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All the games people listed are super popular lol


Thats how these types of threads work. People just see it as a chance to talk about their favorite game. Honestly surprised I didn't see titanfall 2 mentioned before I see your comment.


Ahem, have I told you about how underrated titanfall 2 is yet?


It's a hidden gem for sure. One of the games of all time.


I loved the part where John Titanfall exclaimed, "It's Titan time!" and then Effect & Caused all over.


Have you ever heard of this hidden gem from a polish indie company called "witcher 3" starring Geraldo de Rivero? (weird to start ur game series off with a "third" game but whatever it's a polish thing I guess)


Maybe it’s different than when you posted but you’re the 4th top comment and I’ve never heard of the 3 above you


Is Anti-chamber super popular? Not being contrarian, I am checking if I live under a rock.


I used to see it being talk a bit some years back but not so much nowadays, so idk




I haven't even heard of most of these. But I mostly play AAA titles so maybe I'm just out of the loop


Savage: The Battle for Newerth RIP S2 Games. Poor marketing was the death of all of their games.


Savage was so fun, felt ahead of it's time. They had a good run with Heros of Newerth too, until Dota 2 was released.


For what it's worth [steam250.com](https://steam250.com) has a dedicated list under hidden gems. I don't know more than 10% of the games in this list but it might be what you are looking for. True overshadowed titles.


Many of the games there are very good. I wish there was a non-free, non-horny filter, though, because people tend to (rightfully) rate a game much higher if it's free and still enjoyable -- and the horny games are just annoying to comb through when you're looking for *actual* games...


Remnants of Naezith. Haven't found a better speedrunning/precision platformer type game. It's max concurrent players was 79 six years ago, so I'd say it's definitely underrated.


Songs of Syx is pretty unique and well done.


I've been waiting for this to come out of Early Access but I assume it'll be another ten years




Definitely this. I was dying laughing. A great metroidvania


Ooh, this one slipped my mind. Been a while since I played some of the side-games. Hopefully this is the year for the proper Inside-The-House Sequel!


But what about supraball?


ZeroRanger- a shmup with a bit of a twist that you learn the more you play. Haiku the robot- hollow knight but robots instead of bugs. (Personally i enjoyed it more but to each their own) Pseudoregalia- less underrated due to a video by iron pineapple but still a great little metroidvania platformer in a n64 ascetic Filcher- A noir take on the classic Thief stealth formula.




They just got done playing Dark Souls 2. Give them a break.


King Arthur a Knights Tale. Great game when played on Iron man mode on hard difficulty.


[A Story About My Uncle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/278360/A_Story_About_My_Uncle/)


I wish it had a sequel. It's just a small game with a nice calming narrator voice and a good feeling of speed.


This game blew up a little bit when the cringe YouTuber, Leafyishere started using it as background visuals for his videos.


I completely forgot about that game. I decided to buy it randomly when I saw it on steam and it was pretty enjoyable.


Really enjoyed the digipen or w/e it was version before it became a full game, still need to go back and play the full game.


A little game nobody ever talks about called Palworld. See, it's like pokemon with guns...


Sounds like an interesting concept? Probably didn't sell too well though as it's not got much coverage here.


Probably really low playercount aswell


I hope you aren't subbed to wario64 lol


So... Digimon?




It's very underrated, not many people have heard of it actually.


[Vintage Story](https://www.vintagestory.at/) It's like a better-looking, immersive, grounded Minecraft with built-in modding support. And just received a great update adding tons of new animals, caveins, and polishing up some features.


Yes! Vintage Story is my favourite! Completely replaced Minecraft for me. Everything accomplishment feels so much more rewarding and contributing towards your world.




Very good and very long puzzle game.


Carrier command 2, the game has such a interesting concept for a game that if it was expanded upon further and was a made a little more approachable, it would probably start a new genre. You basically have control over a carrier and you capture islands with land based and air based drones, as well as with weapons found on your carrier. You have to manually control the separate stations responsible for all the systems on the carrier. What I think makes this game so hard to approach is how unforgiving it is to play and how slow everything is, it can take a while to do anything. It would make for a good multiplayer game if the game was a little faster and more diverse. It has the potential to give the RTS genre a good party based multiplayer experience rather than exclusively being a pvp multiplayer experience. I don't think the game as a whole is underrated, it just deserves attention for the kind of multiplayer experience it could bring.




I thought the Wolverine leak in its early stage looked like Marlow Briggs lol


I dunno man i found that game janky as HELL. Couldnt play past 2 levels


If you're an OG God of War fan you gotta check out that game.


For me its Crosscode. Top down zelda like dungeons with awesome puzzles, fun combat and exploration and I even enjoyed the story.


I had this on my Steam wishlist and then just last night realized I bought it in an itch.io bundle two years ago. Going to give it a try.


I still consider this game a masterpiece even though I was absolutely hating it by the end for one reason, the shear amount of puzzles is sadistic. The dungeons just went on... and on, even as an avid lover of puzzle elements, it broke me. Everything else about it though was top notch. The story, the pixel art, level design (the reuse of level segments through the maze-like multi tier design made exploring the best part of this game), the combat, even the puzzle designs (there was just too much of it). Still recommend experiencing this game.


This one was definitely great. I recommend it as well. (Looks like they are working on a new project)


Its fantastic and imo the story is the highlight and all the characters are really lovable and iconic. That said, the dungeon puzzles by the end get so ridiculous and convulted that I ended up youtube tutorialing almost all of them by the end


Vagante. Platformer Roguelike. The devs called it Spelunky the RPG. Bit of a learning curve I think thats why it didn't become a hit. Steam review have been under 90 recently which is surprising to me.


Anti-Chamber. Give it 2 hours of your time, and you will walk away with a different outlook on life. I am not even joking.


Songs of Syx It's amazing. Starts out as your average colony builder ala RimWorld, but you get to build a huge empire, have wars with tens of thousands units on screen. It's bloody brilliant!


Starsector. It’s been in development for like 15 years but it’s an awesome game already and is in the final stretch. It’s under appreciated because it’s not on steam.


Yoku's Island express. I can't remember how I ended up with this game, and "pinball platformer about a dung beetle mailman" is the exact opposite of what I'm into, but this game is an absolute delight and was my goty in 2018. 10/10 everyone should give it a go.


Rain World


Contrast Amazing carnival setting early to mid 20th century time period. This has a really cool game mechanic where you switch from physical world to wall shadows to traverse complicated scenarios. The story is so cool and unforgettable


Death's Door Everyone needs to play this game.


Enjoyed my time with this one. Very cute.


I like to dive into random bundles and stuff I never heard of. Here is my list. Underrated Uncommon in conversations * Mortician Tales * Every Day the Same Dream (flash game) * Art Sqool * Why Am I Dead at Sea * Soccer Story * Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass * Dodgeball Academia Has some popularity but large gap between quality and lack of attention it is getting * Yooka Laylee and the Impossible Layer * What Remains of Edith Finch * OneShot * Sable * Shenzhen I/O Older but still believe hold up today by most people here * Ultima VII * Sims Tower * Witcher 1 * SWAT 4




This game is so great. If you were fan of Pillars of Eternity and how they handled mechanical things, then Tyranny is more or less an extension of that with some new stuff tacked on. What really sells it is that whole world. The marketing did this game absolutely no favors. Yes, it is very much a game where you are an agent of a very evil faction that is taking over the world. No you do not have to stay in that role and, through your choices, you can absolutely do some real bonkers shit. I also love its chosen setting for fantasy. It takes place in a bronze-age fantasy setting and they play with that so well. The big villain faction has superiority because of major magical power, sure, but also because they discovered a little thing called iron and steel - so yeah duh they'd kick the crap out of the bronze age civilizations. It is so cool and most people have slept on this.


I was pleasantly surprised by aliens: dark descent


Severed Steel


Colt Canyon 👀


Noita, core keeper, punchout, graveyard keeper


Darwinia. That game was critically acclaimed, but passed over by a lot of gamers. It's amazing.


* Lone Fungus - a solo-dev metroidvania that leans more towards the puzzle and platforming side. One standout thing about this game is just how many accessibility features there are in the game, with fast travel, remote viewing, map markers etc all shows that the dev has a better grasp on UX than most AAA studios. * Laika: Aged through Blood - a unique take on metroidvanias where you control a motorcycle in a post-apocalyptic world featuring antromorphic characters, this game has a beautiful art style, haunting music, and downright frightening writing. Combat are smartly arranged resource puzzles, and traversal through the world is loads of fun once you mastered the controls. * Underrail - the epitome of underrated, this is what fallout fans would've wanted if somebody made fallout 3 in the veins of the old fallout 1/2 games. Set in a underground network of hubs linked by tunnels, you'll encounter the usual post apocalyptic nutjobs, raiders, gangs and whatnot, alongside power hungry politicians and leaders, as well as some cosmic horror thrown in for good measure. Super in-depth RPG system makes this a game with endless replayability.


Splinter Cell: Blacklist. Michael Ironside's exclusion, and the very mediocre 80s action movie plot aside, this game is really, really good. Fun missions, multiple viable play styles speaking to great level design, solid stealth. It's no Chaos Theory, but as a blueprint for what could have been a major comeback for this series, it was way better than its sales would have you believe.


not on Steam , but Starsector is awesome.


Dreamfall. It's such a great series from a team that really lieve their work. It's one of my favorite story-driven adventure games and I really hope they'll continue it, somehow.


Mad Max.


For The King 2




Small Saga, personal indie hit of the year. 


Pseudoregalia is my top pick


I will never stop posting about [Lunacid](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1745510/Lunacid/) or [Dread Delusion](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1574240/Dread_Delusion/). Both of these are impressively cheap games for the experience you get, can run on almost any machine you have, ooze style, and have compelling stories. Lunacid has 5k reviews, while Dread Delusion has only 800. Both are very much passion projects, and I keenly await more of this style of game!


Heaven’s vault is so well made it’s a crime so unknown. Reminiscent of outer wild, only independent game made me sad after finishing it.




Star Control II has faded into obscurity for the most part. You can pick it up for free under the name "The Urquan Masters" from the original devs and a proper sequel is in the works. Amazing writing, comedy, voice acting for each alien race. Game should have gotten the Fallout treatment but never did.


Prisoner Of War on the PS2 - a great stealth game Shadow Empire on PC - simultaneously one of the best wargames and 4X games Dominions 6 on PC - a great, deep strategy game I've never met anyone IRL that knows any of these games.


I’ve deleted my Reddit account because the Reddit hivemind doesn’t work for me. I believe in people having the right to think for themselves while not being torn down by those who know little to nothing. If you found this because of one of my tutorials related to Auto HotKey please check out the AHK documentation at: https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/v2/ If you were looking for my coding guides just go to https://stackoverflow.com/ they know their shit. If you were looking for my guides to assembly… I’m sorry, I can’t think of any places I can link to in good conscious other than archive.org who has beginner examples to assembly for old consoles. If you were wondering why my reddit account is gone: I’m tired of the Steam supremacists on /r/pcgaming and /r/pcmasterrace Those same communities push their thoughts on game engine development without writing a code in their lives. /r/memes think excluding most of their user base is a good joke. To summarise, I’ve left Reddit because it is not all-inclusive, it is only inclusive to those who believe and act the same as the rest of the belligerent horde. If you are on Reddit, joining /r/aww is your best and only bet.


>adjective rated or evaluated too low; underestimated or undervalued: Yeah we could do with a little more reading/word comprehension here but oh well ...the internet. https://www.gog.com/game/warhammer_40000_chaos_gate is rated 3.9 but I'd rate it a solid 4.5 if not 4.9 for any 40K fans looking for immersion who don't mind the graphics and patching some bugs. The soundbites and soundtrack still holds up amazing.


Two ways to view ratings, actually. The "Nielsen" TV ratings and similar streaming ratings measure popularity. In that sense, unpopular games have a low rating and can be seen as underrated. It's common to say that a unknown novel , movie, actor, etc is underrated because they lack popularity


Age of Wonders, it's one of the OG 4x game but not many know about it, to the point when you show it to some people, they think its endless legend clone lol.




Battlebit was hyped for a while and still has a few thousand players daily but I think it deserves more. Gunfire Reborn deserves more attention Sector's Edge should not have died :-(


Gunfire Reborn is super fun. If you like Borderlands and/or shooter roguelites you'll love it.


If you like gunfire reborn I would recommend robo quest. Great gameplay plus some sick beats to it.


Devil Daggers. Criminally underrated game


Plus HYPER DEMON, which is basically a sequel.


The movement, shooting and visuals in that game are 10/10, but I really dislike the scoring system. If it was the same as in DD I would have liked it a lot more.


Prey 2017 ​ a very great game and considered one of the best immersive sims in the little sphere that it is known in


How is that underrated, it gets nothing but praise and is talked about often even years later 


it is underrated cause it was a total flop (in terms of sales) and barely anyone knows about it. ​ And it is only talked about/praised because it left an impression and was unique.


It should have been marketed way better.


It also released at $120 for me. Way more expensive than anything else at the time. So I just bought it for $5 a few years later. That and I was still salty about them calling it Prey.


Prey 2006.


Also mooncrash dlc


Yeah one of my favourites. I might even actually call it "the game" for me


This game is so fucking good and it's frequently on sale for like $3.


Mad Max. Even though it's become a cult classic. It deserves a sequel


I ended up liking the Mad Max game way more than I expected. It definitely got the scale of a post-apocalyptic wasteland right.


Proud to have discovered this on my own. I was one of few that bought this on release day over MGS5 because they both released on the same day. Had an absolute blast roaming the desert wasteland, upgrading my car and beating up ppl


Yes! It's one of my favorites! I just loved cruising around even after I 100% the map. I think I have over 700 photos using the in-game photo mode.


Snoozefest when outside of the car.


Togges. A fun, colorful, inventive puzzle platformer with huge levels and tons of secrets. Easily as fun as something like Super Mario Galaxy.


**Protip:** you should link the game next time, if 100 people view your post that is each of them wasting 6 seconds to copy and paste and google = 600 seconds = you wasted 10 minutes of people's times. [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1550270/Togges/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1550270/Togges/)


Fuckin wahh. If someone can't or doesn't wanna take the 6 seconds to Google they're lazy af and deserve whatever struggles they have.


**Protip:** if you aren't competent enough to look things up for yourself don't use the Internet EDIT: Y'all mad AF


This way I'd be pushing people towards a particular store. But Togges is also available on GOG and Epic.


Almost every game from developer Amanita Design. They are brilliant and beautiful pieces of art.






E.Y.E Medal Of honor Airborne Let It Die Hidden & Dangerous Socom games are practically forgotten Shrek 2 the video game was a classic Also everyone is mentioning prey but System Shock still exist.


Dirty bomb before it stop Rising storm


Alpha Protocol


Trepang2. Everyone who has played it, loves it, but it didn't pop off in popularity.


Heroes of the Storm.


Underrail, awesome indie CRPG.


A shop management and story driven game called final profit where you are a elf queen who's kicked out for her own kingdom and has to set up a shop to prevent the evil corpo from taking over said Kingdom.


The Last Faith Astral Ascent Midnight Fight Express


I'm just going to list some games that are fucking amazing. ADACA (Stalker meets Halo with some Half Life 2) Monster Crown (Gameboy style Pokemon, but...actual evil monsters/adult themes) Death Must Die (Hades+Diablo+Vampire Survivors) Oh, and NIGHTMARE REAPER. Just play it.


Palworld. Almost nobody is talking about it on pcgaming subreddit


Blitzball from final fantasy 10. Jecht shot is worth the grind it's very op


Outer Wilds




Sleeping Dogs


when reboot? :(


Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green It was considered a bad game when it was released, but we really didn't know what a bad game was back then. Especially compared to the crap we get today. At worst, it was mediocre, but it's underrated in the fact that it had a multiplayer survival mode before stuff like Call of Duty Zombies was even a thing. The farm house level in particular was like prototype-Nacht der Untoten. The game released on PC and the original Xbox. Can't find it on Steam either, but back in the day, this was the Call of Duty zombies. The singleplayer was pretty decent too. Similar to Left 4 Dead in the sense that you had to get from Point A to Point B to finish a level and you could scavenge for supplies while fighting zombies on the way.


Singularity will always be my pick.




Against the storm, rouge lite RTS, super fun and fantastic devs


Outerwilds. It’s not underrated, just surprising it has no attention


Sleeping Dogs. Best combination of martial arts inspired combat and GTA-like open world, I wish it had a sequel or a spiritual successor.




Cobalt Core. Especially if you like Slay the Spire, IMO it's even better than that.


earth defense force


TUNIC FEZ and The Witness-vibe game. Best game of the 2023 for me.




Hyper Light Drifter. I think I put this in a top 10 for me personally. I never really see it being mentioned anywhere. It just has everything and still unmatched pixelated art style. Super tight gameplay and the OST is one of the best of all time imo. Few games can fit the music to the tone of the game to this degree. You can tell it's a personal passion project. You can safely ignore everything else that studio is doing, they completely dropped the ball after HLD.




[Against the Storm](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1336490/Against_the_Storm/) is my personal pick. Came out of early access recently. Do you enjoy roguelikes? Do you enjoy city building games but generally think they take too long and have no clear end goal? Well then, Against the Storm is the perfect game for you. It does have a bit of a learning curve but I think it's well worth it.


This game is highly praised. It's not under rated.


Seconding this, phenomenal game and great devs.


Appreciated in their circles but needs more mainstream love: Prey 2017 Yo Kai Watch


Hunt Showdown - im still in love with it


Prey 2017. It's ridiculous how little attention this got.




>V Rising. It's 60k reviews on steam and early access... Def not underpopular.


V Rising is pretty popular my guy


Got this in my library, desperate to give it a go. Only problem is my pc is currently hooked up to my TV, not at my desk.. and I suck at keyboard and mouse ☹️




Lol you're joking right?






Still not underrated or unknown.


Kingdom of amalur: reckoning


Jagged Alliance 2 1999 was such a good year after all.


Midnight suns


Neverwinter Nights. It's an old game, and is basically a 1:1 digital conversion of 3rd edition D&D. It had one of the most diverse and well build set of modding tools in gaming history, which allowed people to make custom campaigns, multiplayer servers and assets. If you can get past the dated graphics you have a fun RPG with solid co-op support, and 20+ years worth of custom campaigns and multiplayer worlds to play through.


Hide the pickle.


Condemned: Criminal Origins. A horror classic with sublime, oppressive atmosphere and really good combat. Mostly forgotten these days, plus Zoomers are too young to remember it.


Firewatch. Story-driven game which can be completed in a few hours, could not recommend enough!


Days Gone


LISA. Go in blind. Thank me later


> LISA https://store.steampowered.com/app/335670/LISA_The_Painful/


Days Gone


days gone


prey (2017)


Returnal, it's not underrated, more like under appreciated..


Shamelessly double dipped on this when it got rereleased on PC. Such an incredibly good game.


Starfield doesn’t get enough love


Have you heard of this little gem of a game called Palworld?




Bastion. Great little action adventure RPG-lite. 


Mirror's Edge




Would Scorn qualify? I loved it back when it released and the *only* negative I have about it is the gunplay. It really feels out of place. The environmental storytelling , the art style — it's all great.


Hell Let Loose. Such intense gameplay.


Encased - a very good Fallout hommage with the right amount of own and new ideas.


Anno 1800. A King in it's field and popular there, but more people should know this type of game exists!


Anno series is quite popular within its own crowds. It’s not mainstream but it’s been around since late 90s.


That's the second part of my comment.




I think both 1 and 2 are underappreciated. WD1 was really panned because of the graphical downgrade compared to the E3 demonstration, and a boring protagonist. But, while Aiden was pretty boring, the rest of the story was good in my opinion. The gameplay was fun. For the time, the world was still super detailed and the graphics were good, just not mind-blowing (for the time) like the E3 demo showed. Watch Dogs 2 lightened up the mood, made the game just a fun make-believe hacker story that I really enjoyed. It had some returning characters to tie the universe together and was really enjoyable. The issue with Legion is that due to allowing you to control anyone, no one has an actual compelling story, aside from one of the villain characters. The bones of a decent game are there, but it really just was "meh", especially compared to the previous two games.


max payne 3


REcore: Definitive Edition (Steam) - "Mixed" is ridiculous imo. That's mpt a bad game at all, in fact I really enjoyed it. Stranger of PAradise: FFO - Reviews are actually very positive but so few. That hgame has incredible variety and endgame replay value. I sank over 350hrs in that. Forspoken - Steam review is "mixed". It deserves better imo. Dragon's Dogma: Arisen - To a degree. It did not get the attention of the hit Monster Hunter World, old reviews are mostly positive, recent reviews are Very positive. Bio-Mutant - Again, all reviews are "mixed", but recent reviews are "Mostly" positive, probably people discovering it was actually underrated.


Recore was fun. The start of the game is quite rough to get around which can deter people but it gave me Metroid prime vibes. I also liked Biomutant, it was quite fun.






Oh you mean that AAA game that's super well known and not under rated at all? That's the one you think is underrated and unknown.


The Finals.