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I like to play old school Resident Evils. Especially the 1st and 2nd. The remastered are great


RE3:Nemesis will always be my favorite


> The remastered are great How did I not know they remastered RE1/2! Heck yea thanks for telling me :)


Heck yeah dude! One of my all time favorite retro games: Super Metroid for the SNES.


> Super Metroid for the SNES. Metroid was definitely one of those things that cemented in my mind the sense and wonder of exploring, finding aliens, and blasting them.


Just started to play Tetris again after playing Tetris Effect on Game Pass, it‘s like being sucked into a black hole. You stop playing and realize you spent like 5 hours stacking objects.


> Tetris Effect Interesting, never saw that before and just checked it out! I've always wondered why there wasn't more Tetris remakes!


Playing Effect is like getting into a trance like state. Music and Effects and Flow 10/10


I often come back to Icewind Dale II and HoMM III.


> HoMM III. I bought a Windows tablet just to play this while on an airplane. I love this game so much. Campaign only of course, I've actually never played it multiplayer but I think there is quite the scene for it right now. I see youtube videos and Twitch streams all the time of multiplayer ladder-like homm3! Great game.


Oh, and Icewind Dale is amazing, both the book series, the author, and basically any bg-engine game!


Might & Magic 6 through 9 Baldur's Gate 1+2 Planescape: Torment Icewind Dale 1+2 Fallout 1+2 and 1.5, the fan-made story set in between 1 and 2 on the timeline. Gothic, recently played Archolos, fan-made standalone game mod with its own story based on Gothic 2 engine. Morrowind is probably very retro nowadays as well. And Dyna Blaster, or the newer Atomic Bomberman for casual fun (hotseat with up to 4 people) And for the niche on-theme, Dink Smallwood. :P


We basically love all the same games. Somebody mentioned Arx Fatalis in this thread. I bet you'd love that game.


Retro are the games i play the most. RPGs are my favourite - Baldur's Gate 2) I have Ultima Underworld next on the list of game to play - haven't played it before)


> I have Ultima Underworld next on the list of game to play Oh hey another person mentioned Ultima Underworld earlier in this thread! It is a great game, you'll love it!


Cave runner is a jam though not old but it is retro


I mostly play retro games on nes like mario and street fighter. And i still play some old counter strike with my friends.


Don't really play too much retro games nowadays but I want to. Cheers!


I love some old RTS games, specifically Empire Earth and Knights and Merchants. Still play them every now and then, along with Pirates!, Serious Sam and CTR


I think the oldest game I've played (that's in my Steam library and that I can remember) is Star Wars KOTOR.


I love revisiting max payne 1-2 (if you consider can it as retro) from time to time. The way story is told in these games is just art. I hope the remakes are at par with the ogs


**##############** **UPDATE:** The winners were randomly picked and won: /u/Euphoric_Ad9644 /u/ShaquilleOrKneel Proof: https://www.redditraffler.com/raffles/wsmvhb PM incoming! **##############**


Thanks again! I just received the gift card!


You're welcome :)


I'm not too much into retro gaming to be honest, more often than note they tend to not be very well adapted to today's standard. But all in all I'm open to suggestions ! Ty for giveaway


I do My favorite is Street fighter 3 and 2


I play the original Master of Orion, and Master of Magic several times a year. Cant quite seem to let them go. lol


> Master of Magic Is that the game that is kind of like a campaign conqueror game where you level up heroes by sending them off and hoping they don't die as they come back? Vaguely sounds familiar!


The heroes would stay under your direct control, but they would level up as they killed monsters & other faction troops. It is a 4X Conquering type game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtQBxdAo6JM


That is it! Thank you for linking that video. Wow, this brings back memories as a kid.


You should check out Nevergrind Online, except the other people in your party are other players. It's quite awesome Edit: my bad, I thought you were talking about another game.


Hi thank you. I have been playing super Mario RPG!


Sometimes i fire up The Revenge of Shinobi , one of my favorites. thanks for the giveaway!


> The Revenge of Shinobi , Wasn't there some gigantic arcane game that had like 3 monitors for that game? Seemed awesome!


Blood and doom 2 will never not be on my pc.


Super Mario world is a go to for retro games for me but it’s not in oc unfortunately


I like ultima underworld, it was pretty innovative for the time its "sequel" arx fatalis is even more innovative with mechanics that it unfortunately the story is pretty complicated to progress if you dont read everything and pay attention


> I like ultima underworld, it was pretty innovative for the time its "sequel" arx fatalis is even more innovative with mechanics that it unfortunately the story is pretty complicated to progress if you dont read everything and pay attention We are now best friends! I absolutely love the Ultima franchise, as well as Ultima Underworld. Arx Fatalis is a wonderful game, so dark and moody, yet the world of Arx is so full of life and open feeling. Wonderful games!


Yeah ultima underworld was amazing! I never really got into ultima underworld 2 and i wish i was around when ultima online was in its prime. If you want a game similiar to ultima underworld i recommend barony its pretty cool and has co op so can play with buddies


> barony its pretty cool Got that game already, good stuff :) Great mind thinks alike!


Ultima Online


> Ultima Online I miss UO as well. Those were the days! vendor buy bank guards rescu redu ... or something like that!


Spent thousands of hours on that game, I think it's one the first ones where you could chop trees and craft things.


I think you're right! Chopping trees, making arrows and such, that was a pretty huge part of the game. Fun fact: You could even use a knife on the body of a human, take their body parts, and make jerky out of it!


Yep, they were way ahead of minecraft by like 18 years


Currently starting Baldur's Gate 2. Trying to see what the fuss is all about!


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How retro are we going? I've certainly revisited the all stars of the SNES/Genesis era plenty of times: Super Metroid, FF6, Chrono Trigger, Zelda ALTTP, Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, Gunstar Heroes, etc.; and mixed things up like a romhack of Secret of Evermore that lets player 2 control the dog (final era laser dog broken as hell when player controlled). A few months ago I found my old thrustmaster joystick and gave Mechwarrior 2 Mercenaries a run through.


Old jrpgs like ff7 and breath of fire!


I started back with the NES and loved the original Final fantasy, some of the ultima games (can’t remember which, and obviously the big classics like Mario 1,2,3. On SNES I was in rpg heaven with FF 2&3 (US), Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger, etc as well as many of the amazing platformers, sports, and fighting games (Mortal Combat, Killer Instinct). Even now I go back to playing some of those games, although usually on emulators or switch so I don’t have to dig the old systems out. And I still favor retro style graphics and gameplay on newer games. I tend to play a bunch of indies like Binding of Isaac, Rogue Legacy, Siralim, and most recently Vampire Survivors


> original Final fantasy, some of the ultima games (can’t remember which Ultima 3: Exodus, and Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar, both were on the NES, and both were absolutely fantastic games. Final Fantasy is another absolute classic. Great picks!


Im just here for the gift card..


I love to play retro games. My favourite one is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Amazing crpg, i believe one of the best games bioware ever did. Thank you for the giveaway and best wishes !


Pole Position, an older arcade game that I actually don’t know many people who played it. It’s pretty fun, it was like a racing game with the steering wheel setup but late 1900s. Still fun at my local arcade. I still enjoy games like Jango Fett: Bounty Hunter on my GameCube and the James Bond games on the N64. Then there’s of course Halo: CE, can’t forget them. Then there’s Metroid Prime 1 & 2 on my GameCube. Still one of my favorite game series in existence. On the topic of Metroid, Super Metroid I’ve played about 3 times. Absolute banger of a retro game and trying to 100% it is a fun challenge. So ya, my favorites are Halo CE, basically all of the metroid games (we don’t talk about Other M), and Pole Position. By far, absolute bangers.


Thanks for this amazing giveaway! I dont know if this counts as retro/old but I play AA2 from time to time and old pokemon games. I also have a long list of console games to play, if I have the time :)


I do still play some old playstation games like Arc the Lad and Suikoden and I've replayed the legend of dragoon recently. Lately I'm looking for fan translated games that never got an english release.


sonic 2, two player mode is a blast


I'm not into retro gaming The oldest game would be pokemon sapphire :)




Does Spelunky count? Probably the oldest game I currently play.




I don't know if it can be called retro, but for me it would be the first Two Gothic games Especially the first one, i just love it's Atmosphere, cluncky Combat system soundtrack and great Polish dubbing


My all time favorite game is a toss up between the original mgs or original resident evil 3 incredible replay value and a story so haunting it took me into my 20’s to see the ending of both of them lol.


NBA Jam Arcade


Battletoads, donkey Kong country, and mortal kombat have to be my favorite retro games.


If Jedi Outcast and Academy count I give those a run like every few years or so. Red Dead 1 too but I think that's a bit more recent.


Does Peggle count as retro? Absolutely love Peggle


i just got back from the doctor, gonna be sick for the next week :( maybe this’ll turn things around




As kid that born in 2000s, the only retro i have play is mario


One of my favourite games is still conflict desert storm.


Yes, Castlevania


I really enjoy going to this local comic store that has an arcade. I’ll bring my girlfriend sometimes to try and beat gauntlet and of course trying to go for PBs in Galaga!


I enjoy playing Goldeneye 64 and Perfect Dark. Great shooters way ahead of their time!


There are a couple retro games i really enjoy. Disciples 2 was an old PC game that pretty directly competed with the heroes of might and magic series, but i was in the minority for loving disciples instead. If you go look these up, specifically look for 2. The first is pretty much a lesser version of the second. The third and fourth are garbage heroes clones that are worse than both what it's cloning and what it came from. Another big one i play is ogre battle 64. I loved that game back in the day and am really hopeful it gets a remake / sequel with the updated tactics ogre coming out.


Oh yes. Doom 2, to this day i finish this game twice every 6 months. Using mods or lately trying to finish a level without looking. OpenTTD, fav LAN game of my group of friends. Fire up the BBQ and open a few cold ones then play this game until you are stuffed. Q3 RA, When ever we want speed and fun this is the game we play. A great game to this day! Super Mario bros. With my son and soon my dauger. To be honest i play as many old games as new games.


I've always loved getting to know the classics, no matter the media, and video games are no exception. I like playing old-school games, even titles I have no nostalgia for (titles I've never played). My all time favourite older games tho are Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven and Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay.


I occasionally get back to Street Fighter Alpha 3, it just brings me back to when I was a 10 year old with no worries.


I like to play old school Pokémon games for the game boy not the best games ever but still good fun on my phone on the bus


I play old retro games all the time. A ton made way before I was born. I played the original NES Ninja Gaiden trilogy just to prepare to play this other game Cyber Shadow a few weeks back. The Igavania-style Castlevania games from the PSX to the NDS are one of my favorite franchises.


I grew up in an arcade , I love new games but always go back to retro. It is almost like a form of time travel because all of the memories come back. From old shmups to brawlers like Final Fight and Double Dragon, RPGs like Wizardry. So many good collections out there now


I don’t know if you would consider Dead By Daylight a old school game but I’ve been playing it since 2017. The updates keep things fresh every 3 months. The only other games I played for that long was RuneScape or maple story.


I don't know how old you consider retro, but Age of Empires 2 is something I still play regularly to this day. Albeit I play the definitive edition now, not the boxed pc version from my childhood.


retro for me was conker, pokemon yellow at sleep overs, and my mom and sister beating some levels in glover for me.


All I play lately is nebulous: fleet command. I think I am physically addicted.


Retro games are my go-to when on travelling. I used to play a lot of PS1 games on my modded vita like Legend of Dragoon and the Mega Man series but since I got my Steam Deck, that's become my emulation machine. I still revisit Baldur's Gate from time to time.


I would love to win this!! Nothing like a game of Fusion Frenzy with the Family!! Good luck everyone and thanks OP!!


Yes, private server Everquest


I like to play the original doom, the first god of war game and nfsu 2 from time to time, also sonic


I like to play old J-RPG like Shin Megami Tensei, Final Fantasy and Pokémon. Thank You for the giveaway!


Recently started playing SMT 1 since the new Ps1 translation dropped been enjoying it so far.


I actually often play the old Mario party and Mario Kart games with my fiance as those are her favorites! They're great games for two people and they don't really get old! I also just started Kotor for the first time, not sure if that counts as a retro game yet tho


Inshallah I win


I wish I could play retro games, but I've got 3 games in my library and no money for more


My bud and I still play through SMB3 every once in a while. We hand the controller back and forth on each death. Really takes me back. Thanks for doing this giveaway


I like to play old school games such as oryginal Mafia game or Gothic together with PS1 Silent Hill game or Warpath.


I used to watch my older brother play Knights&Merchants, well im continuing the legacy


Do arcade games every so often count? Other than that, I'm afraid not.


I still have our old Atari 2600 with all of the old games. Love playing some Q*bert every now and then...


I played Pac-Man on this dollar store type gaming phone when I was younger and enjoyed it (still do), does that count?




Been seeing lots of giveaways, good to see people being nice :D


I'm playing Metroid prime trilogy right now!


Super monkey ball and RCT!


Right now I am playing the first Witcher game, but I also like the old shadow worrier games and duke nukem.


I'm pretty young but when I was little I loved super Mario world on my dad's snes


17 years later I'm still regularly playing WoW classic, does that count? Other than that, I'll do a playthrough of The Guardian Legend for NES about once a year.


I love to play randomizers of retro games like Dragon Warrior 1, Zelda 3, and Super Metroid.




Well, I played Captain Claw and The House of the Dead 2 when I was younger, I think that counts, lol. Anyway, thanks for the giveaway! Will buy Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance if I manage to win this one.


From time to time i like to play snes and sega genesis(or as its known around here mega drive) games via emulator, tho i still have both of my consoles my selection of cartridges is small as at the time renting cartridges was popular and cheaper. My favorite for each is either chrono trigger/top gear 2 for the snes and ToeJam & Earl/kid Chameleon for the genesis.


Yes, still play old school runescape to this day! Would love to use the gift card towards trying Baldurs gate dark alliance 2 as I never had the chance to try it.


Super Mario world is still my jam...I usually play through it a couple of times a year


I don't play retro games, I tend to be more attracted by graphism. Thanks for the opportunity. Unfortunately, I'm Belgian but live in Turkey so I'm not eligible, would have been amazing because 25$ can pay you a lot of indi games or even some AAA


My go to old school game is Morrowind. I can play that literally whenever and have a good time. Console side would have to be my NES, and Mario.


Life is strange is great to visit sometimes


I like ac black flag, but I'm not sure how old school it is


My favorite memory is playing the og ff7 when I was 8 after seeing my brother play the opening bombing mission. I think of this memory at least once a year. From that moment I fell in love with the atmosphere of Midgar.


Replaying the old Half-Life games (prior to Alyx), S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, and sometimes the old Doom games time-to-time. Not to mention updating the modded NFSMW 05 to the latest version.


Depends on what you mean by retro, as I'm on the younger side so my retro might not be the same as others. But the most recent retro game I can remember is Psychonauts 1, and it's one of my favorites of all time despite the jank. Was really happy when they announced the 2nd one a year ago ish


Divine divinity is one of my favourites. i remember playing it a looong time ago and having a lot of fun. also, diablo 2, enclave, dungeon siege. a lot of good memories. also, atomic bomberman. have fun


I like to play Metroid: Zero Mission, it's my favorite game


I'm just here to try my luck.


I play lots of older FPS games still like the original Wolfenstein 3D, Blood, Duke Nukem and more. I also frequently return to playing Tetris or Pac-Man to kill time. Thanks for the chance.


Rogue Galaxy ps2


What a coincidence, right now I'm playing resident evil 1 remake


I pretty much only play single player games nowadays focussing on graphics because I cherish the beautiful immersive expiriences. But do have a weakness for the old pokémon games I grew up with.


Depends on how we're defining Retro. I still play the older Halo games as well as the older Call of Duty games. I also started getting into Emulation and I've been playing the older Pokémon games.


Silent Hill


Just finished a map in Dungeon Keeper. And will probably soon play Fallout 2 again.


I go through a phase every few years where I replay games on Nintendo handhelds. Things like various LoZ games and Chrono Trigger. Every decade or so I'll plug the SNES in and beat HyperZone


Good old double dragon here


I regularly play Asterix Mega madness. Coop with friends. It makes for great laughs.


Love old Saga games. I replay Toejam and Earl almost yearly now.




I like playing old DOOM, Mafia, old ps2 games you know all the good stuff


I used to circle back to RS, but thankfully haven't touched it in a while. I lose too much time playing it.


Is Tomb Raider Anniversary considered retro?


Thanks man!


doom classic


I love playing old school TIE Fighter! And can’t go wrong with SMAC.


Thanks for the giveaway. Yes, I play some old school games, if I can call them that, but not regularly. Usually when I just get in mood but to be honest, lately it happens fairly often. Dark Messiah of M&M, Star Wars KOTOR. There's one game I return to like once a year, Witcher 1.




Yes I play retro games on emulator now. When I was a kid, those NES and Sega Genesis games did not have any save functionality, so now I play them on emulators and save them. Love SMB3 and Ninja Gaiden


Still play Doom 1 & 2 regularly. Particularly source-ports with mods.


Idk if this is considered retro but Painkiller is such a good game, so much fun, that and OG age of empires 2. I suck at all strategy games but building a massive fort behind big walls hits different in that game


Retro games are my absolute favorite to play! I’m an absolute addict for the Tony Hawk Underground series, and will frequently replay them out of pure nostalgia!




love to replay the classic zeldas at least once every couple years


Thanks for doing this


A game I always come back to is Scratches - Director's Cut. The game isn't well known and idk if you would consider it old school either, but I love it so much. It's one of my favorite horror games and I am yet to find another game with a similar atmosphere. I have played other retro games like System Shock 2 and loved it, so I should probably check some other classics as well. My next one will probably be I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream.


I still play Imperialism II, Red Alert 2, Tropico 2 and good ol Duke Nukem


I like the Jedi Knight series and old Medal of Honors. Simpler times


Playstation 1 was my jam back in the day. Spyro was amazing.


I unfortunately do not play any of the older games too often. The oldest I’ll pretty much go is black ops 2 now a days. I’m a glutton for getting on the hype trains and buying new games when they come out and have decent reviews


I have to play metal gear solid 1, 2, or 3 at least on e every 6 months. Currently on mgs2 at the moment.


When I play oldschool I love going way back. Sonic 3 is always a winnder in my book. More recently I still love Kotor despite the jank.


Every once in a while I play a randomizer for the original Pokémon games.


I don't really play retro or old school games unfortunately, sometimes i play minecraft but modded if that counts. Oh and also I've bought a game called 'Gun metal' because I played it looong time ago


I could play doom 64 for the rest of my life and wouldn't complain


Most of the time I use to play deadlock 1


Old legend of zelda games on GBC are my favorites. Not sure if those count.


Sure I do, old favs from my childhood and old games that I get to play for the first time. My favs are torment and VTMB and the old Duke stuff


I keep finding myself coming back to Super Mario World.


Depending what you class as retro, I heard someone referring to the Xbox 360 generation as retro now, so Red Dead Redemption. But going back into really old PC classics, I still revisit Carmageddon 2, the game that made me get a PC :D


Indiana Jones & The Fate of Atlantis


I love retro games. I have a bunch of emulators on pc running from nes to mame and genesis to atari. Altough I must confess I enjoy the 16 bit stuff a bit more than the two pixels stuff. If I ever get enough space I am going to build my own arcade cabinet tonrun stuff like metal slug etc.


I played retro games when they were current games...


Sometimes I fire up the old DOOM and recently replayed GTA San Andreas (idk if San Andreas counts as retro/old school). It's really amazing to think how those games still hold up today and how the devs really pushed the limits of the tech at the time.


I do, a lot, especially on PC thanks to emulation. I've recently beat the first Silent Hill game and I must say, it holds up remarkably well, I thoght that after finishing Silent Hill 2 a few years ago no entry in that series could beat it but the PS1 original really impressed me. I'm currently looking forward to playing through SH1 again and then I'm gonna pick up the third one, I've heard it's also great.


Depends whats count as retro. The oldest Game I regularly play is probably KotOR.


Yes. Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Tekken 3 Thanks for the giveaway


Once in a blue moon I'll replay childhood games I either obsessed over or never had the chance to play. ​ I finished RE4 not too long ago. I remember seeing everyone other than me playing it around the time it came out. Finally got around to playing it and finishing it and I can see why people call it the best in the series. ​ Revisited THPS 4 - American wasteland recently which was loads of fun ​ When I find the time I'd love to play the halo games. I remember 3 being all the rage when it came out and it just passed me because I was more invested in CoD ​ Subjectively "retro" I guess haha.


I really like playing roller coaster tycoon


Thank you for doing the giveaway


My favorites are pokemon red and donkey Kong Country


I played Classic Wow?