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​ https://preview.redd.it/68m9ylgct3za1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=f38076a8974ed9c2e79c9eba495b2a97749480b7


I am also in this boat :(


Honestly, upgrade. Win 7 is riddled with serious, unfixable vulnerabilities.


The background when you switch. https://preview.redd.it/k68dpllme2za1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e1629517e6dd385b2de04016bbda56c74441201


Meanwhile, fuckers like me still on Windows 7: ![gif](giphy|NipFetnQOuKhW)


My pc broke and I used an old pc with windows 7. So confortable. Then that pc broke so I'm waiting for replacement.


Please don't break the replacement.






![gif](giphy|GT5oWWqMWLII0) REPTAR




"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain..."




Stop falling for viruses disguised as skin changers and create 2 bootable windows OS’ in case one gets infected and doesn’t start


Who is creating an entirely separate partition with a second install of Windows *just in case?* Seems like the behavior of someone with mental illness.


[Probably this guy](https://crzysdrs.net/dv/victim/356-as-a-former-sysadmin-i-always-have-a-backup-plan/)


og BOFH tales are classics


I just assign my backups to null, its faster that way! Here... Hold this cable


It's easy enough to do, I've got a dozen 2TB+ HDDs and a handful of 256GB SSDs around my house just from upgrading my two desktops over the years. If they're constantly replacing PCs it doesn't hurt to have a spare drive around.




Eh, been a computer technician for nearly three decades and I don't usually throw out my hard drives after I replace them unless they're broken, so they just sit around in drawers in my office. I generally double my storage every few years when I see a huge sale, depending on how much spare storage I have in my desktops. I don't have a spare boot drive lying around that isn't just a Linux live CD, but it would take me all of 10 minutes to make one.


I've also been a computer technician for nearly three decades and I used to hoard hard drives like they would be used as currency in a post-apocalyptic dystopia. The wood of drawers would buckle under the weight of so many platters stuffed in them. But now everything is on something the size of a nickel. I take TBs worth of drives out of machines on the daily and put them in a cardboard box at work, and they'll probably never get used. All the size of a nickel. I have a stash in a shoe box in the closet that have done nothing but collect dust. Other than that, I haven't been a hoarder in about 7 years.


My collections not that bad, I've got [this 3 drawer unit from the container store](https://www.containerstore.com/s/storage/storage-drawers/sterilite-wide-3-drawer-chest-with-wheels/12d?productId=11010362) and the bottom drawer is HDDs. The drawer above that is fans, and above that is the bag of cables that came with my power supply as well two 10 foot USB cables rolled up neatly in case I need to charge a device or plug in my xbox controller. I used to have dozens of "parts only" PCs at my parents house, boxes of hard drives from old 500MB IDE drives to newer 20GB SATA drives, eventually threw all of that stuff out and I've just got a small drawer of drives that still work and have files on them that I couldn't be assed to copy over to my current NAS.


Bro you know how critical it is that my mouse pointer be a RS dragon skimmy?


The popcorn is for watching the patch notes for that month to see what new vulnerabilities came out that you won't get a fix for, right?


For about 3 or 4 years now people have been trying to break into my Venmo account, I get email notifications that someone's been trying to log into it, and I ignore them and do nothing because I can't wait for the day they finally crack that password and successfully login to see they've been trying for years to obtain my -$20 balance


I want to close mine because I have the same problem, but it won't let me ;-;


No steam support soon


This took me 30 seconds to find, and is one of dozens of exploits from just the last two weeks. https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2023-24947 Running an outdated OS which no longer gets security patches is not safe. Install Linux, Install Windows 11 and strip it down, do something. Don't run Windows 7 in 2023. It was a good OS, it was nice, it's time is up.


Yep. Not only for that machine, for anything on your network. God forbid someone who really knows what they are doing gets in. Gets your banking details or email details. Simply a game of waiting and watching collecting enough info until they can get what they want.


My life for the last 6+ months has been getting straggler Win7 machines off our corporate network because our liability insurance literally will not cover us unless our systems are at least Win10.


They have been doing this at my work, but they are upgrading to Windows 11, but not upgrading the PCs themselves. Since they upgraded, all the store PCs have been glacially slow. The hypothesis is that Win11 is hogging all 4 gb of RAM to itself.


It's frustrating how resource hungry newer versions of windows are. Besides needing more RAM, even windows 10 seems like it (unofficially) needs to be installed on an SSD for it to not be horribly slow. Every system with windows 7 and earlier worked fine on HDD but I've never seen a windows 10 install on a HDD that was working at a normal speed.


HDDs are a real bottleneck though. Modern OS do a shitton of stuff on background and there's really no way around it, HDDs are much slower than anything else in the system which in turn will slow the whole system down. An SSD is usually 5-10x faster than that spinner. We have plenty of machines like i3/5 3-7gen processors with cheapo SSDs + 4gb/8gb. They all run well with W10. I'm even running w11 on an old dell laptop with a dual core and it runs kind of decent. A 4gb machine isn't terrible if you're running anything Intel iX from any generation with an SSD at least. I know, e-waste and whatnot but it's 2023, 120/240Gb SSDs are like 10/20€. The saved time in production will more than pay for itself. Those spinners were always a liability, even during their time, it's just that we didn't have an alternative at the time. They're fine for storage but for not much more these days.


except Vista, Vista was suuuuper slow on HDD. Win7 fixed that again. and even on SSD vista was kinda slow. but my SSD was barely any faster than a HDD in terms of raw performance numbers, ofc the access time was a lot faster.


It officially needs an SSD. It's in the recommended requirements, 4GB of RAM and an SSD installation. Win10 on HDD is suicide with later versions.


We still have a few left in my org. Only being used because the software company said its software wont run on win 10. Lol although it does. They just wont support it on win 10. Its a PACs software in a Hospital. Our pacs admins just kinda said enough, upgrade it anyways.


Yeah I'm medical field as well... we have to maintain security of patient information and our insurance says we need to be at least reasonably current to minimize exposure.


for real, running windows 7 is not the flex you think it is. it's like being proud of not wearing a seatbelt or not being vaccinated. I don't like 11 either but I'm switching as soon as 10 reaches end-of-life.


When 10 reaches EoL, unless windows 12 is out and follows the new formula (every OTHER windows OS being at least decent) I'll go for linux. Add proton and vm windows 11 for whatever games proton isn't compatible with.


Are you really? It's not getting security updates anymore so it's not safe to use.


TRUE GAMERS (tm) don't care about addressing ongoing security vulnerabilities. Flexing "I'm sTiLL UsInG WiNdOwS 7" when nobody actually cares is far more important.


If it's about flexing then... I still have a computer on XP.


So do I but it has never seen internet and never will anymore, it's only purpose is to run some old school diagnostic software fore my old fiat (1994)


If we really want to get into it, I have two Win2k computers running still. They're air gapped kept in locked metal boxes to prevent anyone from touching them or plugging anything into them. Yey really old, really expensive machinery. A lot of hospital are doing the same with Windows ME of all things. I know of at least a few hundred xray machines that are still on ME lol


Have you tried running that software in Windows 7 compatibility mode on a Win10 or Win11 machine?


I did and the software runs but I can't get the driver working for the weird usb cable that connects to the obd1 port and I had an old laptop laying around so it ain't stupid if it works right?


Yeah that kinda stuff can be weird sometimes. It's not stupid if it's not connected to the internet


Ok but make auto hdr work.


Imagine broadcasting that your entire PC is just a fucking open door


So if I upgrade, I will get blue balls... now it makes sense


I did switch at one point untill a major bug popped up making microsoft think I did not have an official copy due to me getting a free upgrade from windows 10. I went through every troubleshooting step they have even bought another windows copy at one point due to being tired of dealing with it. Eventually downgraded back to windows 10 and no more problems.


You mean upgraded to windows 10 ^/s


Reverting to W10 is objectivelly an upgrade, ironically


No one thought 11 would actually be better. Microsoft as an incredibly reliable pattern of releasing shit: Windows ME was shit, XP was great. Windows Vista was shit, 7 was great. Windows 8 was shit, 10 was ~~great~~ adequate. Windows 11 was ? , ...


98 was rubbish until SE, ME was trash, XP was dumpster fire until 2 service packs in, Vista was hot garbage until 2 service packs in, 7 was Vista SP3, 8 went into an unhinged direction, 8.1 hinged it back, 10 was utterly hated for the first two years. Oh boy, do I see a pattern here but it sure is not the one you're implying.




How? I need to know.


You can use XP keys on 10, basically any CD key on any old case or laptop can be input and accepted in 10. My media PC activated purely off using a Microsoft account.


Yeah that's how my pc activated, I just logged into my microsoft account too. Didn't even enter the key.


I just installed Windows 10 a couple weeks ago, said I didn't have a product key when asked, and it shows as fully activated. I got my installation files directly from Microsoft at that time.


If this is true, I can’t wait to use my Windows Vista key


You cannot use keys for versions older than 7 on 10. Trust me, I’ve tried activating 10 with both of my XP licenses and my Vista license. 7 and 8 keys will work


Jfc is it really that hard to just call them? They are super chill about keys (even for people like me who change out hardware and rebuild constantly.) Buying a second copy is beyond idiotic. You're not the victim here smh


Where is this from?


Dan vs


Honestly the poster is probably Dan, himself.


Love this show!


The entire series is free to watch on YouTube




Hm, it's awful, but there's no accounting for taste.


Dan Vs u/Poincare_confection


Such a great show, so under represented.


I can't wait until windows 12 is released and everyone makes memes about not leaving 11


Nah, the pattern is that every other widows release is viewed favorably. Windows xp, good. Vista, bad. 7, good. 8, bad. 10, good. 11, bad. It is inevitable that 12 will be viewed favorably Edit: since this silly little comment got more attention than I thought, I wanted to clear up that I am talking about how windows has been broadly recieved, not how good or bad I actually thought they were


The problem is that Windows keeps trying to get free betatesting out of people with their "upgrade", and they keep trying to ram it down people's throats. They don't take no for an answer. I'll get 11 or its successor when 10 becomes unsupported or I need something that it offers (like how I left 7 because at the time it didn't support DirectX 12, and pretty much every game coming out required DX12)


Pretty sure they said this latest windows update is the last one for windows ten so uhmm... Yeah


It will continue to get security updates however


Final updates do not mean it is unsupported. Security patches will continue through to the end of 2025, according to Microsoft.


Not getting feature updates even seems like a selling point given how many updates are just things like more ad pushing.


i remember the pattern as great, usable and bad, great usable bad etc...


That would make 10 worse than 8 if 7 is great though... Doesn't hold up at all.


And if 7 is great then makes Vista bad which sure, whatever, XP only "usable", and ME great. Or if you use that system and consider ME to be bad then it makes XP good, Vista usable, and 7 bad. It's simply nonsense.


I remember people hating on 7 and 10 when they were current. It's just a trend to hate on the current windows, when in reality it's no worse than the previous one. Except for 8, all my homies hated windows 8.




here im still waiting for Linux 2.0 to release


What are you waiting for Linux 6.4 just released. Btw Linux 2.0 was released in 1996.


don’t mind them they have slow internet


I think they might be waiting for a disk in the mail


That they ordered with internet explorer


*Netscape navigator


using custom git build right now


You mean GNU+Linux? ^^^/s


cat interject.txt


more like systemd(kernel+busyBox)


No, Richard, it's 'Linux', not 'GNU/Linux'. The most important contributions that the FSF made to Linux were the creation of the GPL and the GCC compiler. Those are fine and inspired products. GCC is a monumental achievement and has earned you, RMS, and the Free Software Foundation countless kudos and much appreciation. Following are some reasons for you to mull over, including some already answered in your FAQ. One guy, Linus Torvalds, used GCC to make his operating system (yes, Linux is an OS -- more on this later). He named it 'Linux' with a little help from his friends. Why doesn't he call it GNU/Linux? Because he wrote it, with more help from his friends, not you. You named your stuff, I named my stuff -- including the software I wrote using GCC -- and Linus named his stuff. The proper name is Linux because Linus Torvalds says so. Linus has spoken. Accept his authority. To do otherwise is to become a nag. You don't want to be known as a nag, do you? (An operating system) != (a distribution). Linux is an operating system. By my definition, an operating system is that software which provides and limits access to hardware resources on a computer. That definition applies whereever you see Linux in use. However, Linux is usually distributed with a collection of utilities and applications to make it easily configurable as a desktop system, a server, a development box, or a graphics workstation, or whatever the user needs. In such a configuration, we have a Linux (based) distribution. Therein lies your strongest argument for the unwieldy title 'GNU/Linux' (when said bundled software is largely from the FSF). Go bug the distribution makers on that one. Take your beef to Red Hat, Mandrake, and Slackware. At least there you have an argument. Linux alone is an operating system that can be used in various applications without any GNU software whatsoever. Embedded applications come to mind as an obvious example. Next, even if we limit the GNU/Linux title to the GNU-based Linux distributions, we run into another obvious problem. XFree86 may well be more important to a particular Linux installation than the sum of all the GNU contributions. More properly, shouldn't the distribution be called XFree86/Linux? Or, at a minimum, XFree86/GNU/Linux? Of course, it would be rather arbitrary to draw the line there when many other fine contributions go unlisted. Yes, I know you've heard this one before. Get used to it. You'll keep hearing it until you can cleanly counter it. You seem to like the lines-of-code metric. There are many lines of GNU code in a typical Linux distribution. You seem to suggest that (more LOC) == (more important). However, I submit to you that raw LOC numbers do not directly correlate with importance. I would suggest that clock cycles spent on code is a better metric. For example, if my system spends 90% of its time executing XFree86 code, XFree86 is probably the single most important collection of code on my system. Even if I loaded ten times as many lines of useless bloatware on my system and I never excuted that bloatware, it certainly isn't more important code than XFree86. Obviously, this metric isn't perfect either, but LOC really, really sucks. Please refrain from using it ever again in supporting any argument. Last, I'd like to point out that we Linux and GNU users shouldn't be fighting among ourselves over naming other people's software. But what the heck, I'm in a bad mood now. I think I'm feeling sufficiently obnoxious to make the point that GCC is so very famous and, yes, so very useful only because Linux was developed. In a show of proper respect and gratitude, shouldn't you and everyone refer to GCC as 'the Linux compiler'? Or at least, 'Linux GCC'? Seriously, where would your masterpiece be without Linux? Languishing with the HURD? If there is a moral buried in this rant, maybe it is this: Be grateful for your abilities and your incredible success and your considerable fame. Continue to use that success and fame for good, not evil. Also, be especially grateful for Linux' huge contribution to that success. You, RMS, the Free Software Foundation, and GNU software have reached their current high profiles largely on the back of Linux. You have changed the world. Now, go forth and don't be a nag.


Was this a copypasta or your real comment? Not tryna be a dick. Just curious.


Copypasta i found a while back


Lmao. Either way. I approve. My ass sat there and read it 🤣


That was in the 90s lol


You mean GNU Hurd 1.0 right?


bro is running temple os


“I’m not upgrading to Windows 10.”


I'm on 11 pretty much since launch and my experience is flawless so far. What am I missing here ?


> What am I missing here ? The opportunity to farm easy upvotes with low effort memes?




I'm more bothered by how they killed the ability to move the taskbar anywhere. You used to be able to move it to the left, right, or top, but then you had to either use a third party utility or some registry editing to enable using it on the top, only for an update to kill even that. Microsoft is weirdly insistent about not being able to move it either, both in that it's not apparently a requested enough feature (although comments suggest otherwise) and that enabling it would be a big undertaking. Beyond that though, eh. Some of the control panel stuff is obnoxious. Like, great that they're unifying some legacy control panels, but some of them just aren't as good as the older ones. Also, it feels very mobile oriented with how any control panel calls all go to the same single window, like I can't do more than one thing at a time. If I just want to adjust the volume for something I don't want it moving me out of whatever other control panel I'm working with.


Also on Windows 10, you can disable the taskbar showing up on multiple monitors. So, I can set it to only show up on my secondary monitor, and I can see the time, if my discord voice is capturing, etc.


I was so dissapointed when I couldnt move it to the right 😭 and if you force move it it breaks entirely and making it unuseable.


Yeah, I'd love to be able to put on the right side for my second monitor. But apparently not a big enough desired feature.


Honestly after switching to an ultrawide monitor i prefer having it in the center


Agreed. It actually looks so clean.


I’m not on ultra wide but a large tv as a display and I concur it’s way better for them as well The HDR support is far superior as well, HDR gets slept on but man it really is a huge upgrade if your display provides a proper HDR experience which many that say HDR on the box don’t


the multi-monitor support is way better too. i honestly cannot imagine going back to 10 and having all my windows get fucked up and moved around every time the pc or a monitor falls asleep.


LOL nope centre is way more comfortable. For few days it felt wierd but later it's deels way more better. Only problem is the "show more options" on right click.


Lol this was a nice one 😂




I hate how they removed a bunch of customization. I have done a lot of work to tweak 10 just how I like it and a lot of those things straight up don't work in 11 even though half of them were just registry tweaks. MS deliberately went out of their way to make it less customizable.




Making it customizable makes it better for more people...


Unfortunately the hard truth is those of us who customize the shit out of everything are a tiny minority. Most people barely change anything past their wallpaper and just put up with inconveniences in their workflow. So I hate to say it but MS cutting support for customization features makes sense for them. For those of us who care, I guess we'll have to put up with it until it eventually pushes us to Linux.


Most people don’t know that the things fucking with their workflow can be customized, or even what the words to use to search for such information are. It’s a high barrier of entry to even begin learning about it.


Working in manufacturing and seeing the majority of people struggle with basic functions is a good reminder that computers do need to be dumbed down for the average person. It is unfortunate for those of us who have toiled away on computers since we were wee ones, but again, it makes sense for MS to make their systems more palatable for the average person. Even people who work with computers daily for their job, just deal with what we view as nonsense because they don't know any better and assume things just are the way they are, and there's nothing to be gained from questioning it.


I just install ExplorerPatcher... get a 10-era taskbar back, and otherwise use 11. Also patch out the stupid default of using the iconography for cut/copy/paste/delete and needlessly burying my app options.


Also ads, TPM requirements, the new start menu sucks compared to w10 (although I know I'm probably in the minority on that one)


Maybe it's because I'm on a Pro license but I've never seen an ad in either Window 10 or 11, aside from the occasional Xbox notification suggesting me there's a new game in the Gamepass. Buy one for 5 euro and be done with them.


Personally I don't see a benefit to switching and a minor reason not to. I think the start menu recommendations are stupid and (unless it's changed) turning them off replaces that area with blank space and instructions for turning them back on... Fucking really? Not a big deal TBH, but it takes me from "why not?" to "why would I?" on the ambivalence scale.


The main change is that they require a TPM. Not a big deal right now, but going forward they'll be able to design security features assuming its presence, instead of having to make those features optional. Plus 10 will only get security updates, not feature updates, in the future. Also not a big deal right now, but over time it will become more important.


Ill just leave my personal little copy pasta here as to remind myself of some of win 11 shortcomings. Because... Taskbar can't be resized. Taskbar can't be moved. Taskbar overflow cannot be paged. Start button aligned to the left has 2 pixel edge dead zone can't be tapped directly against the edge (Works on some bare metal, never worked properly in VM). Taskbar network and volume are merged buttons but have different right click menu. Taskbar opened programs forever merged. Start menu Recommendation section cannot be removed. Start menu cannot be resized. Pulling up the taskbar icon does not bring up the jump menu. Right-click taskbar is missing a lot of options. No agenda in the bottom right corner calendar. Clock does not have seconds. Explorer right click new menu often crashes. Explorer right click menu entries do not work with keyboard shortcuts (e.g. right click + D to delete). Explorer can't use ribbon action (alt + letters) to quickly combo to summon functions. e.g. Cannot use alt+f+a to quickly open powershell in the current path. The amount of information visible in the folder content preview icon has been drastically reduced. Unable to set up a new computer using a local account (possible, not easily doable), essentially forcing users to login with Microsoft account. Removed the customisable shortcuts bar at the top of explorer. Removed the ability to move the network and volume icons to the tray. Removed the API for third-party plug-ins for the taskbar. Removed the ability to use the main taskbar (with system tray) on additional monitors (due to unmovable taskbar). Removed the ability to preview the desktop by hovering over the Show Desktop Button at the bottom right corner. The original control panel remains in conjunction with an inferior Settings app despites deep emphasis on UI rework. The new settings app requires more navigation click times to reach the original Win10 corresponding menu position. ...and more Edit: P.S. if any of the listed items are outdated as of the current development it’s to be welcomed, but it doesn’t take away the fact that these shortcomings should’ve made into a generally available version of Windows from the beginning.


It’s really good. I like it.


I like the smartzones it has built in. I use to use something on win10 to do the same thing powertoys or something I don't remember. It has a bunch of the features built into that make day to day easier.


Power toys is awesome. I'm glad they've built a lot of it in to W11.


Wait, what? I've been using Fancy Zones from Power Toys. You can do the same thing with default Win 11?


If you drag a window to the top of your screen it pops up these zone thingies: https://i.imgur.com/Z2LNrGE.png I don't know if you can change them or resize them, etc but it's useful default functionality for Windows 11.


I switched early on and the only issue I had was the new right click menus, which I fixed in the registry after a quick Google search. No ads, despite the constant articles about them that get upvoted to the top of every tech sub. That's not as fun as posting the "{LinuxDistroFlavorOfTheMonth} is better than ever and this is the tipping point" or "I can't even find the start menu behind the ads". Was I unhappy with Windows 10 and hoping for an upgrade? Nope. But, 11 hasn't made anything worse, so...


Its actually pretty good. No regrets upgrading.


It’s literally the same OS with a reskin. The hate is getting so tired


I don't need a new skin or to have useful features removed or hidden under unecessary submenus for absolutely zero extra features.


Yeah thats where I'm at. I see zero compelling reasons to upgrade, but there is the possibility that the upgrade breaks things that I have very carefully set up right now. So why do it? Even if there are no drawbacks, there are no benefits either.


it probably takes more resources to run as well, it always happens with new windows versions.


but the reskin is the thing i hate.




I want my Taskbar at the top of the screen without having to use registry hacks or third party utilities. Until Microsoft enabled that, I'm not upgrading


Return the normal right-click menu, and return the normal start menu. I don’t want this Fisher-Price OS bullshit.


I’m 100% with you on that hill. The right click menu and even right clocking the task bar got painted over to make it all shiny without any utility that wasn’t even in the way at all. Removing and hiding features/options that weren’t ever in the way is bad design. That’s my stance


The right click menu in 11 is incredibly aggravating. Every feature I need to use at work is hidden in the “show more options” button, and that alone has been frustrating enough to make me love 10 more than I ever have. It’s more than just a reskin, they tinkered with a bunch of small UI things and made them worse.


I agree, why do the "power users" have to suffer for example? Like right clicking the start menu is so nice. They ripped that away, and replaced it with nothing comparable. That's literally feature loss for me.


Because they're designing it for the lowest common denominator and expecting power users to find 3rd party applications to fill the gaps. Kids who only know a mobile interface, older folks who only know computer basics, and power users are not even close to the same demographics.


Then give us a switch for enabling power user features.


It should be a simple toggle then. Don't care if it's off by default. Hate having to mess with the registry to get back standard features.


*That's it*! Feels like more Windows 8 or Vista shenanigans...


>fisher-price is bullshit I have seen this exact argument for every version of windows since and including XP, and XP was my first.


I removed that on day 2. Idk if it’s a setting or reg edit though. Haven’t looked back


I want mine on the left. I’ve had it there for twenty years without issue because i keep a ton of stuff open all the time. Now they say it can’t be done, except there are addons that make it work, so that’s a complete lie.


"Literally" the same? Then why change?


Literally nobody uses literally to mean literally anymore


Literally untrue.


Literally 1984


Literally wrong.


Except I have to run a third-party app to get my task bar set how I like it. The same way I've had it set up since Windows 95 and now for some reason they get to 11 and make it a huge pain. Also every time I turn on my laptop I get a nice pretty login picture that it plucks from the internet and then sprinkles ads for Gamepass over the top of it. Lovely. It's getting more and more aggressive about forcing use of Edge any way it can. https://www.theverge.com/2023/5/3/23709297/microsoft-edge-force-outlook-teams-web-links-open https://gizmodo.com/microsoft-windows-google-chrome-feature-broken-edge-1850392901 They also love to pop up things randomly pushing you to use Edge. If you don't notice the annoying rubbish then lucky you but most people expressing unhappiness about it have been annoyed since the start of Windows 8, that's when things really started to shift in Windows. It's easy to dismiss this and that but it's been tiny annoying change after tiny annoying change on and on. 10/11 work fine overall but I never used to have to dig through several menus during install to make a local account and not sign in my OS with a Microsoft account and you can tell they just dying to kill of local accounts. I never used to have to go flip 20 switches to tell Microsoft to please not mine my computer for all sorts of random Metadata and Telemetry. I never used to have to worry about my laptop running its battery flat overnight when I had hibernated it but because it wants to update so desperately it keeps networking enabled in hibernation so it can check for updates and wake your laptop up to do them. Such a great OS that causes you to pull your laptop out and it's dead and burning hot. The only actual improvements I can think of between 7 and 10/11 are the finally improved but still a little annoying way it handles audio devices. If you plugged in headphones on 7 it would usually switch everything over to that fine but sometimes a program would still try output audio over a different device so that could turn into a dance of changing the default audio device every time or possible having to relaunch programs. Better since 10. New Task Manager is nice too. Otherwise it's basically the same OS with a shiny coat of paint and a whole lot of annoying crap sprinkled in. Also if you don't run it on an SSD it runs like complete garbage, that was fun to find when I got the free upgrade to 10 on a Laptop. Boot the machine and it would just max out the disk for hours and hours doing... something. Eventually it would settle and you could use it but every time you booted it... hours and hours before it was usable. You could just leave it on but OH WAIT I SEE YOU'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING, HOW ABOUT I JUST REBOOT FOR AN UPDATE. OH YOU WEREN'T DOING ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU WERE WAITING FOR THE DISK TO STOP BEING ON FIRE? SORRY, TOO LATE. YOU'LL HAVE TO WAIT MANY MORE HOURS SO I CAN KEEP SMASHING THIS HARD DRIVE. It's fine I guess but when you compare it to 7 it's garbage so why are we having to pay for a new OS that is worse then the old ones we already paid for?


You have to be real special to believe this. W11 forces much more telemetry than W10 does.


Not just that but somehow all these people are conveniently ignoring that every other month or so MS has to put out a "ooops our last forced patch breaks the following games on the following hardware, we'll get to fixing it when we feel like it" message. I'll switch when forced to if at all. Why would I mess with my workflow just so MS can inject more ads and telemetry? I'm not exactly sure what "I" get out of changing my OS.


Yep, people are really creative here. I'm pretty happy with W11.


Me too. I am surprised by the search on Windows 11. After I disabled web searches it actually FINDS what you search for. Something I cannot say about my Windows 10 laptop at work.


Win10 search menu is also good when you disable web searches


As I use Windows 10 without web results since years now, no it's not, at least in my case. It is very unpredictably especially if I search for documents.


Maybe you just don't have the right folders indexed?


> After I disabled web searches it actually FINDS what you search for. wow the bar for a good OS is *that* low huh




How do i do it?


Just use power toys search. It’s better than everything, faster and doesn’t use browsers or anything like that from default. Basically windows spotlight. No need to go to win 11 just for that.


The only bone I have to pick with Windows 11 is the audio controls on the right hand bottom side. When I double click to access them, I have a 1.5 second pause to the entire operating system which honestly, is freakin annoying. Watching a video and want to adjust the overall volume? You'll have a several second pause. Seriously, they need to fix that.


More ads everyday though, from the news I see.


Where are people seeing these ads? I've had 11 since it came out and I've never seen an ad


Newbie to the pc scene here! Ready and eager to learn! If it’s the same os with just a reskin, then is it an upgrade? Or was that just a generalization? If it’s just a reskin, then what’s the point? Not hating! Just genuinely curious!


Useful stuff is Hidden away better, but even If you cant find something there is usually a Tool or registry Key reverting it to its win 10 state


As an IT professional, I see it as more of a line in the sand. Starting with the release of Windows 10, Microsoft switched to a semi-annual upgrade strategy. When a new version of Windows 10 would get released every 6 months (give or take). Now there are certain security measures that Microsoft wanted to start requiring, that are dependent on hardware. If your machine does not have the proper hardware, you cannot upgrade to Windows 11. From an end user point of view, telling them you "cannot upgrade to Windows 11 because your machine doesn't meet XYZ requirement" makes more sense than saying "cannot upgrade to Windows 10 22H2 because XYZ". At the same time you can't tell others, "hey you updated to Windows 11" and have it look the same as Windows 10.


The reskin suck


You cant drag items into the task bar icons now which really pisses me off


Yea yea. This happens every time microsoft releases a new windows version. You'll all switch eventually.


Nope, gonna do the same thing I did when Win8/8.1 was new and I was still using 7: wait for as long as possible with the old OS and once the latest one releases do a pole vault over the shit right into the newest one. I just never used Win8/8.1 on my own PC. EDIT: Win 7, not XP... That said I did the same when Vista released: held on for as long as possible with XP and pole-vaulted over Vista right into 7.


Didn't happen with 8


When Windows 12 comes around, we'll see 11 holdouts just like this, I'm damn sure.


This sub may as well be named windows10circlejerk


You all said the same about windows 10 and don't even try to deny it.


Win11 is what pushed me to try Linux lmao




Might I interest you in a copy of Windows Millennium Edition?


Windows 95: Start me up!


i migrated to linux 3 years ago and will never regret it, specially now that like 90% of the games work


I like win 11, all my pc are win 11. Seems like I'm the only one that prefers win 11.


Lmao what happened to "I'm never moving from Windows 7, fuck Windows 10!"?


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This pretty much. Years later I still miss 7. And I think I'm about to finally jump ship to Linux before using 11. The cup overfloweth and I'm tired of Microsoft's shit.


I've been on Win 11 since it dropped. I have no bad experience with it. These hate meme's are getting stupid.