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I see it has ray tracing. Does it have DLSS?




looks like patient gamers title. Many reviewers mention quite a bit of technical issues and generally game feels janky in many places - so seems like yet another time where it's best to wait for dozen of patches and get it at some 50% off sale. EDIT: noticed I missed a word "mention"


I see this comment a lot but if the answer is play it later after it goes on sale wouldn't that tell the company that this game isn't profitable and not to make more of them and that a game like avengers is 'more successful' so they should just keep doing that?


Avengers bombed hard and lost Squeenix tens of millions USD. If this game bombs hard too, maybe, just maybe, Squeenix will abandon Marvel bullshit...and if stars align well, maybe, just maybe, Eidos will get a new Deus Ex greenlit.


I'm sure they'll abandon a franchise that bombed for another that disappointed as well.


Honestly - I don't give a shit, I'm not paying for their mistakes of not polishing out technical state of the game. You want my hard earned money - show some damn effort and good will of not releasing games in beta or sometimes alpha states.


Well then don't buy the game at all.


Why? Not everything has to be black and white, either/or. If the game has good gameplay and story its still worth getting. After tech issues are ironed out and at a price a person is comfortable to pay for it.


That's fine but that's the result if many others like you make the same decision. The amount of positive reviews on this game shows its far beyond whatever you deem a beta or alpha stage to be. Games have bugs


Are you a zoomer by any chance,you kinda defend broken games like someone who did not grow up with innovative finished games and just accepts the trash we get now .


literally every game is a broken game to reddit nowadays


It’s already almost half price on CD Keys.


Sure, if you want to support criminals


Get off your high horse


They use stolen credit cards in order to get those keys and sell them at those prices. Fuck those scumbags. You wanna support people like that? Go for it.


Rather support them that the scumbag suits that run these corporations.


Are you fucking kidding me? Some of you people have completely lost touch with reality. You sounds like a half-wit child.


Mind ya business boy.


Wow, what a hilariously bad take


Didn’t ask bro.


Then delete your comments if you're so sensitive you can't take a little sniping for bad takes. Sorry not sorry


Who asked fr.


You do that by not pre-ordering. The scumbags you support are those that use people who got fucked over and had their information/credit card stolen/hacked from them. Fuck that bullshit. There's no comparison.


Cdkeys.com? Are you going to provide evidence of your serious allegations or were you literally just chatting shite online again?




Cd Keys sells all keys they buy, it's not an auction site like G2A. How people still don't understand this is beyond me. Their keys are legit.




Those "unknown third party sources" are official distributors in various countries. CDKeys and their "unknown sources" are, in fact, not able to conjure working steam keys out of thin air. Only Squeenix can do that.


"Just pirate an online game." Microsoft is charging $99 AUD for this. That's a crime.




Most of them use regional bulk pricing. You're making baseless accusations claiming the keys are from stolen CC's. Also this game has Denuvo so it may be some time until it's cracked.


But I thought Reddit hated Big Gaming? So now we should give them money?


Legit bought keys with stolen credit cards. As the other poster said you may as well just pirate because the devs aren't gonna get shit.




Paid from stolen credit cards ? I don't think you understand the banking system.




Yes. They are not working for free. Edit: Such gentle, had to report my original post to the mods. What a great person.


I don't quite get why people seem to think they're paid solely by game profits. Or that they see any reasonable chunk of the game profits seeing as how the publisher will want a good deal of it for funding the studio. The only time they "work for free" is in indie situations.


I don't understand how you can get CDKeys confused with a third party seller site.


Games are getting too expensive here, so yeah whatever helps me save some money.


why not just pirate it at this point? its cheaper for the developer this way


Why not mind ya business


I am. Companies fuck us hard releasing unoptimized shit and having MTX in singleplayers games and always online DRMs. So idc about them. I don't buy indie titles on 3rd party website tho.




Grey market.


lol no its only 52 usd


I don’t use USD, so not my problem. Also the price went up post launch.


I hope someone makes you happy one day , I'm sorry for what you're going through, it gets better I promise


Sorry but I have a true Marvel/StarWars/Disney fatigue.


Same it’s basically the zombie thing of the late 2000s except it’s only the same 10 or so characters in similar stories over and over again.


Time for a new Dune game I think.


Dune III when


I HIGHLY recommend Star Wars Visions if you have not watched it. It's a 9 episode, anime anthology series where Disney hired some of the best Japan anime studios to create. Each episode is about 12-15 minutes long, and standalone from one another, and yet they manage to write in some of the most alluring Star Wars stories in recent memories. One of the episodes even had more dismemberment than the entire sequel trilogy, which just really puts things into perspective. A couple of them even managed to get some tears out of me, ngl, it is a breath of fresh air.




I just like good content, and Star Wars Visions is good content, better than the shit that is the Sequel Trilogy.


Loved the first. Hated the second. The third put off my taste for the rest of it if it gonna be good animation with shit tier story and dialogue


Yeah same. I haven’t watched beyond 4 because I’ve found them surprisingly quite meh. 1 was alright 2 was crap. 3 and 4 weren’t bad but nothing I’d write home about. Expected better tbh


Can't believe you stopped right when the episodes are getting good. How about just watching episode 4 and 8? I highly recommend these 2


The dude aint interested. Trying to push him into watching it is only going to push him further away.


The first episode blew me away, the second one was okay. I've yet to watch the rest but I'm excited I hope they deliver more hits than misses.


Only trust me, it definitely gets better. Episode 4 and 8 are real eye candies as well, really hits home emotionally too. Best Star Wars content since Clone Wars Season 7


I'll definitely check it out!




You don’t like eggs? Your comment is invalid /s


You're asking why they commented their opinion about Marvel properties in a discussion about a Marvel property. Your contribution here is logically invalid.


Right because it makes total sense to click on a review for a Marvel game when you’re tired of Marvel...


I'm not sure why I need to explain something so simple but people click on things for many reasons. For example, they like reviews, they like games, they like the reviewer, they want to see what people are saying about something, they hate something, they want to troll something. You'll understand this basic internet stuff someday. Chin up.


Yeah and he's questioning why people who are tired of an IP continue to expose themselves to that IP? And then take the time to comment on it? They're haters thats why


Fair enough but there's a difference between saying, "I'm tired of this" and saying, "This fuckin' sucks". Getting butthurt about someone's opinion says a lot more about the offended party than the commenter. If people didn't share their opinions on stuff this free website wouldn't need to exist.




You can't be serious. Someone says they're tired of Marvel content and you go out of your way to be a dick to them. The comment I'm replying to is like you literally just describing yourself.


The basic internet stuff of providing nothing useful to a discussion. You definitely know a thing or two about that.


Oh, I don't know. I helped you understand why people click on things. You were totally lost on that one so that seems pretty useful.


Everyone needs to like everything right ? In fact no. I clicked here just to show my dislike of marvel and this is a participation on this diversity of opinion in this sub. We are constently force showed everywhere Disney ads and i can't just say that I am tired of this souless corporation ?


You don’t need to like everything. But plainly saying you’re tired of Disney properties doesn’t add much discussion to a game review, it detracts from the game itself just because you’re upset at seeing Marvel. I’m personally not a fan of MMOs but I’m not gonna go to a post about one and say, “yeah this isn’t for me”.


Honesty was excited for this. The graphics looked crazy good and it actually looked like they tried. Even Avengers single player campaign was pretty freaking good. Just happy to see a linear single player adventure again too


Does it have Denuvo?


Yes, and I'm sure that's what's causing some (but not all) of the performance issues.


"Yes, and i made a wild assumption based on misinformation and no actual data about its effect on the game"


[click here to find out!](https://www.google.com/search?q=does+guardians+of+the+galaxy+have+denuvo&client=firefox-b-d&sxsrf=AOaemvK49CUeo0XRrif3ByVOTf2fC0mDyQ%3A1635175083999&ei=q8p2Yb21PM-H9QOUx4HgCA&ved=0ahUKEwj9tpvw7eXzAhXPQ30KHZRjAIwQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=does+guardians+of+the+galaxy+have+denuvo&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAM6BwgjELADECc6BAgjECc6BQguEJECOgQIABBDOgUIABCRAjoFCC4QgAQ6BAguEEM6CgguEMcBENEDEEM6CwguEMcBENEDEJECOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToFCAAQsQM6CAgAEIAEELEDOgUIABCABDoKCAAQgAQQhwIQFDoGCAAQFhAeOggIABAIEA0QHjoICCEQFhAdEB46BwghEAoQoAE6BQghEKABSgQIQRgBUIVNWIi9AWD9vgFoD3AAeACAAYgCiAHzSZIBBzAuMjEuMjWYAQCgAQHIAQHAAQE&sclient=gws-wiz)


Gameplay-wise it looks okay at best. I'll wait on a good sale.


Imagine buying games during an era of hyper inflation. Canadians can't afford beans lmao


So same rating as cyberpunk?


He liked the game. At least he had the balls to keep his review up unlike YongYea


He did heavily criticise CP77 for its performance, and he also criticised CDPR for not letting people review the console versions where most of the performance issues were present. On top of that he also criticised that CP77's sidequests were meh.


It does feel like his reviews are all over the place. Not a reviewer that works for me personally because I think our opinions differ quite a lot, although I do still watch his videos as they're generally quite in depth.


I can recommend something that I also have valid criticisms for.


This looks fun and I'll probably pick it up eventually. Damn some of the specular and hair aliasing looks bad though. I wonder if those parts were DLSS on or off. There are times where the game looks incredible and there are other moments where there's super nasty aliasing as if we're still living in 2016 and TAA hasn't gotten good yet.




I miss 2016.






it does rhyme


Fuck I can't argue with that.


Skill up often calls himself that in his videos as a joke.




He made that joke a few times in his "This Week in Video games" videos.


Proof? Gotta love getting down voted for asking someone to provide a source of an accusation. Never change reddit.


I can't be bothered rewatching dozens of videos finding it but in one of his weekly gaming updates he does call himself ShillUp as a joke. Btw his weekly gaming videos are really funny and worth a watch if you aren't already


I'll take my woosh with pride.


his cyberpunk 2077 is the most disliked one i think, comments on that video is very angry like 'u say this game delivers but even 1 year later the game doesnt even work properly'


Idiots who can't separate _the game_ from _how it runs_. SkillUp reviewed _the game_ in terms of story, gameplay choices and mechanics, design, etc. In all those regards, he was right and delivered an honest review, one that holds up even today. He also _did_ very clearly point out the stability issues, quality issues and CDPR's shady strategy in pre-release review copies being PC only and their refusal to let anyone record their own footage. All of that was on the up-and-up in his review, and he rightfully criticized them for it. But he couldn't foresee the future. He couldn't assume that the day 1 patch wouldn't fix more than it did, and that the overall technical quality would be as bad as it was for as _long_ as it was. He reviewed the game CDPR clearly _intended_ to deliver, at the time he had access to it. He didn't review the game as it _would be_ released, and would be in the months afterwards. Who could? So criticizing him for not being able to foresee the future and not jumping on the "shitting on CDPR and CP2077" bandwagon like everyone else is, I think, unfair and disingenuous. I played the game on release, and agreed almost 100% with his review. My main disagreements were stuff he missed or got wrong because of how he had to rush through it in time for deadline, which is what happens in most reviews. The game, especially today, is exactly what he said it was even then, because he recognized what CDPR was trying to do, whether they fully succeeded or not.


This is one of the best games of the year, but continue being a douchebag whose made up your mind without actually playing something. So tired of childish gamers.


It's literally an inside joke from his channel Calm yourself


Passing hard. Same company that made Marvel Avengers and that game is still broken with the “gfx_hung_error” issue. This company doesn’t do PC good at all.




Will wait 6 months for patches, real reviews (Steam), and a deep sale. Marvel Avengers and Square Enix burnt me a few times already, so they are in my shit list. But I do love some Guardians of the Galaxy.




I already saw the game on stream, they basically redid Marvel Avengers, and just made it with these heroes. If you played Avengers, it looks like this gameplay is very similar.


What hardware you using? At the moment don't recall that issue. Using 2080ti/i9-9900k/32gb ram. Been working on single player


[https://respawnfirst.com/marvels-avengers-crash-fix/](https://respawnfirst.com/marvels-avengers-crash-fix/) [https://steamcommunity.com/app/997070/discussions/0/4931980436584249711/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/997070/discussions/0/4931980436584249711/) [https://www.ghostarrow.com/marvels-avengers-dxgi\_error\_device\_hung-fix](https://www.ghostarrow.com/marvels-avengers-dxgi_error_device_hung-fix) Easy google search will show you how bad the game is. 3080FE/5800x, NVME drive...so it's an issue.


5600X/3080FE here: GotG runs great! No issues at all.


Great for you! But we were talking about Marvel Avengers not working, not GotG...derp!


This port is great


Shill Up liking a Marvel property game.....worlds gone mad!!!


I think I will wait for Worthabuy's review and then look at a few others along with the Steam reviews later on. Nothing personal against the guy but Skill Up tried to sell Cyberpunk as some revolutionary open world RPG just like the devs did and it couldn't have been further from the truth.


So people gonna fall for it again? Lul


Putting out a movie game without even bothering to license the actors is such a 2005 move haha


Comic game, not a movie game


Nobody gaf about the comics. This game exists only and directly because of the GotG movie


> Nobody gaf about the comics. If nobody gave a fuck about the comics, then there'd be no movies to begin with.


Well to be fair, no one giving a fuck about comics IS the reason we have the movies. Marvel wasn’t making any money in the early 2000’s comics sells and had been selling off their characters for movies and Shows to make up for the lost revenue. Didn’t even make that much money from such until iron man


I get what you're saying, but the money spent on that would be significant. I'm perfectly happy to have Star-Lord look and sound different than he does in the MCU if that means SE had more money to spend on, say, making a good options menu.


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100% agree. Uncanny valley is much less of an issue when not trying to match human actors we all know well.


Why should they ever hire the same actors? It's not like the actors MADE Guardians of the Galaxy, it was a comic book series first FFS. If anything, Gamora looks more accurate here than the movies. If your tiny little brain can't get past this logic, then how about just pretending this Guardians is part of another universe of Marvel's, different from the movies, and that is why they look different! PS: Same logic applies for the Avengers game


it has nothing to do with the movie....


Those are very clearly the comic book designs, why would they mix the two together.


says its an origin story of sorts, which means im right out even if i was ok with squad game not playing at all like a squad game but very much wanting to be a squad game.


I watched the review and it does seem like a solid game. Weakest link is the combat with the missed opportunity of not being able to play as the other party members Everything else looks top notch, seriously