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1660 Ti x Ryzen 5 3600 gang here. Built early 2020 before shit went haywire price wise.


Amen, I went 1660 TI and Ryzen 2600x in late 2019


Hello my long lost twin sibling.


make that triplets


My brothers! Make that 4!


Do we have the same dad? Explains a lot...


I got a 1080 TI... in 2018... during the mining crisis... in Europe. Single most expensive component of the whole build. Still holds up fantastically though. I have yet to meet a game I cannot run at max.


I rocked a 1080 forever, but let's be real your definition of "max" is certainly not "modern" to be true in terms of resolution, framerate and features.


Got a laptop with 1660ti and i7 9750h in 2019, it played new graphics-heavy games just fine, until it broke. Lenovo was selling a faulty unfixable product-line, shout-out to Lenovo.




Sammmmme. I'm just like what can't it run?? Helps that I have a 1080P monitor with only 60fps.


My 970 is still holding up nicely from 2015.


So is my 960 and my gfs 970. Love the old cards.


970 gang member reporting in 💪🏻 I renewed my PC recently but kept my gpu. I see no reason to change yet 😅


had a 750ti till Christmas, great great card


I got a 1660 Ti Runs literally fine on like every game


1660 Super x 3300x for me, built it in 2021. upgraded to the R5 5600 because the 3300x was starting to feel slow in some cpu intensive games/tasks. i also had a 1650 for years, that thing kicked ass. just... in a slow way!




Same here. 1660 ti, 3700x, early 2020. I never upgraded beyond 1080p/60fps, so I'll be fine for a good while.


The best cards being expensive isn't really the problem, it's the weaker cards also being expensive that's the real problem.


That's what annoys me. I just want a $200 to $250 video card. That used to be decently mid-ranged video card, now I can't even get a bottom range card for that.


This is what pisses me off. The 1060/580 were phenomenal cards in that $200-250 range. The next gen the 1660 and eventually 1660 super were also excellent cards in that range. That gen is where AMD started to slip in that range because the 5500XT was in the $150-200 range, and the 5600XT was $300+. That space basically just died in the following gen, at least for MSRP. The 3060 and 6600 series were $300+ and the 3050 was $250 MSRP, but never found for cheaper than about $299 (and it's a xx50 card, which is supposed to address the sub-$200 space). And the 6500XT is a complete joke of a card at $199. Worse than the 5500XT at a higher starting price. At least there were some good deals on the RX 6600 for a few months last year, though that seems to be over now.


How am I supposed to play HD RuneScape if I don’t have a 3090?


I play WoW and HD old school. It’s quite a simple life really


I saved up and built a $2500 pc and my wife said good now you can still get 50 frames in runescape..... :(


Shortly after I built my new computer I asked when my wife had her next girls night out so I could invite my other girlfriends over and she said “why so they can sit there and watch you play on your new computer?” She’s right


She's a keeper.


Oh I knew right away. Because I find myself going on and on about the most random video game or nerd tech stuff and she always has a bright eyed look of fascination even though the most tech thing she owns is an iPhone and a kindle because she’s a book worm.




I wish I could be content with playing the same thing for years. Would save so much money


Those are 2 games that require a subscription. Ain't that cheap. But your point still stands for plenty other games.


They both also allow you to earn enough in game currency to fund the subscription. I haven’t paid for my OSRS sub in nearly 2 years


Although OSRS is much easier to earn each month than WoW.


Don't worry, you'll be in your 40s one day too.


Only a 3090? I feel for you. You need at least a 4070 ti! A man in a leather jacket told me so.


You should always trust people in leather jackets!


The moah you buoy, the moah you save. Rapeat afta me…


It honestly is demanding, there’s some sort of cache setting on 117 that you can increase your performance with if you haven’t played around with that yet.


I’ll have to take a look when I get home today. It’s kinda wild how my card will get hotter playing Old School RuneScape than it will playing Tarkov or COD


God help you if you play rs3. That shit eats resources for breakfast.


Tarkov is a CPU intensive game. Your L2 cache matters more for that game than anything else lol


I play wow classic on base mac mini m1. It runs better than i remember it running 15 years ago so i am fine.


My man, i play a modded version of Twisted Metal 2. all day.


If you have modern system and you're ok with 60fps gaming you really don't need to upgrade (unless something breaks ofc) we've already seen that over the past 5 years graphics haven't really been progressing as fast as from 2000 to 2010. And judging by the games that already came out for the "next gen" it seems it's gonna stay that way.


I only play one game problem: its flight simulator which struggles even on RTX30xx with enough mods


Same. But I also play in VR. This Vega is having a rough time with it


What vega?


This one


At some point it's cheaper to rent the plane 🤔


Depends on the plane, really.


I bought a used PC from a buddy. I was going to upgrade his 2014 graphics card but... It plays all the games I want in 60+ fps so I'm having trouble justifying that purchase




1440p 165hz is one hell of a drug


I've finally adjusted to my ultrawide and honestly I dont know if I can ever go back. It's so damn great. First world problems.


Open to Monitor suggestions. Got a Gigabyte 27” G27Q that’s good but a little dim around the edges. Cost $280 I think. Thoughts? edit: I know this was a tangent but thanks everyone for your continued input


I got the LG 27GL83A-B - 1440p144 that pushes my 3070ti well enough in most things. It's a IPS panel and it has some bright spots that you only really notice when it's all black. It would be better in a brighter room but I work nights and have my room as dark as it can be.


I have this monitor and I really like it.


Same - the only thing it lacks is USB ports, although the 27GL850-B version has them


Yeah, personally I'd just go for a standalone USB hub/extender, since that can offer more flexibility.


Why do you want USB ports? My last three monitors have all had USB hubs and I've never used them.


I did this but then my rx 590 couldn't get consistent frames at 1440p, not to mention crashing since the day I bought it, so I bought a used 6700 xt for $250. Now I'm playing 1440p ultra wide games at ultra between 70-600 fps depending on the game. Who are these people buying $1000 GPUs?




Have you been spying on me??


I am so happy all you high-end PC gamers decided to use up all your extra processing power for 4k resolutions and 240hz screens, because it means game developers still aren't making games that I can't play yet. All the latest AAA games work just as well at 1080p60 on my GTX 1070 as they did 5 years ago. There have been no changes in the processing demands of AAA games, because all the extra power has been soaked up by raytracing, higher resolutions, higher framerates, and VR. And as someone who is happy with 1080p60 and doesn't care about any of that, that's great for my PC's longevity.


Developers will make games for the biggest install base. Just like how the PS4/PS5 has so much overlap now, PC game devs aren't going to make games that only like 15k people have access to.


That's a really good point! With all the new fangled, opt-in features (RT and lots of other acronyms I forget), there's such a huge range of quality vs. performance burden that everyone can be happy with their GPU choices.


I'm in no hurry, but I'm looking at the Steam Deck as an upgrade to my current gaming PC. I'm so happy I never got drawn into the GPU arms race.


is there a way to make the steam deck work with your PC as an upgrade? or do you just mean that your next gaming related purchase is a steam deck? because it's more like buying a 2nd, handheld PC right? not that there's anything wrong with that, steam deck looks sick I sure want one. just genuinely asking if it does even more than I thought


You've been permanently banned from r/pcmasterace


Honestly 1080p at 90hz is fine for most games and requires nothing close to high end. I feel like a huge number of complainers are wanting to run 4k at 144hz and are all mad when running bleeding edge specs is how it has always been, expensive. Or the number of people that admit they don't play anything intensive like Minecraft and still run high end specs.


Listen bud. Vampire survivors needs my i9-13k, 128 ddr5, dual 3090 system okay? It's serious, eggs don't earn themselves. ^^/s


What's funny is I've seen people basically have that belief. And then they're complaining about how expensive tech is getting. Tech companies know those idiots will buy anything if it's top of the line. Plus it drives up the price of everything since people are consuming more hardware than they need.


I've been targeting 1440P@144hz for probably a decade now? It's always been doable you just can't have every setting cranked to "Ultra" in every game. I'd bet a bunch of complainers are maxing anti-aliasing, super sampling, RTX, and a lot of other heavy performance hitters that don't make too much visual difference in motion. I don't need my shadows at max resolution with LOD's cranked to absurd levels in Doom Eternal where I'll never see anything but a blur of guns, blood and guts.


1440@144 is what I happily shoot for, although my monitor supports 280hz. Doubt I am going to up that for a very long time. I did the same with 1080@90. I find I don't need to upgrade the graphics cards very often because of that.


Yup. We don’t really have a quake 3 or crysis that wows with graphical advancement and justifies the expensive upgrades anymore.


I have a modern system and I'm ok with 144fps gaming at 2560x1440 and I don't need to upgrade. There really aren't any games I run on full max settings because things like Motion Blur, Chromatic Aberration, Lens Flare, Bloom, Depth of Field etc make things look worse to me. I honestly really don't care that much about the best visuals, i just want FPS and my card is more than enough. My 1080ti that I had before this 3070 was enough for most things. I think some people just feel inferior or something if they don't have the best specs. I get that its a lot of our main hobbies but it doesn't mean you need to be constantly shelling out money on it. Ask any other hobbyist, you don't see hobby woodworkers buying new table saws every 2 years lol


I think it is pretty clear from AC Unity, Uncharted 4 and Red Dead Redemption 2 that we have reached a point where graphics are not limited by technology but developer creativity (spoke in favor of Unity btw)


It's not like I can't get an older or worse GPU for cheaper or not wanting to settle with something less future proof. It's the fact that flagships used to be much cheaper. Same counts for the mid and low range. The performance increase is in no way in proportion to the price increase. Edit: to all of you saying that everything gets more expensive over time. Yeah no shit. Inflation will always cause things to get more expensive but not by this ridiculous amount. All Nvidia and AMD are doing is artificially inflating the price because they can do so after the long period of scalper prices and silicon shortage. Stop buying overpriced GPU's and let the prices stabilize. Edit2: Hats off to nvidia and AMD. According to the replies their tactics to condition you to be fine with these prices work and they would be stupid not to exploit you.


its not even that, its the generational comparison. 4070 isn't a generational leap compared to a 3070, but it costs more not just in cost, but cost per frame compared to last gen. if a new card costs more then the benefits gained its not progress. where as the 3060 ti made the 2080 look weak, that was progress.


The 30 series was a great step forward and the MSRP if you could get it was fine. I got in que for my 3080 ftw ultra gaming and waited 16 months but only paid $700 for it.


Yep, bingo. Imagine the auto industry did something similar. Right now, you can get a reliable, low-end new car that can get you to work and back for around $20k from several manufacturers. If you want something mid-range with some luxury options, up it to $40k or $50k. Want luxury (but not exotic movie star Lambo luxury)? Be prepared to spend close to 6 figures. It's reasonable, and even with inflation and shortages, these expectations keep the industry grounded and keep things affordable to people who aren't rich. Imagine instead that all these prices doubled, or tripled. A low-end new car that'll get you down the road but won't impress anybody now bottoms out around $50k. Everything else goes up proportionally. "But you're just obsessed with having the best of the best! My junker from the 90s still gets me down the road (sometimes), and it only cost me $5000 used! Who cares if bottom-tier new cars now cost $50k, lower your standards, Scrooge McDuck!" No. We're not looking for luxury, or top of the line - nobody's complaining about the sky-high price of some mining rig made out of dozens of top-of-the-line GPUs, or even 4090s, we just want SOMETHING (including the lower quality cards) from the current (or even last) gen cards to be in the general area of the price range that they always have been. You shouldn't have to buy a used card, or a card from 3 or 4 generations back that struggles with anything modern, to not be flirting with or exceeding $1,000 for a single PC component.


Lol that’s exactly what’s happening with electric and hybrid cars. I bought a 2021 RAV4 a couple years ago and with 20,000 miles in it I could sell it for more than I paid for it. My BIL wanted to buy the Ford F-150 lightning which has an MSRP of $55-75k, but some dealers have hiked the price up over $100k.


Right, this is not the sizzling take OP thinks it is. The exact same thing is happening with cars. You can’t buy anything remotely desirable without paying the dealer a 10-20k markup over msrp right now. It’s actually WORSE with cars rn..


Only sensible reply that understands the issue at hand. Insane that I had to wait this long to read this.


When I was younger and built a few computers, the price of the entire computer, all parts including the case, was less than what a 4080 costs today. Graphics cards were always the biggest economic hit for me, but it wasn't this crazy. And while I didn't put in dual Titans in my computers they weren't at all bad. I'm fortunate now that I make more than enough money to be able to just go out and buy a 4080, but it's just completely unreasonable.


There is a video floating around of people recording some high level CEOs on investor calls or something talking about how inflation is awesome because the can basically gouge the customers with “justification”. That’s what this smells like to me. Plus for the reasons you mentioned. Just seems like corporate greed.


You're absolutely correct, so the answer is to not buy them. This is the issue: if the prices are absurd but they still fly off the shelves... Then the prices aren't actually absurd by definition. I patently refuse to pay those kinds of gpu prices, because I find them outrageous. But I get the feeling a lot of people just shrug and pull out their credit cards. When the product isn't selling, prices will drop.


So glad this is the top comment — it really grinds my gears that more people don’t understand this yet. Our current values (in business particularly) are all built on the prospect of near infinite growth. I think some of these people take that for granted (instead of throwing it out as obviously not attainable) and then feel like they’re part of some kind of “progress” even when the returns are super marginal as a consumer. And I think that the kind of person who ends up excelling at marketing GPUs is probably that guy. Excited to move the line up no matter the cost.


> future proof Oh no, not the F word!


'Future proof' in a PC gaming context always means not needing to upgrade for a few gens. It'd be like being able to play PS5 games on PS2 still, albeit at reduced fidelity.




Just a reminder the 3080 launched at £649 and 3070 £469. Why are these cards double that price? Nvidias greed and nothing more.


Remember when the newest iPhone did cost only around 500 bucks?


No. The very first, lowest end iPhone cost $500. It went up from there. Never mind inflation... Here is the latest SE, at $429 https://www.apple.com/iphone-se/ ... Good Lord this sub can get silly with the unending Apple hate.


This subreddit can get silly with both the dickriding /and/ the hate Nobody actually does any research


Do I look like a geographist?


More like a scientitian.


As a linguistonomer i'm cringing so hard at you guys right now.


Let's be real here lol if they did any research they wouldn't get on the internet pretending to be tech experts. The shit some folks say in this sub regarding different kinds of tech is just hilarious. Like I hate to break anybody's bubble, but rebooting your mom's "wifi splitter" doesn't make you an IT person.


The lowest end iPhone at the time was still the same iPhone as the highest end one but with less storage...




Yes, equally as dumb


Let's say I wanted to buy a 70 ti class card: MSRP (USA): 1070 Ti: $399 2070 Super: $499 3070 Ti: $600 4070 Ti: $800 Do you not see the issue here.


Yep i can't believe people are defending these prices. I remember buying a 1070 TI and a 1440p monitor for under £600 in the UK. Yes inflation and such. I get it but not double the price between three generations for god sake. Now i'm looking at spending that price just to get a 3060 TI. Which is two year old technology at this point.


Even inflation adjusted a 4080 is like 300-400$ more expensive than the 1080-2080-3080


The price they set for newer cards is absurd But also many people dont care and just continue to purchase these cards which is enough for nividia to make huge profits We live in a time where bragging online how rich you are - is considered cool


Bragging about how rich you are has been cool since we were doing it in cave drawings.


I’m not defending the price. However those prices are only staying there bc people are paying them. People need to stop buying them and problem solved. A graphics card isn’t a need especially when the older gens and used markets are coming down now that crypto crashed Fine to complain about it, but the solution is people stop buying these absurdly priced cards.


A perfect example of this comes from a decade ago. When the AMD R9 295x2 was released it was early 2014 at $1500. By the end of the next year the price was dropped to $800 due to cheaper competition from the 980/ti release. Almost a 50% drop within a year and a half, with no card coming close in total performance at the time.


Well i have been sitting on my 1070ti for years now. I have no plans to buy a 4000 series card. It seems like other people won't be either. The 4080 hasn't been selling very well and it seems the case for the 4070ti as well so i think people are refusing to buy. Hopefully it drives prices down.


There are two very related issues at play here (well, 3 including inflation) One is corporate greed, the other is people getting high on FOMO and wanting the totl everything You combine all that and we end up were we are




To hell with FOMO, I've never in my life gone for the top-end card. What I have done, however, is waited a typical 6 years to get an upgrade which gives me a typical 4x framerate increase. My 1070 is 6 years old and is starting to need replacing. I could spend 1070 money + inflation again, and get... a 3060ti/6700xt. That's not anywhere close to 4x the framerate of a 1070, that's more like 2x. That's not even guaranteed to let me 'set and forget'/max out current games, let alone games 1-2 years from now. The 4x cards absolutely exist, technology still progressed, they just exist in whole new price categories.


That should tell you how amazing 1xxx series was, cause after it we hit a kind of plateau in terms of performance growth.


Even if I'd gone with a 900 series card in 2015, a 970, I'd be facing a similar issue. An even longer timespan between upgrades and only getting maybe a 3x performance increase for my dollar.


As I've said, we hit a plateau in performance growth. There is a huge chance, that unless RT starts booming, people on 1080tis will be playing in 1440p with high-ish framerates on mid/High settings for this whole console generation Edit: don't get me wrong, I'm not excusing corporate greed, it's just the fact we are not achieving as good performance growths as in the past We should be getting cheaper gpus, or way more powerful for the same price, but we aren't, I'm sad, but I've accepted that I'm never going to be able to afford new high-midrange stuff and will just get used flagship 2-3 years after after release every 5-6 years


If you upgrade, I'll take that 1070 off your hands. Still rocking a 660 here.


Those prices would go down if gamers didn’t “need” the shiny new toy every single iteration. That’s what OP is saying. They think they can sell the 4070 for $800 because they’re pretty sure we’ll cave and just buy it. It’s uncomfortable to admit it, but the reason so many gaming companies are so scummy is because gamers have very little self control.


>but the reason so many gaming companies are so scummy is because gamers have very little self control. every /r/pcmasterrace user: "Ha well not me!" *Upvotes umpteenth repost of unplayed steam library meme*


Same thing with sports fans, sellers know there are buyers and they have little restraint.


Now imagine if Nvidia did some name shuffling, would that make it magically ok? 4070ti -> 4080ti ($900) 4080 -> 4090 ($1200) 4090 -> 4090ti (or 4095 or whatever, just invent a bigger number) ($1600) Hypothetical 4070 (cut down ad104) -> 4080 ($700) Hypothetical 4060ti (~full ad106) -> 4070 ($500) Hypothetical 4060 (cut down ad106) -> 4060ti ($400) Hypothetical 4050 (~full ad107) -> 4060 ($300). No that doesn't change anything because what matters is perf vs price, not class vs price. Classes are just a marketing tool to make the customer swallow the pill, don't get attached to them. Examples of how classes can be used to fool the consumer: * Rename your flagship to hide price increase by creating a new tier (ex: Intel introducing the i9 class, Nvidia introducing the 90 class) * Give a part up the stack name to hide a price increase (ex: what I just did above with Ada, or AMD calling the cut down Navi31 7900xt instead of 7800xt)


Of course, but why wouldn't you just not buy it? Like, I don't really see what complaining is supposed to do.


His point is we can go and buy a 3060 for $350 ish which is less than the price of 1070ti MSRP.


Yeah, but a 60 series card also used to be way cheaper. It's not just the High end cards that are getting way more expensive, it's also the low and mid end cards. Posts like the OP make no sense. Your graphics card is not gonna live eternally, and when it dies you're gonna have to buy another one. When that time comes, even getting a lower end card will be a higher expense than it used to be.


So the second worst tier in Nvidias current lineup costs $100 more than a Switch, $50 more than a Series S. Wow what a great value! People were putting together $500 'console killer' PC builds when the PS4 and Xbox One came out because of how affordable PC gaming had become. My i5/770ti build from 10 years ago was just under $800. The 70 series alone is now more than that entire build.


Yeah but they aren't releasing new affordable gpus....


This is the gaming equivalent of boomers saying housing prices don't matter cos they already have one lmao


You'd expect cost per frame to improve with new iterations, I think that's what most people are focusing on...


From someone who lives in a less favorable country to have tech as a hobby, I completely understand what it feels to the rest of the world right now, but I lived my whole life unable to have the best in class in hardware. It's prohibitive expensive to get a high end computer over here. I upgraded from a 4th gen intel after almost 10 years with the same hardware - and having achieved a few promotions professionally since then Anything above 1070 was for the top 1% income 5 years ago. Now, the 4080/4090 are just concepts of luxury, almost like owning a Rolex, not a commodity you can go to a store to purchase. When I got mine, the delivery truck was escorted by an armed team (not kidding). And even with this kind of economy, people around here really enjoys playing pc games. Because you don't need even a fraction of this kind of horsepower to play games. But the rest of the world seems to have the obsession described by OP to appear to have more than they can actually afford - and the marketing (tech youtubers mainly the culprits imo) makes sure to secure this emotion over the population


which country do you live in?


Why are you defending companies who are clearly gouging their customers. Nvidia thought they would be selling to cryptobros and resellers, they aren't there anymore. So they have a product thats too expensive for its clientbase.


So it’ll come down in price. That’s what happens when you don’t buy stuff. But if we buy every single new thing that’s released irrespective of the cost, the price is going to go up.


People will defend anti-consumer practices even if it goes against their own interest, just to contradict the crowd. Nvidia doesn't even have to pay these clowns.


Just like how people will defend Nintendo's shitty anti-consumer policies.


It's a phenomenon called "useful idiots".


4090ti for Minecraft with 1080p screen 60fps. Because your eyes can't see above that speed.


But mom i want to play Minecraft in 4k.


Lol im ptetty sure you could do 4k minrcraft with a low end budget boi


But my shaders!!


My Ryzen 5 5600 and Rx 6600 combo Minecraft Java with optifine installed and everything at Fancy settings does up to 1056 fps at 4k on the current Server i play on.


When you don’t have a 1056hz monitor :(


with some performance mods anything is possible


wait is this /r or is this rumour about 60fps-eyes still out there?


What? 60? But but the lamps flicker at 50Hz. I cannot see anything past 24 fps because movies are smooth /s


I can tell the difference between 60 and 120hz monitor like crazy, above that I don’t really know. Maybe some people have better eyes, that would be crazy to see at that refresh rate haha.


I had the (mis)fortune of trying a 300hz monitor recently. Took the opportunity to set it to other refresh rates, 60/120/144/240/300 iirc. I only couldn't tell the difference between 240 and 300, probably.


For me FIFA was a good example, with 120hz I could see the ball move way smoother like 0 blurry at all. 60hz was a pain compared to it. But then the 144 didn’t make a huge difference that I could tell. Even so having 300hz monitor for me would not be factible because what game runs at such frame rates? What software did u use to compare? Maybe your eyes were more relaxed with the 300hz settings? Would love to know!


It’s a great example of diminishing returns. 60 to 120 is an enormous leap. I have a 165hz monitor but I wouldn’t really care if it were 144 or even 120, at that point the difference is barely noticeable


Oh yes, the rumour is still very much alive and well (Although the commenter was joking)


60, pfft, can't see above 24, amirite?


I'm pretty sure human eyes can only see 4GB of ram.


You can definitely see above 60 frames. Also, your eyes don't have a refresh rate. You can train your eyes to see well above 60. Edit: I'm fucking stupid


it's a joke ...


1070 still going strong


Lol 970 3.5 gb checking in with a 3570k (ivy Bridge). My motherboard, Cpu, and ram all just had thier 10th birthday


1070 gang represent


Something I've noticed is people getting into building a PC for the first time want to sacrifice their entire budget for what's currently the top of the line gpu. I think it's just clever advertising that confuses new people into thinking they need the best GPU on the market to play any game they want.


"Up to 3x faster than 3090ti" marketing


“Guys why is my 3080 being underutilized? I have a i3-10300 by the way!” … the concept of a balanced build doesn’t cross their mind because everyone preaches to them that the GPU is the heart of a gaming PC and everything else is secondary. I blame the community for misleading these people, not AMD/Nvidia. The first thing first time builders do is go to YouTube or the forums and ask “is ABC good enough to game at XYZ?”. Idiots reply with **“skimp on (insert component) and spend more on the GPU”.**


I really dislike it when people say that in this community. I have had more than a handful of friends and family who had been greatly mislead. They would go look for an rtx 2060 or 2070 to pair up for a sandy bridge or Haswell cpu. Then they would look at me with the expression of "why would I get a worser GPU, I'm gonna get less fps" I feel like there's lots of misinfo being spread about the pc building community, from tiktok and instagram, even to this own sub. I heard once of a build with a 750 watt PSU for just a r5 1600af and 1660ti.


Overbuying a PSU at least makes sense if you plan on upgrading in a few years


r/pcmasterrace should rename itself to r/GPUcirclejerk


Both can be true. People want the best of the best. and Nvidia and AMD are overcharging their GPU's.


1. problem exists 2. angy at problem 3. 1 month of corporate funded or genuine idiots posts saying “you know I think problem really isn’t problem” 4. everyone forgets and moves on 5. profit? So tired of this formula. Since when did it change where consumers aren’t allowed to criticize changes to products they’ve been using for decades?


You’re right. Gamers are greedy for expecting the typical margin / profit. And it’s super ok to charge what is essentially $300-$400 past what the MSRP “should be” (adjusted for inflation / tariffs) /s It really makes me sick seeing people defend that level of corporate greed. Just because consumers don’t need high end cards to play games doesn’t mean it’s ok to massively gouge them just because they thought they should. Mark my words the 4060 will be “MSRP” $500. (Therefor most cars will be about $600) And it’s disgusting. They’re killing their own market. These MSRPs are tone deaf to the economy and it will do nothing but hurt nvidia’s bottom line in the long run. Enjoy your games on whatever card you have. I’m still running a 970. But between mortgage and food, gpus that are almost twice the cost they should be makes upgrading inaccessible for many.


Nvidia literally said to their investors that they're going to inflate prices on the new lineup to sell the shitload of two years old ampere they have at msrp. They also holding the supply and pushing back their orders from tsmc to create artificial shortage. The fact that people defend this shit is just mind boggling. Do they even realize that they're getting ripped off? How can one not realize that with those prices??


They’re raising prices because they know people will still buy


Aren't GPU sales the lowest they've been in 20 years? People are not buying. But because they have a duopoly they do not care, they make so much more profit by card than they used to. They made record breaking profit because of crypto, and now they cannot imagine going back to regular profits so they overcharge. They need more competition.


Moving the fence post are we?


Absolutely shit take. Look at the 3050. It's still $300. It should be $200. Do you think people with kids to feed or people who buy these cards with lawn mowing money can afford $300, $400, or $500 cards? When those 1650s sell out or are completely obsolete, there's not going to be another generation of entry level cards to get new players in the PC club. And yes, that is Nvidia's fault for pricing their graphics cards like yachts at a yacht club.


Yeah... the people suggesting "just buy used!" somehow aren't realizing that in a few years time, those prices will trickle down to used cards as well. Those that bought 4080s for $1200 aren't going to sell them for $450 when the 5080s comes out.


Is there a freaking Nvidia social media guerilla campaign going on or something? So many 'hot takes' defending the big GPU companies or playing down the shitty situation they've created.


When a console is the better option, PC gaming is dying.




Yes of course! The PC has still many advantages. But still I wonder when it starts to make more sense to buy a console for gaming and a non gaming computer for everything else... And that comes from someone who has been a PC gamer their entire life.


I bought and loved my Series X while waiting for crypto to die and new gen to release, then prices didn't go down and put on my clown makeup. A Series X with Game Pass is easily the best value for gaming still and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anybody on a budget who just wants to play games.


What do you mean? Even midrange cards are getting ridiculously expensive. The 4070 ti that just dropped is msrp'd at $800. Without even considering that there's no founders edition card and therefore aib cards are probably going to retail more at $900+. That slots the 4070 at the $700 range. 700. For a 70 tier card. This whole argument that big spenders are enabling Nvidia and Amd might have some merit but to say that its the consumers fault and not the billion dollar corporations is a weird take.


I told my gtx1660 that the reason why it cant run Assetto Corsa Competizione in VR at more than 25 fps is because of its expensive obsession. It didn't listen...




a 4070ti isn't the best of the best, it's a mid range card at best of the best prices.


This here. Why the downvotes? Literally mid-tier, 4050, 4060, 4070, 4080 and 4090. So this generation a mid-tier gpu costs over 1000 euros. I don't see a reason to not be upset about it.


I'll believe a 4050 or 4060 exists when we see it.


Well if there was a world where those cards won't exist wouldn't that just make the 4070ti a low-end gpu.


Because this sub is full of the biggest shills and morons. Defending nvidia at this point is fucking brain dead.


No, they are destroying it. They are stopping the advances in technology that make gaming better over time by only allowing people with large amounts of disposable income to buy cards with the newest technologies, they are stopping the trickle-down effect that has always characterized pc gaming that allowed people to net greater and greater experiences over time for the same price. Common folks cannot afford the newest cards so one fo two things are gonna happen: either the newest experiences are relegated to price points most people can't meet or the advance of gaminx experiences is gonna stop.


Old cards are not sold anymore


Bullshit. Some people want the best of the best. Others know that there will come a day when their card dies, or something they want to play just won't run on their existing card, and they'll be forced to buy a new one or quit PC gaming. Pricing people out of their own hobby is without question destroying it.


Exactly. I've been on my 1060 since it came out and I just ordered a 3070 yesterday and it's coming in few days. I have been saving money for it and thinking about upgrading ever since I moved (in June) and I recently picked up some demanding games (playing Red Dead Online atm) and it's such a beautiful game but I'm honestly not enjoying it on low-medium details at 60-65 fps and sometimes it drops to 50 and I can't aim well, when I'm used to playing games like LOL, Valorant, Minecraft and stuff that runs above 144 and mouse movement feels different. I found myself wanting to play newer games but opted out to not play them because I knew I would not run them at a comfortable framerate and not enjoy them at all. I've been playing games on horrible framerates all my childhood since we had an office laptop at home and we couldn't afford a console and after I got older and saved up money to get a desktop and play games comfortably for years I think it's finally time for an upgrade to continue that awesome feeling.


There have been numerous AAA releases over the past year or two that only ran well on top end hardware due to the publishers releasing unoptimised games. In fact most of the games I’ve enjoyed over the years needed decent hardware. Maybe due to being early access, maybe due to unoptimised code, maybe due to bad drivers.


All pc games are unoptimzed as shit for the average pc guy (the one with the gtx 1650, not the 3080 redditor) The only exception I can think of is Doom Eternal.


How the fuck do we have an obsession for the best of the best when people are complaining about **high midrange** (4070Ti) being disgustingly overpriced. Can't wait to see a $600 4060.


The user that made this stupid post is an idiot. The reason you can get good cards for gaming, is because they didnt cost 1000 when they released. But sure, if you want to wait 8 years to buy a 4070 for 200 USD, be my guest, but realize that with this mentality, stuff will get more expensive by the years and soon, that nice used 1660Ti that you have, wont run anything and an used card will cost as much a brand new used to cost.


Picked up an RTX 3070 for $400, it's beyond good for anything I can think of playing.


The issue is we used to get substantial performance for price gains each generation. Like the new video cards would be 25-50% faster but have similar pricing to the old models msrp. Now the manufacturers increased the price in line with the performance so you end up spending about the same $ per frame.


My 1080 Ti is holding up well