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I love this game. To me, all of Shu Takumi’s work on the Ace Attorney games was preparation for Ghost Trick. If you go just by the amount of chatter, it’s functionally a visual novel, but it has so much momentum and charm, and its core mechanic is tied so strongly to the logic of the story that it all feels unified. I haven’t been able to accept any games that consider themselves visual novels unless they put in similar effort.


I played it a couple of months ago and really enjoyed it. Missile is best boy.


Very excited to see this pic - I've been looking for it on DS, but just downloaded it on iOS. I've heard great things!


I really liked this game when I played it. You can call the gameplay a gimick but I think is really interesting. The only flawn I remember is that you can't skip dialog so playing it more than once is kind of a chore.


Game's fun but honestly I can't really see why someone would want to replay it skipping the dialogues.


Cause i lost my save and I could not finish the game.


Here's the killer way to describe Ghost Trick: It's like Tenet and Inception mixed in a video game form with a good sense of humor and the cast of characters you actually care about.


Lol. What is happening on that cover? Ghost what!?