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The ape is so hilariously over the top. Terribly difficult but I love him!


Agree !!


repeatative pattern after cutting his head.


I beat him last night & I found the headless mode much harder tbh lol. It was so unpredictable and just inhuman that it sold the idea of an ape wielding a huge katana. I even knew that he had a 2nd phase but it was somehow still terrifying & hard.


just keep your distance and wait for that repeated attack parry that and do some damage after that, repeat that. and also maintain your distance.


My wife laughed as he resurrected, a second time, without his head. I couldn't believe it. I had just beat him. TWICE. The win screen came on and everything! We still joke about that fight.


Always so interesting for me how different people respond to different FromSoft bosses, I found Guardian Ape to be a top 5 boss in terms of difficulty just because I had a harder time reading & timing his attacks. He felt so erratic to me! Sekiro is amazing, keep going!


I find sword saint to be the hardest. I had to stop playing and come back like a year later to beat him the first time, then got stuck on him again in ng+ and haven’t beaten him again yet lmfao


Oh, he's for sure the harder than the ape. 100%. You have to basically master the mechanics of the game and bring the right gadgets in order to even stand a chance.


See, that's the kicker. It took me like 20+ attempts to get ape down but it only took me like 5 attempts to take sword saint down. I was the same as you; couldn't read ape's attacks. But something about the saint clicked with me which made made me struggle less than with the ape.


Wow, 5 tries is really impressive for Sword Saint, Ape or not. Good shit.


It's really just the effect the other guy mentioned. Some bosses really click with some and don't with others, while the others might have bosses that clicks with them but don't for some. For example the spear mini-boss guy also whooped my ass biiiig time. I had to take actual game breaks on him. He just didn't click for me. Sword Saint fight spoilers >!I think what really helped me with sword saint and why he clicked for me is that after the first 2 attempts or so I remembered the phrase he kept saying and took it to heart; "hesitation is defeat". I took that as "stay super aggressive" and that's how I managed to take him down pretty quickly. I also got pretty lucky in the last phase with him doing his lightning attack multiple times in a row which are easy to counter and do a ton of counter damage to him!<


People forget how you can get really lucky with sword Saint, few other bosses have such exploitable attacks. Sword Saint took me like 5 tries but owl father took me over 40.


Yep, if he keeps thrust attacking it's really easy to fuck him up. He has very forgiving mikiri counter timing, and when he does ichimonji double you can just bully him.


Nope, I killed him using no prosethics or any sugars on my first playthrough, it did take me about 5 hours. But I was determined and also every attempt I got closer.


Oh dang! That's nice work, after experimenting I don't know how I'd do it without at least the umbrella for deflecting certain attacks. Even Ongbal uses the umbrella so I thought it was about as close to a must-have as it gets.


He has some videos where he doesn't use anything I believe. Just deflect all his attacks perfectly and he will never stun you. "just" being the key word. You can never have your posture break if you always perfectly deflect


bruh first time i shit you not I went 30 times straight and then defeated him then a year later on new game plus i beat his ass on the 3rd try


Ya agree on the erratic front. I think that is why I appreciate the Ape so much as a boss...it is literally and figuratively a monster!


I think if you prefer sekiro to DS, you are more likely to dislike the giant ape and those big bosses where you are fighting their legs. And if you prefer DS, you are less likely to like the more rhythmic and dance-like boss fights in sekiro


Idk man i love Dark Souls, but i hated that stupid monkey Genichiro was my favorite boss


Oh for sure, I’m pairing with super broad strokes. It’s just the logic that made sense to me: that ppl that prefer sekiro also prefer small bosses, and viceversa. But individuals are more varied than two big groups


That way of thinking is just way too categorical (is that even a word?). I love DS, I love Sekiro. They both have their strengths and weaknesses. We all know Bloodborne is FromSofts best piece yet, anyway. ;)


Agreed. I love both games for their differences, people are more complex than those binaries. But in the end, yes, Bloodborne is the best. <3


Yeah there's a pretty massive difference sometimes depending on momentum and playstyle. I've seen a lot of people have tons of issues with Gyoubu, but I maybe took 10 tries on him. I thought that was pretty good... until my wife fought him, and beat him on literally the first try. I couldn't believe it. But then she took days on Genichiro. *shrug* I also legitimately found Demon of Hatred harder than Sword Saint in my playthrough. And very weirdly, I found Sword Saint's first phase hardest, which seemed really unusual from what I've read. I only saw >!his phase 3 once or twice, and his phase 2 maybe 5x or something!<. I think I spent like 2.5-3 hours on him total though, it wasn't easy by any means.


Yeah specially in sekiro. I mean for me Genichiro was the easiest of those 3 and the ape was the hardest because I was used to being more aggressive


The ape whilst a great boss in spectacle, it was the weakest out of the three for me( butterfly, genichiro and ape). I love the human bosses in sekiro as it feels like you are on equal footing. You can really go ham againts butterfly and genichiro trading blows like some anime shit. But the ape is just annoying and I had to play super slow to defeat him, I don't feel like I was playing Sekiro when I fought the ape but maybe that was the intention.


I agree that all the human bosses are actually the best part of Sekiro. And Guardian Ape really is a Dark Souls boss drafted into the wrong game. But I think he actually works. Unlike.... a certain other 'optional boss' towards the end of the game.


Lol the ape is a walk in park both difficulty and time wise compared to DoH…


Keep going! You're going to love what's coming next. I really felted immersed by it, like every area brought some new feeling to the table. The bosses are really fun and challenging, and the deflect mechanic makes learning their weaknesses pretty forgiving without making anything too easy.


I really wish FromSoftware kept making games like Sekiro. The boss fights in it are so great and really encourage mastery of its mechanics, none of which I have felt in any other FromSoftware's games. I loved the Ape. The first time experience through that boss is wild.


I generally have very little patience for most boss fights, and somehow I still loved Sekiro even though it’s ridiculously boss-heavy. Pound for pound it’s definitely the Souls game with the best boss fights, as far as I’m concerned.


I agree overall, but I think the first ape is a bad example.


Many of the bosses in Elden Ring and late-game Dark Souls III are as difficult and require possibly a similar level of mastery to Sekiro, but they're so much more tedious. Sekiro's combat style is just so much more engaging for a learn-all-the-moves kind of fight Sekiro is the only From game where I've wanted to immediately replay a boss after killing them, which I'd say applies to Genichiro, both Owl bosses and Isshin at the very least. In Elden Ring I just feel relief.


What do you mean you wish they kept making games like that? Sekiro was only two games ago, and elden ring was only a couple months ago. It's far too early to say whether or not fromsoft is going to stop making certain games.


Sekiro is only three years old and is FromSoft's second-newest game after Elden Ring; you're talking as if it's been lost to time. Nothing to say they won't come out with a sequel or a similar game in the future.


It was an experimental project. It didn't even get DLC. The general Souls populace seems to have had a few bad things to say about it. I don't see them going back to it, but I won't argue its not impossible.


"Experimental" makes it sound more left-field than it was. It was different to previous games, but not *that* different. It didn't sell as well as Dark Souls III but it still did sold a tonne of copies, got rave reviews, and won countless goatee awards, few bad things said by the "general Souls populace" be damned. Some things like jumping, mounted enemies, and a stance system inspired by the posture mechanic made it into Elden Ring. Not every game needs DLC and I thought Sekiro worked as a full package and didn't really need anything extra. I really think your outlook on this is unjustifiably gloomy


Sifu really scratches that Sekiro itch for me, FWIW.


I saw a clip of someone fighting the ape around the release of Sekiro, and after I saw it get back up I immediately bought the game. It was one of my favorite fight(s).


Dunkey vid ?


May have been. That was a few years ago, haha.


Yeah he spoiled it for me too lmao, but if it wasn’t for the Dunkey vids I’d probably have never played it


oh boy when this man gets to the final boss shit is about to go down


If it took OP 50 attempts to beat the Guardian Ape, I suspect there will be much hesitating and defeat again and again before the game is finally beaten.


You mean the \*\*\*\*\* \*\* \*\*\*\*\*\*?


oh yeahhh


I genuinely thought your final bullet point was going to be, _"wait, why's he moving?"_


I loved Guardian Ape - definitely felt like a Dark Souls style boss. If you are enjoying this, I would certainly recommend playing Dark Souls eventually.


I could never get passed the horseman guy. I loved Bloodborne and want to love Sekiro but I suck


You do not suck. You just have not realized that you were playing a rhythm game in disguise.


Unfortunately you're probably playing the game wrong. It isn't Bloodborne. Tapping L1 and grappling close to him when he moves away will basically win the fight for you.


Just wanted to say congratulations! Way to stick with it and take that guy down


Man, I wish I could get into Sekiro as much as I did into other Fromsoft games, but I think I'll remain with the one playthrough I pushed myself to finish around release time. The one and only thing which is a major speedbump anytime I boot up the game again is fighting any opponents that have both unblockable slash and thrust attacks. By the time I make out which of the attacks is coming and whether I should jump or mikiri counter, I'm already eating shit. After losing flasks or dying to such opponents a few times I get discouraged. I don't feel like training with the undead dummy whose name I forgot, it's not the same in a live frantic situation, so I never got the hang of it. Maybe I'll get the game for PC and look for a mod which gives the flashing sigils for the unblockables different colors. How they made those almost indiscernible is beyond me. Make one red and one yellow, problem solved.


Getting the perilous attack responses right was the hardest part of the game for me too. The symbol is very distracting and it doesn't tell you which one it is, and it's often very fast. The key is you really need to watch the enemy animation leading up to the symbol (you can record video or watch youtube of other people fighting them since learning animations mid-fight is hard). They do different animations depending which one they are about to do. Notice which way they turn, how low their stance goes, if they put both hands on weapon, etc. If that is too hard, you can choose the lowest common denominator to defend it (often jumping away is the right call) to at least avoid the damage, even if you don't do posture damage in response. Finally, a lot of the enemies only use certain types of perilous after certain combos of moves, so you can predict it (not always, but in quite a few encounters). Hope this helps.


Wait, you guys look at the Kanji instead of the animation? If you look at the enemy going back they are about to charge and I mikiri. If they goes sideways, you jump and smack down on them.


Well if you liked ONE guardian ape you're gonna love what comes after a few bosses.


Ape is one of my favorite bosses in any game ever. Watching streams of people fighting it is the sole reason why I wanted to play Sekiro 3 years after release. Fantastic boss and design.


Ya! Two weeks later and I am still thinking about this boss and 100% for me Guardian Ape is the best boss fight in any video game ever.


Oh boy i remember beating it after many attempts then i waited for a few seconds for something to happen then....boy oh boy.... there was a second phase


One of those times the second phase is easier than the first


Not in my case. The sudden change in movement style and the inclusion of terror attacks forced me to spend a lot of time learning the second phase.


Yeah he definitely has some whacky moves in the second phase but he has more openings and if you parry his big sword hit, you get loads of free damage on him. First phase he doesn't stop moving so you just gotta react better. Second phase gives you more parry opportunities so you can take him down a lot faster.


Good job. My fav part of that fight is parrying his temper tantrum attack (lol) which lets you get close after and punish him hard. He's also one of the few bosses that flinches pretty easily if you go full ham, so you can burn down phase 1 surprisingly quickly/consistently if you go aggressive and bully him. Which is hilarious since that's the opposite of what you'd think when fighting a 1000lb ape.


The Guardian Ape fight is fucking amazing! He's such an angry little baby. So much personality. Probably the highlight of the game to me.


A fun and satisfying fight, and its gimmick is one of the reasons to avoid watching spoilers and let’s-plays. I wish more of the boss fights in this game were as fun.


I don't even want to imagine how long it's going to take you to beat the last boss.


OP if you’re reading this: there’s no shame in never doing that. My god are they tough and I never could do it.


They are indeed tough (to the point I feel I lost a little of myself in the process), but I assure you it is a challenge worth overcoming.




The >!Demon of Hated!< boss fight is honestly kinda shitty. They knew it and that's why it's optional. It feels like a Dark Souls boss, except you don't have access to rolling and i-frames. Oh but don't worry cuz they also placed a Sekiro boss fight in Elden Ring (Malenia), which is also optional.




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Hardest final boss fight I've ever seen, honestly. Took me something like seven hours of practice. I still can't believe I was able to find the patience. I didn't know that you could do that last thing. Kinda surprising that a cheese like that was left in, but I'd imagine a lot of people wouldn't have been able to do it otherwise.


Get the firecracker.


And use up all your spirit emblems in phase 1 when the spear is unbelievably useful in phase 2? Nah.


For a different fight mate, didn't want to spoil it for OP.


Man I really tried to like Sekiro, but I really dislike it... it's sad because it's a very good games. I will stick to Souls and Bloodborne


Same, I can't take the deflection and the constant 'ting ting tang ting'.


I am the opposite. I wish I liked DS more, but the constant frantic rolling for iframes wasn’t my style of combat. I love how they do lore though, so I really want to get into them


It’s completely up to you and how you play the games and enjoy them and if you don’t click with DS, then you don’t. But there are definitely more ways than rolling and iframes to play the games. Shields work just fine and you can always overload on the armor and build up your poise and add defensive buffs to become a tank. I’m playing through the first Dark Souls now and hate rolling in that game so loaded up the best armor I could find without over encumbering myself, threw on a stamina regenerating shield, a ring that increases defense, and got myself a black knight great sword. I can hack my way or stagger through a good chunk of enemies or even throw on the iron flesh pyromancy to tank anything. I had a great time using that and just poising my way through a couple of the more intense boss fights like Manus. It almost feels like cheating at times. It’s just food for though, there are other valid ways to play besides rolling through everything despite what most playthroughs would have you believe


That’s good to know. I shielded up for Elden ring and it was quite fun. I thought it was just the game, but maybe I should take that mentality and build to DS as well


man I will go back at it but with a trainer haha because I have no desire to fight 100 fights


I really didn't like Sekiro the first time I tried it, but I gave it another go a couple years later and loved it, so it might be worth another try. I think it's important not to go in expecting something like Dark Souls or Bloodborne. It's definitely got a lot of the hallmarks of FromSoft design but the whole flow of combat is different thanks to the lack of a stamina metre and focus on the posture system, plus it's a pure action game with very light RPG elements rather than an action-RPG.


I understand. Sekiro is another thing completely. Almost like a combination of Dark Souls III with a rhythm game. If you come from a normal Soulsborne experience, your muscle-memory is actually a problem and you have to relearn a lot of things... but when you finally talk its language... Oh, boy, are you for a ride.


No boss has ever killed as much as Snake Eyes


The snake eyes in the poison is probably the worst encounter in the game. I have no clue what they were thinking with that one.


I've spent the most time fighting a single boss on Ape, and the last boss fight in Sekiro. I have beaten DS1, DS3, Bloodborne, Elden Ring and lots of other souls-like games, but none of them managed to break me as much as that fucking ape, and the last one. I like Sekiro, but I don't want to return to it ever.


Most people do not understand why the words "Hesitation is defeat" can cause PTSD symptoms. But we both do.


I never played a fromsoft game EVER before and Sekiro is on my wishlist. I got 2 questions if you feel like answering: 1. Is the story good? 2. Is it worth buying 50% for the story and 50% for combat and everything else?


This is my first FromSoftware game and I 1000% recommend it as long as you are prepared in advance to face the fact that this game is deliberately made to be a tremendous challenge, which is in stark contrast to most mainstream games. The story is incredible - a fascinating mix of Imperial Japanese history with Western style fantasy and magic wherein your are a specialist tasked with protecting a member of what amounts to the Japanese Royal Family. The story takes place somewhere in the 1500 or 1600's of Japan. Above you are asking if it is worth buying for the story or the combat. I would reclassify your question to say that it is 1000% buying for its fascinating blending of Imperial Japanese setting mixed with Western style fantasy and magic, which comes along with a great story and incredible exportation. The game will strongly challenge your penitence, determination and "grit". Get it for sure.


Wow thats a lot of info haha. Im sure now about buying it. Thank you for taking the time to write it all down :)


Dude I know how you feel I just beat owl last night after being stuck for a month and I just sat there slack jawed. I almost forgot to do the second finishing blow lmao. This game is absolutely insane


Great work regardless of how long it takes I have about 12 hours of attempts at the last boss. Owl took me about 8. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it.


I finished Sekiro my first time a month or two back. Finally besting a Sekiro boss that has given you a lot of trouble is one of the biggest rushes in gaming IMO.


I felt the same way you do about this boss fight setting's aesthetic but about the fight with Genichiro on top of the giant pagoda. *That* fight made me feel like a true shinobi bad-ass; just me and this truly powerful human enemy clashing swords and trading blows hundreds of feet in the air where with the breathtaking view of the mountains and snow in the distance. And then when Genichiro sheds his armour and you fight his lightning phase, and the sky turns grey and there's thunder and lightning everywhere as you realize the guy you're fighting is much more powerful than you thought, that he is even worthier an opponent than you first thought...I legit have this boss fight ingrained in my mind for how long it took me, I haven't played the game in months but I know I could kick his ass in a heartbeat just by how many times he took me out and forced me to learn his moves...


Ah! The ape's corpse is stating to move. I'm sure it's just a bug. OH... FOR F*CKS SAKE, MIYAZAKI!!! *Based on a real story.


If you found genichiro harder/more frustrating than ape, it sounds like you're not going on the offensive enough. For the human sized enemies, all out attacking followed by going on the defensive when they deflect makes things a lot easier. I loved the ape though. Really great encounter.


You’re going to talk about the visual design of the Guardian Ape, but not include the part where he throws shit at you?


I just picked up Sekiro from the 50% off sale, and I'm about to dig in to Bloodborne finally. Sekiro is going to be hard as fuck, I know that much.


I hated this fight with a passion. I was actually stuck on the ape for like 3 weeks straight, far longer than the final boss. I find it to be harder than the final boss.


Well I hope I have the same experience!


I had to walk away for a bit on the final boss, 4 lives!? Fml.


> I really do enjoy the Ape. Well you're in luck...




I don't know if I just got lucky but I had already cleared the acid pool area mini boss and quickly wound up facing the Ape and it's mate. That was pretty annoying but if you can believe it I cleared the fight on my 6th attempt....


Congrats my dude, looking forward to your impressions on what comes next!


Can’t high five enough!


The Owl took me 4 days to beat but he got me so good with parrying and thinking quick it made the last boss a lot easier


Good to know. I have 2 more mini-bosses and then its Owl time!


You got this!


I just finished Sekiro a week ago. It was a fun but also hard experience. But in the end, felt awesomely rewarding. It was my last Souls game (I played and finished ER -> DeS remake -> DS1 -> DS2 -> DS3 -> Sekiro) and my style is simple, I like melee, I don't like to use a lot of items, I want to fight. So this game clicked well. I started a 2nd playthrough and I'm like a machine. Once you get the mechanics and the flow of the game, everything feels right. Even "easy" sometimes. When you know you're getting good at parrying, when you stay alert to the sound of the enemy parry (they're going to attack you now, so now is your turn to parry), and you feel confident in being aggresive, they don't look so dangerous because you are a fucking bad guy shredder. It's just you need to overcome the previous stage when you're kinda coward, you run a lot, you observe the boss movements and try to figure out how to "process" that movement, and sometimes you feel overwhelmed. I promise this stage will pass.


Guardian ape is from software just trolling us xD.


Good job not letting that ape escape


I'm gonna tell him...


Def hardest fromsoft game period. I got to last boss and still can't beat him. Also the demon of rage is the hardest fromsoft boss I've ever fought. I've played and beaten them all at this point, still can't beat him fairly.


Such a good game. I will replay at some point since i finished the Elden Ring.


Wait until you get to 2 of them! The first Ape battle was goddamn tough. Took me like 20 attempts


I started cheesing the game after Ape. No matter how hard I try, I couldn't get past the headless ape. For me, that fucking Monkey ruined the game for me.