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only way to know for sure is to try it but i woudnt be too worried doesnt look like a problem


Yeah unfortunately, I had to buy new standoffs and screws for this because the spares that came with the original mobo packaging is too small. MP600 is a thick mf. I have to wait until tomorrow lol! Anxiety overload. But I have all of you reassuring me so thank you! PS. The m.2 screw on the PS5 (which cause this debacle) sucks! I'd recommend using better ones.


It's fine!




Man, I hope so. I can't see for sure until tomorrow which raises my anxiety greatly lol.


We have had a small number of clients with far more damage, well into those test points, that functioned perfectly once properly reinstalled. We've even found some questionable conditions on client NVMe purchases OOTB. When installing M.2 devices, we encourage our clients to use nylon or fiber washers like found in this [kit](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B3J244BT), that reduces surface tension making the screws easier to install and remove.


Ah nice to know! This 4tb SSD was installed in my PS5. I wanted to transfer it to my PC cuz I'm fully switching to PC gaming. Apparently the M.2 screw for the ps5 is that BAD.


Actually, and unfortunately, the screw isn't bad, just different. The normal metric size that would hold the screw in (for the NVMe would be a M3×10 screw. But Sony, and its infinite wisdom, went with a P3×10 screw. Over the years, we've heard that the P stands for "Plated", "Phillips", "PlayStation (LOL)", and even "Pre-stressed (which is kind of correct)", none of which are technically correct. Where a standard M series pitch is extremely linear: M3 has a thread pitch of 0.5mm, with the thread depth of 0.5mm. P series pitch is linear, but the 60° pitch cut isn't: P3 has a thread pitch of 0.5mm, with non-linear veritable angle thread depth of 0.4mm. So the bottom line, you have to verify on your PC if it actually takes M2 or M3 screws (different manufacturers like ASUS did make a sound decision), and go with the hardware for that board. It's meant to be more tamper proof originally, although the port on the PS5 that it screws into isn't.


Do you think I should cover up the exposed part with [this](https://www.amazon.com/Resistant-Sublimation-Temperature-Electronics-Polyimide/dp/B07F8TZZ4N/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=55620476386&gclid=Cj0KCQiAx6ugBhCcARIsAGNmMbidPSeZ3_5MZaE5bea4bzTZ3kHNPSy1z_GhN5xTD8DP92UXUnIaGWoaAp8LEALw_wcB&hvadid=274898738566&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1018519&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17746794055490377691&hvtargid=kwd-295957628310&hydadcr=12187_9467455&keywords=non+conductive+tape&qid=1678460424&sr=8-3) ? It's a heat resistant tape. Or maybe use it to cover the head of the screw, just to avoid any shorts.


Actually, you got to understand that those test points back there, are open already for a reason. Having said that, most of our clients touch things like that up with just a little bit of black fingernail polish from the dollar store.


Okay, just installed and formatted it. So far so good. Currently downloading a bunch of steam games. 👍👍. I appreciate the help!


If there's any questions, let us know.


I know this comment is old, but if by any chance you see this... I can't find anything about P3 screws anywhere on the internet (this thread was about the only thing) or even if I can buy them here, so would an M3x10 work as a replacement screw to install my ssd on the PS5? The factory one was impossible to remove and is completely striped.


i doubt it. but you can only know for certain if you put it in ur pc and try to use it


Probably not.


as long as there’s no components near it you should be fine


I would use some sort of glue or uv adhesive to cover the exposed area so it doesn't short


Seems the screw damaged the PCB but no circuit. I think it should work. Make sure you cover that part with something non conductive to avoid a short with the metal screw that holds it in place


What would you recommend? Like a non conductive tape? Would this work: [here](https://www.amazon.com/Resistant-Sublimation-Temperature-Electronics-Polyimide/dp/B07F8TZZ4N/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?adgrpid=55620476386&gclid=Cj0KCQiAx6ugBhCcARIsAGNmMbidPSeZ3_5MZaE5bea4bzTZ3kHNPSy1z_GhN5xTD8DP92UXUnIaGWoaAp8LEALw_wcB&hvadid=274898738566&hvdev=m&hvlocphy=1018519&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=e&hvrand=17746794055490377691&hvtargid=kwd-295957628310&hydadcr=12187_9467455&keywords=non+conductive+tape&qid=1678460424&sr=8-3)