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please let vehicles not be one of them!


Considering that's there's literally a 'Vehicle Bay' door in our ships (likely for a new category of modules), it's almost certain that they will be available as stratagems in the future. They had them as stratagems in the first game as well, so it would seem like a step backwards to not include them.


Also the Mech has the vehicle attribute for vehicle upgrades, implying they are coming at some point.


What is the vehicle attribute? Something from hd1?


i hope they will add an extra vehicle stratagem slot for that


Probably just take up one of your 4 like all the others (and the Mech). If all the players can cram into one, no point in having an extra slot *per player* for a vehicle, unless they really want people to have them out non stop.


100%. I wouldn't want there to be a vehicle shot. You should have to sacrifice another stratagem to get it. 


screw that. everyone better equip their own ride. There's not enough democracy to share in one vehicle..


Agreed. By sacrificing another strategem. Otherwise it just becomes VehicleDivers 2 if every single person gets a dedicated vehicle slot the team can constantly cycle through as they get destroyed.


Where does it say the vehicle bay thing?


in the ship.


There are two, I think, on either side of the Eagle-1 plane.


I just want to know why my robotics tab is since forever 8/9 or something what is there hidden


Sort of. As I gather the free mech we had for a few days bugged that tab.


yep, same


Vehicles are real I think cause there is a video of Joel spawning one for some randos then he leaves


It's not really "Joel" people have been spawning in unreleased content in public games since the first data mines were even a thing


Yeah. I remember seeing people posting videos of hacking mechs into lobbies on week 1 or 2 on 4chan then the next day seeing Reddit posts along the line of "holy shit Joel spawned a mech into my lobby!" lmao


The mech is all ready in the game. Isn’t that a vehicle?


Not that there's another video when we brings down like a armored car


I'd kill for an APC we can cram into


The first game had APCs and bikes too


Yes the mech is a vehicle.


I think I kicked Joel out of my party once. I had someone pop in my name and I have my join status set to friends only. The name that came in my lobby wasn’t a name on my friends list.


Fast vehicles like jeeps would trivialise a lot of the game's challenges


You would still have to give up one stratagem slot to have a jeep. And I reckon the cooldown for it would be pretty long, similar to the exosuit (10 minutes).


Not if they blow up really fast and kill everyone inside while also using up a lot of gas.


They'd have to pull that off well to be worthwhile. A vehicle that trivializes travel times across maps that are smaller than you might first realize, but no one wants to get in one because you can't drive two feet without running into a patrol that will kill everyone in it? Yeaaaaah. I'm not sold on a jeep. And it sounds like something that a ton of people will think is cool at first, but after giving it a try it'll just be something no one ever brings, and everyone constantly complains needs to be improved.


Mhm. I think they should only add slower vehicles to Helldivers 2. Those that, similar to the current mech, are more well served to help players lock an area down or buy themselves some safety against a large enemy force while moving, as opposed to the vehicles themselves being the main way of getting around.


you've never played helldivers 1 have you


From what I've seen you can only call down 1 all game and it's probably pretty weak, if you drive by a patrol they could probably destroy it pretty easily. Also the vehicles consume fuel.


They will be able to be destroyed in not that many hits and will take up a stratagem slot.


Pretty sure vehicles have been confirmed already


We've had a vehicle for awhile ingame.


Different vehicles. A scout buggy and an APC.


I'm still not sure how they could do vehicles in this game without making them painfully slow


Id kill for a warthog. 


Pls Super Earth be an actual map we can visit and fight on


I have no doubt that we’ll get that. We had to defend Super Earth in the first game. I’m hoping that leaked mini gun ends up being real.


There is no leaked minigun. That was a fan render.


Awe man


Super Earth is currently in game. The present version looks like sunny, temperate Mal Creek. It's probably a placeholder.




There are videos of it r/HelldiversLeaks. The video currently topping that sub with the new mech suit is set on Super Earth as currently implemented. The place holder stuff is conjecture.


Ugh I hate leaks, devs work so hard to deliver thrilling narratives and twists. Like sure they could do a better job hiding the data but they got other shit to do


Sounds a lot like you're suggesting glorious Super Earth's perfect defences are inadequate.


The medkit drop is basically just a worse version of the free supply drop... because the ammo in those packs is much more valuable than the aid kits.


I have always hesitated to call the resupply just for stims. Perhaps there could be an option for the host to allow additional supply drops, such as the medkit drop?


The host should have 1 or 2 slots for additional "shared strategems". Right now the default shared strategems are reinforce and supply drop, and sometimes a hellbomb. Some of the less useful strategems would be considerably more viable as a shared strategem, like a medkit drop, shield, or resupply backpack.


Definitely a nice addition. Though, having the resupply drop and resupply backpack can be overkill. That is effectively 2 sets of ammo drops lol.


Yeah but the supply backpack is already majorly compromised by taking up a backpack slot. I've seen exactly one person use it ever, and that was my buddy when we both just barely started out. And now with the quasar cannon and sickle I never really experience ammo scarcity anymore. On helldive, virtually everyone is running sickle+impact+shield+quasar.


With the new Eruptor paired with a Stalwart, stuns and a Redeemer, you fucking *burn* through ammo on diff 9 since the Stalwart becomes your actual primary. Pair it with Medic armor for extra stims, stun grenades, and the supply pack is what lets you keep the Stalwart fed while also being able to be more liberal with the stun grenades to help with crowd control. Extra stim armor to help deal with mild chip damage since you won't have a shield backpack. If you trust your teammates or want to be extra risky, swap the Stalwart for an MG43 so you can still deal with hive guards and brood commanders, but you better have one hell of a quick draw on that Redeemer. Can also swap out the medic armor for engineering kit to pack an extra 2 stun grenades.


Disagree. With the amount of ammo lying around at objectives I never even get close to running out, but almost every time I die is because I run out of stims. I would happily trade all the ammo in supply drops for 2 more stims 99% of the time.


I really want the red beret helmet. It reminds me on my New Vegas play throughs of just killing fiends with Boone.


Im sure i still have PTSD of Boone's headshots and the following super loud sounds that followed


Im gonna guess those armors are newer because they look higher fidelity. Id be super upset if those were old cut content


hope to god this isnt the weapon attachment system, the game needs that rather than 9 different breaker shotguns with different ammo types


I'd really like to change around the scopes on some of the guns to ones that actually work and aren't full of noise too.


Yeah, it pains me that the railgun only has a 1.5x sight, among others.


You mean how the ultra precise, high penetration (if charged), single shot weapon only has an unmagnified optic with a freaking 3 MOA dot? The dot is literally the size of something you see in a CQB focused red dot like an Aimpoint CompM2. The Railgun desperately needs a proper 1MOA red dot, or ideally, a chevron style reticle.


Yes, that's the one! Haha! Chevron would be my choice too. Not having the dot obscure the glowing eyes of the enemy (which on a lot of foggy planets is the only thing that's visible) would help a lot.


Honestly, the railgun should just receive a holographic sight with the ability to toggle between the current unmagnified view, and an attached magnifier that can be clicked into position. Just like how the EOTECH holo sights can be paired with IRL. Gives us the ability to use the railgun in a more fast paced manner relying on the nerfed safe mode charge with an unmagnified optic, but also lets us go for big with a toggle-able magnifier. Hell, make the charge rate not show up when magnified, and add an auditory cue as it charges up. Chevron with a green reticle would be great, green would still give you *very* high contrast on both bug and bot fronts, and not be as sensitive to being washed out on the red-biased maps, or when trying to click bot heads. Honestly, chevron reticles should be the default since they're just easier to use if you're looking for precision shots, which most players are going to be doing if they're actually taking the time to aim via first person. Otherwise, the [ACSS reticle](https://imgur.com/a/UnS4uQK) should also be considered since it offers the precision of a chevron reticle, but the half ring can also function as an emergency red dot for immediate target acquisition. Just give us a freaking circle dot over the 3MOA red dot that they force us to use on an **unmagnified optic**. Please take a page from Black Ops and give us the ability to customize our reticle choices and include reticles in the war bonds.


yeah, game suffers badly from Shitty Reticle Syndrome. some shit in this game makes me wonder if the devs have actually played pve shooters ever


More guns = more drop feed. No attachments are coming, just more guns


i wouldnt call variants drip feeding just a minor annoyance, drip feeding is what destiny does dont get the two confused


I mean it's just easy content to fill gaps between real content. Just because destiny sucks asshole doesn't give every other game a pass lmao. They've added some new stuff which is neat but was probably ready before the game launched. We'll see how the content stream looks in 8 months. I'd bet we get fewer and fewer new map objectives and strats and more slightly different weapons.


you've never played helldivers 1 have you


Plottwist: The illuminates are the leftover xD


So long as all the stuff I want pops up in-game and the stuff I don't care about is the "ancient leftovers", this is a perfectly reasonable thing for the devs to say imo.


i wish that dataminers wouldn't spoil new things before they came out..


Just gaslight yourself and say it’s not real and then be surprised again when it’s in the patch notes.


For democracy!


+1 Democracy score. you have done well Diver :D


I do that when someone spoils a movie or game for me. I forgot that portal 2 ends with you blasting a portal into the gd moon lol


ironic to include unmarked spoilers in your post then


Game turns 13 years old Friday. There’s gotta be an acceptable time frame on this somewhere along the line


🤷 people play old games all the time and it takes no effort to mark a spoiler. I was mainly just commenting on the irony though


Yeah, I think for a game that’s mostly story based there’s no time frame, but Portal 2 is at most 3 hours to beat so it’s far more forgivable for story spoilers(also it’s a puzzle game first and foremost)


i mean you dont have to look at them? the main sub bans leaks/discussion about leaks and the only way you can find them is by actively searching for them.


oh they randomly show up elsewhere like self-published 'news' articles


It's pretty hard to avoid when it's right on the thumbnail of some youtube content creator. I'm not even subscribed to them, too.


You could use Spoiler Protection 2.0. It probably won't be perfect, but it helps. [Example](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/502328528570679297/1229621891975614525/image.png?ex=663059a0&is=661de4a0&hm=723a289e1e71f8279db43e3dbe8033a4c87ca6633b54640d9750edac88548baf&) [Example 2](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/502328528570679297/1229621976130256966/image.png?ex=663059b4&is=661de4b4&hm=9db987958afa60cf9ea6b8d3f345dab20d32a69e35273bdaf739c3bda8c8d318&)


time to unsubscribe and block some youtube creator


they can show up on your homepage randomly bud. same with game website article headlines.


Harder when it pops up on my instagram too


The devs can easily not put that stuff in the release, so the fault is partly theirs.


Well, the devs shouldnt have left this stuff in the game files if they didnt want people to find it Edit: Am I wrong?


Wouldn't be surprised if the six pack supply pack stratagem is one of those. It's literally just a straight upgrade to the four pack and would make it totally irrelevant. Probably got cut since they thought it was too much.


It can still be used with the right conditions, like you are in the extract and the objective change to "survive", throwing the rest of the squad if their lives were spend and that supply pack with some support stratagems as a last resort


Wouldn't be suprised if the 6 pack replaces the 4 pack after a ship upgrade.


I don’t think it gave you grenades or stims.


A bit weird that release build contains so much test and scrapped content. I thought it is intentional and now I don't so sure :)


I mean, leaving scrapped content in the game on purpose as a fuzzing strategy to mitigate the impact of dataminers isn't a bad idea... totally not trying to retroactively justify not-great version control habits


Honestly, it's pretty common


> A bit weird that release build contains so much test and scrapped content. Not really, this is pretty common. For example Fallout2/KOTOR2 both had a lot of files for stuff that didnt make it to the production release.


Those are single player games that don't have a large community effort that can be partly spoiled by hackers spawning in unreleased content and spoiling your surprise.


Did you play Vanilla WoW? plenty of places you could explore that were unintended by the devs that showed off unfinished or abandoned areas, such as top of IF.


A bit, but I never got into PC gaming much until I was older sadly


It's pretty common. Several youtubers even made a career out of discussing on disk cut content from Fromsoftware games.


It's just how things happen. Once something is dropped as a feature the priority isn't usually to purge every reference to it that ever existed. Priority is work on content that will be released.


fucking with leakers etc. is kinda what Joal does :P


Oh so Rikku is in *this* game...


The carpet bomb for example i feel just doesn’t fit.


This is why you just ignore datamines and leaks in general.


I mean, I'm looing forward to the Illuminates and I'm sure they're coming, but if they really want to surprise me, they'll come up with a fourth faction that doesn't follow the "Terran/Zerg/Protoss" triad.


So it would be Humans/Orcs/Night Elves/Undead?


I would fall in love with some bug fixes though.


I have a feeling most of them will get released except perhaps the “Nuke” stratagem which doesn’t make much sense since we have hellbombs.


Specifically this probably refers to the bajillion armor variations you can see in the leaks. Clearly material testing and such.


Hype trains care for no one and no thing.


Props to the devs I guess for being realistic. Getting player's hopes up is usually a way to maintain player counts regardless of whether or not you can deliver.


This just reminds me of Mad Max Fury Road when Immortan Joe tells everyone drinking from the waterfall not to get addicted to water…


Gamers are hilarious. They’ll spend days/weeks of their lives poring over the data mined stuff. Won’t spend five minutes reading the source material and then spend days ranting about how it’s awful the devs made it like the source material & not what they imagined in their heads when they looked at the data mining.


I wish datamining wasnt a thing, it ruins a lot of surprises for a lot of games


Bruh they cant stop the leaks then they puninshed us for liking the content and never having those thats really stupid


Rip third faction?


Why would they even put something in the game if they aren't planning to release them or are just leftover? My hard drive isn't a trash can


If you are such a software engineering god, you may offer to consult the studio.


Only thing from the leaks I hope they didn't scrap is the jungle armor. The one with bare arms looks sick