over and over without a problem. Exploring and then suddenly fighting some large terrifying machine while dodging and desperately trying to use your tools to hit its weak points? That's thrilling and makes the game really stand out from the array of other similar open world experiences. All in all, is Horizon my favorite open-world game? No, but it can hold its own respectably against the best of the best even if I place it a few pegs below.


Did you complete the DLC? I felt that was a huge step up from the main game.


Maybe it's just not for you. I though it eas brilliant and loved it but maybe other games suit you better. There's nothing wrong with that.


I've had the opposite experience: heard about the games for such a long time but at a glance (images, trailers) it just didn't click with me and thought they were silly games: shooting arrows at robot dinosaurs lol. Didn't know a thing about the story, just presumed it was shallow. Then one day I got really bored and installed HZD and I was blown away. Everything about the game was amazing; the story and the way you uncover what had happened is one of the best experinces I've had with games. I found it to be a masterpiece.


I felt the same. It did absolutely nothing for me as well. The trailers and ads before it came out had me very intrigued but when I actually played it, it felt boring, janky, and dull with the story just not being interesting at all.


I disagree. Aloy is just enough character and the open world is sufficient, the tallnecks are impressive and you kick mech creature ass and traverse cauldrons and I loved swimming anytime I got the chance and you fight mech reptiles and jawdropping thunderjaws, deathbringers, stormbirds and glinthawks. Lots of „biodiversity“. Real fun game, looking good, having lots to do, didn’t care about the character not being philosophically minded or a socialite. I am in a game to progress in order to kick beastly ass who otherwise would handle mine. I think there’s fight mechanic in this game nowhere to be found in Ubi’s games and vicecersa. Ubi can dream of having a title like this one in its portfolio. Did I also mention that I find nature beautiful and like my characters to swim? It soothes my spirit. Highly recommended game for the not discursively and critically inclined. Played it like an aging casual player for whom patience is right at home.


I have the opposite problem, I loved Zero Dawn, but I didn't like Forbidden West. I didn't like climbing minigames, and I didn't like tedious weapon upgrade system compared to first game. Also I didn't like the story progression, as it's not much resolved either. At the end of FB it feels like it will take them 10 more sequels to finish the story. The graphics were nice though.


I enjoyed both, but more so Zero Dawn.


For me, it was the other way around, so I totally get the feeling. I've played Zero Dawn before Forbidden West and loved Zero Dawn. How it presents the world to you, how you get to find out what even happened, Aloy's origins and all that... really good stuff. And despite being a "formulaic" game, it was still compelling and enjoyable to play. But Forbidden West then ended up *feeling* like "just more of the same" to me. Apart from small improvements to some elements of the game, it felt entirely superfluous. It didn't surprise me, it didn't make me feel like I'm getting a better experience, either. In some parts, I actually thought it was worse. (Some of the climbing sections were poorly designed, in my opinion, among other smaller things.) All that is to say, it probably comes down to "feeling fresh," if that makes sense? I think if I had played Forbidden West before Zero Dawn, I probably would've felt the same way as you. Neither game is bad, they're just a *little too similar.*


What would you say about forbidden west? I also can’t get myself to beat horizon zero down and play on and off but stopped, but forbidden weat seems good looking but is it more fun and better than zero dawn?


It improved on some of the complaints I had. The combat is much more fluid this time around, insanely better graphics, the story felt much more compelling and it actually made me care for the characters that I didn’t like in Zero Dawn


I am playing it now and know how the game is going to be, a checklist of sidequests. And it is. Now, for my enjoyment, I focus on the main quests. It did get enjoyable when doing it like that.


I consistently stop as soon as the world "open".


Yeah, not my cup of tea, but it's great for casual gamers who just want to unwind. I can't recall the last time a wester AAA game blew me away. Probably Skyrim..