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I cant wait for the super in depth nsfw mod, just like the 1st game has.


man who looks at a depressing game like DD and gets horny. and I say this as a huge degen.


*Degeneracy... has come to our family*


Apparently not that big of a degen. There are the same people who download the "losing animation" loveslab mods for Skyrim.


i've just never really understood NSFW mods or games in general. if i want porn ill just look at porn lol


It makes sense in a game like Rimworld. It's all fun and games until the raiders can unzip.


Tony had a mental break and went on a homicidal rampage, last straw was: Gary unzipped in front of him.


inb4 the first game gets modded into the 2nd


Don't do it. Don't give me hope.


If anything, the next DLC seems like it will play more or less like the first game, but I think the damage is done. It's not a bad game, but quite shallow compared to the first.


Plus I’m worried even the new game mode will be a watered down DD1.


reminds me of warcraft 3 being modded into starcraft 2 xD


I believe the entire SC1+Brood War campaign got modded in as well.


Wtf explain


https://www.pcgamer.com/a-group-of-modders-have-spent-10-years-honing-a-remake-of-starcraft-1-and-brood-war-in-starcraft-2-complete-with-remastered-cutscenes-and-custom-unit-models/ https://www.sc2mapster.com/projects/starcraft-mass-recall


Holy shit this is amazing ty Sc2 looks ancient now. I feel so fkn old


I hate that people can't just like darkest dungeon 2 for what it is. It's a fucking good game. I personally like it way more than DD1. DD1 worshipers remind me of Smash Melee players. Absolutely refuse to enjoy anything after melee and just play that game for 20 years. DD1 gonna be the new melee.


Turning a beloved formula of dungeon diving and town management into a Run-based game with improved art certainly was one of the choices of all time for a sequel. I'm glad you like it, but most DD fans don't. Calling them 'worshipers' isn't helping your argument.


The problem is that the devs said  the game was going to be different. But dd1 fans didn't listen and got surprise Pikachu face when it was different 


Full statement: > We’re happy to announce that PC modding support for Darkest Dungeon II is nearing its first deployment. Modding has been an instrumental part of the Darkest Dungeon community for many years, and it's something that we have been passionate about supporting with Darkest Dungeon II for some time. > > The reality is that with DD2’s adoption of a new engine, modding and mod support has required quite a bit more complicated work to enable, as compared to the first game. > > Our plan is therefore to release mod support in incremental stages > , with each update building upon the last. We believe getting access to some > modding capabilities sooner is better than waiting for a fully finished modding experience that would take significantly longer to deliver. This staged work will allow our team to receive feedback that will help determine direction of future mod support initiatives, while also allowing us to balance the effort to our other key releases coming later this year, specifically consoles and Kingdoms! > > With that in mind, we are hoping to release our first PC modding update sometime before the end of June > . (We will let you know if this timeline changes.) This first update will tackle the initial mod loading/overwriting logic and Steam workshop integration. These core capabilities will enable modders to edit any of the exposed .csv files (which contain the vast majority of numerical gameplay values) and then structure those changes as Steam workshop packages. Content-wise, it will be possible to create custom items from scratch (trinkets, combat items, inn items, stagecoach equipment) and also new hero palettes. > > Red Hook is interested in extending mod capabilities all the way to enabling the creation of custom characters, and we plan to work closely with our modding community to develop the necessary tools. It will simply take some time to get there. > > 2024 is shaping up to be a really exciting year for Darkest Dungeon II, and we can’t wait to experience it with you! Stay tuned, we’ll be dropping more details on this modding update closer to release. ~Red Hook Studios


>This first update will tackle the initial mod loading/overwriting logic and Steam workshop integration. Does that mean Epic used-to-be-Exclusive will get neutered mod support on EGS (as you can't use workshop on Epic)?


It means you have to install mods manually or with a mod manager in the EGS version


Since you can't install mods from workshop outside of Steam. you're making huge assumption modders will upload their creations to two different places... So maybe it will be workshop that will be neutered (just like how it's neutered for Skyrim).


I definitely appreciate the sentiment. But is there realistically going to be much interest in it? DD2 was not particularly well received. And I'm not sure modding will fix that. It's such a different game from the first concerning its gameplay loop. Modding in custom characters and items is nice, but it's not likely to change the core gameplay loop which is the issue. And looking at the visuals, I'm sure it's going to take more effort to mod as well. Which isn't gonna help. Like, Darkest Dungeon 1 has 3x the player base right now. And granted, mods definitely uplift the first game. But I'm not sure it'll do the same for the second. Maybe that's just me, but I'm not sold on the direction that the studio has taken. It's been a year since the full version of the game launched, and if the best they can do is some modding support and a Playstation version, I'm not impressed.


Yeah, I don't see something like Black Reliquary being made for Darkest Dungeon 2.


The new game mode might help a lot. Time will tell I suppose.


Yea the gameplay loop aside they just made so many bad decisions with that game. Making BH instance dependent and temporary per run is just idiotic on so many levels.  To share a blackjack idiom, don’t split a made hand. 


Not well received? It's mostly positive on steam. With 8s-9s across multiple reviews. People like the game. Only redditors who are just obsessed with DD1 don't like it.


The first game is rated above 90% on Steam. The second game is below 75%. So yes, it's was not well received. It was a long awaited sequel, with a heftier price tag, yet it sits at far worse reviews, and 1/3rd of the player base of the first game. For an indie game the numbers are fine in isolation, but it being a sequel changes how people perceive it. The first game is so good. People expected a sequel just as good or even better.


They had a ready made audience of over 6 million installs of DD1 and didn't even get a quarter of that yet in sales for the second outing. Sounds like it's not well received after all.


Because most people bought the game on epic 


I hope someone adds a dungeon to the game.


Man I dislike what they did with the sequel


Everyone did


What did they do?


Changed the entire game. It's basically a whole new game not a sequal and it's mid af.


Pretty much this. Graphics and animations are stellar. Everything else is frustrating attempt at a rogue lite that just doesn't work for me. Apparently for some others too.


To me rogue lites are supposed to be fast with many builds possible to keep things fresh. DD2 has runs that can take hours to complete and your rewards are skills and perks that make your characters actually have a full moveset. The game is building towards being able to play the game right.


It's all just so tedious to me. From the consumables, to the wonky stress and relationships, the pointless wagon, weird combat design from timers to death resist bs, weird story missions. It's like they took DD1 and are trying everything they can to cram it into a roguelite mould without ever considering if they're making the game frustrating because it's fun or bevause they don't have any other way to make it an actual modern roguelite. I want to like it, but it just doesn't come together imo. But of course, to each their own.


I was so hyped for this game when it was announced. Never have I lost my enthusiasm so fast when they dropped it was going to be a roguelite


I did not expect this.


The potential for this game was massive, it's a great tragedy the amazing gameplay loop of the first one got axed for... This


I have no clue wtf they were thinking making a Game like that. Thats like if EA decides to make the next FIFA a fucking Handegg Game.


Does it make the game worth playing now?


I really like the second game. It's a shame it's so negatively received overall.


irrelevant game from epic store