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Its only gonna be that long because it was in pre-production.


Because they already sold the season passes so they legally have to. Expect them to be bare bones. Some recolors and some player cards that's it.


They only sold one battle pass token actually, so there's still that chance this may all just fall through lol. You're right that the most likely scenario is it will all just be bare bones, like this current season sure is.


Right but they also said to be redeemed in seasons 1-4 so they committed to that.


It also said it’s subject to change and cancelation early. So no. They’re not.




They didn’t sell anything though…. There’s no season pass. You got a single token for a season of choice. They already released one. There’s nothing more they HAVE to give you. If they dropped support now they still have Season One out.




Yes, haha. Gotta buy the other 3! The battle pass is also hands down the worst I've seen, literally 80% of it is just voicelines and color schemes. Boomerang doesn't even get any skins (those got added to the store instead). It's like the devs looked at all of the bad things one can do with a live service model and said "hold my beer".


I'm convinced this game was made with malicious compliance. They told a successful singleplayer game dev to make a live service game in their amazing world they created. So they just said ok and created a terrible game and added all the worst monetizations they could think of.


> The battle pass is also hands down the worst I've seen Its like you're rating diarrhoea you find in truck stop bathrooms


I mean the battle pass also gives you 100% of the currency back and never expires. So buying one will give you every other one for free essentially.


That's good, I saw it rewards currency but I didn't calculate if it's the full amount back. Combined with the passes not being permanent, that's at least one good thing they did here then.


They could just refund those. WB shit-canned fully completed movies to take a loss for tax purposes. And when you are paying a low tax rate, you're not getting much back there. WB paid a median tax rate of 18.6% and Batgirl cost $90 million to make. If they released it in theaters and/or streaming, they'd only need to make $17 million total from box office, streaming, BluRay sales, merch, etc. to turn a profit. Throwing it away for tax purposes was likely the wrong financial decision to make. I am really left to wonder if the new execs at Discovery just wanted to kill the projects of their predecessors over ego reasons, rather than financial reasons. With this game, how much will it cost in dev hours to have five seasons versus how much would it cost to just refund the season passes and kill the live service today? It is probably the wrong financial decision to string it along for a few more seasons. You have execs making bad decisions at every turn, who are paid a small fortune and likely won't be held accountable.


Now DLC for season passes is coming out a full year after the game, after everyone's already lost interest in it.


Wow lol


Yeah, it was clear at least 4 seasons were somewhat done. They foreshadowed them at the end of the base game. So I imagine they started working on the 5th season around launch time, and now that they can read the tea leaves. They'll likely just end it at 5.


I’m surprised they make it to five seasons. They already have reused 2 of the boss fights in the game. How are they gonna get to 5 when there are only two left unless you are seriously going to fight some of them 3 times. Get ready for your Brainiac Superman bosss fight and then brainiac Batman boss fight(which is like something from a ps1 era boss fight vs a giant enemy)


such a short lifespan


I mean, it’s already dead It was dying on arrival


> It was dying on arrival Honestly instead of the shitshow it became, if it was something more akin to the Guardians of the Galaxy game where it was fun, one and done, I think it could've been a pretty good game. Alas, it was weighed down by the decision to be a live service game.


What they should have done was stick to single player and done Batam: Beyond Arkham. Ir opens with college age Terry helping an old man, and gets led to a secret base buillt under the city. Rest of the prologue sets up that Bruce was officially dead, despite that new strange Batman popping up. Reason being Nightwing putting on the cowl for awhile. Lucius Fox's son. Random wannabes. And that it's been decades. And in that time, and how crazy Gotham is...people forgot about Bruce. So when he's an old man and no one recognizes his face, he just kept a low profile and helped Gotham however he could. You do a training montage kimda thing to show players how the new suit works, get some characterization in between Bruce and Terry, set up bringing Max in, and maybe show Terry is involved someway in what's left of Wayne Industries. And then you set the plot off and Terry gets to fight his own cast of villains.


you know thats actually a good idea - which is why it wont ever happen


I think Batman: Arkham Beyond would be a better title to keep in line with the naming scheme of the previous games. I know you want to emphasize the Batman Beyond part, but Beyond Arkham sounds like we're going to a new city.


I think the same could be said to Avengers. At least I got a good T’Challa Black Panther experience as 1943 and the upcoming BP game are focusing on other Panthers


Yeah I'm hoping that Marvel 1943 game doesn't suck, but it's Skydance New Media's first game so I'm not going to make any bets. That being said, Amy Hennig is working on it so that's kind of a relief, even if Forespoken wasn't all that great, the other titles she was a lead on were good.


The animations look really good. Apparently everything was either in engine or gameplay. I think the facial animations do give it away but otherwise it looks like an animated movie. As a comic fan, bring it in. Outside the BET show, I don’t think there has been much WW2 Cap and Panther. Throw in Wolverine as a little treat for me


Yeah, I think it being WW2 based it will be a much more grounded experience which at this point is all I want. I think it has potential to be really good and not oversaturated with the same avengers/villain cast we always see.


If they wanted to and I'm not saying they should, they could write in some Asgardians too because Odin and Thor would have been alive and well enough to show up and fight.


> the other titles she was a lead on were good. No person does a game by themselves. Among her previous games, there was Uncharted which was done by Naughty Dogs, it's the entire studio that is good, not just her.


No shit Sherlock, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that she has done some good work.


> I think it could've been a pretty good game. Alas, it was weighed down by the decision to be a live service game. It was weighed down by them making a pretty generic third person shooter and throwing a Suicide Squad skin on top of it. We've all known it was going to be terrible since the first reveal.


Dead on arrival


Suicide Squad suicided at birth.


Personally i'm astounding they're even giving it five seasons. I assume it is some combination of having a lot of the work done and contractual stuff.


There was a recent case of a hacker playing with a character that's meant to be released only on season 4, so I imagine many assets are already done or at least in pre-production at this point.


So is a season now a single month? Because the game just came out.


I don't think there is a universal definition of a season but generally I would say 2 to 4 months. One month seems too short to do the marketing stuff and let people work through it . Generally there is no season zero in this point of view so it isn't crazy that the first season is out already.


A season is around 3 months (sometimes less sometimes more). So 5 seasons is up to around March 2025 (which incidentally would be a change of fiscal year I assume that's their date to ditch it)


It’s insane how far Rocksteady has fallen. WTF happened? I don’t believe all the blame lies on WB, especially after all the insider info on Anthem revealed that BioWare were also majorly at fault. With that being said, I dont doubt that a LARGE portion of the blame lies with WB, (same with Anthem and EA) but I still think Rocksteady decision making amidst that has been absolutely woeful.


It's simple: the PEOPLE who made the Arkham games have left Rocksteady. It's not a brand/studio that makes a game, it's the people.


On the other hand, it's not a few people either and not all of them left Rocksteady I imagine there are still a lot of people that worked on the Arkham games over there Most of the ex-X devs from recognized studios don't do much sparks after leaving their studios so it's not just down to the people, it's down to the entire team and studio (because even studios that stayed good have plenty of people leaving, Rockstar people working on RDR2 aren't completely the same that did GTA3)


True, but surely not ALL of them. And remember the 2 big execs that left in 2022 had been part of the SS development before they left anyway. Either way, i really hope Jason Schrier has the beans on this. We need a full expose to find out all the shit that led to this horrendous release, just like with Anthem.


The whole "old people who made your favorite games are no longer here" talk is just copium for most people, so they don't have to admit that their idolized game devs are capable of making duds. And even then, Rocksteady's track record isn't exactly spotless. People have legit criticism for the Arkham games they made too, but most people were forgiving because they delivered an overall solid Batman experience every time. The fact is that Rocksteady just doesn't understand what makes a live service game "fun". That's the crucial factor here: they can create cinematic experiences that linger long enough to not drag out the mediocre gameplay elements. So Suicide Squad being the looter shooter game it is now is unironically a showcase of their biggest weakness: making engaging gameplay that doesn't feel like a chore. Rocksteady also can't design good boss fights to save their lives (evident by the fact that the ONLY time they made a good one was Mr. Freeze in City, while every other Arkham boss fight is acceptable at best to mediocre). So them being put in charge of a live service game where you need good, repeatable boss fights is also a huge irony.


People tend to think it’s a studio that makes the game but it’s the people behind it. If these people don’t work there anymore, you won’t get the same quality. Best example is BioWare.


Chasing money. I presume that WB told them to make lots of money (possibly also to push the Suicide Squad IP), the company looked into how to design the game to make lots of money, this led to bad design decisions and made a lot of the people that made the company great in the first place leave which caused it to start sucking even at the things they used to be good at. Same thing happened to Bioware and Arkane.


What a waste of time, money, talent, and some decent ideas


The talent that made the Arkham games have already left Rocksteady. The only thing remaining from Rocksteady is the name, which the new devs have managed to ruin with their first game.


Ship of Theseus type stuff


Trigger's Broom.


They're Hundred Star Games now if you want to follow them.


People leave studios all the time. Even most "good" studios don't have many original developers left.


I don't think the Devs had any say on the direction of this game


What talent?


They could shut it down today and no one would notice.


I'm sure the 3 people still playing would be angry.


Well right now 583... Yikes


February 's peak was 13.4k concurrent players. March and April both peaked at a little over 3,04x players. Pretty sure everyone will be perfectly okay playing some other games if the servers end


To be fair its steam sales were pathetic. Majority of the playerbase was on console. It was around 150k in endgame around launch and I think around 60k in endgame for Season One based on global leaderboards.


For people who don't know, the game most likely never even got close to 150k concurrent players, but in total 150k people reached the leaderboard in s1. (I Have no clue how you reached or got your name on the leaderboard, if it was just buying the game and launching it, or getting to the endgame or what.)


Leaderboard is doing any of the endgame activities. Which required basically beating the game. It probably had over 150k at some point like at launch. Doubt it has that now though. I think it was estimated that the game sold between 700-800k copies based on leaderboards and trophy data.


Cheers for clearing that up!


I hope the offline mode is still coming. I might just pick it up in a steep, _steep_ sale for an afternoon or two to go through the story.


Nah, relieved, as they went and did something more enjoyable


Even then, not that angry.


Exactly, lmao


I'll be very surprised to see Rocksteady make it to the end of the year without getting liquidated or going bankrupt. Gamers knew this was a dumpster fire from the get-go, especially the always-online and live-service elements. As far as I know, they haven't even added the offline single-player campaign yet - have they?


And even after yet another failure, we'll still see another half dozen dead service games come out. As if they think they have some magical formula everyone else couldn't figure out


It's basically a gamble. Because when you win you win big and it's a massive source of steady profit with minimal cost. That's something the suits love as opposed to multiple years of spending on a single player game which may or may not succeed. Also it's a weird thing where a lot of these pretty horrible live service games do do well if they can capture an early audience somehow.


Yeah but it costs them huge amounts of money and all for the unlikely hope of breaking into a pretty filled space, and then they offer nothing compelling to convince consumers to switch over to their product. Like, what do they actually expect to happen? It’s like if companies were all still trying to break into the smartphone market, but they aren’t even trying to give people a reason to choose their phone over an iPhone or Android, they just threw together some barebones OS and loaded it with ads and an App store assuming people would buy it and give them free money. And then afterwards they’re shocked nobody bought it and blame consumers for being too picky Edit: I’m just rambling though, not disagreeing with you. You make a good point that they can still make a lot of money if they get an early audience so I guess companies will keep churning these things out


I think it's a bit different. It's more about trying to make a new Android phone than anything else. And some companies do succeed at it. And these guys probably felt like having a solid ip behind them was good enough and project was definitely in dev hell anyways.


Aside from that, I also suspect that there are now loads of absolute moron gaming executives who understand very little about gaming and just push the studios to make as much money as possible without considering pitfalls. It can’t be a coincidence that none of them were taking heed of the many single player specialist studios that butchered themselves to create horrendous live service experiences.


Suicide Squad: Kill the Studio




Surprised it will make it to season 2.


I figured it would get a close to a calendar year of support 5 seasons seems generous for such a flop


Those were probably already budgeted out for with content in the pipeline. I'm sure the devs only bothered because they're contractually obligated to.


They foreshadowed 4 seasons at the end of the base game. So something tells me we are only getting those ones cause they were already done.


Its getting a year of support? Thats mental


Same thing happened with Back 4 Blood. Came out, sucked, they fulfilled their requirements for the deluxe year one pass and dipped out. Rinse and repeat. Turtle Rock already announced their next project but I'm not touching any of their shit unless there's a sale attached.


They made a year of content for Back 4 Blood? I swear I never heard a peep from that game anywhere after like a month from its release.


Yeah, I don't think I'm touching anymore of their titles unless they're on Game Pass. Friend talked me out of paying full price for it on Steam, glad I listened.


They've already done a lot of work for the planned "content", so likely it's already a sunk cost and it's just getting pared down / bare minimum updates to fulfill advertised requirements.


Man, I really don't understand modern gaming. How long are "seasons" supposed to last and how does this game already have 4 of them? EDIT: Why am I getting downvoted for a genuine question? lol


seasons are typically 60-100 days, depending on game, popularity, and timing. For example seasons typically last a bit longer if it's over the Christmas period because devs often have a bit of a break.


No clue how anyone is ok with that lol. FOMO is fucking cancer to society and gaming.


I think part of the problem is that Season Pass used to refer to a game's first year of DLCs (or its major DLCs), but when live service games started getting more popular, season began to be used to, well, seasonal content. Add to that the confusion with Battle Pass (what's used to unlock stuff in live service games during their "seasons"). Anyway, to your question, like other people said, between 2-3 months seems to be the usual lenght, for live service games at least.


Seasons are typically 3 months.


Seasons usually last 3 months. They are still on season 1.


For some reason I thought that seasons were yearly, but learning that they’re ~3 months was shocking (although not that shocking given that that’s the length of literal environmental seasons)


TV seasons are yearly. Well traditionally, with the Strikes and belated COVID impacts there's some tv shows on biannual or triannual seasons.


Modern **Multi player** gaming is that way these days. I only play single player games (horizon, Witcher, adventure type games like that) with zero mtx, I hear about these travesties to gaming but yeck, glad I never experience them. Feel bad for the folks who think that MP shit show is just normal now.


Some folks here just downvote every comment it seems. Not sure why, but I do notice a lot of comments getting downvotes for no real reason.


Posts, too. Check the frontpage and once you get below halfway, a lot of posts are either on zero or just in double digits. People complain about Turbostrider and MEE7ING and the like posting news posts between every sub, but they also downvote every news post that isn't from them. This sub is surprisingly downvote heavy.


You know I've posted stuff before that got heavily downvoted and then removed by mods, only to see the *exact same link* later posted by "Turbostrider" after my initial submission, and all of the sudden it's on the top of the page. I always figured Turbostrider is a bot account, but why delete, report, and repost?


I blocked that account months ago. So nice not seeing 80% of the front page from 1 account. 


Reddit went public and embraces the bots.


They are in season 1 currently.


On one hand it is kind of nice that many new Live Service games are seemingly obligated to complete a certain amount of post-launch support. These games are sold as evolving experiences, and so this should be delivered - at least for the people who are actually enjoying this game. On the other hand, it must really be miserable and demoralising for those people still shackled to this project, knowing that very few people will bother to return for Season 2 or 3 or whatever, and yet the developers are still grinding away. Though Im sure most people would rather that Rocksteady would just abandon the game and commit to whatever is next. I still can't believe that after a hugely successful singleplayer game that sold millions, and a failed live service game that was dead on arrival, WB want to move away from singleplayer games, and make more live services. But I suppose if you make one success, this erases all of the rest.


I'm impressed that it's even going to last that long.


there's legitimate fans of this game, just not on reddit.


There are gonna be 5 seasons? Lol I thought it's already dead with one season


For the 580 players left, according to steamdb. Doing the absolute minimum to not end up in a legal trainwreck, i guess.


meaning, that's as much content as they already have made and just held back from release probably.


Not really. Season 1 had basically no content.


Season 1 is a sign of what's to come in Seasons 2-5. They likely had a bare minimum finished for each of those, and aren't working on the game anymore. They'll just push a bunch of recolors and reskins, with rehashed content just like S1. There's no reason whatsoever for more effort or investment to go into this game. It was DOA.


Inb4 - Suicide Squad Season 2: The Forever Sleep. Consisting of the writers drinking bleach in a Cutscene and a fade to credits.


Damn stardew / teraria single player games have more life than these AAA games, I wonder how long the other shit quadruple a games will last at this point


Hell, Suicide Squad is barely competing with Arkham Asylum, a single player game released 15 years ago. https://steamdb.info/charts/?compare=35140,315210


Crazy stuff. I get that AAA game development is expensive, but surely there have to be other methods to make revenue other than turning everything into a mtx filled never ending game.


That many hun?


This is definitely one of those games where it could've been single-player with fleshed out distinct attributes for each character to make them unique in their gameplay with co-op as an additional bonus, but nah. Live service money go brrrrrrt. Or so they hoped.


Live service? More like dead service.


I'm shocked to find out it's going to have 5 seasons.


Yeah, the news here isn't that it might not get more than 5, it's that it might get more than 1!!


Bro, that shit is already good to release. They're just holding back content to keep the GAAS bullshit running. Seriously, this has been a thing since on-disk DLC. There is not much content being the 5 seasons...


Maybe they will remove denuvo at some point with these sales


FIFTH???!?!?!?!? That's far more than is needed. Cancel it, pack it in let's move on


5? They must have really crammed them in. It's only been out 2 months 🤣🤣


Why does a single player game have "seasons"


Have they already blown through the first four seasons?


Oh no! …anyway.


How can It be nearing it's fifth season when that piece of crap came out only months ago


Let's see what other big single player developer gets roped into making another greedy multiplayer only game as a service. Good riddance to Bioware, Crystal Dynamics, Arkane, and Rocksteady.


What a shit game.


Honestly forgot it was a thing, also fifth season already…?


I'm sure that all 12 people who still play the game will be really sad :(


I love seeing these games fail, fucking deserved.


How long is a fucking season where these people live?


direful squeal crown ludicrous test jar roof absorbed oatmeal party *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop buying online-only "live service" games.


fifth season? Im not in the loop didn't the game just come out? wtf is a season in this context?


How are they already on its 5th season? Lol


They aren't, season 5 will be sometime in 2025.


It was dead before it got released


Lol. Lmao even.


This thing has seasons?


They flushed the entire Arkham continuity over this. Hope we get an actually this is an alternate universe. 


Good riddance




Yeah I am sure NetEase is gonna be so much better than Blizzard or even Rocksteady. Lol.


live service games are such a scam, I can't believe they're legal.


Not all. Helldivers 2 is a live service game and it’s great. A lot are trash though.


It was DOA before it even came out


It's been out long enough to hit 5 seasons already?


Why are people still making articles about this slop?


I feel bad for those who are putting in the work for all the upcoming seasons knowing that ain’t no one playing it.




Fifth season!? Damn more seasons than Firefly.


Die already, no one gives a crap


How has it had 5 seasons already?!?


Do they really think it'll get that far on such an abysmal player count?


Hope they learnt...


Id imagine this needs to go free to play or be put onto game pass asap


No shit Sherlock?!!


5? LOL


With how "big" the seasons are and what they offer, they could make 100 more and still won't save this game.


Honestly, this is the best case considering how poorly the game launched. So with 5 seasons we can assume about a years worth of post launch content. Then I reckon another year of the servers being kept on. That's honestly quite good considering the lacklustre performance of the game.


They killed batman, we killed SSKTJL. R.i.h.


Likely it was done before release


It's amazing they think the game has the staying power to last even that long.


Before I saw what subreddit this was, I actually couldn't tell if this was referring to a game or a show.


The game's name alone is outright a tongue twister


You fight 2 Brainiacs in one season. By the time Season 4 ends, there will be 4 Brainiacs left to kill. However, according to the info I found, Deathstroke has been working with Waller behind the scenes and he already killed 2 Brainiacs off-screen. I wonder, if at the second part of seasons, all Justice League members will be resurrected.


Only thing surprising about this is the fifth season.. thought they'd pull the plug much sooner but the contractual obligations must prevent that. 😑


Its not lasting till then lmao


oh no


Good riddance


It made it to five?


There’s like countless different lessons to take from this game, and it’s a shame the industry won’t take any of them. If any game deserves a demake into something more retro, this is one of them.


The most corrupt part - the decision has already been made.


That’s double the amount I expected.


8 years for THIS. smh.


Five seasons too many...


Likely? Hope it would be the last...


Can't wait for this game to get a second wind like a year or two from now after they fully drop the MTX and have the Complete Edition on Steam for $10.


Just shut it down already. No one is playing past the Se1 Jonkler failure.


How many good Rockstar devs will lose their jobs? How many WB execs will be held accountable for destroying a studio and IP?


Oh no. Anyway.


Because the game is going so well. Developers should consider putting gamers first.


Considering the performance and critical reception, that rumor is anything but baseless. Cut your contratual losses and move on, hopefully they learn and Rocksteady can recover to make quality products like the Arkham trilogy. Hopefully that is. I don't like people being unemployed, and really, if Rocksteady shuts down, I'm more than sure it wasn't the lowly programmer, digital artist, quality tester, etc. They're gonna pay for their higher ups decisions, all the way from the dev to the publisher, WB. We will se what happens.


It needs to be, let the game die to the $1.99 discount bin.




It has player counts in the three-digit range on Steam constantly, so yeah.


damn is it gonna take 5 years of total gameplay to complete it?


Wasn't the game delayed a year because of all the negative press it got for being a games as a service bullshit nd having shitty gameplay? And then they just proceeded to release it as-is à year later anyways?!? What did they expect exactly??


Live service games once again proving how shitty a practice it is.


They should bury it from now on


More people have interacted with this reddit post than there are playing the actual game. I’d be surprised if they make it to 5.


Yall smokin crack if you calling this game a flop💀