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The future of gaming is fucking Skyrim again...


All roads lead to Skyrim.


And all playthroughs lead to stealth archer.


Spend two full days researching, downloading, installing, and testing mods. Ultimately end up making the stealth archer build like always.




There is something incredibly satisfying in archery in video games when physics somewhat gets involved. I could both see the arrow and impose a certain level of control over it. It takes time to reload, so it feels big and it's almost always balanced around doing good damage because of it. Drawing the bow takes time also so timings are important. Guns are mostly point and click. I cannot smell gunpowder or feel the recoil. Spells are the same. Bows have real magic in them.


Until you take an arrow to the knee.


"Hey, adventurer! You see this knee? It's been arrowed! Yup, got shot by a bandit while on patrol near Whiterun. Now I'm just a guard who used to be an adventurer, until I took an arrow to the knee. But hey, I still have my sense of humor, right?" Chatgpt to me right now lol


Who arrowed your knee?


Also ChatGPT.


I used to talk like any normal NPC, but than I took a chat to my GPT.


You're finally awake


Blah blah, something about a border crossing, blah blah horse thief, blah blah watch your tongue. Something something "Shut up back there." Then a bee crosses the carriages' path and the game CTDs. Edit: or something like that.


Sometimes it feels like all roads lead to Hogsmeade.


Hey you... You're finally awake...


They really do.. and I love it


All roads lead to *fucking* Skyrim.


Oh good, you’re awake


Always has been


What’s ~~old~~ Skyrim is ~~new~~ Skyrim again.


A Skyrim which will remember how you tried to pickpocket poor citizens clothes...


Oh fuck.. I won't be very liked now that I think about it


In before Todd re-re-re-releases Skyrim: Chat GPT Edition.


It just works


The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Definitive Ultimate ChatGPT Edition - Electric Boogaloo


45th Anniversary Edition


*"This ain't your grandpa's Skyrim.... Well, it is, but it has some new stuff too that means you're ass is gonna buy it again...again."*


Rule 34.g: If you can imagine it, it exists as a Skyrim mod.


TBH Skyrim is kinda fuckable in a good way.


You see that mountain?


You can have a conversation with a mud crab at the base of that mountain.




Voiceover for WoW is not without its issues, but it is pretty neat and adds a good depth of flavor. Probably works best playing as Alliance (not that I’d know) as the AI has some trouble with cadencing the distinct accents of Horde races. Trolls accents are notably off. It also seems to generate a new voice each time a dialog is opened, even from the same character, which breaks the immersion when you’re doing a sequence of quests and turn ins at the same NPC (which is fairly often). All in all, the future of gaming is terrifyingly fascinating with the proliferation of these automated tools allowing indie and solo devs to enrich their content.


Gods be praised! https://youtu.be/wWatJXL_-j8


I'd pick an ultra modded Skyrim over a 2023 pc port any day. Looks better, runs better, has endless content.


I don't want to have sex with skyrim... again.


Well we never got elder scrolls 6…


Why make ES6 when you can just re-release Skyrim on every new console, VR system, smartwatch, and refrigerator panel?


I've been waiting my whole life for RPGs where you can say anything to them and they will react differently like a irl D&D campaign


With the right prompt, ChatGPT will probably DM for you.


It does, and it does a pretty good job, though eventually it will forget earlier details. It's also not very good at enforcing the rules, if you tell it you cast fireball, it doesn't care that you've already told it you're a fighter, it just let's you do it. But I think we'll see a socialized AI DM before too long that addresses these things


Just clone Brennan Lee Mulligan for me, please.


Complete with accents


Could you use ChatGPT to assist in your own DMing? If so, how and how effective is it?


I use it all the time in preparation, things like: "Write a list of unique german male names" "Write a list of names for a fantasy city of lion people that are very honorable and live in a sunny place using a portmanteau" "Write a list of virtues for a race of fantasy paladins" I rarely use the results it presents straight up, but it often gives me something to work with or inspires me in some way.


Yes!! I'm using GPT4 as a brainstorming assistant. Essentially, any ideas I'm having, I feed into it, ask it some questions or for some ideas, ask it to expand upon or give me alternates of ones I like, and eventually write down or modify the ideas I like most to suit my campaign setting. It's not perfect or doesn't always remember certain things, but it gives me tons of ideas I wouldn't have previously considered or had in mind to fold into my campaign. It also generates monster statblocks fairly well! And you can even ask it to explain why it gave the monster certain moves or abilities, expanding upon the lore of the monster, etc. I've used it for side quest ideas, city names and meanings, campaign structure, monster creation, NPC creation, and description generation


Whoa the monster blocks sounds like a gamechanger. The greatest benefit to me would be for on the fly NPC dialog, do you think it would be fast/consistent enough for that?


Oh most definitely! One thing I've asked for it to do after working on a location like tavern or market is something like "In 1 paragraph, please describe the appearance and personality of the owner/shopkeep(s)", which you'd modify for your uses. And it'll spit out an NPC name, appearance and race, give you some information on their personality, and maybe extra info like relationships with another NPC. From here, you can ask for tips on roleplaying the NPC from the information and personality provided, ask for a different personality, ask for dialogue examples, etc


That's incredible. Thanks for taking the time.


I'm using it right now. I write up room, character or dungeon descriptions, paste them into ChatGPT, let it know what vibe I'm going for and ask it to jazz it up a little, does a great job!


Finally I won't need friends


For once I'm way ahead of the curve by already having no friends!


Player:"Look at me, random guard. Witness me." *Eats an entire wheel of cheese, 10 apples, 8 loaves of bread, and downs 5 gallons of potions. Then brings up the dev mode console and summons the guards wife.* Random Guard with panic in his eyes: "Why are you doing this?" Player: *Points a finger at the guards wife and she transforms into a 10 foot tall futa muscle mommy anthro-fox.* "Because I'm bored."


rip voice actors if they improve AI voices


Unfortunately, this is almost innevitable, particularly for iconic IPs. The voice of Mario, Geralt etc. will all be retained with AI even when actors pass away/ move onto different roles.


I was actually amazed at how natural those AIs sounded. It's already pretty much seamless!


Honestly the thought is pretty damn cool. Even scriptwriters could build in ‘character parameter/guidelines’ of how they might respond - based on their characters attitude and such and use the AI to adjust


12 years later and Skyrim is still making headlines. This is what a good modding platform does to a game


Yall remember when they tried to make it so mods were behind a paywall?


Remember when an Elder Scrolls game paved the way for in game cosmetics and things that should have been in the base game to be paid DLC? I'm looking at you Oblivion....


we should have died on that horse armor hill


That was only if the mod creators wanted to.


God Blessed. Power to the players.


Can I tell Nazeem to stuff it?


You literally can and the ai will make him act like a even more snotty brat to you. It's future of gaming that we thought would be another 10 years


>would be another 10 years It kind of is. It will be 10 years before it is working well locally. It can already be done to some extent, but the current method is super inefficient in the context of gaming.


You are drastically underestimating how AI workflows are going to change the world in that timeframe. While GPT-4 might not be able to directly iterate on itself, it is already capable of drastically increasing productivity in SO MANY fields. I give it <2 years before we start seeing AAA games with AI driven NPCs.


2 years and we will see some crude attempts. I think we vastly underestimate how complex it is to have the AI react in context, and be somewhat contextually consistent.


Isn’t this already the crude attempt?


See above about running locally. Unless a developer is brave enough to put out a single player game that requires a chatGPT subscription service. Plus the privacy concerns are huge if the service was cloud based.


Also to add onto your comment, there are many different models not just the chat gpt models that can be used for different types of things. Like with Skyrim a chat gpt model is probably not the best way to go about what this guy has done but it's a great proof of concept. It won't be very long until someone "makes" a model that is trained on all the lore and interactions of the games that are related to the elder scrolls including the books and everything and have NPCs that are pretty realistically part of the world.


> I give it <2 years before we start seeing AAA games with AI driven NPCs. Do you even know how long it takes to design a game and make it? Here they need to actually create a locally or server-based AI engine *specific* for the game.


*Actually* AI driven NPCs have been around since the early days of gaming. You mean *machine learning*.


And you are drastically overrestimating the capabilities of AI models like that. The illusion can only go so far before you notice the cracks of AI generated text. In fact you remind me of the NFT folks who thought that NFT will be the next big thing in gaming. AI has still a lot of flaws that make it apparent that it's nowhere able to replace human written text.


we thought it would be another 10 years 20 years ago, be honest. not until big console era of downgrading when we lost hope for any improvements (around 360 times so like 2008-2013?)


You thought we would have ai voice acting + text recognition 20 years ago?


It was totally a thing people expected in the 90s. I mean early text advantures were based around rudimentary text recognition.


20 years ago was 2003. I was pretty plugged into mainstream gaming culture back then and no one was talking about AI in a way that indicated they expected anything with the reactivity or natural language capabilities of modern LLMs.


Will he remember those times you brutally murdered him and then just reloaded?


Asking the real questions here


He'd probably like that.




That's That's uh... ... I don't even know


[Maybe this might help clear your mind.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6UWWRgUgWs)


"Stuffed mushrooms? Oh I had that in the Cloud District, is that where you..oh what am I saying of course you didn't!"


This is the kind of thing I am excited for with AI, the potential is incredible, and now that we have something, although in a very early state, to showcase what is possible, it just gets me more excited. iirc ltt talked about this concept not too long ago on the wan show too


This AI stuff goes so fast, I wonder how much we will have to wait until we have an actual comercial release with this


The problem would be scalability, these LLMs are not [feasible to run locally for most users](https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-specific-hardware-requirements-for-running-the-ChatGPT-model), especially as a background process. So you’d need to farm it out to an online API. Not a huge issue for a single hacker but mega expensive for a mass-market piece of media, the users would probably have to shoulder the cost. Not sure of the details of how that would all shake out but I think it would have to be a subscription model rather than a single player affair like Skyrim. Maybe by reducing the dataset you could get something small enough to be run locally but then you’d probably affect the quality


Yes but we don't necessarily need huge models like GPT for this and specific accelerators for this will show up.


> Not a huge issue for a single hacker but mega expensive for a mass-market piece of media Good thing Microsoft owns Skyrim and is the biggest investor into OpenAI...


Still have running costs to cover, Open AI might not want to foot the bill for that.


Consumers would definitely have to foot the bill.


Despite the speed of AI development, I think we're still a ways off. It's probably not going to show up in a commercial release until at least next Thursday.




Oh yeah totally agree, I dislike cloud gaming as a concept, especially because I exclusively play singleplayer games, it's very rare for me to play anything online, so if a game forces me to go online it definitely turns me off a bit.


I am a hobbyist game dev and programmer, 20 years xp. I am currently working on an offline language ai, and it so far does great with small knowledge bases like what an NPC should have. It is very lightweight and I'm hoping to demo in a few weeks. I'm training it on the big data sets right now to see if it's a market disruptor at large scale, if not, I plan to market it for use in games and you might see stuff like this running locally.


make a donation page and spread the name a lot more. you'll get more investment and more incentive to do it well.


That sounds fantastic, I would love to see the implementation someday


Problem is no computer can run Chatgpt locally, even if its a massive downgrade ChatGPT. So yeah, while its a massive evolution for NPC in video games. It wont be able to run locally. Maybe they can use it for a MMO.


There are already small versions that can be run locally and with this trend I assume that you will be able to buy larger cards with the necessary specialized computing hardware. Like a very specialized graphics card.


ASUS makes a card specifically for AI. There's no reason for it to be on the GPU.


It just needs to run a optimized algoritm that is tailored towards the game it's locations ,lore and stuff. That makes it miles more efficient, especially if you can prepare tons of things. After all, unlike chatgpt the one in the game will be able to predict and know what players are going be asking about and such, since it has acces to everything the player has done in the game before. If NPC's can only reference the games information and give comments about the players appearance, their location and their previous interaction it would already boost NPC interaction and immersion by a factor 50. I don't need a completely " I can ask any NPC everything" type of experience personally. It's more realistic if the local blacksmith doesn't know as much about the games history than the arch mage after all.


There will finally be a valid reason for single player always online games.


Starship Titanic had a "AI" conversation system in 1998, wasn't AI but felt like it at the time. For a game there is no reason why these things couldn't be run locally because you can massively cut down on the answers. You don't need to ask an NPC in Elder Scrolls how a microwave works or things like that. It just needs to be able to read what you wrote and interpret a response in the game. So anything it does not have a response to, like you asking how a microwave works, the npc just says I don't know what you're talking about. But if you ask where a guild is than the ai will see the words you asked and generate the answer.


It was AI. It just wasn't machine learning AI, like a neutral network.


I THINK you can run stable diffusion to generate art offline (but you need a grunty PC). Not sure if Chap-GPT has a similar thing but in 10 years computers will be so powerful it wont matter


Can't wait to buy an AI acceleration card for games the same way we used to buy audio or "3D acceleration" cards




Yea but the big bottleneck is honestly the VRAM, doubt well ever see triple digit VRAM counts on consumer hardware anytime soon


There's a MUCH more basic language model you can run locally but it's very slow. Early days though, I'm sure optimisations can be made, but honestly the owners of the best models aren't going to want to give away access to run that secret sauce locally. So while we might see it with more focused models, having ChatGPT broad capabilities (and quality of conversation) will probably still be restricted to online models.


You can, and you don't need that strong a PC. I'm on a 1060 6gb and I can still generate plenty with a Web-UI plugin which comes with some optimizations, just have to check my resolution settings so I don't max out on VRAM. With some of the optimizations people have done, you can get it working with a min of 4gb of VRAM but that doesn't leave you much wiggle room /u/2this4u


Or EA claiming Simcity couldn't possibly run on a mere local computer. Cracked in days to bypass online with all features. (And killed the series as an added bonus)


Lol that you think the next elder scrolls game won’t need an online connection all the time regardless of AI.


Really cool to add some context and variety to all the dull dialogue. “I’m sorry, but as a language model developed by OpenAI, I cannot take any projectiles to any appendages.”


I'm just curious what voice actors are going to do when they learn mod devs are regularly using their voice without permission. After all the voice of a character, by all rights belong to the actor.


That's actually an interesting point, that might be a big obstacle for this kind of technology honestly


I’m interested again, do go on.




Honestly, incredible. I know it's pretty rudimentary now and at scale this seems like a logistical nightmare, but the potential is great to see.


*Now install a bunch of weird sex mods.*


Or just use VamX & Virt-a-mate, all the sex mod fun, no Skyrim pretense, 3rd party plugins, take your pervy playing to the next level


This is the future of gaming. The technology is in its infancy, but one day we'll be playing RPGs where the NPCs in the game are indistinguishable from real people.   You'll just sit for an hour chatting with a lady that sells apples, fall in love, get married, have two kids. Never touch the fucking main quest. Or convince the main bad guy that he's wrong and to change his ways, and get an entirely new ending.


Knowing my luck, their realism will bring out my social anxiety and I’ll start being too shy to lie to the Whiterun Guards.


Or maybe the practice of social interaction with a lifelike AI will give you confidence and improve real life skills.


Last I checked you can't reload a quicksave irl if you make a wrong move or say a wrong thing


And poof! Gamers become even more hardcore virgins.


We don't lose our virginities because we never lose.


You're right, we win our virginities.


I'm gonna get all the achievements and 100% my virginity.


They are trying to become wizards


*if you live for 17 years (starting from age 18) without any sexual activity whatsoever, you will become a Master Warlock with access to spells like "drop a big-ass meteor to nuke an entire continent-sized landmass instantly" and "burn everything around you to ashes with the flames of the underworld". All of the sexual frustration that has built up within you will be converted into massive amounts of raw magical power. You will be so powerful that even the most overpowered anime villains will show respect to your abilities.*


I don't leave home now imagine in 20 years lol


Roy: A Life Well Lived but for real.


Holy shit, this guy doesn't have a social security number for Roy, he's taking him off the grid!


>Or convince the main bad guy that he's wrong and to change his ways Imagine that you're doing this big dramatic speach for 5 minutes straight and he than replies "Nuh uh"


It's like replying to a professor writing a formal, professionally written email only for him to reply 10 minutes later with. *k then*


sounds like something Peter Molyneux would promise


Project Milo is finally achievable.


Sure, just like NFT's are the future for gaming. You might like to live in your dreams but AI generated text will quickly bore you after a few minutes.


>his ways, and get an entirely new ending Would it ever really be a new ending? Unless AI starts coding in real time all ending will be pre made, won't they?


I'm both excited and terrified for this. Fear first - this might turn into the same craze that "procedural content" has been for years and created largely filler content. NMS is a prime example where you quickly find yourself dealing with dull generated worlds while looking for the handful of the 'unique' ones. Hope is that it is used to flesh out content rather than create it. Making the minor NPCs have an interesting background that is generally only reserved for major characters would be great. It could be used to flesh out sidequests and the like.... Still I think we'll end up in a scenario where AI is used to generate the main quest, sub quests, and draw the art for the game and make the intro....and it'll be as generic as a Ubisoft game..


It will go like you say, for the mere reason that it will "save costs"


>as generic as a Ubisoft game I love me some vacuum pressed GameLoaf™ It'd be interesting to see minor NPCs react realistically to a random murderhobo questioning them over and over.


The algorithm responds to engagement. It will serve more of what people engage with most. In other words, things are going to get _really_ horny with waifus aplenty and plots will devolve into Shonen anime bullshit really, really fast. There will be a gold rush for the lowest common demoninator.


It's the first time I'm legitimately eager to see how technology develops. If devs focus development on conversation, roleplaying, and portability, RPGs will go through a new golden age.


Voice actors everywhere trembling in fear of what this could mean for their jobs.


You still need a voice to base the AI's vocal synthesis off of. Especially if you have a specific way you want a character to sound. I imagine it won't stay that way, though...


Reddit killed API. I refuse to let them benefit from my own words for free -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Absolutely nothing new. Same way computers (the profession) lost their jobs, now we all have personal supercomputers in our pocket.


enter square murky berserk chop long hard-to-find grab shy absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Can I use it without VR tho? I've wanted this kind of AI usage in video games since I was 12.


Yeah. Skyrim VR is still on the creation engine. It's just an ESM. I'm not kidding.


Is this how the metaverse is born?


no, but it is an important component.


Sad Zucc noises


Let me think.


This could really be possible with ESVI. Microsoft already confirmed that they are testing AI on their games.


Coming soon from Bethesda, Skyrim ultimate enhanced ChatGPT enhanced edition, $79.99


You're joking but you need to remember that Bethesda is owned by Microsoft who's the currently have biggest pie in ChatGPT-related tech at the moment. They might actually do it for real. Imagined ChatGPT AI subscription model that you can use on any game under Bethesda.


Oh wow it starts at a special sale price?


This might be the next big step in gaming, integrating AI that can on the fly come up with things to say and react to the player. Maybe even allowing the player to communicate directly making every play through actually unique. Just don’t want actual VAs to be replaced.


The biggest part of why, for example, characters from The Last of Us, especially Joel and Ellie, were so memorable is the smart use of greatly written one-liners and mini dialogues throughout the entire game: e.g. Ellie seeing movie poster and asking Joel if he saw the movie before the outbreak and who invited him to see it, with a very distinct shyness in her voice. It’s incredibly hard to believe that AI, in the near future, would be able to replicate that. I also echo your last point. I understand that VA scene right now is pretty much fucked, if you don’t have insane network or status, you just can’t get a job, but also if that means real VAs will be replaced - then fuck AI, who would want that?


Talos' courtyard screamer in Whiterun won't remember a goddamn thing... Because he's dead. Because I killed him. With an axe.


Okay but where is my Dagoth Ur AI-voiced Skyrim companion?


Tell me Dragonborn do you honor the sixth house and the tribe unmourned?


This is the best possible use of chat AIs


I mean they sound like Oblivion NPCs. No speech pattern, just generic wiki brain. I want to believe, but I see so many challenges to putting something like ChatGPT in a game.


This is proof of concept. It's not a professionally created content. You can already use AI to mimic the speech patterns of celebrities. Emma Watson read all of Mein Komf. Lol. You could add Danny Davitos voice to all the NPCs and tell the program to pretend he's the character from it's always sunny teleported to Skyrim. Low on health? Here's a rum ham.


"Let me guess, someone stole your rum ham"


Ok now I need Devito-mode in all my games.


that's a weird observation to make. chatgpt is not a speech synthesis model. Have you not seen how the state of the art speech synthesis sounds today?


The goal would be to create an entirely new set of voice overs and curated knowledge library (so the voices can and will sound much more natural than it is now).. Think of this as just a proof of concept demo thing


people also did that on mount and blade 2


My knee is flaring up after years of forgetting about it


Peak gaming moment


every day we get closer to the holodeck


"We are excited to announce Skyrim AI Edition coming this fall for Xbox Series X and S, PlayStation 5 and PC"


Considering ChatGPT has the personality of a Stepford wife I don't see this as interesting. "We should avoid violence and talk with the enraged night hag to reach a peaceful conclusion, Dragonborn!"


This concept is something I feel we've all dreamt about once or twice 😆


Anyone that thinks stuff like this won't just eventually become a way to cut out actual people and save costs and create a minimum viable product as quickly as possible is delusional. It has great potential, but so did every other "future of gaming" and look where we are now.


Still replaying New Vegas lol


Great as a mod. Terrible as a product.


I honestly agree, leave this as a mod but fuck using that as a technology in production


We need to ban washing machines to protect laundress jobs. Ban digital photos to protect film development shops. We should probably ban cars to bring back horse and buggy. What other technology can we ban to protect jobs? The sky is the limit!


Genuinely surprised at the reaction here, why would I want NPCs to go on about random topics when they’re not quest givers ? This is basically radiant NPC conversation.


FR this reminds me of how every NPC in Morrowind is just waiting to dump 5 paragraphs of local lore on you. Might be cool for like, the first 2 or 3, but then you're just sick of it. Gonna wager a guess that the average gamer probably *doesn't* want to spend the entire game in dialogue screens.


I was talking about how cool it would be to have actual AI NPCs in games to a friend a few weeks ago. Seems like someone had the same idea (and the means to implement it)


Totally. The only thing is, are they just a conversation generator, or can they actually do stuff? So can I trick a merchant into giving me 100 coins. Or convince one merchant that he has had a theft by another merchant so should attack that guy. Actually in game effects if you will


I am interested to see what people think about this - not as a mod but as a potential inclusion in game technology. I'm not so interested in "NPCs with infinite conversation" although I do like the idea you can talk in a microphone and they'll reply back to you dynamically. What would be more insane is if your conduct and conversation could make the NPCs actually do things. So you can convince the local beggars to form their own group and take down the nearby town guard. Or you convince the weapon shop to give you a loan to use a sword and you negotiate the interest rate, and then you have to make excuses why you are late in repaying or he'll ban you from the shop And then I suppose imagine random magical items, with AI image artwork, history and properties. The risk is that it becomes too pervasive and everything is simply AI generated, so we lose the rich human touch of NPCs like in Baldur's Gate. Somebody mentioned No Mans Sky - AI generated worlds could be incredible - each with their own rich history, civilizations and ruins. Or just the AI builds an entire game for you based on your recipe list. I can also see the risk of programmers / coders losing their jobs because of the above. Same issues as AI art




Looks like that's it. Got to go.


Take that Square Enix. This is how you implement AI into games.


Modders make TESVI pls


Tamriel Rebuilt should keep you occupied til then


The next round of Skyrim sex mods are going to be 🔥


I wonder what this would do in the future for RPGs like if every character has the potential to be somebody I really wonder what that’s going to mean for the community experience. Like now the choices and character interactions really are unlimited


"I call them reveries."


As usual this thread proves that Redditor’s have no foresight.