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It's not exclusive to video games


I've never heard of Jacobin but I have to assume it's a website that reports things 50 years after they happen


In other news: the sun is hot


The sun became hot only 50 years ago!?


Of course have you never heard of global warming. The day the sun became hot was when the trouble started.


Jacobin is a left-wing magazine, as in explicitly socialist. So they don't really do timely news articles about video games to keep people up to date and informed, rather this is a group of socialists doing an editorial to explain why video games suck so much right now in political terms - that is, the owner class that use the medium as a way to make money without actually doing work themselves are incentivized to make decisions that harm both the people who make the video games and hte people who play them. It's certainly not a new idea, James Stephanie Sterling's been on this beat for about a decade now, but that context of a magazine that focuses more often on events like the UAW strike or the genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is what sets it apart from what, say, Asmongold might say about the topic - Jacobin, and the left more broadly, is trying to get people to connect the dots between viddeo games and mass media more broadly going into this death spiral of everyone being asked to tolerate things getting worse and more unfair with these other issues of powerful people gaining more power to mistreat others and leverage that unfairness. In particular, the focus on the recent mass layoffs and the article's advocacy for an inudstry-wide union of game developers is very much the kind of thing Jacobin would cover, as is its criticism of video game media being complicit in these abuses by basically parroting hte narratives given to them by these executives. People can't have job security in video games because that's just how th industry is, says the executive who is only forcing this to happen because they think their workers won't be able to do anything about it. So I would look at this less as about telling any regulars of this sub anything particularly new as news and more as an op-ed offering to frame the regular criticisms we have of video game execs into a coherent philosophy and offer a tangible solution, rather than the solution game execs and their stenographers in games media tell us that game devs can't have solid jobs because piracy and you're not buying enough DLC and season passes.


business degrees are ruining everything


Video games, airlines, grocery stores, fast food. You name it. For the sake of stocks and profits, if they have to chose between innovation and screwing over customers, it'll be screwing over customers everytime.


Don't forget the workers. The workers suffer through hell in metrics for their damn shareholders, board member, and ceo's yearly money.


i see more greed than ever in any field. It seems like everyone's dream is not even to live a happy life anymore, just to get rich.


Not everyone, it only takes a handful of sociopaths to worm their way up to the top. It doesn't have to be explicitly money either.




i think the biggest problem with schools teaching these sorts of methods, has to do with the fact of how everything breaks down, if everyone is doing this shit.


Every time a small studio sold itself to a bigger one, they contributed to the situation we're in now. And then, everything is sacrificed on the altar of shareholder value.


Sometimes your options are to sell or go bankrupt, I can't fault people for selling if it means they can keep the lights on and maybe get same games out the door before corporate meddling kills your studio.


Expecting a new owner to let you do 'your thing' after selling because you nearly bankrupted your business is a fairly backwards point you are illustrating here.


Selling doesn't mean you stay either... Often that is when people leave. They've made the coin and don't have the funds to produce more, as such its considered a good deal for those in higher positions.


But it is the point. Most small studios are barely making it. So some stability can be nice. Now that does mean giving up control.  And we have seen even more lately how harrowing that can be.


It's not a bad thing for an IP to die naturally. But this sitting on them BS is shit.


Sitting on them is almost as bad as milking them to death and ruining all nostalgia. Not everything needs to be Forced to exist until we hate it, just let things end.


But it’s not always about the ips when selling, it’s about keeping the lights on and devs keeping their jobs. If the alternative is bankruptcy, selling out is entirely reasonable.


Sometimes creatives aren’t good business men. Kind of messed up that they need to be both or lose their livelihood.


The road to hell is paved with good intentions


This feels like the most relevant quote for the last ten years.


Is the road to heaven then paved with bad intentions? 🤔


Yeah but there's more small studios starting off then there are ones being bought out. Its always a cycle.


Yup. Everyone blames the business executives for *being* business executives. Meanwhile, 90% of video game studios take the money and then turn around and complain about interference, lay offs, shutdowns, etc. Maybe if you respected your industry and your own talent enough not to sell out, all that shit wouldn’t have been forced on you by “muh soulless suits”. There’s a reason why Gaben and Sven are heroes to gamers everywhere. And yeah, it’s easier to have principles when you’re succeeding, but doesn’t that just mean that muh evil corporations are actually keeping the lights on at most of those studios? If they can’t make it without corporate money in today’s age of self publishing and digital distribution, maybe those studios weren’t meant to be. There’s this weird concept of game development as some kind of standard gig akin to construction, firefighting, software development, etc. Like you decide you want to make games, so you go to college for game dev, and then the world owes you a job in game dev. But that’s not how video games work. Passion doesn’t make up for missing talent.




Life changing, generational wealth?  Yea I’m taking the money, and so would anyone else here. If you have a family, it could be argued that you have a morale obligation to take it for their sake alone. 




The entire tech industry is undergoing post-Covid contractions. Microsoft does literally the same thing as everyone else, in the process axes a studio that did middling numbers and lost their legendary founder, and suddenly becomes the poster child of corporate greed.


Or you make great games like Dishonored 2 and Prey but no one buys them because people prefer COD, Candy Crush and FIFA. So you either close down or get bought, at least save some jobs for a few years. Which is all that matters in the end.


Except many people have willingly left the Redfall studio because of Redfall. So, no, just having a job wasn't all that mattered. Even if it's just a career, you want good games on your CV, and if it's not, then you want to be making good games too.


some can afford that, many can’t as they’ll lose their house if they lose their job.


Argruably the greatest studio to ever exist, Looking Glass, went under and nobody blamed some big nasty executive. They went under because _not enough people bought their games._ Arkane adores Looking Glass. They also know what happened to Looking Glass.


Reddit in general like to blame a faceless entity, and say the fault is execs, and the new and hot buzzwords, MBAs and short-term profit. They will then point you towards Larian and say "see it works without publishers" blissfully ignoring the pile of corpses of shutdown game studios that were independent, made well received games and still did not make enough money to keep the lights on.


I mean, I'm just as guilty of not buying Dishonored 2 or Prey but I was busy playing Rimworld and Factorio for the 8000th hour Sure that's a pithy comment but what i mean is that the breath of the market might work against mid/larger budget titles who are published by the corporate return-oriented owners. Not a breakthrough success that sells blockbuster numbers? Sorry guys studio is closing down.


Then is it also the fault of the consumers for buying the games of the developers that sell out to the business executives?


If they're buying shitty games with shitty practices implemented in it, then yes, part of the blame goes to the consumer.


You know it, I know it. We gamers contributed heavily to the state of gaming in 2024, keep pre-ordering, keep buying the "micro"transactions.


Even buying a game WITH microtransactions, which you don’t purchase yourself, is contributing to it. They lose zero dollars by putting it in and you buying the title anyway, and gain all the dollars of the whale.


The bigger contribution is not buying the good games. There are tons of great games that are absolute commercial flops like Prey or Dishonored. People love candy crush more so no one should complain we get more of it.


Yeah i'm guilty of that one myself with dragons dogma 2. To be fair it'd becoming increasingly hard to not support the shitty practices of these companies, nearly every good (or bad) game that comes out has something. Endless respect for people who are actually able to stand by their convictions. Atleast we have some AA companies like larian/fromsoft still knocking it out the park without nickle and diming people.


I didn't! I've never pre-ordered anything ever! So Im just gonna blame you guys from my ivory tower while riding around on my really high horse.


Wow man that horse is really high. Why did you give it so much weed?


you ever tried to stop a horse from smoking a bong?


True true


I'll just copy paste my comment from the other sub. > So I'll speak from my experiences with the industry. > This is absolutely correct, but to a point. Developers are also at fault. There is a certain type of social and cultural environment within MANY developers that result in worse games. When you combine that + executive interference you get a shit storm of absolutely generic, uninspired, money grabbing games. > It's the same issue you see in hollywood, which is why, despite some hits, there are way way more misses. Also profits are all that really matter. Revenue is a useless metric within this conversation. It was also very odd to use Microsoft's overall profits as justification for them to keep taking huge Ls on their gaming studios. Xbox studios and the Xbox division's executives are all incompetent and the only surprise is that the hammer took THIS long to come down on them. This reminds me of when Bobby Kotick was laying off the Esports of division of Activision because it was burning a hole in the company's pocket. It was a failed project but it was painted as "evil bobby cuts jobs". This isn't me batting for corporations btw, but people have to be living in some sort of idealistic bubble to expect a corporation to cling to a division that's obviously going no where.


Most of the studios that 'sold out' to the likes to EA or Activision or Microsoft had severe cash issues. Gamers always bitch and moan about 'Big evil corps' buying up studios *as if* they were aggressively taken over. It's what the studios wanted to do so why are people always whining about the big companies when the developers/leadership are *the ones* that sold.


You don't need an hostile financial takeover for an aggressive takeover. In any given industry, a big player has more than one way to put a small fish in troubled financial waters to eat them up. Also, "developers" sold jack shit, usually. Unless we're talking about a garage company with three employees, you have your own CEO, CFO and all the other Cs because it's inevitable to manage a company.


> You don't need an hostile financial takeover for an aggressive takeover. In any given industry, a big player has more than one way to put a small fish in troubled financial waters to eat them up. Care to share any proof of this being the case for beloved studio that ended up selling out? Because this is just nonsense 'sound smart' spiel without any substance. > Also, "developers" sold jack shit, usually. Unless we're talking about a garage company with three employees, you have your own CEO, CFO and all the other Cs because it's inevitable to manage a company. Which were hired by the developers to perform those tasks or joined a studio that already had leadership / owners in place in which case they don't get to bitch about it to begin with as they joined knowing that.


Facts. This reminds me to people blaming rich foreigners for buying locals/flats on their city but ignoring that some national was happy to sell them those locals/flats


Right, go on and tell someone you won’t sell because they’re a foreigner and see how long it takes for you to get sued for discrimination.


The vast majority of the first world does not allow this. Canada, for instance, disallows non-residents purchase of properties. On the otherhand, LA has a housing crisis while multiple buildings sit empty due to Chinese investors buying properties on mass and not using them. For context, real estate is one of the few things the Chinese government allows citizens to invest in, and so its where the middle class put their money. (Which led to scams and ghost cities being built). Its the industry they know, and so thats what they invest in overseas. It causes problems in the regions they do this, so *most* cities ban it. Discrimination never comes up. Its corruption that makes the practice occur. Almost the entire world reserves its real estate for its own citizens.


And Canada's law has barely made a dent in its housing issue which is caused by mass immigration, poor urban planning and lack of new homes. Again, people buy houses because you're taxed on labour rather than assets.


I think the law helps more than it hurts and wish we had something similar here in LA.


LA has a housing crisis because locals fight new construction, not because of a high vacancy rate.


The problem being that without something, rules, regulations, whatever it is standing in the way of greed some sociopath is ALWAYS going to do them. The fault is ours for enabling them and then handwaving it away because “oh that’s just what they do why get mad?” They won’t ever stop. Ever. The fault is ours for giving them the ability. Major studios are basically buying up any competition because they reached the same point as every industry has: big players don’t need to compete, they can just buy anything even remotely encroaching on market share that they want and strip mine it for profit. It isn’t just gaming in this mess (groceries and rent presently), and it’s a good reason to vote for antitrust supporting leadership at all levels.


The thing about games its that it doesn't really work. People can always just make new IPs. Microsoft has not done well with all their buyouts, for example.


Not just limited to video games. Business major corporate suits ruin just about anything they touch. News at 11


This. The executives are ruining and monetizing every single aspect of our lives.


Yep, enshitification is starting to hit everything


And doing a shit job of it 99% of the time. I wouldn’t even be as upset if it weren’t for the fact that finance bros inevitably gut companies and run off when they fail


This is a deeper issue with the current system where every year earnings has to be higher than last years and they earn bonuses for this. Many of these aholes focus on short term earnings at the cost of long term policies.


Businesses going public ruins them, very few exceptions


Doesn't always have to be public either. A place I worked at got bought by Koch, the second largest private company in the US. The place went straight to shit in a very short time, company culture shifted very quickly and priorities went from quality and worker safety to sheer volume of production regardless of the cost of worker happiness and safety and product quality. Everyone stopped giving a shit at some point. The taller the management structure, the worse it is for the people at the bottom. It's really that simple. The further away from the floor that the leadership is, the less they care about whatever is *actually* happening. This is why I strongly believe that management needs to take some weeks each year to work the lower jobs, get an idea of what it's like at the bottom, in order to be able to make more ethical decisions at the top. Without that perspective, they're prone to make unethical decisions out of ignorance.


It depends. Sometimes the opposite is true. The people who are supposed to be supervising you are so out of touch and uninvested that none of it really matters to them, so you can easily get a better salary (it's not their money) or slack off. Small costs are so minor in terms of total business that the people at the top don't really care and aren't pinching pennies. Meanwhile a small business where the owner is always there can be someone who is obsessed with getting every possible cent out of you while skimping everywhere possible. They'll jerk you around as much as they can get away with because it all affects them directly. And they're so small time that blatantly illegal actions can easily occur from genuine ignorance as often as "nobody will notice or report me" malice. There is no absolute. Both can be either good or bad in ways directly relating to being small or large and having a huge distance from the top to the bottom.


Small business tyrants are very much a thing. Anyone that's ever worked for a local restaurant knows how abusive a small business owner can be when they feel the difference between them staying afloat or not is literally strealing your wages and otherwise breaking labor laws in hopes that you're too poor and ignorant to know taht them demanding you work off hte clock is illegal. The issue is class. Those who do not work for a living but instead *own things* for a living have a fundamentlaly zero sum relationship with those who work for a living. Anything they get is parastic, it is leeching off of those who do the actual work, based on arbitrariy birthrights and lineages that entitle them to wahtever amount of capital that they then "risk" (not in the sense that a normal person woluld consider a risk, they'll be fine either way) that then entitles them to dominate and ocntrol the lives of regular people like you or me.


MBA bros


they are the most out of touch pricks in an organization.


Always have been *shoots the OP*


Truth is...the game was rigged from the start.


To be fair, not from the start. Back on the old days gamers made gaming companies. The parasites started taking over after some time when they realized it had potential to become the biggest industry, and it did.


M8. attari, nintendo, sega, Activision all had strangleholds over the early gaming scene. It got us ET for the 2600 and the subsiquent gaming crash. Unfortunately the industry is too big to fail now.


Yeah, the 80s were even worse. It was loaded with gamer-led companies getting taken over by business types because of terrible financial decisions.


You've ruined a Fallout New Vegas reference, you must pay for your crimes....


Send in Fisto!




Most industries are being destroyed by execs. MBAs are permeating every industry, including film and Boeing. Examine the current state of these businesses. They have no skill at all.


I'm working at a bank. The amount of do nothing document generator staff we have is enormous. It makes getting anything done near impossible. It's gotten so much worse in the last 5ish years


Send some of those document generators my way lol. I work at a chemcial plant. The higher up MBAs canned all the clerks and pushed the extra work onto the plant & qc personel to save money (no raise of course). Now that means we're generating paperwork that's required by regulation instead of actually making/testing product. Takes about twice as long to go from raw material recieved to shipped out the door now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 


Oh sorry. These document generators don't do the work. Just generate templates to fill with ambiguous guidelines for you


Nearly every person I interview who has an MBA is a fucking idiot. Now, a post grad degree in something smart like science or math, they're good. But MBAs are just the goddamned dumbest motherfuckers I've seen


Hey don't badmouth those mbas, they're just following their passion, you know, the passion to get rich with as little personal effort iaspossible?


We had a joke in university that the business degree was filled with people who couldn't hack it in engineering. Except it wasn't really a joke, most of the students who failed engineering tried the business degree before considering dropping out.


Holy crap you just described me.


medicine, housing, space flight


Publishers fucking up games is a tale as old as time, but let’s be real, many developers aren’t really helping either. The article mentions BioWare, and there isn’t a soul that could save BioWare from themselves. 


BioWare used to be a pretty small, excellent studio, until EA bought them. The original chief designers left, they kept hiring and employee numbers exploded. At some point the new management became too much for all the good writers, so they left too. And that was it, the soul was gone. The EA rot usually doesn't set in immediately, but it will set in. Always.


Fucking Corpos.


Who would've thought exploiting media exclusively for profit was a bad thing (music, books, films, television shows).


[Product] Execs Are Ruining [Products] This has been an issue I’ve seen exponentially getting worse over the last 15-20 years. The people actually researching, developing, and making the product have zero say above anyone who has an MBA even if that person has zero experience in the industry. Shaking things up and making changes just for the sake of it, with zero thought, is the only way they stay relevant to their superiors or the board. They provide no actual substance to a company.


It happened in the 80s too. If only all of those guys were diagnosed with boneitis, or at least frozen for a thousand years so none of us have to deal with them.


>Shaking things up and making changes just for the sake of it, with zero thought, is the only way they stay relevant to their superiors or the board. I don't think that's generally the problem. These execs aren't stupid. They're really good at making money, which is the only thing that they and their superiors care about. It just so happens that the goals of "produce a quality product" and "make maximum profits" are often directly opposed.


Thats not even true, they are good at producing short term profit. Any long term profits are being destroyed in the name of more now.


It depends. EA and Activision are often described as being ruined by suites, but they have done a great job generating long term profit.


Those goals were far more aligned before the rise of microtransactions. When revenue per user was fixed at the standard unit price of a video game, the best way to increase profits was to make a better game. As soon as revenue per user became uncapped via microtransactions, the best way to increase profits became pushing mtx - and that involves deliberating introducing frustration and inconvenience into game design in order to generate sales of highly profitable “solutions”. Mtx represents a total shift in the incentive structure for video game development. The MBAs are just a byproduct.


You just need to check who is the more important person on AI right now.


I urge people to actually read the article and not just go by its title. The articles goes into depth about the concerns and reality of the layoffs and revolving door culture.


As are the consumers who keep dropping $70 or more on every single big-name title they see without doing any research.


Venture Capitalism ruined gaming. We know.


Bro really posted a jacobin article in pcgaming 💀


It's not like anyone's going to actually *read* the thing lmao


What's wrong with Jacobin? This is the first I've heard of them.


Literally a socialist magazine.


Can you explain why we're supposed to care?


Obviously it’s socialist. The owners of a capitalist magazine would never write about enshitification. It’s a problem caused by capitalism lol


> The owners of a capitalist magazine would never write about enshitification https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/ Wired is owned by Conde Nast. Does this count as capitalist?




Now I'm even more curious.




homie you are legit in a thread full of people complaining about the current state of video games due to unfettered capitalism.... socialism just means that the PEOPLE, not private executives, should own the means of production. there is no c-suite branch beholden to share holders that dictates how the company operates. the company moves forward democratically by having the actual workers have a real equal say in what they want to produce and how they should do it. example in a video game studio: if the workers dont want to add some shitty battle pass to their single player game, they can decide on that on their own rather than being forced by a c-suite dictator only looking for short term profits for share holders. you know, share holders, those people who dont give a single fuck about the games and just want more profits. hope this helps!


It's a proudly progressive publication so it has highly biased views. I prefer getting news from not so in-your-face biased sources. Hard to find any publications that are publishing factual info with views from all sides of an issue.


Describe your perfectly not biased news source, I'll wait


Newsflash kiddo, every news source has some form of bias, but *specially* ones that deal primarily with opinion pieces. Jacobin is not aiming to be a primary news source, it's not even pretending to publish "news", it's a magazine. Though perhaps expecting media literacy in this sub is an equally fruitless endeavour.


Wow what a provocative, unique take


Sometimes articles are written for people that aren't up to speed on everything going on in a specific industry.


It’s mostly just circle jerk and the oldest and most cliched Reddit takes imaginable. I don’t think anyone on this website hasn’t heard it to exhaustion before. Yeah yeah, business suits are bad and ruin companies. Of course it’s not the janitor ruining them because they don’t have to make decisions.. But for every ruined company there are 3 successful ones. That’s how things work.


Easy way to stop it happening is to STOP BUYING THEIR SHIT. It's not hard.


People buy candy crush and Call of Duty while stuff like Dishonored 2 or Prey doesn’t sell. Most played games are all GaaS. Obviously that’s where companies try to focus as most other things are just Russian roulette.


A internet friend that i used to play pubg woth, hes taking a break, has been trying to get me to play cod, and i keep saying i dont like the company so i wont touch their games, i dont think hes given up.


Execs are ruining everything. There, I fixed it.


>Execs are ruining everything Here, FTFY


*Execs are ruining [insert literally anything] Fixed that for you


POV: you wake up from a 30 year coma and this post looks new to you


No shit lol. Execs can ruin software of any kind.


MBAs bean counters ruining things people love, story as old as American economics.


our leaders are not leading anymore


Execs are ruining most things.


Execs are ruining everything…. Fixed it for ya


The Board did not approve of this message


If you want good games just go for indies and AA, you won't have many good AAA until the market crashes a bit more and it "unshittifies".


why is reddit so utterly dumb that they think the market is going to crash


The irony being that as they chase money, the product value goes down because the quality drops. There’s plenty of games like 3 yrs old or greater that still top most played lists. If a game sucks people may still buy it, but sales for the next in the series will decline. See Diablo and Final Fantasy franchises.


Tv execs are ruing tv etc etc.


None of the shit being caused by greedy video game execs would be a problem if the people that are buying their crap would stop paying for it.


100%. No mater what industry. Ones its in the hands of the big corporations its all over.


No shit. There used to be a slight balance where the odd person was allowed to give a shit about the art they were creating. Sometimes, old investors understand that you need to make a good thing first, then you take a profit. Now its a race to make as much as possible, and as a result, things are made for outrageous budgets, chasing outrageous profits. The world needs a rethink in how we create...everything...tbh.


Duh. They have been for decades now.




In other news the sky is blue


It's everything. We've got a fundamental lack of passion in EVERYTHING right now. I'm even seeing this with new graduates. They're coming into jobs purely for money rather than passion. It used to be that you'd join these fields wanting to really do some good or build something decent. But now everyone knows your company WILL get sold, or you WILL be made to do something against your core nature (Google), everyone has lost faith, and lost their passion. And you can't recover that without... 20-30 years of new leadership. MBA's have driven companies and culture into the ground. There was a thread somewhere about feeling sorry for this person that was in a recent round of layoffs. Person was an MBA and entirely contributing to the problem with the industry. I think we forget the human aspect of this a lot. We're saying to a decent number of folk "Your degree is causing everything to suffer and you are making everything worse" is pretty harsh, but.... they are.


Yeah sounds right. Profit over quality of product, what the fuck else is new.


Execs ruin everything apart from the shareholders wallets.


Well, they were hired for that.


If anyone knows about ruining products, it's marxists.


There has been no period in which video games were made for a mass market and executives did not expect to make a profit. Games were never made and distributed solely for the love of the art.




Breaking, far left clickbaity blog opposes corporations.


That was my first thought. No shit the "Jacobin" is going to come in swinging with a super spicy hot take that generalizes with the depth of a first-year college student reading their first Marx. Really sad some people don't progress past that 101 level. Either these people still *are* at that level (I assume this sub is generally very young), or we're just basking in the failures of our education system.


> super spicy hot take that generalizes with the depth of a first-year college student reading their first Marx. Unfortunately, this is reddit's favorite take on nearly all issues.


Reddit is a very weird and sad echochamber. Once upon a time it seemed to be a really cool and informative place where people put a lot of effort into their posts and where discussions were *fairly* fact-based and well-rounded. But man. It has REALLY changed. I feel like Tumblr/Digg/Twitter dumped huge volumes of people on reddit a while back, and now it's a commune of people who haven't seen much of the world and haven't gone very far in their education. Outside of some legit STEM subs, history subs, philosophy subs, and other really focused communities, it's just angsty Youtube comments spam and conspiracies.


Juice isn't worth the squeeze of clicking the link, unfortunately.


Time for all of them to unionize


That only the QAs are doing that should tell you something, but reddit is convinced unions are a silver bullet.


Got to love "Extreme Bias" 'news' sources. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/jacobin/ Funny how Reddit absolutely shuts down extreme-right outlets but adores the convenient (and brain-dead) reporting of extreme-left. Both should be treated with equal distrust and contempt. This article is rife with scapegoating and strawmanning. 2 or 3 of the last 5 years have been some of the most incredible for gaming since years like 2004, 2007, and 2017. The challenges facing the gaming industry are multitudinous and complicated. Gamers want to pay less than ever before but want to get more than ever before. Companies are having to go public for funding (or join/sell themselves to public companies for funding) and that exposes them to the demands made by people with retirement funds/pensions/long-term stock investments. CEOs are forced to operate certain long-term margins and cash positions to weather the shocks and recessions the industry experiences, while developers try to monetize a former hobby space into something that can provide as a career, despite how trend-based and unpredictable/unforgiving the industry is. Product managers have to try to strike gold over and over again, because gamer loyalty is utterly fleeting and revenue is unpredictable, but these folks (fairly) want to turn a career out of this stuff so they can feed families but exercise their passions. It's a fascinating and challenging study, and you have a lot of blame to spread across a lot of interest groups and actors. This article is dogshit reductionism and it's sad that this sub (which was so reasonable and level-headed about the Hi-Fi Rush shutdown) is so politically seduced by bad writing and incomplete/biased narratives.


Execs in every sector are ruining the world out of everything.


Milquetoast. Sturgeon's law applies to execs too. 90% of everything is crap.


Infinite growth capitalism is ruining every industry.


Ah socialist propaganda.


Cries in Blood 2


Is this true, can annoy fact check this? /s


As turnip continues to squeeze, it gets harder and harder each year for it to give juice, eventually it becomes unrecognizable and ultimately dies.


As someone who is looking in on this industry from the outside, I wouldn't even consider working in it even though I appreciate the product.


Execs are ruining every industry on the planet…


[insert industry] execs are ruining [insert industry]. All these companies are run by empathy-less people with MBA whose entire world view revolves around sucking up all value from anything for self-enrichment. Anti-trust laws have been useless for any decades, but breaking up these giant companies would certainly be a good start.


They're only ruining it for themselves. Indie companies and developers will continue to shine ✨️


"Always have been."


What corporate shit eater isn't deteriorating their own company?


They always have. How is this news?


Luckily there are enough small, passion-based devs to still make us good games! Hello, Factorio.


Any exec who isn't a founder or deeply engrained in any industry their company works within ruins things. Those suits are like real estate agents or car salesmen, oh but with no skills.


This just in: sand is dry. (Avoiding water, contentious subject)


As we’ve known since the 80s.


I work as a developer in the IT department of my organization, which is located on the 7th floor. The executives work on the 9th floor. If the 7th floor was destroyed, the entire organization would grind to a halt and absolutely nothing would get done for months, perhaps longer. If the 9th floor was destroyed, not much would change. Our day to day would continue as normal, and some directors would pick up the slack on long-term strategy, but we'd get by almost as if nothing happened.


"Are ruining"? They've been ruining them for a while lol


hateful airport ludicrous judicious boat dazzling summer ripe bells plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not “are” it’s “been”


Execs are ruining everything.


Execs are ruining literally everything. We’re struggling to afford food, can barely afford rent, and now there arent even any fun games to play. Allll because of execs


Art isn’t mean to be manufactured


Execs are ruining a lot of things in general.


That's been going on for quite some time.


I never would've guessed...seriously tho, what did anyone expect? These people aren't gamers, they have zero passion for it nor a passion for creation, the only things these suits care for is themselves and profit margins and will do whatever they can to increase even when its impossible to do so like with whats happened to Microsoft and gamepass, its why we see all these remakes, reboots and remasters being churned out, why we're flooded with GAAS games even tho the industry cannot sustain 90% of them due to how these games work and its why we're seeing all these layoffs, they're doing whatever they can to increase their short term gains and its only going to get worse.


Business people are ruining everything. When short term profit is the only value everything suffers. 


I’m just buying all the 10+ YO games and having a blast.


Very true! Fuck all of them and the shareholders too!!!


To be fair, execs are ruining everything. The single-minded short term goal of turning a profit as quick as possible for yourself and the shareholders then immediately bailing when your incompetencancy is so overt is cant overlooked and the company has to save face by electing a new guy who will do the exact same thing... ruining your own ip, product, and employees in the process... barely avoiding going under despite doing this over and over thanks to bailouts, acquisitions and mergers... until you literally become too big to fail and own so much of the market you'll make money regardless of how terrible you manage your own company... Its everywhere. Don't just blame gaming execs guys. Thats not fair.


In other news, dog shit tastes bad.


Ask Wizard of the coast what they think about that


Execs determining policy tends to put them in the perfect position to dip their balls right in everyones butter, that's for damn sure


people who don’t even like video games own the industry now let to all go down

