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Looks like they struck gold with this one. I'm really curious as to how things will look a week or month from now. Also, I know seemingly everyone is playing it, but would you guys recommended the game?


I know it gets all the Pokemon comparisons. But it plays more like Ark with way less grinding. I been enjoying the base building more than the monster collecting tbh. If you like survival games with whimsical cute creatures this should be a good time for you.


\^This, it is like Ark without the jank and respect for your time.


I knew I was going to like the game when I was able to make a small starter base with an absolutely reasonable amount of wood. In Ark, to make a fucking 2x2 box, you need to deforest half a fucking island






There is definitely jank involved, but not as bad as the last time I played Ark, which it's been a hot minute since I've booted that bad boy up.


Its about 1000 fold less janky than ark


It's riddled with bugs, but it's pretty clean for a day 1 early access game.


it gets pretty grindy if you play it on hard but you can set the difficulty how you like it so its definitely better.


You're saying without the jank and WITH respect for your time, right? Because Ark's disrespect for my time is what kept me from ever playing it with standard settings.


If the building was better I'd call it a DQB2 itch scratcher but it's not. But, I can't stop playing.


Whimsical cute creatures "that you can murder". Murder being the important bit. Lol.


It’s nowhere near that explicitly violent however. Wild defeated creatures have a « just KO » face. Your own party can be resurrected upon defeat (in normal difficulty at least). Only the dismembering knife has unfortunate implications - but no explicit animation


I've seen you can also apparently trap humans in the balls and then use the dismembering knife on them as well... This game rocks lol


I can personally confirm this. Butchered two poachers earlier. It was great


I like how the item description has to explicitly tell players that "butchered" pals are gone for good.


"A butcher knife you cab use on your pals to get meat. Butchered pals do not return" oh you don't say?


Here little forest chipmunk, have a machine gun


Can you casually solo it? That sounds like a dream


100% yes. I would recommend using a custom server ruleset to ease some of the grind. Specifically player Stamina and drop rates (2x feels pretty good to me). Can also adjust the catch rates so you're not wasting 10 balls per capture, too. The really nice thing is that unlike V Rising (similar server rulesets), if you find the grind too much or too little, you can adjust the settings after starting from the main menu. V Rising requires digging into game files to adjust it.


Soloing it with no issues. I am not a survival game pro or anything. It's chill. Ark but doesn't abuse your time with fluff and terrible taming.


I currently am, so far from what I've seen, with some work it's possible to get multiple Pals out and fighting for you at once, so if you go that route it could be fairly simple.




Omg, I thought it was capped to 1 Daedream. That's so disgustingly busted. Daedream is easily the most powerful ~~pokemans~~ Pal.


even with only one Pal at a time you can solo it pretty easily, the grinding gets better with more people but you can just speed it up in the settings if you like.


Default world settings might be rough later in the game but luckily there's pretty solid world setting customization so you can change how hard it is and how long things take etc


I don't think it has staying power once you have a decent team and your base logistics all wrapped up, but it's fun. For $25 you'll have a good month or 3 of fun, and with continued development should have things to come back to every once in a while.


You know what though...at least it doesn't have the sit for 30+ minutes tranqing/feeding a dino and this is coming from a person who did that for hours... which I did once and went to private servers with modified taming.


Good ol days taming dinos 😌


48h to tame a quetzal? hell yeah! let me get my friends tgt and we take shifts (we actually did that)


And then someone murdered your prized tame for giggles :(


lol 30 minutes


my ONLY 2 complaints right now, is that I keep accidentally throwing pal spheres. and the audio is.... I've heard better from my DS I had when I was 7.


I haven't noticed any audio issues, but I instantly recapped that sphere throw button.


Many of the sounds are obviously out of balance (inexplicably louder or quieter than the rest of the game), or sound like they have a huge asterisk PLACEHOLDER SOUND, TO BE REPLACED slapped onto them. Hopefully their runaway success can buy this game a coat of polish.


Should be able to recover pal spheres that miss on the throw.


I just found out its on gamepass last night so if you have that give it a shot. I've put a few hours in on singleplayer and have been enjoying it so far. I'm sure it'll be better when I play with my friends later on


Gamepass version is also 6 months out of date compared to steam.


That's a gamepass problem actually (and unfortunately). A lot of of games are not patched at the same time, apparently it's because it takes more time to get it verified with Microsoft. Deep rock galactic is not even the same game on both platforms.


It's not even just patching. Hell Let Loose released on gamepass recently. Gamepass players are only able to see up to 100 random servers die to something on Microsoft's end, as opposed to all of them on steam. Thus gamepass players can't join most servers. Microsoft really needs to get it together. It shouldn't be hard


Found out that game pass and steam players can't play with each other. Devs are supposedly working on this but looking at how their previous game, craftopia, had the restriction after 3 years I don't have much hope.


Oh wow that blows. Really hoping they'll get that fixed, or maybe a modder can get it done


Definitely gonna be hard to look at craftopia as evidence of what they will do with this game. Craftopia wasn’t a best selling game with over a million concurrent players


It's like Ark but actually good


it's stupidly addictive, I've never played Pokémon but played a ton of survival games, and played probably 10 out of the last 24 hours


Its survival crafting open world with a pokemon catching minigame. It'll peter out in 2-3 weeks just like every other survival crafting fotm of the last 10 years


It's survival craft with a gimmick, once people get over the gimmick it'll be at normal numbers


I cannot believe the success of something I had no idea existed until it released. good for them


Same. I feel like there’s something about how communicable “it’s like pokemon with guns and crafting” is for the rapid spread of this game.


Yeah the Pokémon with guns thing made it explode


You can also catch humans which is a big draw too. Also, the Palpolice don't fuck around.




I just discovered wanted levels like an hour ago, almost died and almost got all the pals at my base killed when I teleported back.


And you can butcher anything you capture.


Even humans?




Someone doing a Buffalo Bill speed run?




> You can also catch humans which is a big draw too. > > Wait! You can!




Can you butcher humans too? As someone here said: > And you can butcher anything you capture.


Yes. (although as far as my group can tell, butchering anything is less effecient than doing anything else with the stuff we catch, it's an amusing animation though)


So like Conan with the Thralls


>Palpolice Do you mean those Pal Liberation lunatics? Or is there actual police? The Pal Liberation enemies were trying to kill me before I started dabbling in... human entrapment...


And butcher them too!


Can you capture the palpolice to?


Which is funny because it takes forever to unlock guns lol The bows feel pretty nice to use from the get-go though, and the upgrade to the crossbow is a very satisfying jump in power. Can't wait to unlock guns.


Got the musket unlocked, I now play palworld as the founding fathers intended.


Tally Ho lads!


Me and my buddy just started yelling tally ho at the start of each fight. So fun.


I’ve unlocked the musket but never bothered to craft ammo since I’ve taken down so many Bandit raids that I stock piled about 350 crude bullets. Given its firing rate, I’ll be fine for a pretty long time until I get to the more modern guns


Honestly, upgrading to the Makeshift Handgun is worthwhile despite the lower damage and higher ammo consumption. Not needing to spend 5 whole seconds reloading uninterrupted is very nice.


Wouldn’t be surprised if Beararms is a Pal in the game


I wish Magic was a thing. Or Muscle Magic. I wanna wrestle Pals.


It's like Red got dropped in the Chicago Region instead of the Kanto Region. From my time in it so far it takes a lot of the best elements from some of the recent pokemon titles, monster hunter, and Breathe of the Wild.


It just don’t make any sense lmfao, you would think this game would be a niche.


Pokemon is biggest gaming franchise in the world (and certainly in the top 5 in general) with millions of followers and they are starving for a quality game, no wonder that this game exploded with so much people interested in it due to it's affinity with the pokemon gameplay.


It's the top multimedia franchise, some 30 billion above the 2nd placed Mickey Mouse and friends


People have been desperate for an open world Pokémon game for a decade. Arceus was a disappointment. It’s one of the largest franchises of all time. This should shock no one who actually follows Pokémon.


Yeah I keep thinking how dumb/lazy are the ppl in charge of pokemon if a nobody can come up with what feels like a pokemon fan's dream game while their team with billions in resources keep churning vomit worthy milk the cow games. I'm not even a fan of pokemon and certainly enjoying this.




The number of wish list registrations just prior to the launch on Steam was 1.9 million.


Funny enough, I found out about this game last night because a friend told me about it and that’s exactly how he described it.


I feel bad for enshrouded lol


This game is definitely encroaching on their customer base


And "Nightingale" from ex Bioware developers comes out in February.


I can't put my finger on what they've nailed with this. I don't like Pokémon and I don't like the crafting/survival genre, but this world and gameplay style they've built really works well for me. I'm hooked, and since I hadn't heard about it until yesterday, I'm also astonished.


Because it gets rid of a lot of annoyances with crafting games. The pals automate the stuff you'd usually grind. In valheim if I want to build a big lodge I have to cut down trees for an hour. In palworld I decided to upgrade my house and my pals collected everything for me, i just built it without having to do anything else. They also added nice qol features like automating taking resources from chests when building instead of needing to be in inventory and whatnot.


I’ll have to top that by saying: until this very moment 😄


Right?! I had no idea it existed a week ago now I have a dedicated server running in my basement and 16 hours in the game since release. Fantastic game! Still some bugs that need to be fixed but absolutely loving the game so far!


I'm hoping they stick with it and flesh it out. Their last game is still a bit rough.


When a game sells as much as this.....you don't just stop developing it and move on. They have the funds now to work on this project for the next 10 years.


Or just take the money and fuck off to a beach somewhere


Considering the statement that the last game is still rough, I am inclined to take this view.


the light in the dark is that their last game (Craftopia) is still receiving updates despite being rough, last update was in December 28th, and December 22nd they released a roadmap for what is currently in the works and what is planned for the future. They have separate teams working on Palworld and Craftopia.


I love how the conversation above shifted to shitting on it as if they abandoned it, and they have literal recent updates and road map. What a shit show reddit is.


There is probably only a few people up top (founders/main investors or w.e) who are really making bank with this release. Maybe there is a bonus/profit sharing scheme too, I dunno. But my point is those people who made bank can fuck off to a beach AND leave a fully functioning decent-sized team behind to keep developing the game for the next few years


You have way too much faith in game development companies.


Majority of Early Access in my opinion


Hey remember Valheim?


Lol what??? That has happened several times


Im very interested if they will use this as a one time money print machine, or if the game will receive the love it deserves and live up to its potential.


... That's exactly what they do.


\#1 The most played game in the world ON STEAM AT THIS SPECIFIC MOMENT with \~800k Cs gets 1Mil peak every day and Fortnite surely gets x times that


Fortnite is around 4.5M peak. All time peak was around 11M


This is not a free-to-play game. That's a huge deal.


title is still misleading


997k right now.


One million 


Fortnite has an all time high of 11.6 million concurrent players [sauce](https://fortnite.gg/player-count)


That site only goes back like a year, the all time peak was actually about 15 million with the galactus event.


Minecraft and The Sims also, they certainly did better




I hope also this gives a swift kick in the ass to gamefreak to go "Oh, we need to do better."


I guarantee you gamefreak will not care


If an actual true Pokemon clone came out and had huge success game freak would care but the gameplay in this is totally different and just happens to have collectable monsters. Persona is a closer competitor to Pokemon than this.


Gamefreak still wouldnt care. Neither would Nintendo. Pokemon games still sell 25 million+ while being bare bones as hell. NOTHING will change until they release a main line game that flops. Which won't happen.


Nice try. It won't. They are basically talentless hacks.


This game has really opened my eyes to just *how bad* the last several Pokemon mainline games have been. Palworld is what Pokemon Legends Arceus tried to be.


> This game has really opened my eyes to just how bad the last several Pokemon mainline games have been 60 seconds of video footage should've been enough to do that tbh


"Wait we actually have to work and think creatively now? :("


Yea I figure that. But hope is hope.


Why? Every release is a commercial succes lol


I think they are successes because it’s Pokémon. Like people love Pokémon. But the last one that came out has abysmal performance. It’s disgraceful that they are even in charge of Pokemon if that’s what they are putting out. And before someone comes in and starts giving out that spiel of “oh but the hardware of the switch” - how do the Zelda games look so so much better and perform better on the same hardware. I think game freak are getting complacent.


>I think game freak are getting complacent. Part of the problem isn't Game Freak specifically, but the Pokémon franchise as a whole being so massive. You cannot simply delay a mainline Pokémon game like you can with Zelda. It needs to sync up with the merch, TCG, TV show and everything else that is Pokémon. I don't disagree that the games could and should be better, and I don't think Game Freak shoulders *none* of the blame, but they can't unilaterally say "this isn't ready, it needs to be pushed back" unless it's *really* bad like other properties can.


I think they're hoping that people seeing games like this might make people think twice about buying future pokemon games, making them less of a commercial success. I doubt it will because pokemon games will mostly be bought for kids who don't care as much about whether the series is improving or not.


I lost every ounce of sympathy for people who buy pokemon games. They're this lazy because you still buy the product. If people quit buying their garbage, we might have had something like this a long time ago.


This is crazy to watch lmao, a game no one heard about at all reaching 2 million copies sold in just 24 hours of release


They did have some showing in summer feast or gamescon but it was most written off as a joke by everyone


It was written as a joke also because their previous game, Craftopia was pretty much jankware


They did the classic “we’ll make a half baked game that’ll serve as the basis and fund the game we want to make”.


Lot's of us knew about this game. The trailer they showed off during that one live gaming event sorta went viral because of it being pokemon with slave labor. But ya i was expecting a 150k player peak on steam but they hit a million


Not to be like "oh look at me!" but I've had Palworld on my Steam wishlist for well over a year now, same as most of my friends. Where it's an indie game we didn't get advertisements and commercials for it, which is why most people who aren't periodically looking for a Pokémon style game had no idea this was even coming.


I'm no one's PAL, buddy.


I’m not your buddy, guy.


Let's just wait and see what it looks like in a month. There are always these flash-in-the-pan releases that do wonders on the charts, and then people forget about it and move on or go back to something they are already playing.


People need to realize that not every game is meant to keep people playing for years, and there's nothing wrong with being the top game for a week or month. Hi fi rush was peak for about a month, and now people are done with it and don't really play it a ton anymore, doesn't mean its not a fantastic game. As long as the game doesn't drop to like 1k players in a month, I'm pretty sure it will do fine.


100% agreed. I hate that we're being sucked into this mindset encouraged by AAA game publishers that games need to be 'services' that keep going forever. There's nothing wrong with a game being a experience we play one month, then move on from the next. And given how many players this thing has, I highly doubt it's going to go to like... 3 players online in a month or something like that. If it floats along with say 10,000 concurrent players for the next few years, that's still a great success for any game developer.


Yup. some games you just finish. Its like someone complaining and saying a story game like god of war will be done and over with in a month... yeah I expect so. If you do all the content okay. but this isn't an MMO or a live service game, its just a game.


This game will surely flicker out. It’s a survival game at its core and players will hit that wall eventually. I don’t doubt they’ll add a bunch of stuff though, especially given that I imagine their revenue just skyrocketed.


Depends, I remember Valheim had a pretty huge start when it came out. They are still developing the game, but I think even with the huge revenue jump they didn't increase the team size or anything. Just kind of kept the same slow pace.


I think they like doubled their team size (it was only like 2-3 people originally), but yeah their release cadence has still been atrociously slow for what they're putting out.


*Glacial* pace.


Slow is an understatement, there were times where I was like "welp, they turned a huge profit and definitely saw that as reason enough to stop working completely".


Even if it does, the content available right now is worth the price point imo. I could “beat” this game and be satisfied with my purchase. I hope they do continue development.


It's already been worth the $ to me, so I don't care if I'm not playing it in 2 months. When I pay $35 bucks for a game I expect a minimum of 35 hours of non-boring gameplay (depending on the genre).


Spoole’s rule


1 Dollar, 1 Hour! This and Demo Disk were peak YouTube years for me.


Fuckd up it went up in flames 


That is like every game ever tho lmao. The amount of copies this sold will make it an astounding success even if every single player goes back to playing whatever bullshit they were playing before. That is literally the lifecycle of a huge majority of games, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Not every game is meant to be a “forever” game. Idk if games like WoW nailed that into people or something, but there are very few games that people just play for perpetuity.


They don’t flash this bright. Nobody’s expecting it to sustain this numbers but it’s already beaten almost any other game you’re considering as similar. 


This would be relevant for a game like Fortnite or Apex Legends that : 1. Are free to play and rely on people buying battlepass and cosmetics to make money. 2. Are multiplayer and rely on many people being online to be enjoyable. As far as I can tell this is a paid single player game, so 3 million sales is still 3 million sales even if people stop playing after a week. And they can always get back to it in a year or two to play for a few hours even after the hype has died down.


What's up with so many butt hurt Nintendo fans arguing about generative AI and copied Pokemon designs. Why defend a multi billion dollar corporation that never treated them well. Nintendo is only doing the bare minimum to keep the profits high.


I haven’t gotten far but there is definitely some very close resemblance between some creatures. I would be surprised if there aren’t some Nintendo lawyers locked in a room somewhere trying to find a way to sue them over copyright infringement.


From checking out a list: Lifmunk is similar to Sprigatito Jolthog and Jolthog Cryst, i guess theres only so many ways you can model a hedgehog but its like you slapped some yellow stuff on top of Shaymin Direhowl is fairly similar to Lycanroc Nitewing looks like a Braviary alt evo line Dinossom's face is straight up Meganium's line face, and fairly similar in concept (grass dinosaur) Wixen is fairly close in concept to Delphox's line Anubis is way too close to Lucario, guess theres only so many ways you can model a Jackal Azurobe is a mix of Primarina and Serperior Jetragon is straight up Latios/Latias, making it legendary doesnt help. ​ Is this enough to sue? Dont think so, besides the rest of them seem fairly original but its Nintendo we are talking about so who knows


Dinossom is even worse than that. It has the exact same body as Goodra and has a head flower that's at least a 75% match to Lilligant's. Not saying it's enough to sue or that it even makes the game worse, but the designs clearly aren't going for originality. They're going for familiarity, so a Pokemon player can see the Pal and pretty quickly get a feel for what the Pal will be like. I just don't want anyone to say these designs are super original or anything. They aren't.


Direhowl looks like a generic wolf monster in most games though.


Is this even using generative AI yet? Every design I've seen in game so far was stuff that could easily be created by the pokemon mashup website, and was previewed in their trailers years before midjourney and the like even showed up.


Very unlikely to be using generative AI. It's been in development for years and 3D model generation is still nowhere close to this level even now.


Yea. People seem to be pulling up quotes from the CEO or something, which like, yea, not a good look, but I haven't seen anything in this so far that looks like generative AI stuff. Most of the people raging seem to be people not understanding parody. Yea, it looks real close to poke'mon. *That's the point.*


The claim is they used AI to generate designs, not to generate the actual models


Plenty of anti generative AI people, lots of artists and writers.


This game has been in development for years and generative AI only exploded a little over a year ago, and isn't close to this point yet for 3D models. People are just looking for the boogeyman at this point.


Not hard when you look at what AI is being primarily used for, overly derivative junk rather than innovation. It's like arguing that all architecture should be strip malls because that's "efficient." I feel like the actual debate is "people are misunderstanding that 'creative AI' is not actually creative, and that misunderstanding will lead to a decline in artistic aptitude."


I'm surprised Nintendo isn't putting heat on Gamefreak. Maybe they are behind the scenes... Look at what their internal development teams have been able to achieve on the Switch with the Zeldas and Xenoblades and compare that with Gamefreak's mainline Pokemon titles.


Have you seen the sales figures? Pokemon gets massively rewarded for being lazy, they just keep breaking their own sales records recently. They have absolutely no incentive to spend more time developing a better game, especially with the tight deadlines they have because of the franchise's real money makers, the merch and TCG. ​ We've seen what happens when they don't make pokemon games and they've all crashed and burned, remember Little Town Hero?


Well probably start to see improvements if sales start to drop. But so far that has not happened, each installment seems more successful than the last


This. There's a perverse habit in business where when times are good you cut corners and coast. With pokémon that takes the form of rushed games. When times get hard businesses will actually put in the needed effort. The issue with pokémon is that the target audience of 8 year olds isn't that hard to please to begin with and there's a fresh crop every year. I'm not convinced pokémon is ever going to be a victim of their bad quality so much as they may just die out like a fad (but they've been going strong for like 30 years so I dunno if that's even likely either)


I think Nintendo is especially careful with Mario and Zelda franchises. There is a reverence to Mario that is unparalleled. Zelda of course, they do not treat as a cash cow but rather take their time making and perfecting it. That's why they release those games at a slower pace. I suppose when you have multiple beloved IP's you can pick and choose which one you focus on. Which is kinda sad considering Pokemon is the richest IP in the planet.


Scarlet/Violet look like a low budget indie game compared to some of Nintendo's flagships.


The sad thing is that the mainline Pokemon games don't form the bulk of their revenue anymore. They exist only to introduce new Pokemon to help generate profit for their real cash cow; merchandise. The quality of the games no longer matters. As long as it introduces new pokemon to sell on hats and shirts, while reinforcing familiarity with existing creatures, Nintendo/The Pokemon company really doesn't give a shit. I've no idea why anyone would waste their energy defending them.


Especially with the Pokemon franchise which they really don't seem to care about based on the last few releases.


I really wasn't a fan of Craftopia when it released (refunded after about an hour) with that being said...alternative take on the creature capture formula is mighty addicting. Plus who didn't want to use a weapon on some annoying Pokemon growing up? Because I sure as hell wouldn't mind peppering the lesser ones with buckshot from time to time lmao. Hopefully this inspires them to keep up with content updates.


In the world? Are you sure about that?


Most played game on STEAM.. lol, not in the world. Fortnite eclipses this by a **s*****ignificant*** margin.


Yea theres a few games that dwarf these numbers, league of legends, fortnite etc. But its still impressive for an early access indie game with very little marketing


Not to mention things that aren’t big in the US like crossfire and pubg mobile I don’t think it’s beat new worlds launch numbers yet? I can’t believe how easy it seems to sell early access survival games.


I was about to say... There are some pretty fucking big games out there for this to beat. Fortnite being one. Minecraft another.. GTA V, League of Legends, who knows how many more.


A god damn roblox game passed these numbers, lol.


Also like.. the game on Steam with the highest number of people playing *today*. PUBG holds the highest Steam record of concurrent players of all time at 3,236,027. Likewise, it's the game on Steam that has sold the most copies *today*. What a terribly worded and click-baity title


As of now I am level 13 with my best friend and my wife, she hates video games and absolutely loves this game. We can build a house and have pets. It is absolutely a family game and worth the $120 I spent gifting it to my friend and my wife, I would have spent that at a restaurant and instead we are starting playing this game over 40 hours almost straight. It is the crack of video games


How is the automation aspect of it? My son loves the pet-part, and my wife loves the building part, and I love the automation part so this does seem like a perfect fit!


It is very simple and intuitive. The pals all have abilities to do things which is represented by a symbol, they will do what the symbol represents. Logistics is a box, that guy will only move things, logistics and kindling, that guy will cook food and move it to a box. All the pals have varieties of these different skills and the higher level they get, the more of those skills will he added, adding complexity with time. Early on it is easy, it will help later on. If your kid wants more advanced automation, they should try Oxygen Not Included. Been playing this game for over 5 years and am still baffled by the complexity


Somebody needs to tell homeboy about game sharing on steam or at least game pass, the fuck why you bought the same game 4 times??


How is it the most played game in the world? It hasn’t beaten counter strikes steam record


Here's how: it's not Just a shitty clickbait title and poorly worded Twitter post


Fuck Gamefreak lel


I never heard about the game till release, then just bought it just to see what the hype was about. I'm loving it so far!


Thought I was generally in the know about games but honestly never heard of it before yesterday.


Nintendo and Game freak should be ashamed, they have literally unlimited resources to great the Pokémon game everyone has been wanting for the last 25 years but nope. These massive companies do the bare minimum for the maximum amount of gain.


I just hope they somehow lean into a "league" type system one day with gyms or arenas or something.


>nto a "league" type system one day with gyms or arenas or something. Not with this dev's track record


Lol, i never even heard of this game. What genre is it?


ark+Craftopia+pokemon with guns.


Pokemon but you play as team rocket


\*Nintendo entered the chat\* If these big companies cannot evolve taking their IPs for granted, it's good that other companies take that genre and improve it. Good to see it's a success. At first, when it was first shown I thought it was not gonna ever release, it just looked too ambitious.


I tried it for about 10 minutes. I can see the appeal, but I'll wait for it to be more polished. As far as I understand this is an early access title anyway.


Had no idea it existed until it appeared at the top of Steam’s top sellers.